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[10/18/23 - 10:00 AM] "Pretty Hard Cases," Starring Meredith MacNeill and Adrienne C. Moore, Returns for Its Final Season on November 29 on Amazon Freevee All 10 episodes of the new season will be available to stream exclusively on Amazon Freevee in the U.S. on Wednesday, November 29.
[04/13/22 - 07:00 AM] IMDb TV Announces Rebrand to Amazon Freevee Amazon's free streaming service will announce additional greenlights at its NewFronts presentation on May 2.
[03/09/22 - 10:00 AM] Meredith MacNeill and Adrienne C. Moore Return to IMDb TV for Season Two of Buddy-Cop Drama "Pretty Hard Cases" Season two premieres Friday, April 22 on IMDb TV, Amazon's premium free streaming service.
[08/04/21 - 10:00 AM] IMDb TV Picks Up Season One of Buddy-Cop Drama Series "Pretty Hard Cases," Premiering September 10 The action-packed series follows two women who are at the top of their respective games: the optimistic, over-achieving guns and gangs detective, Samantha Wazowski (Meredith MacNeill) and the tough, unapologetic drug squad detective, Kelly Duff (Adrienne C. Moore).