
[05/30/24 - 09:00 AM]
Nickelodeon's "The Loud House" Goes Undercover in All-New Animated Movie, "No Time to Spy: A Loud House Movie," Premiering Friday, June 21
An extension of the Emmy Award-winning animated series, the super-sleuth adventure follows the Loud family as they jump into more hilarious stunts and sticky situations.

[07/11/23 - 09:00 AM]
Nickelodeon's "The Loud House" Embarks on a Summer Road Trip in Two-Hour Special Event, Premiering Friday, July 14 at 7:00 p.m. (ET/PT)
Join the boisterous bunch as they take a cross country road trip visiting the Niagara Falls, the White House, the Rocky Mountains, Hollywood and even The Casagrandes' hometown, Great Lakes City.

[04/04/23 - 08:16 AM]
Nickelodeon Announces "A Really Haunted Loud House," Brand-New Feature-Length Halloween Movie, Set to Debut This Fall
Additionally, Nickelodeon has ordered a second season (20 episodes) of its hit live-action series "The Really Loud House."

[10/05/22 - 09:31 AM]
Video: Nickelodeon Reveals Trailer and Premiere Date for Brand-New Live-Action Series "The Really Loud House"
Premiering on Thursday, November 3, the series follows 12-year-old Lincoln Loud (Wolfgang Schaeffer) as he goes on new adventures in the town of Royal Woods with his best friend Clyde McBride (Jahzir Bruno), while also navigating the chaos of living in a family with 10 sisters.

[03/24/22 - 01:32 PM]
Nickelodeon to Begin Production on Live-Action "The Loud House" Series For Paramount+
The 10-episode series will begin filming in June in Albuquerque, N.M., with a premiere slated for later this year on the streaming service.

[03/24/22 - 01:30 PM]
Nickelodeon Supercharges Its Franchise Strategy with Steady Stream of New Premium Content for 2022-23 Season
The news outlined today encompasses Nickelodeon's strategy across franchises, new premium content and live experiences.

[02/17/22 - 11:25 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, February 17
Updates include: Amanda Seyfried to star opposite Tom Holland in Apple's "The Crowded Room"; HBO Max passes on "Camp Friends pilot; and FX's "Atlanta" to end after its fourth season.

[11/11/21 - 09:01 AM]
Nickelodeon Gets Into the Holly Jolly "Nickmas" Spirit with Seasonal Programming Beginning Friday, Nov. 20
Viewers will be treated to a festive lineup featuring: "A Loud House Christmas," the brand-new original live-action holiday movie based on the Emmy Award-winning animated series "The Loud House."

[10/15/21 - 10:01 AM]
Original Live-Action TV Movie, "A Loud House Christmas," Premieres Friday, Nov. 26, on Nickelodeon and Paramount+
In the feature-length TV movie, Lincoln Loud (Wolfgang Schaeffer) realizes his family may be apart for Christmas and enlists the help of his best friend, Clyde McBride (Jahzir Bruno), to ensure that the entire Loud family celebrate the holidays together.

[08/23/21 - 10:00 AM]
Nickelodeon Reveals the Live-Action Cast of "A Loud House Christmas"
The feature-length TV movie will premiere this November on Nickelodeon.

[06/10/21 - 09:09 AM]
Video: Sneak Peek at "The Loud House Movie," on Netflix August 20th
The animated film is based on the popular Nickelodeon series.

[03/18/21 - 01:41 PM]
Nickelodeon to Begin Production on "The Loud House: A Very Loud Christmas!" in April; Original Live-Action Holiday TV Movie Based on Emmy Award-Winning Animated Series Premieres November
Casting is currently underway, with Wolfgang Schaeffer tapped to play 11-year-old Lincoln Loud and Jahzir Bruno as Clyde McBride, Lincoln's best friend.

[03/18/21 - 01:35 PM]
The Nickelodeon Virtual Upfront Show: Bring Your Kids!
"We're applying our commitment to creating relatable characters and content to our upfront presentation so our partners can experience Nickelodeon exactly the way kids do, with surprise, humor and relevance," said Brian Robbins, President, ViacomCBS Kids & Family.

[11/12/20 - 08:01 AM]
Nickelodeon Celebrates "Nickmas" with Over 100 Hours of Seasonal Content, Featuring 21 Holly Jolly Premieres Beginning Thursday, Nov. 19
Highlights include the launch of "Baby Shark's Big Show!" on Friday, December 11.

[10/01/20 - 08:01 AM]
Nickelodeon Keeps the Halloween Spirit Alive with Spooktacular Premieres All Month Long, Beginning Friday, Oct. 2
Viewers will be treated to hauntingly fun, all-new episodes of hit series, including "The Loud House," "The Casagrandes," "Blue's Clues & You!", and "It's Pony."

[09/09/20 - 09:01 AM]
Nickelodeon Greenlights Sixth Season of Top-Ranked Animated Series "The Loud House"
The escapades continue with the season five debut on Friday, September 11 at 7:00/7:00c.

[05/07/20 - 08:00 AM]
Nickelodeon Releases New Season of "Listen Out Loud with The Loud House" Podcast, Based on Hit Animated Series
Nickelodeon is also adding "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" and "Blue's Clues & You!: Bedtime Stories" to its growing podcast playlist.

[02/19/20 - 06:17 AM]
Nickelodeon's "The Loud House" Comes to Life in Original Live-Action TV Movie
Casting is currently underway for the feature-length TV movie, which will begin production this summer and is set to premiere in the fourth quarter of this year.

[11/13/19 - 07:01 AM]
Netflix and Nickelodeon Form Multi-Year Output Deal to Produce Original Animated Films and Series for Kids & Families Around the World
Forthcoming are specials based on "The Loud House" and "Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles."

[09/04/19 - 08:01 AM]
Nickelodeon Makes Room for "The Casagrandes" Beginning Monday, Oct. 14, at 1:30 P.M. (ET/PT)
A spinoff of Nick's animated hit "The Loud House," the series tells the story of 11-year-old Ronnie Anne who moves to the city with her mom and older brother to live with their big, loving family, the Casagrandes.

[05/07/19 - 09:03 AM]
Eugenio Derbez, Ken Jeong and Melissa Joan Hart Join Cast of Nickelodeon's All-New Animated Series "The Casagrandes," Premiering October 2019
Nickelodeon has also greenlit a fifth season (26 episodes) of "The Loud House," where big changes are on the horizon.

[02/14/19 - 07:33 AM]
Nickelodeon Embarks on New Direction with Its Biggest, Most Wide-Ranging Content Slate Ever - New Shows Are "All That" and Much More
The slate, announced today by Nickelodeon President Brian Robbins, was put into development in October at the beginning of Robbins' tenure and will begin to debut on Nick's platforms this summer.

[10/29/18 - 11:06 AM]
Nickelodeon Dishes Out Hefty Helpings for the Thanksgiving Season Beginning Monday, November 5
Highlights include a sneak peek of Nickelodeon's "Cousins for Life" and the premiere of "Rainbow Rangers" on Nick Jr.

[09/27/18 - 11:32 AM]
Nickelodeon Treats Viewers to Chills and Thrills with Spooktacular Halloween-Themed Premieres Beginning Monday, October 8
Plus: Nicktoons will air brand-new episodes of "Welcome to the Wayne" beginning Monday, October 15.

[07/02/18 - 09:03 AM]
Nickelodeon Greenlights "Los Casagrandes," Original Animated Spinoff of Hit Series "The Loud House"
"Los Casagrandes" follows Lincoln Loud's friend Ronnie Anne and her extended family, the Casagrandes, living together in the big city and exploring the endless possibilities urban life has to offer.

[06/26/18 - 09:00 AM]
Nickelodeon Heads to San Diego Comic-Con 2018
Nickelodeon will present two panels: "Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," featuring the new voice cast and a sneak peek at the upcoming series; and "INVADER ZIM: Enter the Florpus!", a reunion with the original voice cast celebrating the new TV movie.

[03/06/18 - 05:01 PM]
Nickelodeon Unveils Content Pipeline of More Than 800 New Episodes, Details Expansion into Location-Based and VR Experiences
"With our share growing and content pipeline in overdrive, we are reinventing ourselves to best serve the new and next generation of audiences on new and next-generation platforms," said Cyma Zarghami.

[03/06/18 - 01:05 PM]
Nickelodeon Developing "Los Casagrandes," New Companion Series to Animated Hit "The Loud House"
Nickelodeon has also greenlit a fourth season (26 episodes) of "The Loud House," which will include a six-episode story arc featuring the Casagrandes.

[02/26/18 - 09:07 AM]
Nickelodeon Announces "2018 Kids' Choice Awards" Nominations
WWE Superstar John Cena returns as host of this year's event on Saturday, March 24 at 8:00/7:00c, live from the Forum in Inglewood, California.

[10/19/17 - 11:36 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, October 19
Updates include: Hulu gives final season to "Casual"; Steve Buscemi to replace Owen Wilson in "Miracle Workers" at TBS; and Erica Ash to lead BET's new drama "In Contempt."

[05/31/17 - 11:33 AM]
Nickelodeon Wins May in Total Day Across All Kids' Demos
Nickelodeon spins the numbers for the month of May to date.

[03/28/17 - 11:44 AM]
Nickelodeon Wins 1Q 17 with All Kids' Demos, Marks Yearly Growth and Captures All Top Ten Shows for Kids 2-11 and Kids 6-11
Nickelodeon spins the numbers for the quarter to date.

[03/02/17 - 03:01 PM]
Top-Rated Nickelodeon Charts Path Beyond TV, Details Content Pipeline of Almost 700 New Episodes in Every Genre
Details of Nick's content pipeline and its plans to expand its footprint past its own screens were outlined today at the network's annual upfront presentation, held at New York City's Jazz at Lincoln Center.

[12/28/16 - 12:23 PM]
Nickelodeon Wins 2016 with Kids and Total Viewers - Outperforms Competition by Double Digits
Nickelodeon further spins the numbers for the year to date.

[10/19/16 - 08:05 AM]
Nickelodeon Greenlights Third Season of Number-One Animated Series "The Loud House"
This order brings the total episode count to 78.

[05/25/16 - 07:32 AM]
Nickelodeon Greenlights Second Season of "The Loud House" as It Hits Number One on TV
Plus: "Glitch Techs" (working title) has been picked-up for 20-episodes set to debut in 2018.

[03/28/16 - 09:37 AM]
Nickelodeon's New Original Animated Comedy Series, "The Loud House," Opens Its Doors, Monday, May 2, at 5:00p.m. (ET/PT)
A first-look at full-length episodes from the series will be available Friday, April 1, and Friday, April 15, on Nick.com, the Nick App, and Nick On Demand.

[03/02/16 - 02:32 PM]
Nickelodeon Readies More Than 650 Episodes of New and Returning Series This Season
Among the renewals: "SpongeBob SquarePants" (Seasons 10 and 11), "Harvey Beaks" (Season 2), "Pig Goat Banana Cricket" (Season 2), "Henry Danger" (Season 3), "Game Shakers" (Season 2) and "The Thundermans" (Season 4).

[06/11/15 - 03:09 PM]
Nickelodeon at San Diego Comic-Con 2015
Nickelodeon heads to Comic-Con International: San Diego 2015 to showcase its rich content through an innovative booth design, fan activations, talent-driven panels and more.

[06/05/14 - 08:13 AM]
Nickelodeon Grows Its Content Family with 13-Episode Order of "The Loud House," The First Series to Be Greenlit Out of Its 2013 Animated Shorts Program
The series will follow 11-year-old Lincoln as he gives an inside look at what it takes to survive in the bedlam of a large family, especially as the only boy with 10 sisters.

5/2/16 - ???
currently airing (winter 2025)
weeknights from 6:00 PM-6:30 PM EST
8 (??? episodes)
Missed an episode? Been wanting to catch up? This series is also available on:

(from Nickelodeon's web site, May 2023) Ever wonder what it’s like to grow up in a big family? Eleven-year-old Lincoln Loud gives viewers an inside look at how to survive the chaos of a huge household, especially as the only boy with ten sisters!
· Caleel Harris as Clyde McBride
· Catherine Taber as Lori
· Cristina Pucelli as Luan
· Grant Palmer as Lincoln Loud
· Grey Griffin as Lola, Lana and Lily
· Jessica DiCicco as Lynn and Lucy
· Lara Jill Miller as Lisa
· Liliana Mumy as Leni
· Nika Futterman as Luna
· Chris Savino as CRTR/EP
· comedy (all)
· comedy (animated)
· Nickelodeon Animation Studios