Monday July 9, 2007
9:00 PM 1.0 AGE OF LOVE
THE COMPETITION FOR MARK�S HEART GETS PHYSICAL -- The competition gets physical as the now-combined group of eight 40-somethings and 20-somethings compete at the beach in a triathlon, which ends in a swimming sprint to a yacht where Mark awaits them. The first three to the boat stay for dinner with Mark, with the courses divvied up individually among the trio. The next day, Mark invites everyone to get a look inside his world -- on the tennis court. The ladies enjoy a lesson with Mark before pairing up for a doubles tournament, which he refs. Mark presents the winning pair with two beautiful diamond tennis bracelets, and then chooses one of them to accompany him to dinner. The pair enjoy an authentic Greek meal in his suite, surrounded by roses, candles and music by a violinist. Later, Mark sends two more women home, one from each age group.