date (day) |
time |
network |
episode title |
9/10/21 (Fr.) | 10:14 PM | DISCOVERY | (#208) REX REVEALED |
9/3/21 (Fr.) | 10:00 PM | DISCOVERY | (#207) SKULL SHOCK |
9/3/21 (Fr.) | 9:05 PM | DISCOVERY | (#206) THE RACE IS ON |
8/27/21 (Fr.) | 9:05 PM | DISCOVERY | (#205) MONSTER CERATOPSIAN |
8/20/21 (Fr.) | 9:04 PM | DISCOVERY | (#204) THIS THING IS A MONSTER |
8/13/21 (Fr.) | 9:04 PM | DISCOVERY | (#203) MAMMOTH MASS MORTALITY |
8/6/21 (Fr.) | 9:04 PM | DISCOVERY | (#202) DUCKBILL BUFFET |
7/30/21 (Fr.) | 9:00 PM | DISCOVERY | (#201) DOUBLING DOWN ON DINOS |
7/24/20 (Fr.) | 9:00 PM | DISCOVERY | (#106) THE VERDICT IS IN: NANO OR T-REX |
7/17/20 (Fr.) | 9:00 PM | DISCOVERY | (#105) WE GOT SKULL |
7/10/20 (Fr.) | 9:00 PM | DISCOVERY | (#104) SHOTS FIRED |
7/3/20 (Fr.) | 9:00 PM | DISCOVERY | (#103) CURSE OF THE CARNIVORE |
6/26/20 (Fr.) | 9:00 PM | DISCOVERY | (#102) MILLION-DOLLAR DINO |
6/19/20 (Fr.) | 9:00 PM | DISCOVERY | (#101) DINOSAUR COWBOYS |

STATUS: canceled/ended (2020-2021 season) |
TIME SLOT: completed airing its current season |
SEASON(S): 2 (14 episodes, 0 of which have yet to air) |
ADDITIONAL NOTES: a show on hiatus for longer than 12 months - without any news about its future - is assumed to be canceled |
DESCRIPTION: (from Discovery Channel's press release, July 2021) The dino hunting cowboys are back and ready to dig up more prehistoric treasure across the Wild West. In the badlands of Wyoming, Montana and the high deserts of New Mexico, the hunt is on not only for dinosaur fossils, but for buyers, as well. To prevent their way of life from becoming extinct, these ranchers must do more than find fossils -- they must wrangle buyers who are willing to pay the right price for these extinct treasures. With their cherished way of life at stake, drastic times call for Jurassic measures. In the all-new season of DINO HUNTERS, cowboys and ranchers continue scouring the West for the most rare and valuable prehistoric fossils and remains - from discovering a trove of Mammoth tusks to a field of Triceratops bones to prepping a nearly complete T-Rex skull - in order to entice buyers, make a profit, and ultimately, keep their way of life alive. DINO HUNTERS premieres Friday, July 30 at 9pm ET/PT on Discovery Channel. In addition to watching Dino Hunters on Discovery, viewers can join the conversation on social media by using #DinoHunters and following @Discovery on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. |
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