[02/13/25 - 11:00 AM] AMC Networks' March Highlights Include "Dark Winds," "Mayfair Witches," "The Last Anniversary," "Recipes for Love and Murder" and More! In celebration of Women's History Month, AMC Networks is launching the featured collection Women Who Dare, highlighting women-led series and films, including a new showcase of short films from the Future of Film collection.
[02/13/25 - 11:00 AM] AMC Networks' March Highlights Include "Dark Winds," "Mayfair Witches," "The Last Anniversary," "Recipes for Love and Murder" and More! In celebration of Women's History Month, AMC Networks is launching the featured collection Women Who Dare, highlighting women-led series and films, including a new showcase of short films from the Future of Film collection.
[01/24/25 - 10:00 AM] Video: We TV Releases a First Look of the Highly Anticipated New Season of "Love After Lockup" The new season follows a new crop of couples, including fan favorites, from "Love During Lockup" as they discover more love, new doubts, and encounter unforeseen obstacles in their relationships.
[01/17/25 - 09:30 AM] Video: We TV Releases Trailer and Key Art for "Love After Lockup: Crime Story" In this new series, "Love After Lockup" cast favorites from the past and present reveal what led them to a life of crime and landed them behind bars.
[12/06/24 - 08:00 AM] Video: WE tv Reveals Sneak Peek at Compelling Limited Series, "Love After Lockup: Crime Story" In this new limited series, "Love After Lockup" cast favorites from the past and present reveal what led them to a life of crime and what landed them behind bars.
[11/14/24 - 08:00 AM] "Love During Lockup" Returns Friday, December 13th at 8PM ET/7PM CT on WE tv The prequel to "Love After Lockup," "Love During Lockup" reveals the fascinating moments that happen when people in the free world look for love and begin relationships with inmates, capturing their journey as they count down the days, weeks, months, or even years until the anticipated release.
[06/27/24 - 11:37 AM] Video: WE tv Reveals Supertease for a New Season of "Love After Lockup" Premiering Friday, July 26th at 8PM ET / PT The first of 10 all-new, must-see, 90-minute episodes premieres Friday, July 26, exclusively on WE tv and will stream exclusively on popular AMC streaming service ALLBLK the following Tuesday.
[06/18/24 - 11:01 AM] AMC Networks' July Highlights Include Debut of "Snowpiercer" Season 4, Return of "Signora Volpe," New Season of "Oshi No Ko" and More! These films, series and more join an extensive catalogue of compelling dramas, beloved franchises, highly anticipated films and timely collections on AMC+, Acorn TV, ALLBLK, Shudder, Sundance Now, and anime-focused HIDIVE, all month long.
[11/17/23 - 08:39 AM] Compelling Limited Series, "Love After Lockup: Innocent After Lockup," Premieres December 15 at 10:30PM on WE tv Every episode follows a different falsely accused exoneree who spent between 15 - 22 years in a maximum-security penitentiary and were subsequently proven innocent.
[08/17/23 - 11:00 AM] New Compelling Season of "Love After Lockup" Premieres Friday, September 15th at 9PM ET / 8PM CT on WE tv New episodes will also be available on popular AMC streaming service ALLBLK every Tuesday.
[02/16/23 - 10:20 AM] AMC Networks' March Highlights Include Debut of "Lucky Hank," "Grown & Gospel" and More New AMC+ Exclusive Films debut every Friday, including "Taurus," "Corsage," "The Almond and the Seahorse" and Shudder thrillers "Leave" and "The Unheard."
[11/18/22 - 09:02 AM] Video: WE tv Reveals Juicy Supertease for the Return of "Love After Lockup" Premiering December 16 at 9PM ET The original installment of the hit franchise returns with 10 new must-see 90-minute episodes.
[03/04/22 - 07:39 AM] WE tv's Arresting Relationship Franchise Continues to Deliver with Over One Million Viewers for "Love During Lockup" February 25th Season Finale The show that started it all, "Love After Lockup," was Friday night's #1 program in 2021 for women 25-54 and was #1 with Black women 25-54 for three years in a row on that same night.
[02/10/22 - 08:53 AM] AMC Networks Announces Spring Lineup of New and Returning Original Series and Specials This spring, AMC Networks unveils a robust slate of compelling dramas, fan-favorite franchises, and highly-anticipated films across its channels and targeted streaming services including AMC+, AMC, Acorn TV, ALLBLK, IFC, BBC America, Shudder, Sundance Now, SundanceTV and WE TV.
[02/03/22 - 07:02 AM] New Season of America's Guiltiest Pleasure "Love After Lockup" Premieres Friday, March 4 at 9 PM ET on WE tv Five new couples and a fan favorite couple from Love During Lockup take the drama to the next level with deeper love, bigger doubts, and even more mystery, as viewers once again debate if it's true love or just another convincing con.
[12/29/21 - 09:26 AM] "Love After Lockup: How to Date an Inmate" Hosted by Fan Favorites, Brittany and Daonte, Premieres December 31 at 9PM on WE tv Watch as the "Love After Lockup" cast spills the shocking and hilarious secrets and tips on "How to Date an Inmate."
[10/01/21 - 09:16 AM] Introducing: "Love DURING Lockup" on WE tv Four years after the launch of one of the most successful franchises in WE tv history, "Love After Lockup" and "Life After Lockup," a captivating new series is coming to WE tv in January of 2022.
[07/12/21 - 12:04 PM] WE tv Is the #1 Cable Network with Women on Friday Nights for the First Half of 2021 WE tv has also been the #1 cable network with Black women on Friday nights since 2019.
[05/21/21 - 08:11 AM] "Love After Lockup" Season 3 Returns June 18 on WE tv with New Couples, Convicts and Jaw-Dropping Relationships Between personal life, family, kids and more, this season, the couples will risk it all for their felon lovers.
[09/11/20 - 07:57 AM] "Love After Lockup" Returns with Six New Episodes Friday, October 9 at 9 PM ET / 8 PM CT on WE tv The highly-addicting series follows lovebirds hoping to make their way down the aisle with the jailbirds who may or may not be conning them.
[06/25/20 - 01:32 PM] "Love After Lockup" Season 3 Premieres July 17 on WE tv with All New Couples and Cons The highly-addicting series follows lovebirds hoping to make their way to the altar with the jailbirds who may or may not be conning them.
[11/22/19 - 07:11 PM] WE tv's Spinoff Series "Love After Lockup: Life After Lockup" Returns Friday, January 3, 2020 Throughout the 10 episodes, seven fan-favorite couples from "Love After Lockup" will encounter more twists, turns and shocking moments than ever before.
[11/20/19 - 08:00 AM] Break Out All the Emoti-Cons, WE tv Renews Franchise Hits "Love After Lockup" and "Life After Lockup" The word-of-mouth viral phenomenon, "Love After Lockup" which airs Fridays on WE tv, was the fastest-growing reality series of 2018, with spinoff "Life After Lockup" delivering record ratings for its debut earlier this year.
[07/19/19 - 12:04 PM] WE tv's Addicting Docuseries "Love After Lockup" Returns Friday, August 16 with All New Episodes and More New Couples Viewers will meet each couple just prior to the jailed partner's release and follow them down their unique path to love.
[05/17/19 - 08:39 AM] WE tv's No Holds Barred Spinoff Series "Love After Lockup: Life After Lockup" Premieres Friday, June 14 The new series follows five returning couples who fans have grown to know and love - or love to hate - as they face parole restrictions, temptation, and turbulence in their lives outside of prison walls.
[04/23/19 - 09:15 AM] WE tv's Breakaway Reality Success "Love After Lockup" Gets a Spin-Off: "Love After Lockup: Life After Lockup" The new series builds on the stories from seasons one and two of the original docuseries that chronicles couples making the complicated transition to love on the 'outside' when one partner is released from prison.
[01/23/19 - 07:47 AM] WE tv Extends "Love After Lockup" - Fastest-Growing New Cable Reality Series The network announced today it will keep the cameras rolling and extend the 14-episode second season by an additional 10 episodes.
[11/06/18 - 08:39 AM] Video: WE tv Reveals a Dramatic New Supertease of the Highly Anticipated Second Season of "Love After Lockup" The show's sophomore run kicks off Friday, December 7 at 9:00/8:00c.
[10/19/18 - 07:58 AM] WE tv's Groundbreaking Docuseries "Love After Lockup" Returns Friday, December 7 at 9PM ET/PT WE tv's explosive docuseries is back for a second season, exploring new shocking and revealing stories of couples who fall in love despite the prison bars between them.
[02/09/18 - 09:33 AM] "Love After Lockup," Fastest-Growing New Cable Series of 2018, Renewed for an Expanded Second Season Weeks Ahead of Season One Finale The second season is planned for 10 episodes in 2019.
[12/07/17 - 09:51 AM] WE tv Announces "Love After Lockup" Premiering Friday, January 12 at 10PM ET/PT The series follows six couples who share the emotional journey of being united for the first time after years of supervised visits, recorded phone calls, and handwritten letters, as they transition from love behind bars to the marriage altar.