
    [sunday, may 18, 2025]    
show only premieres | show only new episodes | show only repeats
3:01 AM AMC+ walking dead, the: dead city: tba (#203)
12:00 PM ABC ufl special: arlington renegades at d.c. defenders
7:00 PM CBS 60 minutes: tba
  ABC america's funniest home videos: tba
  ESPN sunday night baseball: new york mets vs. new york yankees (#3608)
8:00 PM ABC american idol: tba
  PBS call the midwife: episode eight (#1408)
[14th season finale]
  FOX simpsons, the: tba
  CBS tracker: tba
  GAF vindication: tba (#401)
[4th season premiere]
8:30 PM FOX family guy: tba
9:00 PM FOX great north, the: tba
  HBO last of us, the: tba (#15/206)
  PBS miss austen: tba (#103)
  NBC suits la: tba
  AMC walking dead, the: dead city: tba (#203)
  CBS watson: tba
9:30 PM FOX krapopolis: tba
10:00 PM CBS equalizer, the: tba
  NBC grosse pointe garden society: tba
10:01 PM ABC $100,000 pyramid, the: tba
10:30 PM HBO rehearsal, the: tba (#11/205)
11:00 PM HBO last week tonight with john oliver: tba

  [may 2025]