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[05/11/23 - 08:01 AM] Video: "Human Resources" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix When it comes to love, this organization means business.
[05/01/23 - 09:01 AM] Video: "Human Resources" Season 2 - Date Announcement - Netflix Florence Pugh, Miley Cyrus, Eugene Levy, Sam Richardson, Niecy Nash-Betts, Jason Mantzoukas, and Isabella Rossellini to guest star on the new season, due on June 9.
[04/24/23 - 12:18 PM] Netflix Greenlights Eighth and Final Season of "Big Mouth" - Two Upcoming Seasons Give It the Most in Netflix History The two upcoming seasons, which launch in 2023 and 2024, will make "Big Mouth" the longest running series in Netflix history, outside of Kids & Family programming.
[07/28/22 - 12:31 PM] Netflix Signs Brutus Pink to Multi-Year Extension The acclaimed animation production company, from Nick Kroll, Andrew Goldberg, Mark Levin and Jennifer Flackett, is behind the award-winning adult animated series "Big Mouth" and "Human Resources."
[04/18/22 - 08:10 PM] Netflix Announces the Adult Animated Series "Big Mouth" Has Been Renewed Through Season 7 and the Spin-Off "Human Resources" Gets Picked Up for a Second Season "Big Mouth" has been renewed through season 7 and Season 6 will premiere later this year.
[03/01/22 - 09:01 AM] Video: "Human Resources" - Official Trailer - Netflix Lovebugs, Hormone Monsters and a parade of other creatures juggle romance, workplace drama and their human clients' needs in this "Big Mouth" spinoff.
[01/12/22 - 08:01 AM] Video: "Human Resources" - Recruitment Teaser - Netflix From the inventive minds that brought us the award winning adult animation favorite "Big Mouth" comes the even edgier and adult-ier "Human Resources."
[06/14/21 - 11:18 AM] Pushing the Boundaries of What's Possible in Adult Animation Netflix details its upcoming animated projects "The House," "Inside Job" and "Human Resources."
[10/03/19 - 05:43 PM] "Big Mouth" Creators Set New Series "Human Resources" The workplace comedy is set in the world of the monsters.