
[07/24/24 - 11:02 AM]
What's New on Max This August
Stream the debuts of season three of "Industry"; "City of God: The Fight Rages On"; "Hard Knocks: Training Camp with the Chicago Bears"; and documentaries "Elizabeth Taylor: The Lost Tapes" and "Chimp Crazy."

[10/23/23 - 12:00 PM]
What's New on Max This November
Stream the debuts of Max original "Bookie," season two of Max originals "Rap Sh!t" and "Julia," HBO original documentaries "Albert Brooks: Defending My Life" and "South to Black Power," Magnolia Network's "Fixer Upper: The Hotel," and Max original "Little Richard: I Am Everything" from CNN Films.

[07/24/23 - 10:47 AM]
What's New on Max This August
Max announces programming coming to the platform this August, including the debut of the new season of HBO Original "Hard Knocks: Training Camp With The New York Jets," which will mark the 18th edition of the 18-time Sports Emmy-winning series.

[06/01/23 - 09:33 AM]
Warner Bros. Discovery Networks Deliver Second Consecutive Week with Three Nights Over a 50 Percent Share of Viewing
Notably, WBD exhibited strong audience engagement on Thursday, May 25, surpassing competitors with six of the top 10 cable networks and 12 of the top 20 primetime cable programs among Adults 25-54.

[05/17/23 - 08:18 AM]
What's on Max: Launch Through June 2023
Max will launch with brand new originals "SmartLess: On the Road," "How to Create a Sex Scandal," "What Am I Eating? With Zooey Deschanel," "Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai," "Clone High," and documentary "Bama Rush," plus blockbuster hit "Shazam! Fury of the Gods."

[04/06/20 - 11:52 AM]
HGTV Fan-Favorite Juggernaut "House Hunters" Serves Up New Premiere Episodes Three Nights a Week at 10 p.m. ET/PT
Beginning Tuesday, April 7, House Hunters and House Hunters International, the popular series where homebuyers make purchase decisions after touring three potential houses, will premiere with new episodes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights.

[09/12/18 - 05:04 AM]
Hulu and Discovery Announce Comprehensive Partnership for Live and On-Demand Programming
The deal will also bring five additional Discovery networks, including Discovery Channel, TLC, Investigation Discovery, Motor Trend, the rebranded Velocity network, and Animal Planet to Hulu's live television plan, Hulu With Live TV.

[06/25/18 - 09:39 AM]
"Get 'Ur' Beach On" with HGTV from July 16-22 Before Discovery Channel Brings on the Sharks
New sun-soaked episodes will showcase gorgeous beachfront properties during "House Hunters," "House Hunters International," "Beachfront Bargain Hunt," "Caribbean Life" and "Mexico Life."

[12/03/15 - 09:58 AM]
HGTV's All-Premiere New Year Showcases "Rose Parade 2016" and First Look at "Ellen's Design Challenge" Contestants
The network's all-premiere New Year's Day lineup also will include series and specials that showcase spectacular tiny homes, wilderness retreats and sunny beachside home tours.

[11/24/14 - 07:34 AM]
HGTV Expands "House Hunters" Franchise with Two New Real Estate Series
"House Hunters Pop'd" and "Tiny House Hunters" are both on tap in the coming weeks.

[01/16/14 - 11:38 AM]
HGTV Premieres New Episodes of Nine Series
The new episodes will premiere from January to March of this year.

[12/12/13 - 07:55 AM]
HGTV Showcases Dream Lifestyles with Tempting New Year's Day Lineup
Highlights include "Living Alaska," "Hawaii Life," "Vacation House for Free," "Caribbean Life," "Caribbean Life" and "Island Hunters."

[02/28/13 - 06:05 AM]
Scripps Networks Interactive's Popular Lifestyle Shows from HGTV, DIY Network, Food Network, Cooking Channel and Travel Channel Coming to Prime Instant Video and Amazon Instant Video
Among the available titles: "Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations," "Cupcake Wars," "House Hunters," "Iron Chef America," "Chopped" and "Throwdown With Bobby Flay."

[12/07/12 - 07:14 AM]
HGTV's All-Premiere New Year's Day Lineup Features Live Commercial-Free Broadcast of the 2013 Rose Parade
The cable channel will premiere 13 new specials that offer a glimpse of America's most astonishing spaces.

[07/30/12 - 03:46 PM]
HGTV and Paste Magazine Search for the Next Hit Song with "Be The New Sound of HGTV" Contest
The winning song will become HGTV's new sound for its upcoming "House Hunters International" marketing and promotional campaign.

[06/19/12 - 11:44 AM]
HGTV's "House Hunters International" Hits 500th Episode Milestone
The series, which premiered in February 2006, will air its 500th episode on HGTV tonight at 10:30/9:30c.

[05/31/12 - 08:18 AM]
HGTV Offers New Series and Specials in Its June 2012 Programming Lineup
Highlights include the premiere of "Selling London" on Thursday, June 7 at 9:30/8:30c.

[01/30/12 - 06:46 AM]
HGTV Offers House Hunters Fans Premiere Episodes Every Weeknight at 10 p.m. Beginning February 6
Plus: the online community will have a new way to come together with a "House Hunters" Facebook page where fans can find additional exclusive content.

[04/26/11 - 09:05 AM]
HGTV Extends Production of Eight Popular Series
"My First Place," "For Rent," "Property Virgins" and "Real Estate Intervention" are among the series due back.

2/20/06 - ???
currently airing (winter 2025)
weeknights from 10:30 PM-11:00 PM EST
202 (??? episodes)
Missed an episode? Been wanting to catch up? This series is also available on:

(from Discovery+'s web site, October 2022) This spin-off of the wildly popular HGTV House Hunters goes around the globe. Home hunters and their realtors check out all sorts of architectural styles and work through the quirks of buying real estate in other countries.
· no information is available
· reality (all)
· reality (documentary)
· no information is available