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[09/16/24 - 07:50 AM] Great American Media Announces Premiere Dates for "Great American Christmas 2024," High-Quality, Original Holiday Films for the Whole Family on Great American Family and Streaming on Pure Flix Gather with loved ones to embrace the faith, hope, love, and joy of the season as Great American Christmas brings the true spirit of the holiday into homes across the country beginning October 17 on Pure Flix and October 19 on Great American Family.
[08/28/24 - 05:01 PM] "Great American Christmas 2024," with High-Quality, Original Holiday Films for the Whole Family, Returns to Great American Family and Streaming on Pure Flix Beginning, October 17 The programming features cherished holiday traditions and new, surprise-and-delight moments, culminating with the 138th Tournament of Roses Parade, broadcast live from Pasadena, California, on January 1, 2025.
[07/25/24 - 11:48 AM] Great American Family Announces Talent Added to the Cast of "Love at the Kettle" (wt), Starring Carlos PenaVega and Alexa PenaVega in Production Now for World Premiere During Great American Christmas 2024 In the film, up-and-coming singer songwriter Bella Harlan (Alexa PenaVega) comes home for Christmas and enlists her high-school songwriting partner Jack Grayton (Carlos PenaVega) to craft a song to win back her rockstar boyfriend by Christmas.
[06/25/24 - 05:01 AM] Great American Media Marks First Anniversary of Merger with Pure Flix, Exclusive New Talent Deals, Original Movies, and First-Ever Original Mystery Series, Candace Cameron Bure's "The Ainsley McGregor Mysteries: A Case for the Winemaker" Original mysteries are part of Great American Media's content expansion plans with more mystery franchises starring the company's beloved talent to come.
[06/11/24 - 11:08 AM] Great American Family Announces Alexa PenaVega and Carlos PenaVega Set to Star in and Produce New Original Movie, "Love at the Kettle" (wt), Co-Produced with Mario Lopez for Great American Christmas 2024 In the film, up-and-coming singer songwriter Bella Harlan (Alexa PenaVega) comes home for Christmas and enlists her high-school songwriting partner Jack Grayton (Carlos PenaVega) to craft a song to win back her rockstar boyfriend by Christmas.