
[10/27/22 - 05:28 PM]
Prime Video Expands Suite of Thursday Night Football Alternate Streams With Debut of "TNF in The Shop"
Titled "TNF in The Shop," executive producers LeBron James and Maverick Carter and co-creator Paul Rivera will welcome a variety of special guests during an unmatched, watch party-style experience when Prime Video presents exclusive live coverage of "Thursday Night Football" on November 17, as the Tennessee Titans visit the Green Bay Packers.

[10/11/22 - 11:11 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, October 11
Updates include: "Law & Order: SVU" confirms Kelli Giddish's exit date; "The Shop: Uninterrupted" nixes Kanye West episode; and Anthony Piper's "Trill League" finds new home at BET+.

[02/28/22 - 09:20 AM]
Video: "The Shop" Season 5 with LeBron James - Official Trailer - Uninterrupted
Season 5 premieres this Friday, March 4 at 9 am PT / 12 pm ET on Uninterrupted's YouTube.

[05/24/21 - 08:59 AM]
HBO Sports and Uninterrupted Present an All-New Edition of "The Shop: Uninterrupted," Debuting May 28
Joining LeBron James and Maverick Carter for the season premiere are iconic music mogul, 23-time Grammy winner and 2021 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductee Jay-Z; rapper, singer and songwriter Bad Bunny; WNBA superstar Nneka Ogwumike; and marketing executive Paul Rivera.

[03/01/21 - 11:10 AM]
HBO Programming Overview - Spring 2021
The pay channel recaps its current and future offerings to date.

[10/27/20 - 08:00 AM]
Former President Barack Obama Joins LeBron James and Maverick Carter for a Special Edition of HBO's "The Shop: Uninterrupted," Debuting October 30
The episode will be available for free viewing for non-HBO subscribers from Saturday, October 31 at 10:00 a.m. ET through Saturday, November 28.

[01/15/20 - 12:00 PM]
HBO and Cinemax Programming Overview - WarnerMedia TCA Winter 2020
The company recaps its current and upcoming projects to date.

[02/24/19 - 12:34 PM]
Video: HBO Releases New Footage of 2019 Programming
The "It All Starts Here" promo will premiere tonight prior to the season finale of "True Detective."

[02/21/19 - 10:02 AM]
HBO Sports(R) and Uninterrupted Present the Season Premiere of "The Shop," Debuting Friday, March 1, Exclusively on HBO
Antonio Brown, Jamie Foxx, Meek Mill, Anthony Davis, Jerrod Carmichael and 2 Chainz are all featured on the new installment.

[10/04/18 - 12:15 PM]
HBO/Cinemax Programming Overview - Fall 2018
The company recaps its plans for the rest of the year and beyond.

[08/21/18 - 11:03 AM]
HBO Sports(R) in Association with Uninterrupted Present "The Shop," Unscripted Series Debuting Tuesday, Aug. 28, Exclusively on HBO
Offering unfiltered conversation and debate with some of the biggest names in sport and entertainment, the show will air periodically throughout the year.

[07/26/18 - 11:32 AM]
HBO Sports(R) and Uninterrupted Present "The Shop," Unscripted Series Debuting Tuesday, Aug. 28, Exclusively on HBO
The debut installment features LeBron James, Maverick Carter, Snoop Dogg, Odell Beckham Jr., Alvin Kamara, Draymond Green, Candace Parker and Jon Stewart.

8/28/18 - ???
on hiatus or fate to be determined
completed airing its current season
7 (8 episodes)
completed airing its seventh season on 8/1/24; has yet to be renewed for an eighth season
(from YouTube's web site, March 2024) Authentic. Insightful. Entertaining. UNINTERRUPTED is the athlete empowerment brand founded by LeBron James & Maverick Carter featuring videos from the athlete's perspective, original series, podcasts, and documentaries.
· LeBron James
· Maverick Carter
· Brandon Riley as PROD
· Camille Maratchi as CO-EP
· Devin Johnson as EP
· Jamal Henderson as EP
· Kevin McGrail as PROD
· LeBron James as EP
· Maverick Carter as EP
· Paul Rivera as CRTR
· Philip Byron as EP
· Randy Mims as CRTR
· Rob Roediger as PROD
· talk show
· HBO Sports
· SpringHill Company, The