
[01/31/25 - 11:35 PM]
Development Update: Week of January 27-31
Updates include: Jack Patten to lead "Robin Hood" at MGM+; Timothy Olyphant, Annette Bening cast in Apple's "Lucky"; and Sarah Goldberg is the first to board AMC's Silicon Valley drama series.

[09/15/24 - 08:17 PM]
Apple TV+ Lands Emmy Awards for "Slow Horses" and "The Morning Show"
In addition to last week's honors at the Creative Arts Emmys, Apple TV+ landed 10 Emmy Awards in total this year.

[07/17/24 - 03:06 PM]
Apple Scores Record 72 Emmy Award Nominations
"The Morning Show" landed its first-ever nomination for Outstanding Drama Series and leads with 16 nominations overall for its acclaimed third season, including the most performance nominations for any drama series with 10 acting nominations.

[06/06/24 - 03:00 PM]
Apple Renews Hit, Star-Studded Comedy Sensation "Palm Royale" for Season Two
Set in high society Palm Beach in the powder keg year of 1969, "Palm Royale" is a true underdog story that follows Maxine Simmons (Kristen Wiig) as she endeavors to break into Palm Beach high society.

[02/05/24 - 11:16 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Debuts Trailer for "Palm Royale," Starring and Executive Produced by Kristen Wiig and Academy Award Winner Laura Dern
The highly anticipated series will debut globally with the first three episodes on March 20, followed by new episodes every Wednesday through May 8.

[02/05/24 - 09:27 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Unveils a Sneak Peek at Star-Studded Lineup of New and Returning Original Series Set to Debut in 2024
Coming up this year, Apple TV+ will expand its award-winning slate of originals with highly anticipated new series, including "The New Look," "The Dynasty: New England Patriots," "Constellation," "The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin," "Manhunt," "Palm Royale," "Sugar," "Franklin," "Dark Matter," "Presumed Innocent," "Land of Women" and more.

[12/12/23 - 07:01 AM]
Apple TV+ Reveals a First-Look at Upcoming, Star-Studded Comedy "Palm Royale"
The highly anticipated Palm Beach-set series stars Emmy and Academy Award nominee Kristen Wiig leading a renowned ensemble cast.

[05/30/23 - 12:04 PM]
Video: Apple TV+ Drops New Teaser Showcasing Star-Studded, Upcoming Lineup of New and Returning Series and Films
New titles from the world's greatest storytellers coming soon to Apple TV+ include "The Crowded Room," "Hijack," "The Afterparty," "Stephen Curry: Underrated," "Lessons in Chemistry," "Masters of the Air," "Sugar," "The Beanie Bubble," "Flora and Son," and "Palm Royale."

[08/01/22 - 11:32 PM]
Development Update: Monday, August 1
Updates include: Showtime cancels anthology series "The First Lady"; Milo Manheim to star in "School Spirits" at Paramount+; and Kimi Rutledge joins Netflix's "Obliterated."

[06/13/22 - 11:24 PM]
Development Update: Monday, June 13
Updates include: Carlos Valdes to lead Hulu's "Up Here"; Mehcad Brooks joins the cast of "Law & Order" at NBC; and Megan Thee Stallion to visit Starz's "P-Valley."

[06/09/22 - 11:29 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, June 9
Updates include: Hulu commissions four new food series; Jim Patterson, Maria Ferrari named showrunners of FOX's "Call Me Kat"; and Gabriela Quezada upped to regular on The CW's "Walker Independence."

[06/07/22 - 11:52 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, June 7
Updates include: HBO pulls the plug on "Demimonde"; Allison Williams to star in Showtime's "Fellow Travelers"; and Spectrum cancels "Long Slow Exhale" after one season.

[05/24/22 - 11:14 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, May 24
Updates include: CBS pulled tonight's shooting-themed season finale of "FBI"; Lex Medlin, Ariana Guerra board "CSI: Vegas"; and Alicia Hannah-Kim cast in Netflix's "Cobra Kai."

[05/23/22 - 11:16 PM]
Development Update: Monday, May 23
Updates include: Ricky Martin to star in Apple's "Mrs. American Pie"; Taran Killam brings "Arranged" to Freevee; and Okieriete Onaodowan to lead AMC's "Demascus."

[05/13/22 - 11:38 PM]
Development Update: Friday, May 13
Updates include: Hulu eyes second season of "Nine Perfect Strangers"; Tia Napolitano tapped to run "Fire Country" at CBS; and Tyler Hoechlin to return for Paramount+'s "Teen Wolf" movie.

[05/03/22 - 11:26 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, May 3
Updates include: Alycia Debnam-Carey set as new lead of Hulu's "Saint X"; Viola Davis in talks to return as Amanda Waller in new HBO Max series; and Allison Janney signs onto Apple's "Mrs. American Pie."

[02/07/22 - 01:37 PM]
Apple Studios Greenlights New Comedy "Mrs. American Pie" Starring Academy Award-Nominee Kristen Wiig
A story about gorgeously impossible people, "Mrs. American Pie" follows Maxine Simmons' (played by Wiig) attempt to secure her seat at America's most exclusive table: Palm Beach high society.

Returns in TBA 2025 (Exact Date TBA)
3/20/24 - ???
returning in 2025/2026 (date TBA)
not on the schedule
2 (??? episodes)
Season 2 ordered on 6/6/24
(from Apple's web site, March 2024) In 1969, an ambitious woman aspires to cross the line between the haves and have-nots to secure her seat at America’s most exclusive, fashionable, and treacherous table: Palm Beach high society.
· Allison Janney as Evelyn
· Amber Chardae Robinson as Virginia
· Bruce Dern
· Carol Burnett as Norma
· Josh Lucas as Douglas
· Julia Duffy
· Kaia Gerber as Mitzi
· Kristen Wiig as Maxine Simmons
· Laura Dern as Linda
· Leslie Bibb as Dinah
· Mindy Cohn as Ann
· Ricky Martin as Robert
· Abe Sylvia as CRTR/EP
· Jayme Lemons as EP
· John Norris as EP
· Juliet McDaniel as BOOK
· Katie O'Connell Marsh as EP
· Kristen Wiig as EP
· Laura Dern as EP
· Sharr White as EP
· Sheri Holman as EP
· Tate Taylor as EP/DIR (Pilot)
· drama
· Aunt Sylvia's Moving Picture Company
· Boat Rocker Studios
· Jaywalker Pictures
· Wyolah Entertainment