WHISKEY ON THE ROCKS Air Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2025 Time Slot: 12:01 AM-1:00 AM EST on HULU Episode Title: (#101-106) "Limited Series"
[NOTE: The following article is a press release issued by the aforementioned network and/or company. Any errors, typos, etc. are attributed to the original author. The release is reproduced solely for the dissemination of the enclosed information.] |
Wednesday, January 22
Whiskey on the Rocks: Complete Season 1 (Hulu Original)
In the early hours of October 28, 1981, a Soviet nuclear Whiskey class submarine was spotted aground inside a restricted Swedish military area. The world teetered on the brink of disaster. With global superpowers on edge, the eyes of the world turned to Sweden's calm and collected prime minister, Thorbjörn Fälldin, a former sheep farmer, who faced the immense challenge of keeping peace between Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev and U.S. President Ronald Reagan.