The Jack and Triumph Show is a comedy sitcom shot in the classic multicam style in front of a live studio audience, a first for Adult Swim. Creator and executive producer Robert Smigel explains the approach to the new series...
"It's such an odd experiment to put Triumph in a scripted show in the first place, much less a multicam sitcom, that we wanted to sort of get our feet wet and try out different things. In the first season we goof around with the conventions of the multicam format, like mixing in real people and sometimes throwing in lines other actors aren't expecting. There's probably going to be a learning curve for the audience too, not just us, getting used to seeing Triumph in this format, but we are definitely having fun messing with all the conventions that come with it. Hopefully, people will enjoy seeing our crude puppet crashing a sitcom and the spontaneity that we're slipping in there."
In The Jack and Triumph Show - Jack (McBrayer) is a former child star of a popular Lassie-type series that ran in the '80s and '90s. After it was cancelled, his crude but beloved co-star (Triumph) spiraled into decadence and got Jack in trouble with him. 15 years later, with Jack finally self-sufficient, happy, and away from show business, Triumph finds his way back into Jack's life.
This new half-hour live-action comedy series is created by Robert Smigel (SNL, TV Funhouse, Conan) Michael Koman (Eagleheart, Nathan For You) and David Feldman (Real Time, Dennis Miller Live) and stars Emmy(R)-nominee Jack McBrayer (30 Rock), Triumph the Insult Comic Dog (Conan) and June Squibb (Nebraska). Koman, Smigel and McBrayer serve as executive producers along with Conan O'Brien. The Jack and Triumph Show is produced by Poochie Doochie Productions and Universal Television.
The Jack and Triumph Show premieres on Friday, February 20th at 11:30 p.m. ET/PT on Adult Swim.