A Tale of Two Brothers...and Trash...Yes, Trash...
DIRTY MONEY Back to Revamp Discovery's Thursday Nights!!
- New Episodes Starting October 13 at 10:30pm E/P -
"One man's trash..." and we all know how the saying goes...However, the 'Dirty Direstas' are making what's old -- or what's just trash -- new, cool, AND valuable!
Back for Thursday nights on Discovery Channel, DIRTY MONEY is a fascinating look at just where a unique passion could lead you -- a flea market! John and Jimmy DiResta, with the help of John's son Matthew (AKA "Rat-Boy") live and breathe flea markets. These brothers know how to create something out of nothing -- their mantra: "Find it. Fix it. Sell it."
When DIRTY MONEY returns with an all-new episode this week, the duo find themselves resurrecting an old coffin (?!). But will John's "Use it while you're alive" negotiation tactic be enough to entice some real live market buyers?...
The fellas are available for interviews about their "unusual" jobs, and can even use their "Dirty Money" magic to remodel something you might dismiss as "junk".