
[01/07/25 - 06:09 AM]
Hallmark Channel Finishes 2024 as the #1 Most-Watched Entertainment Cable Network of the Year
"Countdown to Christmas" original movie premieres delivered the Top 3 most-watched cable movies of the year among key demos: "Holiday Touchdown: A Chiefs Love Story" at #1, "Three Wiser Men and a Boy" at #2, and "Santa Tell Me" at #3.

[01/01/25 - 12:01 AM]
Video: Preview - Coming in January - Hallmark+
Highlights include the original series "Small Town Setup," premiering January 2, as well as next day premieres of Hallmark Channel's previously announced series and movies.

[12/13/24 - 06:31 PM]
Season 3 of "The Way Home" Will Premiere on Hallmark Channel Starting Friday, January 3 at 9/8c
Due to overwhelming demand, the new season will debut on the linear channel and be available the next day on Hallmark+.

[11/25/24 - 02:49 PM]
Hallmark's Critically Acclaimed, Hit Series "The Way Home" Jumps Back Into the Pond When Season 3 Premieres January 2, Exclusively on Hallmark+
Season three picks up where season two left off - with Kat (Chyler Leigh) and her brother Jacob (Spencer Macpherson), who went missing more than two decades ago at the age of eight and is now an adult, poised to walk into the Landry home to an unsuspecting Del (Andie MacDowell).

[04/08/24 - 06:05 AM]
"The Way Home" Season Two Wraps as the #1 Most-Watched Original Series on Entertainment Cable Among Women 18+
The show's second season reached 5.7 million unduplicated total viewers.

[03/20/24 - 06:00 AM]
Critically Acclaimed Hit Series "The Way Home" Renewed by Hallmark for Season 3
Set to return in 2025, the multigenerational family drama with a fascinating time travel twist has captivated the hearts and minds of viewers critics alike.

[03/04/24 - 07:33 AM]
"The Way Home" Tops Entertainment Cable Rankings as Season 2 Hits Midseason
For five consecutive episodes, "The Way Home" has ranked among the top two most-watched entertainment cable programs of the week with Women 18+.

[01/26/24 - 12:58 PM]
"The Way Home" Returns as #1 Most-Watched Entertainment Cable Program of the Day
The premiere was also the #2 most-watched entertainment cable program of the week among Women 18+ and 55+, second only to Hallmark Channel's all-new original movie premiere, "Betty's Bad Luck in Love," on Saturday.

[01/05/24 - 09:17 AM]
Hallmark Channel Closes Out 2023 as Most-Watched Entertainment Cable Network of the Year Among Key Demos
The network's standout original holiday movie premiere, "A Merry Scottish Christmas" starring "Party of Five" costars Lacey Chabert and Scott Wolf, set records across the cable industry as the #1 most-watched cable movie of the year in 2023.

[11/30/23 - 12:35 PM]
January on Hallmark, "The Way Home" Is Back Along with Five All-New Movie Premieres
Highlights include Katherine MacNamara in "True Justice: Family Ties," premiering Friday, January 12 on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries.

[11/21/23 - 08:00 AM]
Hallmark Channel's Critically Acclaimed Hit Primetime Series "The Way Home" Returns for More Family Drama, Mystery and Time Travel When Season 2 Premieres January 21
Andie MacDowell, Chyler Leigh, Evan Williams and Sadie Laflamme-Snow reprise their roles from its breakout inaugural season.

[03/31/23 - 01:01 PM]
"The Way Home" Season One Concludes as #1 Most-Watched Program on Entertainment Cable, Propelling Hallmark Channel to #1 on Weekends and #2 in Total Day
Season One reached 6.8 million Unduplicated Total Viewers.

[03/02/23 - 08:01 AM]
Critically Acclaimed Hit Series "The Way Home" Renewed for Season 2 on Hallmark Channel
"The press and our audience have enthusiastically embraced 'The Way Home' from the first episode making the decision to renew the series an easy one," said Lisa Hamilton Daly, Executive Vice President, Programming, Hallmark Media.

[02/07/23 - 10:41 AM]
Hallmark Channel Brings Viewers a Special Super-Sized Night on Sunday, March 26
Look for the season finale of "The Way Home" at 8:00/7:00c followed by the launch of "The Ride" at 9:00/8:00c.

[01/20/23 - 12:12 PM]
New Original Series "The Way Home" Elevates Hallmark Channel to #1 for the Week and Weekend in Total Day and Primetime
The show captured viewers on a L+3 basis, becoming the second most-watched entertainment cable program on Sunday and the third most-watched of the week, reaching a significant 2.4 million Unduplicated Total Viewers.

[11/17/22 - 10:00 AM]
Hallmark Channel's New, Original Primetime Series "The Way Home" Set to Premiere January 15, 2023
Andie MacDowell, Chyler Leigh and Sadie Laflamme-Snow star in the series.

[08/23/22 - 11:46 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, August 23
Updates include: Mireille Enos joins Bob Odenkirk in AMC's "Straight Man"; Dania Ramirez to lead FOX's "Alert"; and Scott Foley to visit "The Girls on the Bus" at HBO Max.

[08/15/22 - 10:00 AM]
Production Starts on Hallmark Channel's "The Way Home," A New, Original Primeteime Series Set to Bow on the Network in 2023
Andie MacDowell, Chyler Leigh and Sadie Laflamme-Snow star in this multigenerational family drama shooting on location in and around Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

[08/09/22 - 12:00 PM]
Chyler Leigh Joins the Cast of "The Way Home," A New, Original Primeteime Series Set to Bow on the Network in 2023
Leigh plays Kat Landry, who moved away from her small, Canadian farm town of Port Haven many years ago following a family tragedy, and remains estranged from her mother Del (Andie MacDowell) to this day.

[06/27/22 - 11:00 AM]
Andie MacDowell Returns to Hallmark Channel in "The Way Home," A New, Original Primeteime Series Set to Bow on the Network in 2023
MacDowell plays Del, matriarch of the Landry family and a pillar of the close-knit community of her small, Canadian farm town.

[05/12/22 - 11:00 AM]
"The Way Home," An All-New Drama Series to Premiere on Hallmark Channel in 2023
"The Way Home" is a family drama following the lives of three generations of women within the Landry family that spans the years through a time travel twist.

1/15/23 - ???
currently airing (winter 2025)
fridays from 9:00 PM-10:00 PM EST
3 (10 episodes)
(from Hallmark Channel's web site, January 2025) The Way Home tells the story of three generations of women – Kat Landry (Chyler Leigh), her teen Alice (Sadie Laflamme-Snow) and Kat’s mother Del (Andie MacDowell) – who are all strong, willful and independent. More than 20 years prior, life-changing events prompted Kat to move away from her small, Canadian farm town and she remains estranged from Del to this day. At a crossroads in her life, Kat moves back with Alice to her family’s farm though the reunion isn’t what Kat envisioned. When Alice and Kat unwittingly discover the ability to travel between the past and present, mother and daughter are determined to unearth the truth around the earlier tragedies as they try to change the course of events. Kat’s childhood friend Elliot (Evan Williams) is there for them in both eras as they navigate their journeys across time, helping the three women find their way back to each other.
· Al Mukadam
· Alex Hook
· Andie MacDowell as Del
· Chyler Leigh as Kat Landry
· David Webster
· Evan Williams as Elliot Augustine
· Jefferson Brown
· Sadie Laflamme-Snow as Alice
· Siddarth Sharma
· Alexandra Clarke as CRTR/EP
· Andie MacDowell as EP
· Arnie Zipursky as EP
· Chyler Leigh as EP
· Fernando Szew as EP
· Hannah Pillemer as EP
· Heather Conkie as CRTR/EP
· Larry Grimaldi as EP
· Lauren MacKinlay as EP
· Marly Reed as EP
· drama
· MarVista Entertainment
· Neshama Entertainment