
Sesame Street
Air Date: Thursday, November 10, 2022
Time Slot: 3:01 AM-3:30 AM EST on HBO MAX
Episode Title: (#5302) "Sesame Street Super Heroes"
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"Sesame Street"

Episodes are Available to Stream Thursday, Nov. 3

Thursday, Nov. 10

"Sesame Street Super Heroes" - When she, Elmo, and Abby, are playing superheroes, Rosita introduces Super Carga, or "supercharge" in Spanish, who can turn on everyone's superpowers with a special catchphrase. Abby and Elmo want to be Super Carga but have a hard time saying the catchphrase, so they suggest Rosita play her instead. When Mia joins them, she and Rosita help Abby pronounce Super Carga's catchphrase, "a lo maximo." Now, the superheroes are ready to play!

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