
    [tuesday, january 07, 2020]    
[01/07/20 - 01:14 PM]
Video: "Leslie Jones: Time Machine" - Official Trailer - Netflix
From trying to seduce Prince to battling sleep apnea, Leslie Jones traces her evolution as an adult in this joyfully raw and outrageous stand-up special.

[01/07/20 - 10:02 AM]
Video: "Luis Miguel - The Series" (Season 2) - Coming in 2020 - Netflix
Diego Boneta returns to his iconic role of Luis Miguel in the second season.

[01/07/20 - 09:49 AM]
Video: Apple Unveils First Official Trailer for New Comedy Series "Mythic Quest: Raven's Banquet" from Rob McElhenney, Charlie Day and Megan Ganz
All nine, half-hour episodes of the live-action comedy will debut globally on Friday, February 7, exclusively on Apple TV+.

[01/07/20 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez" - Main Trailer - Netflix
The three-part documentary series examines what led to the murderous fall and shocking death of former NFL superstar Aaron Hernandez.

[01/07/20 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made" - Official Trailer - Disney+
Directed by award-winning filmmaker Tom McCarthy, the film is based on the best-selling book of the same name.

[01/07/20 - 07:02 AM]
Video: "Sex Education" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
The series returns Friday, January 17 on the streaming service.

[01/06/20 - 02:01 PM]
Video: "Diary of a Future President" - Official Trailer - Disney+
Living in this house will help prepare her for the White House.

[01/06/20 - 09:04 AM]
Video: "Family Reunion" Part 2 Trailer - Netflix
The McKellans are sticking it out in the South with even more antics under M'Dear's roof.

[01/06/20 - 08:08 AM]
Video: "Cheer" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Netflix's new documentary series follows the competitive cheerleaders of the 14-time National Championship winning team at Navarro College in Corsicana, TX.

[01/06/20 - 07:31 AM]
Video: "Narcos: Mexico" Season 2 - Party's Over - February 13 - Netflix
Look for the new season February 13 on the streaming service.

[01/06/20 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "The Goop Lab with Gwyneth Paltrow" - Trailer - Netflix
The six-episode series guides the deeply inquisitive viewer in an exploration of boundary-pushing wellness topics, including: psychedelics, cold therapy, female pleasure, anti-aging, energy healing and psychics.

[01/03/20 - 06:08 PM]
Video: Apple Releases a First Look Promo for "Visible: Out on Television"
The five-part documentary series launches on February 14.

[01/02/20 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Grace and Frankie" Season 6 - Official Trailer - Netflix
The series returns Wednesday, January 15 on the streaming service.

[12/23/19 - 12:45 AM]
Video: Something Phishy: Netflix Drops "Jamtara" Trailer
Directed by National Award-winning director Soumendra Padhi and inspired by true incidents, the series is the story of young, ambitious, volatile people who have the world before them.

[12/20/19 - 11:16 AM]
Video: Official Teaser - Hulu Original Series "High Fidelity"
The Zoë Kravitz-led series bows Friday, February 14.

[12/19/19 - 09:14 AM]
Video: "Sex, Explained" Season 1 - Main Trailer
From the biology of attraction to the history of birth control, explore the ins and outs of sex in this entertaining and enlightening series.

[12/19/19 - 09:09 AM]
Video: Apple Releases First-Look at Inspiring, New Anthology Series "Little America"
Inspired by the true stories featured in Epic Magazine, "Little America" goes beyond the headlines to bring to life the funny, romantic, heartfelt and surprising stories of immigrants in America.

[12/19/19 - 09:04 AM]
Video: "Leslie Jones: Time Machine" - Teaser - Netflix
Jones is bringing her hilarious wisdom in "Time Machine," her first Netflix Comedy Special, directed by award winning directors David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.

[12/19/19 - 08:11 AM]
Video: "Medical Police" - Official Trailer - Netflix
From the creators of "Childrens Hospital" (starring Rob Huebel and Erinn Hayes) comes the totally-not-a-spinoff "Medical Police" (also starring Rob Huebel and Erinn Hayes).

[12/19/19 - 05:01 AM]
Video: "To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Lara Jean and Peter have just taken their romance from pretend to officially real when another recipient of one of her love letters enters the picture.

[12/18/19 - 01:02 PM]
Video: "Anne with an E" - Season 3 Official Trailer - Netflix
Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself.

[12/18/19 - 11:12 AM]
Video: OWN Reveals First-Look Teaser Trailer for New Anthology Drama "Cherish the Day" from Award-Winning Creator Ava DuVernay
Chapter one of "Cherish the Day" chronicles the stirring relationship of one couple, with each episode spanning a single day.

[12/18/19 - 07:02 AM]
Video: "The Degenerates" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
The new season features Adrienne Iapalucci, Donnell Rawlings, Jim Norton, Nikki Glaser, Ms. Pat, and Robert Kelly.

[12/17/19 - 09:41 AM]
Video: "John Mulaney & The Sack Lunch Bunch" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A children's musical comedy special from a man with neither children nor musical ability.

[12/16/19 - 07:14 AM]
Video: "Kevin Hart: Don't F**k This Up" - Netflix Documentary Series - Trailer
In a new six-part documentary series, Kevin Hart gives unprecedented access to his life over the past year.

[12/16/19 - 06:57 AM]
Video: "You" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Starting fresh is hard to do when your past is close behind.

[12/13/19 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Dracula" - Teaser - Netflix
Claes Bang stars as Dracula in this brand-new series inspired by Bram Stoker's classic novel.

[12/12/19 - 11:15 PM]
Video: "The Gift" - Trailer - Netflix
A painter in Istanbul embarks on a personal journey as she unearths universal secrets about an Anatolian archaeological site and its link to her past.

[12/12/19 - 10:18 AM]
Video: BBC America Releases Trailer for "Seven Worlds, One Planet"
The seven-part series marks the first time BBC Studio's Natural History Unit has explored all the planet's continents in a single series.

[12/12/19 - 07:08 AM]
Video: "Virgin River" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Searching for a fresh start, a nurse practitioner moves from LA to a remote northern California town and is surprised by what - and who - she finds.

[12/12/19 - 02:16 AM]
Video: "The Witcher" - Final Trailer - Netflix
"The Witcher," starring Henry Cavill, arrives December 20, only on Netflix.

[12/11/19 - 11:34 AM]
Video: First Official Trailer for DC Universe / The CW's Upcoming "Stargirl"
Coming in Spring 2020, the series will make its debut first on DC Universe's digital subscription service, then broadcast on The CW the following day and streamed on The CW digital platforms the day after that.

[12/10/19 - 11:59 AM]
Video: "Spinning Out" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After a devastating fall threatens her competitive skating career, Kat Baker seizes an opportunity to pursue her Olympic dreams, but at the risk of losing everything.

[12/10/19 - 10:02 AM]
Video: "The Circle" - A Netflix Reality-Competition - Official Trailer - Netflix
Truth, lies, and influencer ties - players will be whoever and do whatever it takes to win in "The Circle," a new reality-competition series, streaming January 1.

[12/10/19 - 08:31 AM]
Video: "Disenchantment" - Part 3 Announcement - Netflix
The streaming service teases the animated comedy's return in 2020.

[12/10/19 - 12:31 AM]
Video: "Queen Sono" - Date Announce - Netflix
A highly trained South African spy (Pearl Thusi) must face changing relationships in her personal life while taking on her most dangerous mission yet.

[12/09/19 - 03:05 AM]
Video: "The App" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Loving girlfriend, family fortune, breakout movie role: he's got it all. Until an app awakens a powerful new yearning.

[12/08/19 - 09:29 AM]
Video: "Money Heist 4" - Date Announcement - Netflix
The franchise's fourth installment drops Friday, April 3 on the streaming service.

[12/07/19 - 12:01 PM]
Video: "Chilling Adventures of Sabrina" - Part 3 Date Announce - Netflix
Look for new episodes Friday, January 24 on the streaming service.

[12/06/19 - 04:01 PM]
Video: Amazon Original "The Boys" Reveals First Look of Season 2
Fans at CCXP in Brazil were given a first look of the highly anticipated second season.

[12/06/19 - 02:30 PM]
Video: Super Trailer - VH1's "Love & Hip Hop: New York" - Premiering Monday, December 16 at 8PM
VH1 celebrates the city that ignited a cultural phenomenon with its 10th season.

[12/06/19 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Showtime(R) Debuts Trailer and Official Poster for the Final Season of "Homeland"
As previously announced, the show's swan song kicks off Sunday, February 9 at 9:00/8:00c.

[12/05/19 - 10:22 AM]
Video: "Ronny Chieng: Asian Comedian Destroys America!" Trailer Debut
The stand-up special drops Tuesday, December 17 on Netflix.

[12/05/19 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Troop Zero" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
Mckenna Grace, Allison Janney and Viola Davis star in the film, debuting Friday, January 17.

[12/05/19 - 08:04 AM]
Video: "You" Season 2 - Official Teaser - Netflix
A new city, a new identity. What could go wrong?

[12/05/19 - 07:02 AM]
Video: "Lost in Space" Season 2 - Final Official Trailer - Netflix
The Robinsons are back... but have you seen our Robot?

[12/04/19 - 10:35 AM]
Video: "AJ and the Queen" - Official Trailer - Netflix
RuPaul stars in this outrageous series as a down-on-her-luck drag queen traveling across America in a RV with a tough-talking 10-year-old stowaway.

[12/04/19 - 09:34 AM]
Video: Teaser Trailer - Hulu's "Shrill" Season Two
The Aidy Bryant-led comedy returns with eight all-new episodes on Friday, January 24.

[12/04/19 - 07:31 AM]
Video: "Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When a video is posted online of a mysterious man killing two kittens, internet users across the world leap into action to find the perpetrator.

[12/03/19 - 02:05 PM]
Video: "Soundtrack" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Look for the new drama series Wednesday, December 18 on the streaming service.

  [january 2020]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[01/23/25 - 10:02 AM]
Video: "The Great American Baking Show: Celebrity Big Game" - Official Trailer - The Roku Channel
Join celebrity bakers DK Metcalf, Katie Nolan, Tony Gonzalez, Arik Armstead, Amy Smart as they prepare special bakes for America's biggest sporting event of the year!

[01/23/25 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Sweet Magnolias" Season 4 - Official Trailer - Netflix
It's a very Serenity holiday season as the Magnolias weather a tragedy, a town crisis and a fierce storm in the weeks from Halloween to Christmas.

[01/23/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: MGM+ Original Series "Godfather of Harlem" Returns April 13th with an Action-Packed Season 4 Teaser Starring Academy Award-Winner Forest Whitaker
Season 4 stars Academy Award-winning actor Forest Whitaker as Bumpy Johnson, alongside Ilfenesh Hadera, Lucy Fry, Antoinette Crowe-Legacy, Erik LaRay Harvey, Michael Raymond James, Elvis Nolasco, and Erik Palladino, and introduces Frank Lucas portrayed by Daytime Emmy Award-winning actor Rome Flynn.

[01/23/25 - 06:31 AM]
Video: "Court of Gold" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The 1992 dream team brought basketball to the global stage. 30 years later, the world's caught up and the talent gap has closed. No one is untouchable. Witness the drama unfold in the battle to dethrone the US. It's more than a game, it's personal.

[01/22/25 - 10:01 AM]
Video: National Geographic Dishes Up Deliciously Exciting New Series Trailer for "No Taste Like Home with Antoni Porowski"
This tantalizing docuseries invites viewers to join culinary expert and Emmy Award-winning star of "Queer Eye" Antoni Porowski as he guides celebrity guests on epic journeys to explore their ancestral gastronomic roots.

[01/22/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "La Dolce Villa" - Scott Foley - Official Trailer - Netflix
When his daughter decides to buy a crumbling Tuscan villa, Eric rushes to Italy to talk her out of it - and instead finds beauty, romance and new purpose.

[01/22/25 - 08:00 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Debuts Trailer for New Documentary Series "Vietnam: The War That Changed America"
Narrated by Academy Award nominee Ethan Hawke, the series commemorates the 50th anniversary of the fall of Saigon and the end of the Vietnam War, offering a deeply human look at the lives of those who lived through one of the most divisive conflicts in American history.

[01/22/25 - 07:08 AM]
Video: ESPN Releases Official Trailer and Key Art for "The Buddy Way" Debuting January 29 at 5pm ET on ESPN2 and ESPN+
The feature-length documentary explores the historic life and career of Coach Eugene F. "Buddy" Teevens III.

[01/22/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: Showtime Debuts "Yellowjackets" Much Anticipated Season Three Trailer
The two-episode season premiere debuts Friday, February 14 on streaming and on demand for Paramount+ subscribers with the Paramount+ with Showtime plan before its on-air debut on Sunday, February 16 at 8pm ET/PT.

[01/22/25 - 07:00 AM]
Video: The World of Bosch - 9 Seasons - 2 Series - 1 Legendary Detective - Prime Video
Catch up on "Bosch" and "Bosch: Legacy" on Prime Video before the final season premieres on March 27.

[01/22/25 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Zero Day" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After a cyberattack sabotages transportation and power infrastructure across the U.S., former President George Mullen is asked to find the culprit.

[01/22/25 - 06:00 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Unveils Trailer for Spanish Romantic Comedy "Love You to Death"
Starring Goya Award winner Verónica Echegui and Joan Amargós, the seven-episode series will make its global debut on Apple TV+ Wednesday, February 5 with the first two episodes, followed by a new episode every Wednesday through March 12.

[01/21/25 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "Golden Kamuy -The Hunt of Prisoners in Hokkaido-" - Official Trailer - Netflix
With two map pieces secured, Sugimoto and Asirpa continue their hunt for the remaining 22 tattooed convicts whose bodies hold the key to hidden treasure.

[01/21/25 - 09:08 AM]
Video: "The Eastern Gate" - Official Trailer - Max
The enemy is close. The series premieres January 31 on Max.

[01/21/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Prime Video Announces "Tribunal Justice" Season Two Premiere on January 27 and Releases Official Trailer
The fan-favorite courtroom series has already been renewed for a third season ahead of the season two debut.