date (day) |
time |
network |
episode title |
2/2/15 (Mo.) | 9:00 PM | WEATHER | (#208) Crisis in the Cockpit |
1/26/15 (Mo.) | 9:00 PM | WEATHER | (#207) Fatal Flaws |
1/19/15 (Mo.) | 9:00 PM | WEATHER | (#206) Who's Flying |
1/12/15 (Mo.) | 9:00 PM | WEATHER | (#205) Chopper Down |
1/5/15 (Mo.) | 9:00 PM | WEATHER | (#204) Sudden Impact |
12/29/14 (Mo.) | 9:00 PM | WEATHER | (#203) Severe Weather |
12/22/14 (Mo.) | 9:00 PM | WEATHER | (#202) Brush With Death |
12/15/14 (Mo.) | 9:00 PM | WEATHER | (#201) Crisis in the Sky |
9/9/13 (Mo.) | 9:00 PM | WEATHER | (WPC105) Human Error |
9/2/13 (Mo.) | 9:00 PM | WEATHER | (WPC104) Fire in the Sky |
8/26/13 (Mo.) | 9:00 PM | WEATHER | (WPC103) Breaking Point |
8/19/13 (Mo.) | 9:00 PM | WEATHER | (WPC102) Brace for Impact |
8/12/13 (Mo.) | 9:00 PM | WEATHER | (WPC101) Collision Course |

STATUS: canceled/ended (2014-2015 season) |
TIME SLOT: completed airing its current season |
SEASON(S): 2 (13 episodes, 0 of which have yet to air) |
ADDITIONAL NOTES: a show on hiatus for longer than 12 months - without any news about its future - is assumed to be canceled |
DESCRIPTION: (from The Weather Channel's press release, November 2014) Fog, haze, hail... these events may seem like harmless, everyday occurrences, but when it comes to planes, weather can be deadly. "Why Planes Crash" investigates the elements that contributed to some of the world's most shocking aviation incidents. Highlighted by witness and survivor interviews, expert perspectives, black box testimony, and animation built straight from the case files of the FAA, the series explores what happens when weather goes terribly wrong for those traveling by air. "Why Planes Crash" is produced by Peacock Productions ("Weather Caught on Camera," "Storm Stories"). 8x 60-minute episodes. |
· no information is available
· reality (all) · reality (documentary)
· Peacock Productions