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date (day) time network episode title
3/12/25 (We.)9:00 PMNGCMeth Delivery Service (R)
11/30/24 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGC(#808) Secret Stash - Meth Inside the Machine (R)
11/23/24 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGC(#807) Secret Stash - Drugs, Bugs and the Big Buy-Bust (R)
11/16/24 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGC(#806) Secret Stash - No Rest for the Wicked (R)
11/9/24 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGC(#805) Secret Stash - These Bedsheets Are Dope! (R)
11/2/24 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGC(#804) Secret Stash - Spiced and Loaded (R)
10/26/24 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGC(#803) Secret Stash - Blitzed at the Border (R)
10/19/24 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGC(#802) Secret Stash - Weed In, Weed Out (R)
10/16/24 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#808) Meth Inside the Machine
10/12/24 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGC(#801) Secret Stash - Unholy Guacamole (R)
10/9/24 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#807) Drugs, Bugs and the Big Buy-Bust
10/5/24 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGC(#708) Secret Stash - Flesh, Bones, Ketamine and Drones (R)
10/2/24 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#806) No Rest for the Wicked
9/28/24 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGC(#707) Secret Stash - Coked-up Oatmeal (R)
9/25/24 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#805) These Bedsheets Are Dope!
9/21/24 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGC(#706) Secret Stash - My Big Fat Weed Run (R)
9/18/24 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#804) Spiced and Loaded
9/14/24 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGC(#705) Secret Stash - New Drug on the Block (R)
9/11/24 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#803) Blitzed at the Border
9/7/24 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGC(#704) Secret Stash - Coke and the Kids (R)
9/4/24 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#802) Weed In, Weed Out
9/2/24 (Mo.)9:00 PMNGC(#801) Unholy Guacamole
8/31/24 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGC(#703) Secret Stash - Pots of Coke (R)
8/24/24 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGC(#702) Secret Stash - Not My Meth (R)
8/17/24 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGC(#701) Secret Stash - Cocaine Leaks and Ancient Greeks (R)
6/19/24 (We.)3:01 AMDISNEY+S7, 8 episodes (R)
6/12/24 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#708) Flesh, Bones, Ketamine and Drones
6/5/24 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#707) Coked-up Oatmeal
5/29/24 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#706) My Big Fat Weed Run
5/22/24 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#705) New Drug on the Block
5/15/24 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#704) Coke and the Kids
5/8/24 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#703) Pots of Coke
5/1/24 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#702) Not My Meth
4/24/24 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#701) Cocaine Leaks and Ancient Greeks
12/2/23 (Sa.)10:30 PMNGCSpot Check: Coke on the Water (R)
12/2/23 (Sa.)10:00 PMNGCSpot Check: Blow Overboard (R)
12/2/23 (Sa.)9:30 PMNGCSpot Check: It's Raining Meth (R)
12/2/23 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGCSpot Check: Guac and Coke (R)
11/25/23 (Sa.)9:30 PMNGCSpot Check: Meth in the City (R)
11/25/23 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGCSpot Check: MDMA on the Move (R)
11/15/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#617) Chasing Shadows
11/15/23 (We.)3:01 AMDISNEY+S6, 8 episodes (R)
11/11/23 (Sa.)9:30 PMNGCSpot Check: Dark Net Dragnet (R)
11/11/23 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGCSpot Check: Tunnel from Tijuana (R)
11/8/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#616) 18 Wheels and a Load
11/4/23 (Sa.)9:30 PMNGCSpot Check: Talibani Treasure Trove (R)
11/4/23 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGCSpot Check: Cocaine Snapper (R)
11/1/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#615) On the Nose
10/28/23 (Sa.)9:30 PMNGCSpot Check: Dope on a Rope (R)
10/28/23 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGCSpot Check: Million Dollar Ride (R)
10/25/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#614) Have Your Cake and Sniff It Too
10/21/23 (Sa.)9:30 PMNGCSpot Check: Powdered Rims (R)
10/21/23 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGCSpot Check: Gas Tank Meth (R)
10/18/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#613) Special Delivery
10/14/23 (Sa.)9:30 PMNGCSpot Check: Guns of New York (R)
10/14/23 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGCSpot Check: Killer Ketamine (R)
10/11/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#612) Terrible Liars
10/7/23 (Sa.)9:30 PMNGCSpot Check: Smorgasbord of Smack (R)
10/7/23 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGCSpot Check: Bunked in a Trunk (R)
10/4/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#611) Hidden Treasures
9/30/23 (Sa.)10:00 PMNGC(#608) Secret Stash - Cocaine Rides in the Crew Cab (R)
9/30/23 (Sa.)9:30 PMNGCSpot Check: Jungle Stash (R)
9/30/23 (Sa.)9:00 PMNGCSpot Check: Smuggled and Muzzled (R)
9/27/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#610) By Air, Land, and Sea
9/27/23 (We.)3:01 AMDISNEY+S5, 8 episodes (R)
9/23/23 (Sa.)10:00 PMNGC(#607) Secret Stash - Meth Magnets and Dirty Money (R)
9/20/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#609) Cocaine Granny
9/16/23 (Sa.)10:00 PMNGC(#606) Secret Stash - Gold Diggers (R)
9/13/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#608) Cocaine Rides in the Crew Cab
9/6/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#607) Meth Magnets and Dirty Money
9/2/23 (Sa.)10:00 PMNGC(#605) Secret Stash - Fentanyl Express (R)
8/30/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#606) Gold Diggers
8/26/23 (Sa.)10:00 PMNGC(#604) Secret Stash - Money Dog (R)
8/23/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#605) Fentanyl Express
8/19/23 (Sa.)10:00 PMNGC(#603) Secret Stash - To the Grinder (R)
8/16/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#604) Money Dog
8/12/23 (Sa.)10:00 PMNGC(#602) Secret Stash - Asleep on Lots of Coke (R)
8/9/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#603) To the Grinder
8/5/23 (Sa.)10:00 PMNGC(#601) Secret Stash - Junk in the Trunk (R)
8/2/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#602) Asleep on Lots of Coke
7/29/23 (Sa.)10:00 PMNGC(#508) Secret Stash - Ice Cold Cocaine (R)
7/26/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#601) Junk in the Trunk
7/1/23 (Sa.)10:00 PMNGC(#507) Secret Stash - Freeway Meth (R)
6/28/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#508) Ice Cold Cocaine
6/24/23 (Sa.)10:00 PMNGC(#506) Secret Stash - Dope in the Hood (R)
6/21/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#507) Freeway Meth
6/14/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#506) Dope in the Hood
6/7/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#505) The Coke Eater
5/31/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#504) Bananas and Blow
5/24/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#503) Popped for Pills
5/17/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#502) Hot Drugs
5/10/23 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#501) Boatloads of Coke
2/22/23 (We.)3:01 AMDISNEY+S4 (R)
12/14/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGCReally Breaking Bad (R)
12/7/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGCYoung Suspects (R)
11/30/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGCSurprising Discoveries (R)
11/23/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGCMind Games (R)
11/16/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#410) It's Raining Meth
11/9/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#409) Guac and Coke
11/2/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#408) Meth in the City
11/2/22 (We.)3:01 AMDISNEY+S1, S2, S3 (R)
10/26/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#407) MDMA on the Move
10/19/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#406) Coke on the Water
10/12/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#405) Blow Overboard
10/5/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#404) Dark Net Dragnet
9/28/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#403) Tunnel from Tijuana
9/21/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#402) Talibani Treasure Trove
9/14/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#401) Cocaine Snapper
5/11/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGCLook Once, Look Twice (R)
5/4/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#300) Lethal Hide and Seek (R)
4/27/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#312) Drug Boat Bust
4/20/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#311) Six Million Dollar Seizure
4/13/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#310) Dope on a Rope
4/6/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#309) Million Dollar Ride
3/30/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#308) Powdered Rims
3/23/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#307) Gas Tank Meth
3/16/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#306) Guns of New York
3/9/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#305) Killer Ketamine
3/2/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#304) Smorgasbord of Smack
2/23/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#303) Bunked in a Trunk
2/16/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#302) Jungle Stash
2/10/22 (Th.)12:01 AMHULUSeason 3 Premiere (R) (**)
2/10/22 (Th.)12:01 AMHULUSeason 3 Premiere (R)
2/9/22 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#301) Smuggled and Muzzled
5/19/21 (We.)10:15 PMNGCSecret Stash - Mega Millions Meth Stash (R)
5/19/21 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#215) Meth Lab Takedown
5/12/21 (We.)10:00 PMNGCSecret Stash - Express Delivery Ecstasy (R)
5/12/21 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#214) Mega Millions Meth Stash
5/5/21 (We.)10:00 PMNGCSecret Stash - Mobile Meth (R)
5/5/21 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#213) Express Delivery Ecstasy
4/28/21 (We.)10:00 PMNGCSecret Stash - Fentanyl Within (R)
4/28/21 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#212) Mobile Meth
4/21/21 (We.)10:00 PMNGCSecret Stash - Lockdown Lockup (R)
4/21/21 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#211) Fentanyl Within
4/14/21 (We.)10:00 PMNGCSecret Stash - Dark Web and Liquid Drugs (R)
4/14/21 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#210) Lockdown Lockup
4/7/21 (We.)10:00 PMNGCSecret Stash - Coke, Cakes, and Cash (R)
4/7/21 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#209) Cocaine Shoes
3/31/21 (We.)10:00 PMNGCSecret Stash - Party Drugs in Miami (R)
3/31/21 (We.)9:00 PMNGCNYC: Coke and the City (R)
3/17/21 (We.)10:00 PMNGCSecret Stash - Stash House Takedown (R)
3/17/21 (We.)9:00 PMNGCTBA (R)
3/10/21 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#208) Dark Web and Liquid Drugs
3/3/21 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#207) Coke, Cakes and Cash
2/24/21 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#206) Stash House Takedown
2/17/21 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#205) Hidden Compartments
2/10/21 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#204) Endangered and Smuggled
2/3/21 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#203) Party Drugs
1/27/21 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#202) The Coke Inside
1/20/21 (We.)9:00 PMNGC(#201) Mama's Meth
8/26/20 (We.)9:00 PMNGCLA Undercover (R)
8/19/20 (We.)9:00 PMNGCRunning Guns in Miami (R)
8/12/20 (We.)9:00 PMNGCNYC Showdown (R)
6/17/20 (We.)9:00 PMNGCSecret Stash - Decoys, Diversions and Drug Busts (R)
6/10/20 (We.)10:00 PMNGCSecret Stash - Cocaine Sausages (R)
6/10/20 (We.)9:00 PMNGCSecret Stash - Drugs, Guns and Money (R)
6/3/20 (We.)10:00 PMNGCSecret Stash - Smuggle Once, Smuggle Twice? (R)
6/3/20 (We.)9:00 PMNGCSecret Stash - Suspicious Suitcase (R)
5/27/20 (We.)9:00 PMNGCSecret Stash - Cocaine Crackdown (R)
3/4/20 (We.)10:00 PMNGC(#102) Club Drugs and Party People (R)
2/26/20 (We.)10:00 PMNGC(#101) Internal Investigation (R)
2/19/20 (We.)10:00 PMNGC(#108) Decoys, Diversions and Drug Busts
2/12/20 (We.)10:00 PMNGC(#107) Cocaine Sausages
2/5/20 (We.)10:00 PMNGC(#106) Drugs, Guns and Money
1/29/20 (We.)10:00 PMNGC(#105) Smuggle Once, Smuggle Twice?
1/22/20 (We.)10:00 PMNGC(#104) Cocaine Crackdown
1/15/20 (We.)10:00 PMNGC(#103) Suspicious Suitcase
1/8/20 (We.)10:00 PMNGC(#102) Club Drugs and Party People
1/1/20 (We.)10:00 PMNGC(#101) Internal Investigation
11/5/12 (Mo.)10:00 PMNGC(#105) Search & Seize
10/29/12 (Mo.)9:00 PMNGC(#104) Coke in the Coat
10/22/12 (Mo.)9:00 PMNGC(#103) Hidden Heroin
10/15/12 (Mo.)9:00 PMNGC(#102) Cavity Courier
10/8/12 (Mo.)9:00 PMNGC(#101) Courier to Kingpin
11/27/11 (Su.)9:00 PMNGC(#100) Pilot

11/27/11 - ???
on hiatus or fate to be determined
completed airing its current season
8 (8 episodes)
completed airing its eighth season on 10/16/24; has yet to be renewed for a ninth season
(from National Geographic's web site, September 2024) Homeland Security officers work to stem the flow of illegal contraband at America's airports, seaports and land border crossings.
· no information is available
· reality (all)
· reality (documentary)
· no information is available