(#106) Allison Treasures: A Southern California Story
4/27/23 (Th.)
3:01 AM
(#105) A Great Place to Drink to Gain Control of Your Drink
4/20/23 (Th.)
3:01 AM
(#101-104) Mother of Mercy: The Call of the Horse / Zwei Sie Piel mit Seitung Sie Wirtschaftung / A Baby with Wings, a Sad Boy with Wings and a Great Helmet / Beautiful Things That Come with Madness
ADDITIONAL NOTES: a show on hiatus for longer than 12 months - without any news about its future - is assumed to be canceled
DESCRIPTION: (from Peacock's web site, April 2023) Sister Simone partners with her rebellious ex-boyfriend on a globe-spanning journey to destroy a powerful artificial intelligence known as Mrs. Davis.