(X) "106"
04/07/2010 (08:00PM - 09:00PM) (Wednesday) : LOS ANGELES FIREMAN CEDRIC CLEVELAND CONTINUES TO BATTLE IT OUT AND SCHOOLTEACHER SAM GOMEZ EMBARKS ON HER WILD RIDE TOWARD THE BIG PRIZE - GUY FIERI HOSTS - Cedric Cleveland continues his quest to reach the million-dollar prize. In order to move on, Cedric must beat the "Mouth-To-Mouth" challenge, where he will have to pull a dollar bill from between two bottles balanced on top of each other. Later, energetic Sam Gomez, a schoolteacher, is looking to win big so that she can create a scholarship fund for her school, however the �Ping Tac Toe� challenge isn�t at all what she expected. Guy Fieri hosts this competition series featuring everyday Americans who can win up to a million dollars if they beat 10 simple challenges each within a minute�s time.