
[11/13/24 - 09:01 AM]
Disney Channel's "Fa-La-La-Lidays" and Disney Jr.'s "Magical Holidays" Unwrap Festive Programming for the Whole Family
Highlights of "Disney Channel's Fa-la-la-lidays" include new animated holiday episodes of "Big City Greens" and "ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series."

[09/23/24 - 11:02 AM]
Disney Channel and Disney Jr. Celebrate Halloween with Festive "Monstober" and "Disney Jr. Trick or Treats" Programming All Season Long
The lineup includes the two-episode series premiere of "Wizards Beyond Waverly Place"; a new full-length "Kiff" Halloween special; "Wickedly Sweet: A Descendants Short Story" stop-motion short; plus all-new Halloween episodes of "Big City Greens," "Primos" and "ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series."

[09/18/24 - 09:00 AM]
Disney+ and Hulu Make the Ultimate Duo for This Season's Thrills and Chills
This spooky season, Disney+ and Hulu are conjuring up an exciting blend of scares for every Halloween enthusiast as the comprehensive streaming homes of Halloween with a thrilling variety of spine-tingling premieres, nostalgic classics, and heart-pounding horror for every family member and fan.

[06/11/24 - 05:30 AM]
Disney Branded Television Announces New Animation Titles at the Annecy International Animated Film Festival
Highlights include a season five renewal for "Big City Greens"; a season two premiere date for "Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures"; and first looks at its various upcoming series.

[05/08/24 - 09:30 AM]
"Disney Jr.'s Ariel" to Make a Splash Thursday, June 27
Set in the Caribbean-inspired fairytale kingdom of Atlantica, the series follows young mermaid princess Ariel (Mykal-Michelle Harris) as she embarks on underwater adventures with her family and friends.

[12/04/23 - 04:01 AM]
Disney+ Is Just Getting Started: Non-Stop New Exclusives Coming in 2024
"Shogun," "Renegade Nell," "Rivals," "Star Wars: The Acolyte" and "Agatha: Darkhold Diaries" are among the featured titles coming to UK & Ireland next year.

[08/18/23 - 09:31 AM]
Disney Junior Makes Major New Series, Specials and Cast Announcements at "Disney Junior & Friends Playdate" Event at Disney California Adventure Park
Highlights include a new iteration of its flagship series, "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse," set to debut in 2025.

[06/13/23 - 08:46 AM]
Disney Branded Television Greenlights "Disney Junior's Ariel," an Animated Series Inspired by "The Little Mermaid"
The new series follows a young Ariel and features some fan-favorite characters, including King Triton, Ursula, Sebastian and Flounder, as well as exciting new additions.

[06/13/23 - 08:45 AM]
Disney Branded Television and Disney EMEA Original Productions Celebrate Next 100 Years of Disney Animated Storytelling at Annecy International Animation Film Festival
Orion Ross announced greenlights for the all-new preschool adventure series "Magicampers," set to premiere globally on Disney+ and Disney Junior next year, and the original comedy series "The Sunnyridge 3."

6/27/24 - ???
on hiatus or fate to be determined
not on the schedule
1 (??? episodes)
(from Disney Branded Television's press release, May 2024) Disney Branded Television announced today the premiere date for the highly anticipated animated musical series "Disney Jr.'s Ariel." Inspired by "The Little Mermaid," the series will debut on THURSDAY, JUNE 27, on Disney Junior (9:00 a.m. EDT/PDT) and air on Disney Channel later that day, with an initial batch of eight episodes available on Disney+ the following day, FRIDAY, JUNE 28. Additionally, new recurring cast members were announced, including Yvette Nicole Brown, Melissa Villaseñor and Ron Funches. To help build excitement for "Disney Jr.'s Ariel," it was also announced that a new series of shorts titled "Disney Jr.'s Ariel: Mermaid Tales" will be featured across Disney+, Disney Channel and Disney Jr. beginning Wednesday, June 5. Each two-minute short will highlight a different aspect of Ariel's life in Atlantica. Set in the Caribbean-inspired fairytale kingdom of Atlantica, the series follows young mermaid princess Ariel (Mykal-Michelle Harris) as she embarks on underwater adventures with her family and friends, including King Triton (Taye Diggs), Ursula (Amber Riley), Flounder (Gracen Newton) and mer-friends Fernie (Cruz Flateau) and Lucia (Elizabeth Phoenix Caro).
· Amber Riley as Ursula
· Cruz Flateau as Fernie
· Elizabeth Phoenix Caro as Lucia
· Gracen Newton as Flounder
· Mykal-Michelle Harris as Ariel
· Taye Diggs as King Triton
· Chrystin Garland as DIR
· Ezra Edmond as PROD
· Keith Wagner as SE
· Kuni Tomita Bowen as SD
· Lynne Southerland as EP
· Norma P. Sepulveda as SE
· based on a feature film
· comedy (all)
· comedy (animated)
· Wild Canary