
[02/14/25 - 02:33 PM]
"Tyler Perry's Ruthless" Season 5 Returns March 13 on BET+
The series returns Thursday, March 13 with three episodes followed by one episode weekly, leading up to the season finale on Thursday, April 24.

[07/25/24 - 10:06 AM]
Video: BET+ Original - "Ruthless" Season 5 Trailer
The time has come for the most insane, the most intense, most season ever.

[07/16/24 - 07:31 AM]
BET Media Group Expands Its Offerings with the Debut of BET Tyler Perry FAST Channels
Viewers can now enjoy back-to-back episodes of their favorite BET original Tyler Perry series on BET Tyler Perry Comedy and BET Tyler Perry Drama FAST channels.

[04/16/24 - 07:00 AM]
BET Media Group Extends Multi-Year Content Partnership with Tyler Perry Through 2028
The pact includes new seasons of "Sistas," "The Oval," "Assisted Living," "House of Payne," "Zatima," "Bruh," "All the Queen's Men" as well as the new scripted series "Route 187."

[02/08/22 - 09:01 AM]
Video: BET+ Original - "Ruthless" Season 3
When chaos is king the rules of power will be broken. A new season premieres March 10, only on BET+

[11/05/21 - 09:01 AM]
Video: BET+ Original - Season 2 of "Ruthless" Returns
Season 2 of "Ruthless" returns November 25, only on BET+.

[09/21/21 - 11:26 AM]
This Fall BET and BET+'s Programming Slates Are Jam-Packed with Over 25 New Originals, Returning Favorites, Movies, and Specials, Solidifying Their Position as the Home Where Black Culture Lives
BET's diverse slate will reflect and celebrate Black culture like no other brand can.

[03/22/21 - 11:23 PM]
Development Update: Monday, March 22
Updates include: Jane Lynch signs onto ABC's "Bucktown"; Y'lan Noel to star in FX's "The Spook Who Sat by the Door"; and Amazon's "Jack Reacher" fills out principal cast.

[10/29/20 - 09:19 AM]
The Midseason Premiere of "Tyler Perry's Ruthless" Returns Thursday, November 26 on BET+
The one-hour drama will drop three episodes on its premiere date, with new episodes launching every Thursday on BET+.

[09/03/20 - 11:46 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, September 3
Updates include: Amazon nixes "Cortés y Moctezuma" limited series; Sony Pictures Television in early talks with Amazon for its suite of Marvel series; and Rachel Lee Goldenberg to helm HBO Max's "Minx" pilot.

[08/14/20 - 11:23 PM]
Development Update: Friday, August 14
Updates include: Peacock lands "Clueless" reboot TV series; Thomas Roberts named new host of "DailyMailTV"; and various Vancouver-based series on track to begin production.

[02/22/20 - 06:47 PM]
"Ruthless," The Newest Drama from Tyler Perry Arrives March 19, Only on BET+
Episodes will roll out Thursdays on the streaming service.

[11/07/19 - 11:50 AM]
BET Networks and Tyler Perry Studios Announce Perry's New Original Series for BET+, "Tyler Perry's Bruh" and "Tyler Perry's Ruthless," Expanding the Acclaimed Content Creator's Arsenal of Exclusive Programming for BET
The first series to complete production, "Tyler Perry's Bruh," produced by Perry exclusively for BET+, examines the world of dating, career, and friendship in a present-day society for a group of 30-something-year-old college friends.

Returns Thursday, March 13
3/19/20 - ???
returning this spring (yet to premiere)
thursdays from 3:01 AM-4:00 AM EST
5 (17 episodes)
(from BET+'s web site, August 2024) BET+ ORIGINAL. After becoming entangled with a religious cult, Ruth must play along until she can find a way to free herself and her daughter.
· Anthony Bless as Malcolm
· Baadja-Lyne Odums as Marva
· Blue Kimble as Andrew
· Bobbi Baker James as Cynthia
· Herve Clermont as Mack
· Jaime Callica as Brian
· Lenny Thomas as Dikhan
· Matt Cedeño as The Highest
· Melissa L. Williams as Ruth Truesdale
· Nirine S. Brown as Lynn
· Stephanie Charles as Sarah
· Yvonne Senat Jones as Tally
· Michelle Sneed as EP
· Tyler Perry as CRTR/EP/DIR (Pilot)
· based on a tv series
· drama
· Tyler Perry Studios