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STATUS: canceled/ended (2017-2018 season) |
TIME SLOT: not on the schedule |
SEASON(S): 1 (??? episodes) |
ADDITIONAL NOTES: a show on hiatus for longer than 12 months - without any news about its future - is assumed to be canceled |
DESCRIPTION: (from Discovery Channel's press release, July 2018) From first responders to U.S. Special Forces, these brave heroes test their limits every day by putting their lives on the line and trusting their tools. But can their tools get the job done? That's where outdoorsman and scientist Mad Dog comes in. Drawing from his extensive paramilitary expertise and with the help of his spitfire daughter and master apprentice, Mad Dog creates state-of-the-art hand-held weapons and tools for heroes in action. From a tactical fire axe to a super-long-range rifle used to defend against weapons of mass destruction, Mad Dog and his team push the limits of possibility to equip these heroes with gadgets they can trust with their lives. MAD DOG MADE, produced by Rogue Atlas in association with Lionsgate Television, premieres Friday, August 3 at 10 PM on Discovery. This new series is packed with one-of-a-kind builds and kicks off with a lifesaving device that reinvents the "Jaws of Life" and is used to rescue victims from motor accidents. It's up to Mad Dog and his team, including his quick-witted daughter Morgan, who keeps the team on their toes, and Jacob Sanchez, who brings over 15 years of professional experience in blacksmithing, carpentry and aerospace mechanics, to build something that can get the job done in under three minutes. Will they create a tool that can live up to the task, or will they break under pressure? The creativity doesn't stop there. Throughout the season Mad Dog and his team build devices including a Mars multi-tool that must be compatible with an astronaut's pressurized space suit and function on a space station, in the vacuum of the deep space or on the surface of Mars itself. They also create a protection apparatus for bush pilots to use against predators in the event of a crash landing in the wilderness. No matter what the tool, it is guaranteed to be mighty, cutting edge and Mad Dog Made. |
· Kevin "Mad Dog" McClung
· David Shaye as EP · Eli Frankel as EP · Graham Hughes as EP · Joseph Boyle as EP (Discovery) · Maryna Harrison as PROD (Discovery) · Michael Gara as EP (Discovery)
· reality (all) · reality (documentary)
· Rogue Atlas