
[05/19/24 - 04:02 PM]
Netflix Announces Romantic Comedy "All the Love You Wish For" (wt) by "The Glory" Writer, Starring Kim Woo-bin and Suzy
The series explores the enchanting story of Jinn, a genie who awakens after a thousand years, and Ka-young, his new impassive master.

[12/12/23 - 11:34 AM]
What We Watched: A Netflix Engagement Report
This is a comprehensive report of what people watched on Netflix over a six month period.

[05/02/23 - 02:58 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of April 24: "The Diplomat" Tops the English TV List and Is Renewed for Season 2
Season 2 of Colombian drama "The Marked Heart" also retained its top slot on the Non-English TV list with 46.31M hours viewed.

[04/25/23 - 10:24 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of April 17: Political Dramas Top the English TV List; "Hunger" Enters the Most Popular List
Starring Keri Russell and Rufus Sewell, "The Diplomat" was the most viewed title this week with 57.48M hours viewed and appeared in the Top 10 in 86 countries.

[04/18/23 - 12:09 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of April 10: "The Night Agent" Jumps to #6 on the Most Popular List; "Beef" Climbs Into the #2 Spot on English TV List
The saga lives on as "The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die" topped the English Films List with 35.5M hours viewed.

[04/04/23 - 03:08 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of March 27: "The Night Agent" and "Murder Mystery 2" Top English Lists; "Kill Boksoon" #1 on Non-English Films List
The quest for true love also continued as Season 4 of "Love is Blind" had 47.64M hours viewed.

[03/28/23 - 11:38 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of March 20: "The Night Agent" Is the Most Viewed Title This Week; "Luther" and "The Glory" Hold Onto Top Spots for Third Consecutive Week
New titles on the English TV List included Season 4 of "Love Is Blind" (25.52M hours viewed for the first five episodes) and "Waco: American Apocalypse" (21.51M hours viewed).

[03/21/23 - 01:26 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of March 13: "The Glory" Is the Most Viewed Title for the Second Week in a Row; "Luther" Tops the English Films List
Season 4 of the murder-mystery "You" held the #1 spot on the English TV List with 64.06M hours viewed.

[03/14/23 - 10:33 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of March 6: "The Glory" Is the Most Viewed Title This Week and Enters Non-English TV Most Popular List; Joe Goldberg and John Luther Are Back!
On the English TV List, audiences explored the unsolved tragedy in docuseries "MH370: The Plane That Disappeared," which had 59.88M hours viewed and landed in the Top 10 in 86 countries.

[02/22/23 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "The Glory" Part 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Years after surviving horrific abuse in high school, a woman puts an elaborate revenge scheme in motion to make the perpetrators pay for their crimes.

[02/08/23 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "The Glory" Part 2 - Official Teaser - Netflix
Years after surviving horrific abuse in high school, a woman puts an elaborate revenge scheme in motion to make the perpetrators pay for their crimes.

[01/31/23 - 02:24 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of January 23: "You People" Took the Top Spot on the English Films List; Oscar Bump for "All Quiet on the Western Front"
Season 2 of "Ginny & Georgia" is holding on strong on the English TV List with 55.61M hours viewed.

[01/24/23 - 01:38 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of January 16: "Ginny & Georgia" Is the Most Viewed Title This Week
"That '90s Show" debuted on the list with 41.08M hours viewed.

[01/22/23 - 07:01 PM]
Video: "The Glory" - Special Trailer - Netflix
Years after surviving horrific abuse in high school, a woman puts an elaborate revenge scheme in motion to make the perpetrators pay for their crimes.

[01/17/23 - 11:44 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of January 9: "The Pale Blue Eye" #1 on the Films List; "Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery" Continues to Climb the Most Popular List; "Ginny & Georgia" Holds on to the Top Spot on the TV List
Plus: "Wednesday" remains a fan favorite and comes in #3 with 57.82M hours viewed.

[01/16/23 - 04:01 PM]
Netflix Takes K-Content to New Heights with 2023 Slate
Fans are set to rejoice with the return of highly anticipated series "Sweet Home," "D.P.," and "The Glory" this year.

[01/10/23 - 01:21 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of January 2: "Ginny & Georgia" and "Kaleidoscope" Top TV List; "Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery" Jumps to #5 on Most Popular List
Season 2 of "Ginny & Georgia" debuted in the #1 spot on the English TV List with 180.47M hours viewed, making it the most viewed title this week.

[01/03/23 - 12:50 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of December 26: "Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery" Enters the Most Popular List
Plus: "Wednesday" held on to the #1 spot with 103.96M hours viewed and has had six consecutive weeks with over 100+M hours viewed on the English TV List.

[12/14/22 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "The Glory" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Years after surviving horrific abuse in high school, a woman puts an elaborate revenge scheme in motion to make the perpetrators pay for their crimes.

[12/07/22 - 08:01 PM]
Video: "The Glory" - Official Teaser - Netflix
Years after surviving horrific abuse in high school, a woman puts an elaborate revenge scheme in motion to make the perpetrators pay for their crimes.

[11/30/22 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "The Glory" - Date Announcement - Netflix
Years after surviving horrific abuse in high school, a woman puts an elaborate revenge scheme in motion to make the perpetrators pay for their crimes.

[09/23/22 - 07:33 PM]
Tudum Recap: Everything You Missed from Our Show from Korea
Highlights include "Squid Game" director Hwang Dong-hyuk sharing an unreleased clip from Season 1.

[07/21/22 - 05:31 PM]
Song Hye-kyo Transforms for Netflix's Epic Revenge Series in "The Glory," A Story by the Writer of "Guardian: The Lonely and Great God"
Song Hye-kyo, one of Korea's top female leads, plays Moon Dong-eun, who is seeking revenge on the bullies who destroyed her childhood.

12/30/22 - 3/10/23
canceled/ended (2022-2023 season)
completed airing its current season
1 (16 episodes, 0 of which have yet to air)
a show on hiatus for longer than 12 months - without any news about its future - is assumed to be canceled
(from Netflix's web site, March 2023) Years after surviving horrific abuse in high school, a woman puts an elaborate revenge scheme in motion to make the perpetrators pay for their crimes.
· Cha Joo-young
· Im Ji-yeon
· Jung Sung-ill
· Kim Gun-woo
· Kim Hieora
· Lee Do-hyun as Joo Yeo-jeong
· Park Sung-hoon
· Song Hye-kyo as Moon Dong-eun
· Yeom Hye-ran
· Ahn Gil-ho as DIR
· Kim Eun-sook as WRTR
· drama
· no information is available