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[02/10/22 - 08:53 AM] AMC Networks Announces Spring Lineup of New and Returning Original Series and Specials This spring, AMC Networks unveils a robust slate of compelling dramas, fan-favorite franchises, and highly-anticipated films across its channels and targeted streaming services including AMC+, AMC, Acorn TV, ALLBLK, IFC, BBC America, Shudder, Sundance Now, SundanceTV and WE TV.
[01/12/22 - 11:10 AM] Video: For Better or Worse - Brendan Gleeson & Patricia Clarkson Confront a Troubled Marriage in Trailer for SundanceTV's "State of the Union" The short-form, groundbreaking series returns on Monday, February 14 on SundanceTV, Sundance Now and AMC+.
[12/15/21 - 10:01 AM] "State of the Union," SundanceTV's Multi-Emmy Award-Winning Short Form Anthology Series, Returns February 14 The groundbreaking short form series will unfold across 10 episodes, each 10 minutes in length, over 10 nights starting February 14 at 10:00/9:00c on SundanceTV.
[01/27/21 - 07:01 AM] Back for a Little More, The Emmy Award-Winning Short Form Series "State of the Union" Renewed for a Second Season on SundanceTV Produced by See-Saw Films, Brendan Gleeson, Patricia Clarkson and Esco Jouléy will lead the second installment of the innovative format, 10 episodes, each 10 minutes in length, which commenced production in January.
[03/27/19 - 10:35 AM] SundanceTV Marries Short Form Innovation with Premium Scripted Drama in "State of the Union," Starring Award-Winners Rosamund Pike and Chris O'Dowd The series will be rolled out on multiple platforms simultaneously, including its "10@10" debut on SundanceTV starting Monday, May 6 through Friday, May 17, where a ten-minute installment will be released each weeknight at 10:00/9:00c.
[10/10/18 - 05:13 AM] First Look: Rosamund Pike & Chris O'Dowd in "State of the Union" on SundanceTV A series of 10 by 10-minute episodes, "State of the Union" follows Louise and Tom (Pike and O'Dowd) who meet in a pub immediately before their weekly marital therapy session.
[07/13/18 - 07:13 AM] Stephen Frears to Direct Rosamund Pike and Chris O'Dowd in "State of the Union" The SundanceTV series follows Louise and Tom (Pike and O'Dowd) who meet in a pub immediately before their weekly marital therapy session.
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STATUS: canceled/ended (2021-2022 season) |
TIME SLOT: completed airing its current season |
SEASON(S): 2 (20 episodes, 0 of which have yet to air) |
ADDITIONAL NOTES: a show on hiatus for longer than 12 months - without any news about its future - is assumed to be canceled |
DESCRIPTION: (from Sundance Now's web site, February 2022) From the brilliant mind of Nick Hornby (Brooklyn, Fever Pitch) comes a series of ten ten-minute episodes about contemporary relationships. Each episode is set in a pub immediately before Tom (Chris O’Dowd) and Louise (Rosamund Pike) have their weekly marital therapy session. Tom and Louise banter and bicker, spar and spat but as blame and guilt get dealt out, an energy re-emerges in their partnership. With each successive episode, a jigsaw puzzle comes together of how their lives were, what drew them apart, and what may draw them together again. Now the recipient of three Emmy Awards including Best Short Form Series and for the performances of both Chris O'Dowd and Rosamund Pike. |
· Brendan Gleeson as Scott · Esco Jouléy · Patricia Clarkson as Ellen
· Chris O'Dowd as Tom · Rosamund Pike as Louise
· Emile Sherman as EP · Hakan Kousetta as EP · Iain Canning as EP · Jamie Laurenson as EP · Nick Hornby as CRTR/EP · Sophie Reynolds as PROD · Stephen Frears as EP/DIR
· comedy (all) · comedy (single-camera)
· See-Saw Films