
    [tuesday, december 17, 2024]    
[12/17/24 - 10:01 AM]
Video: New Netflix Featurette Uncovers the Making of "American Primeval"
Shot on location in New Mexico, the limited series is a fictionalized dramatization and examination of the violent collision of culture, religion, and community as men and women fight and die to keep or claim the lands that make up the brutal frontier of 1857.

[12/17/24 - 09:00 AM]
Video: "Henry Danger The Movie" - Official Trailer - Paramount+
After meeting Kid Danger superfan Missy Martin and being pulled into a portal that opens alternate realities, Henry and his inexperienced new sidekick must find their way back to Dystopia... or be trapped forever.

[12/17/24 - 08:50 AM]
Video: Watch the Trailer for "Ghosts'" Newest Hour-Long "Ghostsmas" Special, Airing Thursday, Dec. 19 on CBS
In the one-hour special, a leaky water heater mishap threatens to ruin holiday plans as Sam and Jay prepare to host Jay's hard-to-please dad, Mahesh (Bernard White), difficult-to-impress mom, Champa (Sakina Jaffrey), and sister Bela (Punam Patel).

[12/17/24 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Cunk On Life" - Sneak Peek - Netflix
Deadpan documentarian Philomena Cunk confounds philosophers and academics in her quest to understand the meaning of life in this feature-length special.

[12/17/24 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "XO, Kitty" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Kitty returns to Seoul ready for a fresh start, but her plan for a drama-free semester fizzles fast amid new faces, messy crushes and family secrets.

[12/17/24 - 05:01 AM]
Video: "Sintonia" Season 5 - Release Date Announcement - Netflix Brazil
Nando, Rita and Doni arrive for the fifth and final season on February 5.

[12/16/24 - 07:35 PM]
Video: Preview - "Winter Escape" - Coming this January
January kicks off with four all-new romantic premiere movies on Hallmark Channel!

[12/16/24 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "Single's Inferno" Season 4 - Official Teaser - Netflix
Catch the first batch of episodes coming January 14, only on Netflix.

[12/16/24 - 03:01 PM]
Video: "Asura" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In 1979 Tokyo, four distinct sisters uncover their aging father's affair, causing their happy facades and bottled-up emotions to slowly unravel.

[12/16/24 - 11:58 AM]
Video: CBS Delivers a Taste of Decadence and Drama with First Look of New Daytime Series "Beyond the Gates"
The teaser introduces the Duprees - a prominent Black family who hold court over their affluent community in Maryland from Fairmont Crest, the country club at the center of their luxurious enclave filled with wealthy residents harboring deep secrets.

[12/16/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Call the Midwife 2024 Holiday Special" - Official Preview - PBS
It's Christmas 1969, and the funfair and carol concert add color to frosty Poplar.

[12/16/24 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "Asterix & Obelix: The Big Fight" - Official Teaser - Netflix
When the village druid forgets how to prepare their magic potion, Asterix, Obelix and the Gauls must find new ways to keep the Roman conquerors at bay.

[12/15/24 - 05:41 PM]
Video: Paramount+ Releases Teaser Trailer for the Much-Anticipated New Season of "1923," Premiering Sunday, February 23
In the second season of 1923, a cruel winter brings new challenges and unfinished business to Jacob (Harrison Ford) and Cara (Helen Mirren) back at Dutton ranch.

[12/15/24 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "Ubel Blatt" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
The black sword's conquest has begun. "Übel Blatt" arrives January 10.

[12/12/24 - 09:36 AM]
Video: "Whiskey on the Rocks" - Official Trailer - Hulu
The series is a playful take on what truly happened during the dramatic days at the turn of the month between October and November 1981, when the Soviet submarine U-137 ran aground in the Karlskrona archipelago.

[12/12/24 - 09:10 AM]
Video: "RuPaul's Drag Race" Unveils Trailer and Guest Judges for Splashy New Season Premiering on Friday, January 3rd at 8:00 PM ET/PT on MTV
The star studded line up of guest judges include Doechii, Sandra Bernhard, Julia Schlaepfer, Paul W. Downs, Hunter Schafer, Quinta Brunson, Jamal Sims, Law Roach, Adam Lambert, Betsey Johnson, Whitney Cummings, Sam Smith, Jerrod Carmichael, June Diane Raphael, and Tracee Ellis Ross.

[12/12/24 - 08:00 AM]
Video: WE tv Releases "Toya & Reginae" Season Two Trailer & Key Art
This season, the stakes are higher, and the drama is deeper for Toya Johnson-Rushing and daughter, Reginae Carter, as the dynamic duo continue to juggle life, love, family, and their ever-growing careers in the spotlight... from different coasts.

[12/12/24 - 07:31 AM]
Video: "Your Friend, Nate Bargatze" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In his third Netflix special, Nate Bargatze tackles pizza-ordering strategies for guys' night, wanting a second dog and relying on his responsible wife.

[12/12/24 - 06:01 AM]
Video: NFL Christmas Gameday - Mariah Carey - Announcement - Netflix
In the first of two NFL matchups, the Kansas City Chiefs visit the Pittsburgh Steelers. Then, the Baltimore Ravens face the Houston Texans.

[12/12/24 - 05:01 AM]
Video: "Stranded with my Mother-in-Law" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
New families and stories are heading to a tropical island in pursuit of a huge prize.

[12/12/24 - 03:01 AM]
Video: "Shafted" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Four middle-aged male friends fumble their way through love, life and career crises in modern-day Paris - when did being a man become so hard?

[12/11/24 - 11:01 AM]
Video: "This Is Not Hollywood" - Official Trailer - Hulu
On August 26 2010, a girl named Sarah disappears, creating turmoil in the town of Avetrana.

[12/11/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "The Upshaws" Part 6 - Official Trailer - Netflix
As they continue to go through changes, one thing stays the same: The Upshaws always have each other's backs - even when they're at each other's throats.

[12/11/24 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "The Simpsons" - "O C'mon All Ye Faithful" - Official Trailer - Disney+
Stream "O C'mon All Ye Faithful," a special all-new, double-sized episode of The Simpsons is coming exclusively to Disney+ December 17.

[12/11/24 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "You're Cordially Invited" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
When two weddings are accidentally booked on the same day at the same venue, each bridal party is challenged with preserving their family's special moment while making the most of the unanticipated tight quarters.

[12/11/24 - 06:31 AM]
Video: "Jerry Springer: Fights, Camera, Action" - Official Trailer - Netflix
This jaw-dropping documentary goes behind the scenes of America's most controversial talk show to expose its biggest scandals, both on- and off-camera.

[12/11/24 - 12:01 AM]
Video: "I AM A KILLER" Season 6 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Convicted murderers recall and reflect on the crimes that destroyed lives and landed them in prison, from an alleged tribal feud to a deadly drug deal.

[12/10/24 - 08:01 PM]
Video: "Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhein" - Season 3 Coming Soon - Netflix India
Just when you thought you'd have to wait longer, another season is knocking on your door with the twists you never saw coming.

[12/10/24 - 12:01 PM]
Video: "Critical Incident" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Senior Constable Zilifcar "Zil" Ahmed's (Akshay Khanna) pursuit for a teenage suspect leads to a bystander becoming critically injured.

[12/10/24 - 11:29 AM]
Video: "Swipe Left or Death" - Official Trailer
Discover the chilling stories of ordinary people who fell victim to the dangers of online dating apps and suffered deadly consequences.

[12/10/24 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Castlevania: Nocturne" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
The legendary Alucard, Richter Belmont, and his band of vampire hunters are in a desperate race against time.

[12/10/24 - 07:13 AM]
Video: "Stranded with my Mother-in-Law" Season 2 - Official Announcement - Netflix Brazil
To win a life-changing prize, couples embark on a journey to an earthly paradise and confront challenges... with the assistance of their mothers-in-law.

[12/09/24 - 09:31 PM]
Video: "Yo Yo Honey Singh: Famous" - Official Trailer - Netflix India
Dive into the life of India's OG Kalakaar with "Yo Yo Honey Singh: Famous," arriving on December 20 only on Netflix.

[12/09/24 - 06:01 PM]
Video: "When the Stars Gossip" - Official Teaser - Netflix
A romantic comedy about an astronaut and a tourist who meet and fall in love at a space station.

[12/09/24 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
After the harrowing battle with Mela-Galland, the Four Knights set forth to find a way into Camelot - but the path is rife with danger and adventure!

[12/09/24 - 01:02 PM]
Video: "Going Dutch" Season 1 Official Trailer - FOX TV
An outspoken Army Colonel (Denis Leary) attempts to restore order at a military outpost in the Netherlands alongside his estranged daughter (Taylor Misiak) and XO Major Abraham Shah (Danny Pudi).

[12/09/24 - 11:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Releases Official Trailer and Key Art for "ChiefsAholic: A Wolf in Chiefs Clothing"
Premiering December 24, the surreal documentary delivers an unprecedented, firsthand account of Kansas City Chiefs superfan Xaviar Babudar, who gained regional fame as an unofficial team mascot and generated national headlines as a serial bank robber and fugitive.

[12/09/24 - 09:16 AM]
Video: "The Bravest Knight" - Official Trailer - Hulu
"The Bravest Knight" follows a young pumpkin farmer who embarks on thrilling adventures across magical lands.

[12/09/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Rose Matafeo: On and On and On" - Official Trailer - Max
Don't get dumped for who you truly are.

[12/09/24 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Michelle Buteau: A Buteau-ful Mind at Radio City Music Hall" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Michelle Buteau talks going viral, raising twins, and the lows of getting high in this herstory-making special.

[12/09/24 - 06:28 AM]
Video: "Red One" Is Streaming on Prime Video December 12
The mission to save Christmas is on.

[12/09/24 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Alpha Males 3" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The machosphere is on fire, and they're the gasoline.

[12/07/24 - 03:59 PM]
Video: Prime Video Debuts New Action-Packed Teaser Trailer and Announces Premiere Date for Season Three of "Reacher"
The eight-episode season will roll out weekly, with the first three episodes premiering on February 20, and subsequent episodes dropping every Thursday through March 27, exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide.

[12/07/24 - 03:45 PM]
Video: Prime Video Unveils Official Trailer for "Invincible" Season Three at CCXP Brazil
The first three episodes will be available to stream exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories beginning on Thursday, February 6 with additional episodic drops every Thursday through March 13.

[12/07/24 - 03:15 PM]
Video: Prime Video Series "The Wheel of Time" Unveils New Action-Packed Season Three Teaser Trailer and Announces Premiere Date
The show's third season will premiere globally on Prime Video on March 13.

[12/07/24 - 03:03 PM]
Video: "Culpa Tuya" - Official Trailer 2 - Prime Video
Roller coaster doesn't even begin to describe it.

[12/07/24 - 12:00 PM]
Video: Paramount+ with Showtime Releases Exclusive Clip from "Dexter: Original Sin"
The series will premiere Friday, December 13 on streaming and on demand for Paramount+ subscribers with the Paramount+ with Showtime plan, before making its on-air US debut on Sunday, December 15.

[12/07/24 - 11:54 AM]
Video: Paramount+ Releases Official Trailer and Key Art for Original Movie "Star Trek: Section 31"
The movie will premiere on Friday, January 24, exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S. and international markets where the service is available.

[12/07/24 - 11:42 AM]
Video: Paramount+ with Showtime Reveals Teaser Trailer for Emmy-Nominated Series "Yellowjackets" Season Three
The two-episode season premiere drops Friday, February 14 on streaming and on demand for Paramount+ subscribers with the Paramount+ with Showtime plan before its on-air debut on Sunday, February 16.

[12/07/24 - 11:08 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Debuts Trailer for Highly Anticipated Second Season of "Severance," Premiering Globally on January 17, 2025
The 10-episode second season of "Severance" will debut globally on Apple TV+ with the first episode on Friday, January 17, followed by one episode every Friday through March 21.

  [december 2024]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[02/21/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "CHAOS: The Manson Murders" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Directed by Errol Morris, the film untangles a web of conspiracy involving the CIA, LSD, Jack Ruby, the Manson Family, and Vincent Bugliosi, casting doubt on the official story of the 1960s' most infamous killing spree.

[02/21/25 - 12:01 AM]
Video: Netflix Unveils the Premiere Date and First Look of Dome Karukoski's "Little Siberia"
A pastor's faith turns upside down when a meteorite lands in his small Finnish town, its impact stirring up chaos and criminal intentions.

[02/20/25 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "When Life Gives You Tangerines" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In Jeju, a spirited girl and a steadfast boy's island story blossoms into a lifelong tale of setbacks and triumphs - proving love endures across time.

[02/20/25 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "The Righteous Gemstones" Season 4 - Official Trailer - Max
They're raising holy hell one last time.

[02/20/25 - 09:31 AM]
Video: "The Twister: Caught in the Storm" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In May 2011, a massive tornado ripped through Joplin, Missouri. With pulse-pounding firsthand footage, this documentary goes inside a deadly twister.

[02/20/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Visionaries" - Official Trailer - The Roku Channel
Keanu Reeves and Gard Hollinger founded ARCH Motorcycle reimagine motorcycles. Fueled by more than a love of bikes, watch as they search for inspiration from those who help shape the world around us.

[02/20/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Wolf King" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A young commoner comes of age and learns he's the last of a long line of Werewolves - and heir to the throne - in this epic fantasy adventure series.

[02/20/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "The Life List" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When her mother sends her on a quest to complete a teenage bucket list, a young woman uncovers family secrets, finds romance - and rediscovers herself.

[02/20/25 - 06:02 AM]
Video: "Trust Your Senses with Chloe Burrows" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
Join Chloe Burrows as she tests blindfolded contestants (including George Clarke, Byron Denton, Madame Joyce and Anastasia Kingsnorth) with the ultimate sensory challenges to find love.

[02/20/25 - 06:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Drops Exclusive Season Three Opening Scene of "The Wheel of Time"
This special sneak peek is now available at the end of the third episode of the Season Three premiere of "Reacher," which also debuted today.

[02/20/25 - 05:34 AM]
Video: Conan O'Brien Hosts The Oscars - Live Sunday, March 2 at 7e/4p on ABC and Hulu
See if Conan O'Brien and Oscar will get their Hollywood ending, only at the Oscars.

[02/20/25 - 05:32 AM]
Video: Peacock Releases Official Trailer for Limited Drama Series "Long Bright River"
The suspense thriller series tells the story of Mickey (Amanda Seyfried), a police officer who patrols a Philadelphia neighborhood hard-hit by the opioid crisis.

[02/19/25 - 09:42 PM]
Video: "Nadaaniyan" - Date Announcement - Netflix
When a misunderstanding turns her friends against her, lovable rich girl Pia hires Arjun, a career-focused new student, to pretend to be her boyfriend.

[02/19/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Black Ops" - Season 1 Official Trailer - Hulu
Two highly inexperienced police community support officers are forced into the world of undercover work to stop a violent criminal gang - but any wrong move could be their last.

[02/19/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Trailer & Key Art Debut - Hulu Original "Good American Family"
Told from multiple points of view, as a means to explore issues of perspective, bias, and trauma, this compelling drama is inspired by the disturbing stories surrounding a Midwestern couple who adopts a girl with a rare form of dwarfism.