Josh Mankiewicz Reports in "Honey, You're on Hidden Camera," Sunday, March 18 at 7pm
NEW YORK - March 12, 2007 - All across the country millions of innocent wives are caught in a love triangle, battling for their husband's attention with the players of their favorite sports teams. Now, in a "Dateline" hidden camera challenge, the wives are fighting back by catching their unknowing husbands on videotape while they watch a game. Josh Mankiewicz travels from coast to coast to report in, "Honey, You're on Hidden Camera," airing on Sunday, March 18 (7:00 PM/ET).
For the hour-long report, "Dateline" isolated some of the most rabid football fans in the country and got their wives to go head to head against football for their husbands' attention. The wives allowed "Dateline" to set up hidden cameras and microphones in their homes and then worked with "Dateline" to devise ways to distract their husbands while they watched the games. Some of the most revealing moments captured on tape:
A Green Bay Packers fan repeatedly yells at his wife to "Stop it" when she tries to talk to him during the game.
A New York Giants fan won't let his wife get up from the couch. He's so superstitious that when his team is on a roll, he's afraid she could change their luck if she moves.
A Dallas Cowboys fan refuses his wife's requests to take out the trash or help with dinner while the game is in play. When a commercial starts, he turns around to see whether she's still in the room. Realizing she's gone, he decides to skip the chores and leans back comfortably in his recliner chair.
A Minnesota Vikings fan doesn't pay much attention to his wife, until she changes into her Vikings tank top, which he finds alluring. Within minutes he's turned his attention from the screen, telling her "Get naked and sit on me!"
When the taping was done, the husbands learn for the first time their antics were recorded. The husbands then agree to sit down with their wives and "Dateline's" Josh Mankiewicz to watch the hidden camera footage and explain their behavior during the game.
David Corvo is the executive producer of "Dateline NBC."