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date (day) time network episode title
5/12/12 (Sa.)8:00 PMANIMAL PLANET(#404) Oriental Bicolor, Donskoy, Minskin, Javanese, Sokoke and Cats of the Web
5/5/12 (Sa.)8:00 PMANIMAL PLANET(#403) Highlander, Arabian Mau, Khao Manee, European Shorthair, American Wirehair and Thai Cats
4/28/12 (Sa.)8:00 PMANIMAL PLANET(#402) Aegean, Skookum, Li Hua, Peterbald, Chantilly, Cats who have nine lives
4/21/12 (Sa.)8:00 PMANIMAL PLANET(#401) Kurillian Bobtail, Chausie, Dwelf, Burmilla, Lambkin, Klepto Cat
4/23/11 (Sa.)10:00 PMANIMAL PLANET(#303) Kittens
4/16/11 (Sa.)10:00 PMANIMAL PLANET(#302) Bambino, Pixie Bob, Australian Mist, Domestic Longhair, Cheetoh and the Napoleon
4/9/11 (Sa.)10:00 PMANIMAL PLANET(#301) Tonkinese, Nebelung, Serengeti, Korat, Cats Gone Wild, RagaMuffin, Toyger
11/13/10 (Sa.)8:00 PMANIMAL PLANET(#201) Domestic Shorthair, the British Shorthair, the Munchkin, the Devon Rex, the LaPerm, and the American Bobtail (R)
10/16/10 (Sa.)9:00 PMANIMAL PLANET(#201) Domestic Shorthair, the British Shorthair, the Munchkin, the Devon Rex, the LaPerm, and the American Bobtail (R)
10/16/10 (Sa.)8:00 PMANIMAL PLANET(#202) Turkish Van, Snowshoe, Chartreux, Bengal, Domestic Housecat, Fat Cats, and (R)
9/25/10 (Sa.)9:00 PMANIMAL PLANET(#201) Domestic Shorthair, the British Shorthair, the Munchkin, the Devon Rex, the LaPerm, and the American Bobtail (R)
9/25/10 (Sa.)8:00 PMANIMAL PLANET(#202) Turkish Van, Snowshoe, Chartreux, Bengal, Domestic Housecat, Fat Cats, and
9/18/10 (Sa.)8:00 PMANIMAL PLANET(#201) Domestic Shorthair, the British Shorthair, the Munchkin, the Devon Rex, the LaPerm, and the American Bobtail
4/10/10 (Sa.)9:00 PMANIMAL PLANET(#104) Manx, Burmese, Siberian, Russian Blue, Cornish Rex, Singapura (R)
4/10/10 (Sa.)8:00 PMANIMAL PLANET(#103) Ocicat, Norwegian Forest Cat, Selkirk Rex, Abyssinian, Bombay, Havana Brown (R)
11/21/09 (Sa.)9:00 PMANIMAL PLANET(#105) Color Point Shorthair, American Curl, Somali, Japanese Bobtail, Birman
11/14/09 (Sa.)9:00 PMANIMAL PLANET(#104) Manx, Burmese, Siberian, Russian Blue, Cornish Rex, Singapura
11/7/09 (Sa.)9:00 PMANIMAL PLANET(#103) Ocicat, Norwegian Forest Cat, Selkirk Rex, Abyssinian, Bombay, Havana Brown
12/13/08 (Sa.)8:00 PMANIMAL PLANET(#102) Maine Coon, Egyptian Mau, Siamese, Himalayan, Oriental, and Turkish Angora
12/6/08 (Sa.)8:00 PMANIMAL PLANET(#101) American Shorthair, Savannah, Scottish Fold, Persian, Ragdoll, and Sphynx

11/7/09 - 5/12/12
canceled/ended (2011-2012 season)
completed airing its current season
4 (14 episodes, 0 of which have yet to air)
a show on hiatus for longer than 12 months - without any news about its future - is assumed to be canceled
(from Animal Planet's press release, April 2011) The most comprehensive and endearing dog and cat encyclopedia on TV is back with plenty of new breeds! DOGS 101 and CATS 101 spotlight the adorable, the feisty and the unexpected and survey a variety of breeds for their behavioral quirks, genetic history, most famous examples and wildest trivia. Using a mix of animal experts, pop-culture footage and stylized photography, DOGS 101 and CATS 101 are unprecedented looks at man's best friend and their furry feline counterparts. Accompanying the popular DOGS 101 and CATS 101 series, Animal Planet features furry, feathery and scaly friends in PETS 101. Millions of homes welcome a menagerie of these eclectic critters, and PETS 101 shines a light on these creatures lounging around the house, sunbathing in the pool and spinning away their days on exercise wheels.
· John Tomlin as CO-EP
· Melinda Toporoff as EP (AP)
· Robert Kirwin as EP
· Sean Baker Carter as EP
· reality (all)
· reality (documentary)
· Powderhouse Productions