
[11/22/24 - 11:20 PM]
Development Update: Week of November 18-22
Updates include: Gabriel Macht's Harvey Specter to visit NBC's "Suits LA"; CBS eyes "The Equalizer" spin-off series; and Sylvester Stallone's "Tulsa King" on track for two-season order.

[08/16/24 - 11:49 PM]
Development Update: Week of August 12-16
Updates include: Hulu orders "Mid-Century Modern" to series; Elliott Kalan to spearhead Netflix's "Ghostbusters" animated series; and "Buying Beverly Hills," "My Lady Jane," and "Wicked Tuna" among latest cancellations.

[01/30/24 - 10:21 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Jan. 22: "Griselda" Debuts at #1; "Leave the World Behind" and "Berlin" Enter the Most Popular Lists
"American Nightmare," the docuseries that investigates a case the press dubbed "the real-life Gone Girl," came in at #2 on the English TV List with 13M views.

[01/23/24 - 10:22 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Jan. 15: "Lift," "Society of the Snow" and "BERLIN" Continue to Shine; "American Nightmare" Debuts at #1
Harlan Coben's latest crime thriller adaptation "Fool Me Once" continued to impress at #2 (11.2M views).

[01/09/24 - 08:35 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Jan. 1: "Society of the Snow" and "Fool Me Once" Debut at #1; "Lupin: Part 3" Enters Most Popular
On the English TV List, stand-up special "Dave Chappelle: The Dreamer" climbed its way to #2 (10.2M views) while coming-of-age teen drama "My Life With the Walter Boys" spent its fifth week on the list at #4 (4.4M views).

[01/02/24 - 10:04 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Dec. 25: "Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire" is Most Watched Title of the Week; "Berlin" Debuts on Top
"Ricky Gervais: Armageddon" debuted at #1 with 8M views, "Dave Chappelle: The Dreamer" opened at #5 one day after its premiere (2.2M views) and "Trevor Noah: Where Was I" landed at #8 (1.7M views).

[12/27/23 - 06:26 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Dec. 18: "Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire" Debuts at #1 and Most Watched Title of the Week
The recently renewed coming-of-age drama "My Life with the Walter Boys" spent another week on top of the English TV List with 7.6M views and the sixth and final season of "The Crown" stayed strong at #2 with 5.7M views.

[12/19/23 - 12:31 PM]
Pick a Side When Netflix's Hit YA Drama "My Life with the Walter Boys" Returns for a Second Season
The teen drama is currently #1 on the Global English Top 10 TV List and has amassed 20.3 Million views since its debut, reaching the Top 10 in 88 countries.

[12/19/23 - 10:17 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Dec. 11: "Leave the World Behind" Stays on Top; "My Life with the Walter Boys" Rises to #1
The sixth and final season of "The Crown" rose to #2 with 5.8M views following the release of the drama's final six episodes.

[12/12/23 - 09:40 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Dec. 4: "Leave the World Behind" Debuts at #1 and Most Watched Title of the Week
The thrills kept coming over on the English TV List, with fans sending the raunchy, action-packed comedy "Obliterated" to #1 with 9M views in its second week on the list.

[11/08/23 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "My Life with the Walter Boys" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After losing her family in a tragic accident, 15-year-old Jackie is forced to leave her privileged Manhattan life and move in with a large, boisterous family in rural Colorado, where she becomes entangled in a love triangle between two brothers.

[04/20/22 - 08:33 AM]
"My Life with the Walter Boys" Begins Production and Announces Casting
Netflix's coming-of-age romance series based on the popular WattPad novel by Ali Novak, which has nearly 80 million reads, has begun production in Calgary and has a set series cast.

[06/29/21 - 11:35 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, June 29
Updates include: "For Life" eyes revival at IMDb TV; TLC pulls the plug on "Counting On"; and Netflix orders dramas "Echoes," "My Life with the Walter Boys."

Returns in Coming Up in 2025 (Exact Date TBA)
12/7/23 - ???
returning in 2025/2026 (date TBA)
not on the schedule
2 (??? episodes)
Season 2 ordered on 12/19/23
(from Netflix's web site, December 2023) When a tragedy disrupts her life, a teen moves in with her guardian's big family in a small town and learns new lessons about love, hope and friendship.
· Alex Quijano as Richard
· Alisha Newton as Erin
· Alix West Lefler as Parker
· Ashby Gentry as Alex
· Ashley Tavares as Tara
· Connor Stanhope as Danny
· Corey Fogelmanis as Nathan
· Dean Petriw as Jordan
· Ellie O'Brien as Grace
· Gabrielle Jacinto as Olivia
· Isaac Arellanes as Isaac
· Jaylan Evans as Skylar
· Johnny Link as Will
· Lennix James as Benny
· Marc Blucas as George
· Moheb Jindran as Nikhil
· Mya Lowe as Kiley
· Myles Perez as Lee
· Nathaniel Arcand as Mato
· Nikki Rodriguez as Jackie
· Noah LaLonde as Cole
· Sarah Rafferty as Katherine
· Zoë Soul as Hayley
· Ali Novak as BOOK
· Ed Glauser as EP
· Melanie Halsall as CRTR/EP
· drama
· iGeneration Studios
· Sony Pictures Television