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STATUS: previously in development (2014-2015 season) |
DEVELOPMENT STAGE: ordered to pilot |
ADDITIONAL NOTES: network passed on 5/9/14 |
DESCRIPTION: (from ABC's press release, March 2014) Andy (David Schwimmer) and Sarah (Jessica Knappett) deal with all of the challenges of a middle class family, without accepting the fact that they ARE middle class. As far as they're concerned Andy is a novelist on the verge of becoming the next Philip Roth, only "more blunt," and Sarah, a morning show host on a second rate channel, is on the path to becoming the next Diane Sawyer - "only prettier." Andy will never be Philip Roth. The closest Sarah will ever get to Sawyer is living in the same city as her... They live in New York and struggle with the usual trials and tribulations of a young family (only they're not so young). We could describe them as extremely eccentric, somewhat spoiled, highly selfish, and pretty manipulative. They have excellent values and are quick to defend them with confidence - often exposing their worst traits and biggest insecurities. Despite all of these qualities, they are exceptionally good people - in their own eyes, of course. In reality, they're a couple just trying to make it as parents, professionals and grown-ups. IRREVERSIBLE is a semi-scripted comedy based on the hit Israeli series Bilti Hafich, and is written and directed by the original Israeli co-creator, Segahl Avin. |
· David Schwimmer as Andy · Iris Bahr as Stacey · Jessica Knappett as Sarah
· David Schwimmer as PROD · Michael Wimer as EP · Peter Tolan as EP · Segahl Avin as CRTR/EP/DIR (Pilot)
· comedy (all) · comedy (single-camera)
· Fedora Entertainment · Reshet Television · Sony Pictures Television