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[02/03/25 - 07:19 AM] Blockbusters, Originals and Iconic Returns - You're Not Ready for What's Next on Netflix India in 2025 Tentpole projects like Aryan Khan's grand Bollywood-themed series, "The Ba***ds of Bollywood" ("The Bads of Bollywood"), and Siddharth Anand's high-stakes drama, "Jewel Thief: The Heist Begins," bring scale and excitement to our slate.
[11/19/24 - 06:01 AM] Netflix Showcases New and Returning International Series and Films "Great stories can come from anywhere." That was Bela Bajaria's, Netflix Chief Content Officer, message at the company's first International Showcase on Monday.
[07/22/24 - 10:38 PM] Double the Action, Double the Drama: Netflix's OG Fixer "Rana Naidu" Is Coming Back Bigger and Badder... and He's Not Alone! Adding to the simmering tension and magnetic charisma of the ensemble cast, Arjun Rampal joins the powerhouse pairing of Rana Daggubati and Venkatesh Daggubati in Season 2.
[04/18/23 - 09:31 PM] Video: "Rana Naidu" Season 2 - Announcement - Rana Daggubati, Venkatesh Daggubati - Netflix India The streaming services confirms the series will return.
[03/21/23 - 01:26 PM] Netflix Top 10 Week of March 13: "The Glory" Is the Most Viewed Title for the Second Week in a Row; "Luther" Tops the English Films List Season 4 of the murder-mystery "You" held the #1 spot on the English TV List with 64.06M hours viewed.
[03/14/23 - 10:33 AM] Netflix Top 10 Week of March 6: "The Glory" Is the Most Viewed Title This Week and Enters Non-English TV Most Popular List; Joe Goldberg and John Luther Are Back! On the English TV List, audiences explored the unsolved tragedy in docuseries "MH370: The Plane That Disappeared," which had 59.88M hours viewed and landed in the Top 10 in 86 countries.
[09/23/22 - 10:39 PM] Tudum Recap: Everything You Missed From Our Show from India Highlights include a look at the new young adult series "Class," based on one of Netflix's most popular shows of all time, "Elite."
[09/21/21 - 09:33 PM] Netflix Announces "Rana Naidu" Starring Superstars Rana Daggubati and Venkatesh Daggubati The series is an official adaptation of Showtime's popular drama series "Ray Donovan" and will commence shooting soon.
Returns in [INTERNATIONAL] Coming Up in 2025 (Exact Date TBA)
STATUS: returning in 2025/2026 (date TBA) |
TIME SLOT: not on the schedule |
CURRENT SEASON: 2 (??? episodes) |
ADDITIONAL NOTES: Season 2 ordered on 4/18/23 |
DESCRIPTION: (from Netflix's web site, March 2023) Rana Naidu is the go-to problem solver for the rich and famous. But when his father is released from jail, the one mess he can't handle may be his own. |
· Rana Daggubati · Venkatesh Daggubati
· Karan Anshuman as DIR/EP · Suparn Verma as DIR
· based on a tv series · drama
· Locomotive Global