[02/25/25 - 12:01 PM] Top 10 Week of Feb. 17: "American Murder: Gabby Petito" Hits No. 1 in This Week's Top 10 Audiences also tuned in for the new drama-thriller series "Zero Day" - starring Robert De Niro, about a deadly cyberattack - which debuted at No. 2 in English TV (19.1 million views).
[01/16/25 - 03:16 AM] Video: Netflix Unveils the Official Trailer of the Final Season of "Valeria" The series produced by Plano a Plano and based on the novels by Elísabet Benavent, will feature six episodes and will premiere on Netflix globally on February 14.
[12/12/24 - 03:02 AM] "Valeria" Season Four Premieres on February 14th As the four close friends venture into their thirties, their lives face new challenges that make it increasingly difficult to meet up.
[06/27/23 - 11:41 AM] Netflix Top 10 Week of June 19: "Extraction 2" Dominates Films List, "Black Mirror" Season 6 Tops TV Season four of "Never Have I Ever" was #2 with 5M views for the week.
[06/20/23 - 11:53 AM] Netflix Top 10 Week of June 12: Chris Hemsworth's "Extraction 2" Tops All Views Season four of "Never Have I Ever" starring Maitreyi Ramakrishnan jumped into the #1 spot on the English TV List with 11.5M views.
[06/13/23 - 02:00 PM] Netflix Top 10 Week of June 5: "Manifest" Tops the English TV List, "Never Have I Ever" Debuts Its Final Season, "The Mother" Climbs on the Most Popular List Fans can't get enough of Arnold Schwarzenegger as the action star holds two spots on the list with "FUBAR" pulling in an additional 42.28M hours viewed and new docuseries "Arnold" drawing 24.51M hours viewed.
[06/06/23 - 02:07 PM] Netflix Top 10 Week of May 29: "The Mother" Enters the Most Popular List; "FUBAR" Is the Most Viewed Title The final episodes of "Manifest" had a successful landing as Season 4, Part 2 debuted on the English TV List with 39.4M hours viewed.
[10/28/21 - 04:22 AM] Netflix Spain Reveals Latest Original Series and Films Among its offerings: the third and final season "Valeria"; "Hasta el cielo" to continue as a TV series; as well as newcomers "La chica de la nieve," "Feria: The Darkest Light," "El silencio," "Smiley," "Where is Marta?" and "¿A quién le gusta mi follower?"
[07/12/21 - 02:01 AM] Video: "Valeria" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix The four friends support and lift each other up as they each make momentous decisions that will affect their respective careers and love lives.
[06/15/20 - 01:00 AM] More "Valeria" - The TV Adaptation of Elisabet Benavent's Literary Saga Will Have a Second Season In the second season, Valeria must face a decision that could mark her future as a writer.
[04/14/20 - 06:20 AM] Video: "Valeria" - Official Trailer - Netflix To understand Valeria, you have to put yourself in her shoes.
[04/08/20 - 01:16 PM] "Valeria" Premieres on May 8th The new original Spanish series by Netflix is based on the novels by Elísabet Benavent, published by Penguin Random House Editorial Group, and that has sold nearly a million copies.
[07/09/19 - 04:05 AM] "Valeria," From the Books to the Screen - Netflix Confirms the Cast and Announces the Start of Production of Its New Original Series Based on Elisabet Benavent's Books Produced by Plano a Plano, this new original series will premiere worldwide in 2020.
[02/06/19 - 05:34 AM] Netflix Announces Five New Spanish Original Series The five new shows cover a variety of genres and formats that will offer consumers a diverse and exciting choice of content.