[02/11/16 - 01:28 PM] Video: "Silicon Valley" - Season 3 Tease (HBO) The pay channel releases the first tease for the new season, premiering Sunday, April 24.
[02/11/16 - 08:23 AM] Video: Watch Will Arnett in His Brand New Netflix Show "Flaked" Set in the insular world of Venice, California, "Flaked" centers on Chip, a celebrated self-appointed "guru" who falls for the object of his best friend's fascination.
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[02/10/16 - 05:01 PM] Video: "House of Cards" Season Four Trailer Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright return in the new season, premiering Friday, March 4 on the streaming service.
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[02/10/16 - 11:35 AM] Video: AMC Releases First Four Minutes of Highly Anticipated "The Walking Dead" Mid-Season Premiere Episode In addition, Hallmark eCards has partnered with "The Walking Dead" to create unique, original Valentine's Day eCards inspired by the show.
[02/10/16 - 10:28 AM] Video: Check out the "Broad City" Season 3 Trailer On February 17, Abbi and Ilana are back with new adventures, new special guests and the same unbreakable bond.
[02/10/16 - 09:48 AM] Video: Making "Love" - Netflix Reveals Featurette for New Series The series follows nice guy Gus (Paul Rust) and brazen wild-child Mickey (Gillian Jacobs) as they navigate the exhilarations and humiliations of intimacy, commitment, love and other things they were hoping to avoid.
[02/09/16 - 05:00 PM] Video: Netflix Releases Official "Fuller House" Trailer The Fuller House cast goes back home Friday, February 26 in all territories where Netflix is available.
[02/07/16 - 06:53 PM] Video: CBS Debuts Humorous "CBS All Access" Commercial During "Super Bowl 50" The 30-second commercial was directed by famed producer/writer/director Peter Farrelly.
[02/07/16 - 06:14 PM] Video: For the First Time Ever, A Showtime(R) Spot Is Featured in the Super Bowl The new spot, with music by Grammy(R) and Golden Globe(R)-nominated singer-songwriter Sia, was one of the only streaming service commercials to air during the game.
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[02/07/16 - 04:58 PM] Video: CBS Announces the Final Nine Episodes for "The Good Wife" The series finale of broadcast television's most acclaimed drama will air Sunday, May 8.
[02/05/16 - 08:31 AM] Video: David Lynch Executive Produced Netflix Original Documentary - "My Beautiful Broken Brain" Trailer and Key Art The film follows Lotje's Sodderland's incredible story of rehabilitation and recovery from a traumatic hemorrhagic stroke.
[02/04/16 - 09:13 AM] Video: First Trailer for the Viceland Series About the Rising Stars in Stand-Up Comedy, "Flophouse!" Featuring comedians Clare O'Kane, Solomon Georgio, Brandon Wardell (and many other very funny people) and directed by filmmaker Lance Bangs, "Flophouse" is a comedy show with all the comforts of home.
[02/04/16 - 07:14 AM] Video: Netflix Releases Trailer and Key Art for "Cooked" Alex Gibney and Michael Pollan's New Docu-Series The series premieres on February 16 at the Berlinale Film Festival in the Culinary Cinema Program, and launches globally on Netflix February 19.
[02/03/16 - 12:48 PM] Video: TBS's "Full Frontal with Samantha Bee" Takes on the Iowa Caucuses Check out some special video segments in advance of Monday's premiere.
[02/03/16 - 09:51 AM] Video: First Look at Viceland's "Weediquette" Krishna Andavolu hosts the series, which launches Tuesday, March 1 at 11:00/10:00c.
[02/02/16 - 10:19 AM] Video: First Look at BET's New Series "About the Business" - Starring Eva Marcille & Crystal Renay The newcomer premieres Wednesday, February 24 at 10:00/9:00c.
[02/02/16 - 09:34 AM] Video: Sneak Peek at truTV's "Those Who Can't," Premiering Feb. 11 at 10:30 Fans can get a sneak peek of two episodes of the series at truTV.com.
[02/01/16 - 11:26 AM] Video: First Promo for the Inspirational Live Television Event "The Passion" Airing Palm Sunday, March 20 @ 8/7c on FOX The telecast will unfold live at some of New Orleans' most iconic locations on Palm Sunday, March 20.
[01/28/16 - 09:04 AM] Video: Viceland's "Noisey" - An Original Music Documentary Series - First Trailer Released Host Zach Goldbaum takes a firsthand look at the most interesting music scenes around the world.
[01/27/16 - 11:00 AM] Video: Watch Jessie J and the Cast of "Grease: Live," In the All-New "Grease (Is the Word)" Music Video! The official soundtrack album features the show's cast performing classics from the original stage musical and the 1978 Paramount film, plus two original tracks.
[01/27/16 - 10:09 AM] Video: Viceland's "Balls Deep" Hosted by Vice's Thomas Morton - First Trailer Released The series follows the Vice producer and correspondent as he perfects his version of immersive journalism, embedding himself into the lives of others to experience what life looks like from their point-of-view.
[01/27/16 - 08:41 AM] Video: Amazon Studios' "The New Yorker Presents" Premieres on February 16 As with the pilot, new episodes will bring the pages of the magazine to life, drawing upon the reporting, fiction, humor, poetry, and cartoons that distinguish The New Yorker.
[01/26/16 - 09:53 AM] Video: Viceland Releases First Trailer for New Series "Gaycation" Launching February 29, Viceland features series examining all things culture, including music, food, technology, sex, fashion and more.
[01/26/16 - 09:03 AM] Video: Netflix Releases "Fuller House" Featurette Video Here is a look behind-the-scenes from the cast about what it was like to reunite 20-years later on the original set to make "Fuller House."
[01/25/16 - 09:18 AM] Video: "Animals." Season 1 - Trailer (HBO) The animated adult television series kicks off its 10-episode season Friday, February 5.
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[01/25/16 - 06:36 AM] Video: Watch the All-New Trailer for "The X-Files," Featuring Footage from the Entire Event Series The series settles into its regular Monday, 8:00/7:00c time period tonight on FOX.
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[01/24/16 - 06:43 PM] Video: Watch the All-New Promo for "Empire" That Just Aired During the NFC Championship Game The juggernaut returns for the remainder of its second season on Wednesday, March 30.
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[01/22/16 - 03:14 PM] Video: "Game of Thrones" - Season 6 Battle Banner Teases Stark, Lannister and Targaryen are among the featured families.
[01/22/16 - 02:49 PM] Video: WGN America Releases First Look Featurette for Original Escape Thriller "Underground" Premiering March 9 at 10 PM ET/PT The first look at "Underground" will air during the season one premiere of WGN America's newest original drama "Outsiders," premiering January 26.
[01/21/16 - 01:36 PM] Video: Supertrailers for VH1's "Stevie J & Joseline Go Hollywood" & "K. Michelle: My Life" Look for both series back-to-back beginning this Monday, January 25 at 9:00/8:00c.
[01/21/16 - 10:04 AM] Video: All New Trailer Released for Steven Soderbergh's New Starz Limited Series "The Girlfriend Experience" in Advance of Premiere at Sundance Film Festival The series is executive produced by Steven Soderbergh, Philip Fleishman, Lodge Kerrigan, Amy Seimetz, Gary Marcus and Jeff Cuban and stars Riley Keough.
[01/20/16 - 10:33 AM] Video: "Jim: The James Foley Story" Trailer (HBO Documentary Films) The film is billed as "a harrowing chronicle of bravery, compassion and pain at the dawn of America's war with ISIS."
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[01/20/16 - 10:21 AM] Video: "Girls" Season 5 - Promo #1 (HBO) Plus: check out the key art for the new season, premiering Sunday, February 21 on the pay channel.
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[01/19/16 - 01:48 PM] Video: "Arrow" - The Fourth Season Continues Get an extended look at the show's current season, which resumes this Wednesday, January 20.
[01/19/16 - 10:28 AM] Video: HBO's "Lady Day at Emerson's Bar & Grill" - Preview Six-time Tony Award winner Audra McDonald brings her acclaimed portrayal of Billie Holiday in the Broadway smash.
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[01/19/16 - 09:45 AM] Video: IFC's "Portlandia" and Subaru Get Behind-The-Wheel in Exclusive New Web Series - Available Now on IFC.com In the four-part series, entitled "Talkative Driver," a chatty car service driver (Fred Armisen) happily discusses his inner-thoughts to increasingly impatient passengers.
[01/16/16 - 02:54 PM] Video: #ICYMI - CBS Promo for 3 Big Events! Check out the Eye's latest tease for "Super Bowl 50," a special "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" and "The 58th Annual Grammy Awards."
[01/15/16 - 04:50 PM] Video: Watch the First Trailer for New Mystery Adventure Series "Houdini & Doyle," Premiering This Spring on FOX Michael Weston and Stephen Mangan topline the new series, from creator David Shore.
[01/15/16 - 04:02 PM] Video: Watch the All-New Trailer for "Grease: Live" The much-ballyhooed event premieres Sunday, January 31 at 7:00/6:00c on FOX.
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[01/15/16 - 09:07 AM] Video: Watch the All-New Trailer for "The X-Files" Check out the latest tease for the revival, premiering next Sunday, January 24 on FOX.
[01/14/16 - 03:42 PM] Video: Esquire Network TCA Press Tour Video Reels - "Beowulf," "Team Ninja Warrior" and "Friday Night Tykes" Plus: the latter will begin a new franchise in Western Pennsylvania for "Friday Night Tykes: Steel Country" this spring.
[01/14/16 - 02:53 PM] Video: E! TCA Press Tour Video Reels - "I Am Cait," "Just Jillian" and "Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry" Said trio premieres on Sunday, March 6; Tuesday, January 19; and Sunday, January 24, respectively.
[01/14/16 - 02:29 PM] Video: El Rey Network Releases Adrenaline-Charged "Lucha Underground" Catch-Up Video in Advance of the Season Two Premiere on Wednesday, January 27 at 8PM ET/PT Plus: El Rey Network will air an with an epic weekend long, 40-hour marathon of the entire season starting Saturday, January 23 at 10 AM ET.
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[01/14/16 - 08:35 AM] Video: "Portlandia" Season 6 Full Episode Available Now on IFC.com and the New IFC App! The new season premieres Thursday, January 21 at 10:00/9:00c on the cable channel.
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[01/13/16 - 12:02 PM] Video: Slip Further Down the Rabbit Hole with BBC America's Brand New Trailer for "Oprhan Black" Season Four When the drama returns this spring, heroine Sarah Manning sets off to track down an elusive and mysterious ally tied to the clone who started it all - Beth Childs.
[01/12/16 - 05:19 PM] Video: Showtime(R) Releases First Look at "Michael Jackson's Journey from Motown to Off the Wall" An illuminating portrait on how an earnest, passionate, hard-working young man becomes the "King of Pop," the film will make its world television premiere on Friday, February 5.
[01/12/16 - 05:17 PM] Video: Showtime(R) Releases First Look at Its New Docuseries "Dark Net" Produced and developed by cutting edge media and technology company, Vocativ, the revelatory docuseries will explore the dangers of the internet's unregulated underbelly known as the deep web.
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[01/11/16 - 12:45 PM] Video: Watch the First Minute of the All-New Event Series "The X-Files" Said tease comes in advance of the show's two-night premiere on Sunday, January 24 and Monday, January 25.
[01/08/16 - 11:04 AM] Video: Starz Releases Video Content from "Black Sails" and "Outlander," Premiere Date and Video from "The Girlfriend Experience" Plus: check out the official key art image from the first Starz original movie "The Dresser" premiering in Summer 2016.
[01/07/16 - 09:20 AM] Video: Turner at TCA Winter Press Tour - New Series Trailers Get your first look at "Separation Anxiety," "People of Earth," "Wrecked," "The Detour" and more!