
[02/25/25 - 07:02 AM]
FOX Sports Celebrates 30 Years of MLB Coverage with Action-Packed 2025 Regular Season Broadcast Schedule
FOX Sports' traditional MLB Opening Weekend coverage on Saturday, March 29, leads off with a day-night doubleheader.

[06/11/24 - 10:06 AM]
FOX MLB's "Baseball Night in America," Highlighted by Dodgers-Yankees, Averages 2.9 Million Viewers
It also ties as FOX MLB's most-watched regular season Saturday baseball telecast in six years.

[01/10/24 - 10:44 AM]
FOX Sports Reveals 2024 Major League Baseball Regular Season Schedule
FOX Sports' signature "Baseball Night in America," featuring primetime regionalized broadcasts, returns on Saturday, May 4.

[03/30/23 - 03:02 PM]
FOX Sports Sets Starting Lineup for 2023 Major League Baseball Regular Season
Joe Davis, John Smoltz and Ken Rosenthal return to the helm of the network's coverage, opening the season with San Francisco Giants-New York Yankees on Saturday, April 1.

[04/08/22 - 01:48 PM]
FOX Sports Unveils Complete 2022 FOX MLB Talent Lineup
Throughout the regular season in the FOX Sports studio, Kevin Burkhardt and Eric Karros are joined by versatile host Chris Myers, World Series champion pitcher Dontrelle Willis, Hall of Famer Frank Thomas and former MLB first baseman Mark Sweeney for select events.

[04/08/22 - 06:39 AM]
FOX Sports Taps Ace Broadcaster Joe Davis as the New Voice of MLB on FOX
Additionally, he will continue his role for local Dodgers telecasts on SportsNet LA.

[03/31/22 - 10:37 AM]
FOX Sports Lays Out Its 2022 Major League Baseball Regular Season Schedule
The action begins Saturday, April 9 when the Boston Red Sox visit the Bronx to face the New York Yankees at 4:00 PM ET on FS1.

[10/25/21 - 08:06 AM]
FOX Sports Rolls Into Its 24th World Series
Emmy Award winner Joe Buck heads to the booth for the 22nd consecutive time and 24th overall, tying him with Tim McCarver for the most World Series network television appearances of all-time.

[03/31/21 - 12:18 PM]
FOX Sports Names Starting Lineup for 2021 Major League Baseball Regular Season
The network's lead broadcast duo of Joe Buck and John Smoltz team with reporter Ken Rosenthal as the 2020 NL East champion Atlanta Braves travel to Philadelphia to take on the Phillies Saturday, April 3.

[03/18/21 - 06:36 AM]
Play Ball: FOX Sports Sets Schedule for 2021 Major League Baseball Regular Season
Starting Saturday, May 22, FOX carries regionalized action on nine Saturdays in prime time.

[10/05/20 - 02:38 PM]
FOX Sports Unveils 2020 MLB Postseason Lineup
FOX Sports opens its MLB Postseason coverage Tuesday, October 6 at 2:00 PM ET on FS1 with the Miami Marlins vs. the Atlanta Braves from Minute Maid Park in Houston.

[07/22/20 - 06:36 AM]
FOX Sports Announces On-Air Lineup for 2020 Major League Baseball Regular Season
The network's lead broadcast team of Emmy Award-winning announcer Joe Buck and first-ballot Hall of Famer John Smoltz reunite with veteran reporter Ken Rosenthal as the New York Yankees face the reigning World Series champion Washington Nationals on Saturday, July 25.

[03/05/20 - 08:06 AM]
FOX Sports Bolsters Lineup for Its 25th Season of Major League Baseball
FOX carries regionalized action on nine Saturdays in primetime, beginning Saturday, May 23 with a pair of regionalized telecasts featuring the Houston Astros at Boston Red Sox and Cleveland Indians at Los Angeles Dodgers at 7:00 PM ET.

[03/24/17 - 08:00 AM]
"Charlie Hustle" & "The Big Hurt" Reunite as MLB Analysts for FOX Sports' 2017 Season
"Charlie Hustle" and "The Big Hurt" add to an already impressive baseball cast for FOX Sports, which also includes World Series Champions Alex Rodriguez, and Nick Swisher.

[10/18/15 - 09:41 AM]
Alex Rodriguez Joins FOX Sports As Guest Analyst For ALCS and World Series
As a guest postseason analyst, Rodriguez provides insight and commentary for FOX Sports' pregame and postgame coverage.

[10/07/15 - 01:55 PM]
2015 FOX MLB Postseason Leads Off with ALDS Doubleheader Thursday Night
FS1 televises up to eight ALDS games over the next seven days as the 2015 Postseason unfolds.

[03/30/15 - 10:18 AM]
FOX Sports Announces Broadcasters for 20th Consecutive MLB Season
FOX Sports turns in a deep lineup of its own, with a mix of newcomers and returning veterans, as game crews and studio personalities for the coming 2015 season are announced today.

Returns Saturday, March 29
5/24/14 - ???
returning this spring (yet to premiere)
sundays from 7:00 PM-10:00 PM EST
11 (22 episodes)
(from FOX Sports' press release, February 2025) Stepping to the plate for its highly anticipated 30th season of Major League Baseball coverage, FOX Sports is proud to unveil its complete 2025 regular season national broadcast schedule. The 2025 MLB season opens with FOX Sports televising the Tokyo Series presented by Guggenheim featuring the defending World Series Champion Los Angeles Dodgers and the Chicago Cubs at the Tokyo Dome. The two-game series brings reigning National League MVP Shohei Ohtani back to his home country of Japan, with Game 1 set to air live on FOX and FOX Deportes on Tuesday, March 18, at 6:00 AM ET. Game 2 will be broadcast live on FS1 and FOX Deportes on Wednesday, March 19, at 6:00 AM ET. FOX Sports' traditional MLB Opening Weekend coverage on Saturday, March 29, leads off with a day-night doubleheader. Action starts at 2:00 PM ET on FS1, with the Minnesota Twins facing the St. Louis Cardinals, followed by primetime regionalized matchups at 7:00 PM ET on FOX, featuring the Atlanta Braves vs. San Diego Padres and the New York Mets vs. Houston Astros.
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· sports
· no information is available