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[11/08/24 - 10:01 AM] Celebrate the Most Wonderful Time of the Year on Apple TV+ This season's festive lineup also includes an all-new "Eva the Owlet" holiday special.
[10/25/23 - 08:01 AM] Apple TV+ Announces a Joyful Slate of Holiday Programming for the Entire Family The festive lineup includes premieres of "Hannah Waddingham: Home for Christmas" and "The Velveteen Rabbit," a new special based on the beloved children's classic.
[02/09/23 - 06:00 AM] Video: Apple TV+ Debuts Season Two Trailer for Fan-Favorite Animated Series "Pretzel and the Puppies," Ahead of the Global Debut on Friday, February 24 Meet Pretzel, the world's longest dachshund and a playful, supportive dad to five frisky puppies.
[01/25/23 - 08:35 AM] Apple TV+ Expands Award-Winning Kids & Family Slate with New Animated Series "Eva the Owlet" And "Frog and Toad," Alongside Live Action/CGI Blended Series "Jane" Returning series include "Pinecone & Pony," "Pretzel and the Puppies," "Harriet the Spy," "Stillwater" and "Sago Mini Friends."
[10/11/22 - 08:19 AM] Apple TV+ Is Ringing in the Holidays with All-New Festive Family Fare New programming includes the "Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock" Night of the Lights holiday special and "Sago Mini Friends" Thanksgiving special premiering on Friday, November 18, and holiday specials from "Interrupting Chicken," "Pretzel and the Puppies," and "The Snoopy Show," all debuting on Friday, December 2.
[01/31/22 - 08:03 AM] Apple TV+ Announces "Pretzel and the Puppies," New Animated Series for Kids and Families Premiering Globally on Friday, February 11 The original series is a new story about the modern dog family led by stay-at-home dad Pretzel, his five adorable Dachshund puppies, and mom Greta, the mayor of Muttgomery.