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[08/01/24 - 08:01 AM] Nickelodeon and Spin Master Celebrate Dog Days of Summer with Month of "Rubble & Crew" Premieres Beginning Monday, Aug. 5, with "PAW Patrol" Crossover Event In the crossover event, "The Crew and Skye Build a Mountain Lodge," PAW Patrol's high-flying air rescue pup, Skye, visits Rubble and his crew from Adventure Bay when their construction project needs some aerial support.
[07/27/23 - 08:00 AM] Nickelodeon and Spin Master Entertainment Renew Preschool Powerhouse "PAW Patrol" and Hit Spinoff "Rubble & Crew" For New Seasons in 10th Anniversary Year of Global Franchise This news comes just ahead of the pair's first-ever TV crossover event on Monday, July 31, as brand-new episodes of both series premiere back-to-back beginning at 11 a.m. (ET/PT) on Nickelodeon.
[11/21/22 - 06:30 AM] Nickelodeon and Spin Master Expand World of Preschool Powerhouse "PAW Patrol" with "Rubble & Crew" Spinoff, Premiering Friday, Feb. 3, at 11:30 A.M. (ET/PT) Produced by Spin Master Entertainment, "Rubble & Crew" (26 episodes) follows Rubble and his pup family as they use their awesome construction vehicles to build and repair whatever the town of Builder Cove needs in high-stakes adventures.
[03/24/22 - 01:30 PM] Nickelodeon Supercharges Its Franchise Strategy with Steady Stream of New Premium Content for 2022-23 Season The news outlined today encompasses Nickelodeon's strategy across franchises, new premium content and live experiences.
[11/03/21 - 08:46 AM] "PAW Patrol" Is on a Roll with Second Movie, "PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie," Greenlit by Spin Master Entertainment and Nickelodeon Movies, with Paramount Pictures Distributing on October 13, 2023 Building off the franchise's global success, Nickelodeon and Spin Master Entertainment also announced a new "PAW Patrol" television series spin-off for one of the main pups set to debut in the same year.
STATUS: on hiatus or fate to be determined |
TIME SLOT: not on the schedule |
CURRENT SEASON: 2 (??? episodes) |
DESCRIPTION: (from Nickelodeon's web site, February 2023) What’s more fun than a pup in a construction vehicle? LOTS of pups in LOTS of construction vehicles! Rubble and his family - Aunt, Grandpa, cousins and all - are working hard to make their town, Builder Cove, a ter-ruff-ic place to live! |
· Bradley Zweig as CRTR/EP · Dianna Basso as DIR · Jennifer Dodge as EP · Joey So as SD · Keith Chapman as CRTR · Laura Clunie as EP · Ronnen Harary as EP · Toni Stevens as EP
· based on a tv series · comedy (all) · comedy (animated)
· Spin Master Entertainment