
[01/21/25 - 11:00 AM]
What's New on Max This February
Highlights include new seasons of "The White Lotus" and "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver," premiering February 16.

[10/10/24 - 09:37 AM]
OWN's Hit Unscripted Series "Love & Marriage: Huntsville" Set to Return with New Episodes Starting November 2
The series will continue to follow the lives of a group of longtime friends and frenemies with strong personalities and opinions who live in Huntsville, Alabama.

[08/23/24 - 10:00 AM]
What's New on Max This September
Stream the debuts of "The Penguin"; the fourth and final season of "My Brilliant Friend"; two-part documentary "Wise Guy David Chase and The Sopranos"; A24's "Civil War" and "I Saw the TV Glow"; and Studio Ghibli's "The Boy and the Heron."

[07/09/24 - 08:00 AM]
Warner Bros. Discovery Expansive Content Lineup Delivered Two Nights with 60 Percent Share and Nine Nights with 50 Percent Share Among Adults in Second Quarter
Live sports, including TNT Sports' coverage of the 2024 NCAA Men's Final Four, 2024 NBA Playoffs and 2024 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs, along with support from the networks' popular entertainment content, drove the viewership among Adults 18-49 during the quarter.

[04/08/24 - 10:01 AM]
Warner Bros. Discovery Claimed Five Nights of More Than a 50 Percent Share of Primetime Cable Viewing Among Adults During First Quarter
Ratings drivers included TNT Sports' coverage of the 2024 NCAA Men's Tournament in March as well as Investigation Discovery's "Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV," Food Network's "Tournament of Champions" and "Wildcard Kitchen" and Adult Swim's "Ninja Kamui."

[01/08/24 - 08:28 AM]
Warner Bros. Discovery Networks Premiered 20 of the 25 Highest-Rated Freshman Series in 2023 - The Most of Any Cable Portfolio
TLC's spinoff series "90 Day: The Last Resort" ranked as the #1 unscripted freshman series in prime among Adults 25-54 and Women 25-54.

[12/21/23 - 10:00 AM]
What's New on Max This January
Newly announced dates include the launch of "On The Roam" and the return of "Sort Of," both on January 18.

[12/15/23 - 11:39 PM]
Development Update: Week of December 11-15
Updates include: Netflix to license 14 library series from Disney General Entertainment; Mayim Bialik won't return to "Jeopardy!" flagship; and CBS teases potential "Fire Country" spin-off.

[12/08/23 - 12:21 PM]
OWN Sets Premiere Date for New Series "First-Time Buyer's Club" on Saturday, December 30 at 9PM ET/PT
Teacher-turned-realtor Amina Stevens aims to educate and inspire clients who are intimidated by the overwhelming housing market.

[08/24/23 - 10:50 AM]
OWN's Hit Unscripted Series "Love & Marriage: Huntsville" Set to Return with New Episodes Starting September 16
The series features Melody Shari and Martell Holt, Kimmi and Maurice Scott, Marsau and LaTisha "Tisha" Scott, as well as Tiffany and Louis Whitlow, beauty maven Stormi Steele and her husband Courtney Beasley, plus Tisha's cousin Keke Jabbar.

[07/05/23 - 12:22 PM]
Networks at Warner Bros. Discovery Boast Three Nights with 60 Percent Share of Viewing in Second Quarter
Since March, the network group, which includes Discovery, Food Network, HGTV, Investigation Discovery, TBS, TNT, TLC, Adult Swim, OWN and others, also delivered 16 nights with more than a 50 percent share of cable viewing among Adults 18-49 - outperforming other network groups in second quarter.

[05/17/23 - 07:45 AM]
OWN's Hit "Love & Marriage" Franchise Heads to Detroit Summer 2023
The third city to join the "Love & Marriage" series franchise following "Huntsville" and "Washington D.C.," "Love & Marriage: Detroit" is set to bow June 24.

[04/04/23 - 08:12 AM]
Six Warner Bros. Discovery Lifestyle and Entertainment Brands Among the Top 10 Cable Networks During First Quarter
Delivering more than 128 million total viewers on average each month, the networks also accounted for viewing by one-third of all Adults 25-54 and Adults 18-49 who watched cable during prime.

[03/10/23 - 10:03 AM]
OWN's Top Unscripted Series "Love & Marriage: Huntsville" Returns for a New Season Saturday, April 8 at 8 PM ET/PT
This season will also see the addition of three new personalities to the group - beauty maven Stormi Steele and her husband Courtney Beasley, plus Tisha's cousin Keke Jabbar.

[01/05/23 - 08:15 AM]
US Networks Group at Warner Bros. Discovery Closes Out 2022 with 6 of Top 10 Networks and 17 of Top 30 Freshman Series in Prime
Together, the networks in the group accounted for nearly 31% of all P25-54/P18-49 primetime cable viewing and outperformed competitors with 17 of the top 30 top-rated unscripted freshman series in primetime.

[12/08/22 - 09:57 AM]
OWN Premieres Season Two of "Love & Marriage: D.C." on Saturday, January 21 at 8PM ET/PT and Welcomes New Cast Members Joi Carter and Clifton Pettie to the Group
The series will also continue to follow Erana and Jamie Tyler, and Ashley Silva and her husband on-air personality DJ Quicksilva.

[09/29/22 - 10:08 AM]
OWN Orders 85 Hours of New Content with Four Unscripted Series Renewals Including "Love & Marriage: Huntsville", "Love & Marriage: D.C.", "Belle Collective" and "Put a Ring on It"
The series will air during the network's established Friday and Saturday night unscripted programming blocks throughout 2023 starting with "Love & Marriage: D.C." in January.

[08/31/22 - 09:46 AM]
OWN's Smash Hit Series "Love & Marriage: Huntsville" Is Back with New Episodes Starting Saturday, September 10 at 8PM ET/PT
An all-new episode of "Family or Fiance" follows at 9PM ET/PT.

[04/13/22 - 09:38 AM]
OWN Announces Late Night Series "The Nightcap with Carlos King" Hosted by Creator and Executive Producer of OWN's Hit Reality Series, "Love & Marriage," Carlos King
"The Nightcap with Carlos King" will premiere on OWN Saturday, May 14 at 10:00/9:00c immediately following the series debut of "Love & Marriage: D.C."

[02/24/22 - 12:32 PM]
OWN's New Series "Marry Me Now" Offers a Modern View of Marriage Proposals with Women Taking Charge
The series is hosted by relationship coach and author, Rebecca Lynn Pope, who will guide real-life women ready to take the reins in planning their weddings and proposing to their significant others, all in the hopes of marriage.

[02/16/22 - 09:51 AM]
OWN Announces First-Ever Franchise Spinoff with Greenlight of "Love & Marriage: D.C." Premiering Spring 2022
This marks the network's first-ever original franchise spinoff following the success of its popular Saturday night hit reality series "Love & Marriage: Huntsville," which returns to the network with all-new episodes Saturday, March 19.

[05/18/21 - 07:37 AM]
Discovery's Virtual Upfront Presentation Focuses on Unmatched Cross-Platform Strength, Advanced Ad Solutions, Innovative Partnership Opportunities and Increased Scale and Reach
discovery+, the definitive non-fiction, real life subscription streaming service, is already delivering on key metrics, including subscriber additions, customer engagement and retention, exceeding expectations and demonstrating sustained momentum since its U.S. launch earlier this year.

[04/06/21 - 11:45 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, April 6
Updates include: Nichole Sakura, Angelique Cabral among latest cast in ABC's "Maggie"; Raff Law lands role on Apple's "Masters of the Air"; and Erik Griffin scores role on ABC's "Bucktown."

[03/18/21 - 11:00 AM]
OWN Orders New Seasons of Five Unscripted Hits and Greenlights New Series "Young and Gospel"
"Family or Fiancé," "Black Love," "Ready to Love," "Put A Ring On It" and "Love & Marriage: Huntsville" are all due back.

[01/11/21 - 12:27 PM]
Video: First Look Trailer - "Love & Marriage: Huntsville" Returns to OWN on Saturday, January 30 at 9/8c
The series follows three power couples and longtime friends in Huntsville, Alabama as they balance real-life challenges in marriage, friendship and business.

[01/23/20 - 10:13 AM]
OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network Renews Four Hit Unscripted Series: "Love & Marriage: Huntsville," "Ready to Love," "Black Women OWN the Conversation" and "Black Love"
The new seasons will air later in 2020.

[04/10/19 - 08:17 AM]
OWN Orders New Episodes of Hit Saturday Night Series "Ready to Love" and "Love & Marriage: Huntsville"
"These shows tackle the real deal when it comes to love, marriage and dating and have captivated audiences from the very beginning," said Jon Sinclair.

[09/20/18 - 10:01 AM]
Love Is in the Air on OWN as Network Announces New Unscripted Series Focusing on Love, Relationships and Marriage
Highlights include the previously announced "Ready to Love," premiering Tuesday, October 23.

1/12/19 - ???
on hiatus or fate to be determined
completed airing its current season
9 (16 episodes)
completed airing its ninth season on 2/15/25; has yet to be renewed for a 10th season
(from Discovery+'s web site, November 2024) Three couples team up to revitalize their community, but the reality of love and marriage puts their friendships and business partnerships to the test, turning Huntsville, Alabama, into the most dramatic city in the South.
· Andrew Hoagland as EP
· Angela Dugan as EP
· Carlos King as EP
· Jordana Hochman as EP
· Markus Burns as EP
· reality (all)
· reality (documentary)
· ITV America
· Kingdom Reign Entertainment