
    [sunday, april 29, 2018]    
[04/28/18 - 07:05 PM]
Video: Are You Ready for Michelle Wolf?
"The Break with Michelle Wolf" comes to Netflix every Sunday beginning May 27.

[04/26/18 - 09:07 AM]
Video: Paramount Network's "Yellowstone" Official Trailer - Premieres Wednesday, June 20 at 9:00pm ET/PT
Kevin Costner as John Dutton, who controls the largest contiguous ranch in the United States, under constant attack by those it borders - land developers, an Indian reservation, and America's first National Park.

[04/25/18 - 11:01 AM]
Video: New Key Art and Trailer Revealed for TNT's "Animal Kingdom"
Season three of this bold, adrenaline-fueled hit drama premieres Tuesday, May 29.

[04/25/18 - 09:02 AM]
Video: Welcome Back to Winchester! Netflix's "Dear White People" Vol. 2 Launches May 4
Get a glimpse at the much-anticipated new season with the official season two trailer here.

[04/24/18 - 08:06 AM]
Video: Sony Crackle Releases First-Look Clip for New Original Feature, "Office Uprising," Premiering in July
"Office Uprising" follows the story of an underachiever working at a major weapons manufacturing firm who finds that his co-workers have been "weaponized" by a new energy drink designed for the military.

[04/24/18 - 08:03 AM]
Video: Sony Crackle Releases Mira Sorvino First-Look from Season Three of Original Drama "StartUp," Announces November 2018 Premiere
The series, which is seen in over 21 territories around the globe, recently completed filming in Puerto Rico.

[04/23/18 - 05:33 PM]
Video: VH1's "Basketball Wives" New Promo
This season, family ties will be tested, emotions will explode louder than ever before, and friendships that once seemed rock solid will be shaken to the core.

[04/23/18 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Netflix Debuts Trailer for "The Rain"
In Netflix's post-apocalyptic YA thriller, two Danish siblings emerge from the safety of their bunker six years after a brutal virus carried by the rain wipes out almost all humans in Scandinavia.

[04/23/18 - 07:31 AM]
Video: A Boy and His... Robot? Netflix's "Lost in Space" Reimagines the Classic Friendship
Will Robinson and the Robot form an unexpected, unbreakable bond that could mean the difference between life and death for the Robinsons.

[04/22/18 - 06:01 PM]
Video: "Sharp Objects" Debuts This July on HBO
Based on the bestselling novel of the same name by Gillian Flynn, the series stars Amy Adams as reporter Camille Preaker, who returns to her small hometown to cover the murders of two preteen girls.

[04/20/18 - 07:27 AM]
Video: Light Up This 4/20 with Season 2 of IFC's "Brockmire"
The show's season premiere, "The Getaway Game," is now available to watch on various platforms in advance of its linear debut.

[04/20/18 - 07:19 AM]
Video: Netflix Unveils Trailer for "Safe," As Michael C. Hall Returns to Television in Harlan Coben's Crime Thriller
After his teenage daughter goes missing, widowed surgeon Tom Delaney (Michael C. Hall) begins unearthing dark secrets about the people closest to him.

[04/19/18 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Trailer for Netflix Film "Anon" - Starring Clive Owen and Amanda Seyfried
Sal Frieland (Owen) is a detective in a world with no privacy, ignorance, or anonymity; where everyone's lives are transparent, traceable, and recorded by the authorities; where crime almost ceases to exist.

[04/13/18 - 09:36 AM]
Video: Showtime Releases New Poster and Video for Season Two of "I'm Dying Up Here"
The fictional drama series explores L.A.'s famed '70s stand-up comedy scene, with an ensemble cast led by Academy Award(R) winner Melissa Leo and Ari Graynor.

[04/12/18 - 02:28 PM]
Video: Showtime Debuts Official Trailer for Highly-Anticipated Documentary Series "The Fourth Estate"
Examining the inner workings of The New York Times during President Donald J. Trump's first year in office, the four-episode docu-series will be available across Showtime platforms including On Demand and streaming on Sunday, May 27.

[04/12/18 - 10:00 AM]
Video: She's Back! Get Your First Look at Kristin Cavallari's New Show "Very Cavallari" Coming to E! This Summer
This season on "Very Cavallari," Kristin is making Nashville the headquarters of her rapidly expanding fashion and lifestyle brand, Uncommon James.

[04/12/18 - 09:31 AM]
Video: "The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle" - Official Trailer - Amazon Kids
The world-famous talking moose and flying squirrel are back in the all-new series, due May 11 on Prime Video.

[04/12/18 - 08:00 AM]
Video: The Robinsons Reveal What It Takes to Venture Into Space - Netflix's "Lost in Space" Launches April 13
Mina Sundwall (Penny Robinson), Molly Parker (Maureen Robinson), Taylor Russell (Judy Robinson) and Parker Posey (Dr. Smith) reveal why anything is possible for their characters.

[04/11/18 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Picnic at Hanging Rock" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
"Picnic at Hanging Rock" is based on the timeless Australian novel by Joan Lindsay and starring Natalie Dormer, with all six episodes of the mini-series available to stream on May 25.

[04/11/18 - 07:33 AM]
Video: Trailer - "Bobby Kennedy for President" - Launches on Netflix April 27
The eye-opening and transformative four-part documentary series Bobby Kennedy for President utilizes rare and never-before-seen archival footage to transport us to a turbulent and dynamic era, letting Bobby's voice and viewpoint be the guiding force.

[04/10/18 - 06:05 AM]
Video: Trailer Debut - "End Game" - Launches May 4 on Netflix
The documentary short was an Official Selection of the 2018 Sundance Film Festival and San Francisco International Film Festival.

[04/09/18 - 10:38 AM]
Video: These Women Are Out of This World - Meet the "Mercury 13"
The Netflix documentary is a remarkable story of the women who were tested for spaceflight in 1961 before their dreams were dashed in being the first to make the trip beyond Earth.

[04/06/18 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Showtime Debuts Poster Art and New Tease for "Patrick Melrose"
Based on the acclaimed Patrick Melrose series of semi-autobiographical novels written by Edward St. Aubyn, the series will premiere on Saturday, May 12 at 9:00/8:00c.

[04/04/18 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Showtime(R) Releases Poster Art and New Teaser for Season Four of "The Affair"
The series, starring Golden Globe nominee Dominic West, Golden Globe winner Ruth Wilson, Emmy(R) Award nominee and Golden Globe winner Maura Tierney and Screen Actors Guild Award(R) nominee Joshua Jackson, will premiere on Sunday, June 17.

[04/03/18 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Cargo" - Official Trailer Released - Starring Martin Freeman - Premieres on Netflix May 18th
Stranded in rural Australia in the aftermath of a violent pandemic, an infected father desperately seeks a new home for his infant child, and a means to protect her from his own changing nature.

[04/02/18 - 12:52 PM]
Video: "Seth Rogen's Hilarity for Charity" - Trailer Debut
The comedy special debuts this Friday, April 6 on Netflix.

[03/29/18 - 08:11 AM]
Video: "Westworld" Season 2 - Official Trailer - HBO
The series returns for its sophomore run on Sunday, April 22 at 9:00/8:00c.

[03/28/18 - 10:14 AM]
Video: "The Handmaid's Tale" Season 2 Trailer
The first two episodes of the 13-episode season launch on Wednesday, April 25.

[03/28/18 - 09:35 AM]
Video: Watch the Trailer for TNT's "Animal Kingdom" Returning Tuesday, May 29
This summer, the infamous Cody family is back as TNT's hit drama "Animal Kingdom" returns for its third season.

[03/27/18 - 08:32 AM]
Video: Ed Harris and Jason Sudeikis Take a Road Trip in Debut Trailer for "Kodachrome"
The Mark Raso-helmed film will debut on Netflix and selected theaters on April 20.

[03/26/18 - 11:34 AM]
Video: AMC Releases "Fear the Walking Dead" Season 4 Key Art and Trailer
The series returns Sunday, April 15 at 10:00/9:00c on the cable channel.

[03/26/18 - 01:37 AM]
Video: "Sacred Games" - Date Announcement - Netflix
The deadliest games are the ones we don't know we're playing.

[03/24/18 - 12:30 PM]
Video: Crackle Releases Trailer for Season Three of Emmy(R)-Nominated Original Series, "SuperMansion," Set to Premiere Monday, May 7 with New Episodes Streaming Weekly
In the upcoming season, the lunatics get the keys to the asylum when Dr. Devizo (Chris Pine) is declared a hero after "saving the world" at the end of last season.

[03/24/18 - 11:08 AM]
Video: AMC Releases First Trailer for Season 3 of "Into the Badlands" - Returns Sunday, April 22nd
Today, AMC released the first trailer for the upcoming third season of its hit martial arts series, "Into the Badlands," to a packed house of fans during a panel at WonderCon Anaheim 2018.

[03/23/18 - 09:04 AM]
Video: Showtime(R) Unveils the Full Trailer for Season Two of "I'm Dying Up Here"
The series takes viewers behind the curtain of the comedy scene that birthed the careers of legends such as Richard Pryor, Robin Williams and David Letterman, showing there's truly no such thing as an easy laugh.

[03/22/18 - 10:35 AM]
Video: "Pose" - Peek Teaser - FX
"Pose," FX's new original series from Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk, and Steven Canals, premieres this summer.

[03/22/18 - 10:31 AM]
Video: Viceland Premeries Trailer for New Series "My House" About NYC Queer Ballroom Scene
"My House" is an insider's guide to New York City's hyper-competitive underground queer ballroom scene.

[03/21/18 - 11:02 AM]
Video: First-Look and New Promo Available from NBC's "Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert"
The production will air live Easter Sunday, April 1 at 8:00/7:00c in front of a large audience at the Marcy Armory in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

[03/21/18 - 10:53 AM]
Video: Go Inside FX's "Legion" with 360 Video Experience
The video culminates with an exclusive look at the first two and half minutes of the Season 2 premiere.

[03/21/18 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Trailer for Netflix Film "Come Sunday" - Starring Chiwetel Ejiofor
Martin Sheen, Jason Segel, Condola Rashad, Lakeith Stanfield and Danny Glover also star in the Joshua Marston film.

[03/20/18 - 10:19 AM]
Video: Syfy Reveals "Nightflyers" Official First Look
The series follows eight maverick scientists and a powerful telepath who embark on an expedition to the edge of our solar system aboard The Nightflyer - a ship with a small tightknit crew and a reclusive captain - in the hope of making contact with alien life.

[03/19/18 - 05:00 PM]
Video: "Amateur" Trailer & Poster Debut - It's March Madness!
The Netflix film is about 14-year-old basketball phenom Terron Forte, who has to navigate the under-the-table world of amateur athletics when he is recruited to an elite NCAA prep school.

[03/19/18 - 12:00 PM]
Video: TBS Releases New "The Last O.G." Trailer, Series Premieres April 3
Tracy Morgan and Tiffany Haddish star in the new comedy series that Morgan executive produces alongside creator and executive producer Jordan Peele.

[03/19/18 - 09:30 AM]
Video: ABC Releases the Pilot Episode of Its Upcoming New Drama "The Crossing"
The debut episode of the new drama is available now for all viewers on ABC.com and the ABC app, for subscribers on Hulu and electronic sell-through platforms, as well as on demand across MVPD and digital MVPD providers.

[03/19/18 - 07:04 AM]
Video: "Chef's Table: Pastry" - Trailer Debut & Chef Announcement
Launching April 13, "Chef's Table: Pastry" goes inside the lives and kitchens of the world's most renowned international pastry chefs.

[03/19/18 - 05:00 AM]
Video: Trailer - "Adventure Time" Series Finale - Coming Soon
Cartoon Network teases the show's upcoming final installment.

[03/16/18 - 08:02 AM]
Video: Showtime(R) Reveals Premiere Date and Sneak Peek for "Patrick Melrose"
The Benedict Cumberbatch-led drama will launch on Saturday, May 12 at 9:00/8:00c.

[03/15/18 - 07:05 AM]
Video: Check Out the New Trailers from "Rapture" - A Netflix Original Documentary Series Launches March 30
From Mass Appeal, "Rapture" stares directly into the bright light that hip hop culture shines on the world and doesn't blink.

[03/14/18 - 10:23 AM]
Video: National Geographic to Make Neil deGrasse Tyson's "StarTalk" Interview with Legendary Scientist Stephen Hawking Available for Free, Without Commercials, on All Digital Platforms
The episode aired last week as part of the series' season finale, and will run online commercial free.

[03/14/18 - 10:00 AM]
Video: "The 100" - Season 5 Official Extended Trailer - The CW
"The 100" returns Tuesday, April 24 at 9:00/8:00c on The CW.

  [april 2018]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[02/10/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: The 31st Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards - Official Teaser - Netflix
Kristen Bell hosts as the biggest names in film and TV light up the stage for the 31st Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards.

[02/07/25 - 01:00 PM]
Video: "Between Walls" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Marga (Aislinn Derbez) and Martín (Christian Vazquez) happen to meet on a dating app, unaware they are neighbors.

[02/07/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Trailer & Key Art Debut - "Chris Distefano: It's Just Unfortunate"
Chris Distefano is trying to be the best father he can be but nowadays, words speak louder than actions - so Chris is acting with the right intentions, but not always the right moves.

[02/07/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: "Winner" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Based on the true story, the ambitious but eccentric Reality Winner (Emilia Jones) finds herself in the middle of a political scandal when she becomes a surprising NSA whistleblower.

[02/07/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Orders New Unscripted High School Series "Sweethearts" and Releases Trailer
"Sweethearts" follows the lives of six teenage couples in Charleston, South Carolina, as they navigate the end of high school and their final summer together as a couple, before heading off to college.

[02/07/25 - 07:02 AM]
Video: "The Studio" - DUHPOCALYPSE Official Trailer - Apple TV+
An explosive new movie from Continental Studios starring Johnny Knoxville and Josh Hutcherson.

[02/07/25 - 06:31 AM]
Video: Netflix Drops the Trailer for "Larissa: The Other Side of Anitta", a Documentary Premiering on March 6
Brazilian pop star Anitta reveals her most intimate world yet in this documentary that explores her dual identity, personal struggles and search for joy.

[02/06/25 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "When Life Gives You Tangerines" - Official Teaser - Netflix
In Jeju, a bold girl and a devoted boy's island story blossoms into a lifelong tale of setbacks and triumphs - proving love can endure across generations.

[02/06/25 - 11:00 AM]
Video: "Shoresy" Season 4 Trailer - Hulu
Shoresy (Jared Keeso) explores life after hockey, and the Sudbury Blueberry Bulldogs contend with the distractions of summer in Sudbury.

[02/06/25 - 06:12 AM]
Video: "Umjolo: There Is No Cure" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After losing her title for publicly exposing a scandal, a former pageant queen works on a tell-all book - all while her love life remains unwritten.

[02/06/25 - 04:26 AM]
Video: "Love Is Blind: Sweden: After the Altar" - Official Teaser - Netflix
The unique dating experiment lands in Sweden as local singles seek true love and propose marriage - all before seeing each other in person.

[02/05/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: "Benefits with Friends" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Bia (Bruna Marquezine) and Victor (Sérgio Malheiros) are best friends. While he lives in a relationship that has gotten boring, she has fleeting relationships, without believing in love.

[02/05/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Toxic Town" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When dozens of babies in Corby are born with disabilities, their mothers embark on a battle to hold those responsible to account. Based on a true story.

[02/05/25 - 02:01 AM]
Video: "Delicious" - Official Trailer - Netflix
During their vacation in the French countryside, a wealthy German family becomes entangled with a young hotel worker harboring sinister intentions.

[02/04/25 - 06:56 PM]
Video: It's Time to Check in to Bravo's "Love Hotel" - Coming Soon!
The network teases the "Real Housewives"-themed dating series.