
[01/21/25 - 11:00 AM]
What's New on Max This February
Highlights include new seasons of "The White Lotus" and "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver," premiering February 16.

[01/21/25 - 08:15 AM]
Ultimate Culinary Competition "Tournament of Champions" Returns with Epic Showdowns and Diabolical Randomizer Twists
For the first time ever, all four former champions of the series will hang up their knives for new, on set assignments.

[04/08/24 - 10:01 AM]
Warner Bros. Discovery Claimed Five Nights of More Than a 50 Percent Share of Primetime Cable Viewing Among Adults During First Quarter
Ratings drivers included TNT Sports' coverage of the 2024 NCAA Men's Tournament in March as well as Investigation Discovery's "Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV," Food Network's "Tournament of Champions" and "Wildcard Kitchen" and Adult Swim's "Ninja Kamui."

[04/01/24 - 09:36 AM]
Warner Bros. Discovery - Driven by TNT Sports' Coverage of NCAA Men's March Madness - Dominated Primetime Cable Viewing the Week of March 18 Delivering Its Highest Share Week of 2024
WBD's popular lifestyle, entertainment and sports brands, which also include Discovery, HGTV, Adult Swim and OWN, garnered a 52 percent share on Friday, March 22, a 54 percent share on Saturday, March 23, and a 57 percent share on Sunday, March 24, among Adults 18-49.

[03/26/24 - 09:42 AM]
Top Original Series on Discovery, HGTV, Food Network, Investigation Discovery and TLC Helped Drive Warner Bros. Discovery to Deliver a 40 Percent Share of Adult Viewing on Sunday, March 17
In addition, WBD's strong March 17 performance was bolstered by the HBO original series "Curb Your Enthusiasm."

[02/26/24 - 07:31 AM]
Warner Bros. Discovery Delivered Nearly a 60 Percent Share of Adult Viewing on Sunday, Feb. 18 and Nearly a 50 Percent Share on Saturday, Feb. 17 Driven by TNT Sports' Coverage of NBA All-Star Game
WBD's HBO also reported a strong Sunday performance for its original series "True Detective: Night Country," which attracted 3.2 million cross-platform viewers to the season finale - its most-watched episode this season.

[01/23/24 - 12:46 PM]
What's New on Max This February
Max announces programming coming to the platform this February, including the debut of the twelfth and final season of HBO Original "Curb Your Enthusiasm."

[01/22/24 - 02:23 PM]
Intense Culinary Battles, Randomizer Wild Cards, Unpredictable Upsets and More in "Tournament of Champions V"
The skills and abilities of 32 of the most talented chefs from the East and West coast, including all four previous champions, will be pushed to the limit in the most difficult sudden-death, bracket-style culinary competition.

[12/01/23 - 11:33 PM]
Development Update: Week of November 27-December 1
Updates include: Timothy Olyphant among latest cast in FX's "Alien" TV series; Amazon eyes "The Boys: Mexico" spin-off series; and Apple pulls the plug on "Swagger" after two seasons.

[07/05/23 - 12:22 PM]
Networks at Warner Bros. Discovery Boast Three Nights with 60 Percent Share of Viewing in Second Quarter
Since March, the network group, which includes Discovery, Food Network, HGTV, Investigation Discovery, TBS, TNT, TLC, Adult Swim, OWN and others, also delivered 16 nights with more than a 50 percent share of cable viewing among Adults 18-49 - outperforming other network groups in second quarter.

[05/17/23 - 08:05 AM]
Food Network's Schedule Packs Star Power and Seasonality - Selena Gomez and The Elf on the Shelf Among Headliners of New Programming
Fresh off her hit Emmy-nominated HBO Max series, "Selena + Chef," Selena joins Food Network later this year with a new celebration-focused series just in time for the holidays.

[04/04/23 - 08:12 AM]
Six Warner Bros. Discovery Lifestyle and Entertainment Brands Among the Top 10 Cable Networks During First Quarter
Delivering more than 128 million total viewers on average each month, the networks also accounted for viewing by one-third of all Adults 25-54 and Adults 18-49 who watched cable during prime.

[01/12/23 - 07:24 AM]
The Toughest and Most Unpredictable Culinary Competition Is Back - "Tournament of Champions IV"
Guy Fieri's iconic culinary competition returns with a supersized fourth season on Sunday, February 19 at 8:00/7:00c on Food Network.

[01/05/23 - 08:15 AM]
US Networks Group at Warner Bros. Discovery Closes Out 2022 with 6 of Top 10 Networks and 17 of Top 30 Freshman Series in Prime
Together, the networks in the group accounted for nearly 31% of all P25-54/P18-49 primetime cable viewing and outperformed competitors with 17 of the top 30 top-rated unscripted freshman series in primetime.

[01/18/22 - 12:34 PM]
The Toughest Culinary Competition Is Back with Double the Chefs and Double the Battles on "Tournament of Champions III"
This year, the toughest bracket-style tournament is supersized with two-hour long episodes and 32 of the country's most talented chefs going head-to-head to win the largest prize in the tournament's history.

[12/16/21 - 09:06 AM]
Food Network on Track to Finish 2021 as #1 Overall Cable Network Among W25-54 in Weekend ITK, Tied as #2 Overall Cable Network Among W18-49 in Total Day
"All year long Food Network has been committed to super-serving our audience and inviting new fans to the brand and we are thrilled with our 2021 success," said Courtney White.

[04/23/21 - 12:20 PM]
HGTV, Food Network and TLC Delivered 16 Million Viewers in Primetime Sunday, April 18
Said trio helped Discovery, Inc. deliver 32% of women watching cable that Sunday.

[04/05/21 - 09:38 AM]
Food Network Strikes New Multi-Year Exclusive Deal with Guy Fieri
The new deal spans three years and includes bringing audiences more of Fieri's Primetime Emmy-nominated series "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives" as well as more episodes of fan-favorites, "Guy's Grocery Games" and Guy's most recent ratings success, "Tournament of Champions."

[01/27/21 - 08:36 AM]
Guy Fieri Is Back with the Toughest Bracket-Style Culinary Competition "Tournament of Champions II" with a New Wild Card Play-In for the Final East and West Coast Seeds
The action-packed, sports-like tournament kicks off on Sunday, March 7, and each 90-minute episode is filled with unpredictable action, fierce rivalries, and shocking upsets.

[01/23/20 - 01:28 PM]
Guy Fieri Hosts New Bracket-Style Culinary Competition Series "Tournament of Champions"
The five-part series launches Wednesday, March 4 at 10:00/9:00c on Food Network.

3/4/20 - ???
currently airing (winter 2025)
sundays from 8:00 PM-10:00 PM EST
6 (??? episodes)
(from Discovery+'s web site, February 2025) Guy Fieri gathers some of the world's greatest chefs for an intense, single-elimination culinary tournament. Emotions run high as the chefs battle to stay in the competition, and surprises unfold both inside and outside the arena.
· Guy Fieri as Host
· no information is available
· reality (all)
· reality (competition)
· Knuckle Sandwich
· Lando Entertainment