
Sesame Street
Air Date: Thursday, December 29, 2022
Time Slot: 3:01 AM-3:30 AM EST on HBO MAX
Episode Title: (#5309) "How to Catch a Robot Dog"
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"Sesame Street"

Episodes are Available to Stream Thursday, Dec. 1

Thursday, Dec. 29

"How to Catch a Robot Dog" - Norbert's robot dog, Alfred, is making odd sounds and not following directions. Elmo and Tamir need to push Alfred's reset button, but he keeps running away. After a toy ball and doggie treats don't work, they wonder what else could be used to catch Alfred. What if they make a fishing pole with a magnet? Magnets attract and stick to metal and Alfred is made of metal! Let's try! It works. They didn't give up and caught Alfred to make him sound like himself again.

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