
    [sunday, november 27, 2022]    
[11/27/22 - 07:01 PM]
Video: "The Big 4" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Four retired assassins spring back into action when they cross paths with a straight-arrow cop who's determined to track down an elusive murderer.

[11/27/22 - 05:37 PM]
Video: Paramount+ Debuts Official Trailer for Taylor Sheridan's New Original Drama Series "1923"
"1923," the next installment of the Dutton family origin story, will introduce a new generation of Duttons led by patriarch Jacob (Harrison Ford) and matriarch Cara (Helen Mirren).

[11/27/22 - 05:01 PM]
Video: "Gudetama: An Eggcellent Adventure" - Cast Announcement #2 - Netflix
Gudetama, the lazy egg, reluctantly embarks on an adventure of a lifetime with Shakipiyo, a newly hatched chick, who is determined to find their mother.

[11/25/22 - 12:01 AM]
Video: "Hot Skull" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In a dystopian world, as an epidemic spreads through verbal communication, a tyrannical institution pursues a linguist immune to the disease.

[11/24/22 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Record of Ragnarok II" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Humanity may be down, but their fight for survival is far from over. For the pivotal next round, a truly evil human emerges to face the next mighty god.

[11/24/22 - 05:01 AM]
Video: Official Trailer - "Marc Marquez - All In"
The five-part series will premiere in February 2023 on Prime Video across more than 200 countries and territories worldwide.

[11/23/22 - 06:01 PM]
Video: "Alchemy of Souls" - Official Teaser - Netflix
Uk becomes a hunter of the soul-swapped, when a young woman, a prisoner in her own home, seeks his help to reclaim her freedom.

[11/23/22 - 09:00 AM]
Video: "Next Level Chef" - First Promo for Season Two Premiering After Super Bowl LVII on FOX
Produced by Studio Ramsay Global and FOX Alternative Entertainment, "Next Level Chef" is the next evolution in cooking competitions, as Ramsay has designed a one-of-a-kind culinary gauntlet, set on an iconic stage like you've never seen.

[11/23/22 - 06:31 AM]
Video: "Love Is Blind Brazil" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
In the second Brazilian season, the reality show that is a huge success brings men and women in search of true love, on really blind dates!

[11/23/22 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Copenhagen Cowboy" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The heroine we've all been waiting for - Miu is here to show how the netherworld of Copenhagen should be run.

[11/22/22 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "Money Heist: Korea - Joint Economic Area" Part 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Thieves overtake the mint of a unified Korea. With hostages trapped inside, the police must stop them - as well as the shadowy mastermind behind it all.

[11/22/22 - 03:01 PM]
Video: "Who Killed Jenni Rivera?" - Official Trailer - Peacock Original
A celebration of the life and an exploration of the mysterious death of award-winning Latin superstar Jenni Rivera.

[11/22/22 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Doom Patrol" Season 4 - Official Trailer - HBO Max
Your favorite family of oddballs is back! "Doom Patrol" returns December 8, only on HBO Max.

[11/22/22 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "The Mighty Ones" - Season 4 Trailer
Get ready for the mighty epic final season, coming to Peacock on December 9.

[11/22/22 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "White Noise" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Based on the book by Don DeLillo, a film by Noah Baumbach, starring Adam Driver and Greta Gerwig, "White Noise" is coming soon to select theaters and Netflix.

[11/22/22 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Back in the Groove" - Official Trailer - Hulu
The special four-night event kicks off Monday, December 5 with two episodes, on Hulu.

[11/22/22 - 05:01 AM]
Video: "I Am a Killer" Season 4 - First Look - Netflix
Premeditated deeds, tragic accidents or acts of self-defense? Murderers recount the harrowing crimes that landed them in prison with life sentences.

[11/22/22 - 12:01 AM]
Video: "Shahmaran" - Date Announcement - Netflix
The world does not belong to humans alone.

[11/22/22 - 12:01 AM]
Video: Prime Video Launches Riveting Trailer of Tamil Crime Thriller, Amazon Original Series, "Vadhandhi - The Fable of Velonie," Premiering Worldwide on December 2
Marking the streaming debut of multifaceted film personality S.J. Suryah, the series is produced by Pushkar and Gayatri of Wallwatcher Films and is created by the brilliant Andrew Louis.

[11/21/22 - 02:15 PM]
Video: Paramount+ Reveals the Official Trailer and Key Art for Season 2 of the Original Hit Series "The Game"
Season two will premiere on Thursday, December 15, with two episodes in the U.S. and Canada.

[11/21/22 - 01:40 PM]
Video: "Reno 911!: It's a Wonderful Heist" - Official Trailer
The upcoming holiday movie premieres Saturday, December 3 at 8:00/7:00c.

[11/21/22 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Unveiled: Surviving La Luz Del Mundo" - Official Trailer - HBO
Dark truths come to light. Exposing the sins within a megachurch.

[11/21/22 - 09:02 AM]
Video: "Masterpiece" Winter/Spring 2023 Preview
Look for new seasons of "All Creatures Great and Small," "Sanditon," and "Miss Scarlet and The Duke," plus the premiere of the all-new series "Tom Jones."

[11/21/22 - 12:01 AM]
Video: "How to Ruin Christmas: The Baby Shower" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After two chaotic Christmases, will the Sello and Twala families be able to put their differences aside to welcome Beauty and Sbu's first baby?

[11/18/22 - 09:16 AM]
Video: "Inside the Black Box" (Season 2) - Official Trailer - Crackle
Led by Emmy Award-winning actor Joe Morton and casting director/celebrity acting coach Tracey Moore and filled with an audience of young artists clamoring to learn as much as they can from our hosts and A-List guests.

[11/18/22 - 09:02 AM]
Video: WE tv Reveals Juicy Supertease for the Return of "Love After Lockup" Premiering December 16 at 9PM ET
The original installment of the hit franchise returns with 10 new must-see 90-minute episodes.

[11/18/22 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Who Killed Santa? A Murderville Murder Mystery" - Official Teaser - Netflix
Senior Detective Terry Seattle (Will Arnett) is back and this time, the case is critical. Along with his two celebrity guest stars, Jason Bateman and Maya Rudolph, he is on a mission to figure out... who killed Santa?

[11/18/22 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure STONE OCEAN" - Official Trailer #4 - Netflix
Jolyne's troubles have only multiplied, but her mission is clear; do everything she can to stop Father Pucchi's plan from succeeding.

[11/18/22 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Branson" - Official Trailer - HBO
If you've learned the art of trying the impossible... you can do the impossible with anything.

[11/18/22 - 06:31 AM]
Video: "Cook at All Costs" - First Look - Netflix
An addictively fun cooking competition where skill meets strategy as three home cooks put their money where their mouths are to bid on ingredients in a high-stakes, auction-packed cook off.

[11/17/22 - 09:16 PM]
Video: "Letterkenny" Season 11 - Date Announcement - Hulu
In Season 11, the small town contends with the best chip flavors, lost dogs, an influencer invasion, Skid business, a mystery at the Church Bake Sale, unwanted guests at beer league, and the Degens stirring up trouble.

[11/17/22 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "Junji Ito Maniac: Japanese Tales of the Macabre" - Official Clip - Netflix
This animated series - streaming from Thursday, January 19 - will totally immerse viewers in the maniacal charm of Junji Ito.

[11/17/22 - 11:04 AM]
Video: Trailer & Key Art Debut - Hulu Original Comedy Film "It's a Wonderful Binge"
Like the original film, the sequel is set in a near future where all drinking and drugs are banned except for on one glorious day known as The Binge.

[11/17/22 - 09:21 AM]
Video: ALLBLK Drops Trailer for New Tintilating Drama, "Hush" Premiering Thursday, December 1
The eight-episode series follows the story of a top marriage and sex therapist, TV personality, and best-selling author, who finds herself entangled in a web of lies, sex, and murder that could cost her everything.

[11/17/22 - 08:31 AM]
Video: "Bel-Air" - New Season - Official Teaser - Peacock Original
The series returns February 23 with three episodes at launch, followed by new episodes on Thursdays.

[11/17/22 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Sonic Prime" - Official Trailer - Netflix After School
The adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog go into overdrive when a run-in with Dr. Eggman results in a literal universe-shattering event.

[11/17/22 - 06:01 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Reveals Trailer for Season Two of "Puppy Place," The Beloved Live-Action Series Based on Scholastic's Bestselling Books, Premiering Globally Friday, December 9
Each of the eight episodes in season two continues to tell the story of a puppy who finds their way to the Peterson family.

[11/16/22 - 01:35 PM]
Video: ALLBLK Releases Trailer for New Supernatural Drama, "Wicked City," Premiering Thursday, December 1 on ALLBLK
The six-episode scripted series follows a coven of five Black witches who push their supernatural powers to new heights after uncovering dark secrets and accidentally entering the world of the forbidden.

[11/16/22 - 12:15 PM]
Video: Showtime Debuts Teaser and Key Art for Season Two of "Your Honor"
In season two, some will seek salvation in response to the tremendous loss they suffered, while others will seek revenge.

[11/16/22 - 09:10 AM]
Video: "The Great American Baking Show: Celebrity Holiday" - Teaser - The Roku Channel
Your first look at "The Great American Baking Show: Celebrity Holiday" is here!

[11/16/22 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "My Dad the Bounty Hunter" - Official Teaser - Netflix
The hyperdrive adventures of two kids who discover their seemingly average joe dad is actually an intergalactic bounty hunter!

[11/16/22 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Darby and the Dead" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Some people never truly leave you... alone. "Darby and the Dead" starts streaming December 2 on Hulu.

[11/16/22 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Reveals Official Trailer for "Dr. Seuss Baking Challenge," Hosted by Tamera Mowry-Housley
Hosted by actress, producer, and Emmy award winner Tamera Mowry-Housley, with critically acclaimed pastry chef Clarice Lam and accomplished cake designer and pastry chef Joshua John Russell as judges, the series will premiere on Prime Video on December 13 in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide.

[11/16/22 - 08:33 AM]
Video: "Trevor Noah: I Wish You Would" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Emmy-winning comedian Trevor Noah talks learning German, speaking ill of the dead, judging people in horror movies and ordering Indian food in Scotland.

[11/16/22 - 08:31 AM]
Video: "My Unorthodox Life" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Julia's divorce battle reaches a fever pitch, Batsheva and Miriam make big love and career moves, and Aron resists the call to secularize.

[11/16/22 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "The Recruit" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A rookie lawyer at the CIA stumbles headlong into the dangerous world of international espionage when a former asset threatens to expose agency secrets.

[11/16/22 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Slumberland" - World of Dreams - Official Trailer #2 - Netflix
Joined by a larger-than-life outlaw, a daring young orphan journeys through a land of dreams to find a precious pearl that will grant her greatest wish.

[11/16/22 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Emancipation" - Official Trailer - Apple TV+
Inspired by a true story, one man fights through unthinkable terrors in an attempt to reunite with his family.

[11/15/22 - 11:01 AM]
Video: "Kindred" - Official Trailer - FX
As Dana, a young Black woman and aspiring writer, begins to settle in her new home, she finds herself being pulled back and forth in time, emerging at a nineteenth-century plantation and confronting secrets she never knew ran through her blood.

[11/15/22 - 10:31 AM]
Video: "Last Chance U: Basketball" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
As another Husky hoop season begins at East Los Angeles College, Coach Mosley has a wealth of new talent - players who need tough love to move ahead.

  [november 2022]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[01/17/25 - 05:33 PM]
Video: New Trailer - "The Kardashians" Season Six
The season premieres February 6 with new episodes on Thursdays.

[01/17/25 - 09:30 AM]
Video: We TV Releases Trailer and Key Art for "Love After Lockup: Crime Story"
In this new series, "Love After Lockup" cast favorites from the past and present reveal what led them to a life of crime and landed them behind bars.

[01/17/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "American Manhunt: O.J. Simpson" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The white Bronco. The gloves. The trial of the century. This documentary series investigates the shocking murder case that became a cultural phenomenon.

[01/17/25 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Envious" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
In the game of life, Vicky tries to move quickly around the board and fulfill her dreams, but will she be able to choose between Daniel and Matías or will she end up back at square one?

[01/17/25 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "Blue Box" Season 1 Cour 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Badminton player Taiki has always admired basketball star Chinatsu from afar. But one spring day, a surprising turn brings them unexpectedly close.

[01/16/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Win or Lose" - Official Trailer
Pixar's first original series is available February 19 only on Disney+.

[01/16/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: "Paradise" - Second Official Trailer - Hulu
Starring Sterling K. Brown, James Marsden, and Julianne Nicholson. Paradise is set in a serene, wealthy community inhabited by some of the world's most prominent individuals.

[01/16/25 - 08:02 AM]
Video: "Dog Days Out" New Series Trailer - Netflix Jr
When their humans are away, cute and curious pup Holm and his dog pals love to play with their best friends - their favorite toys!

[01/16/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "What Drives You with John Cena" - Official Trailer - The Roku Channel
John Cena fuels his two biggest passions, cars and connecting with people, by spending time with today's most successful celebrities and talking about what drives them - on the road and in their hearts.

[01/16/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "You" Season 5 - Date Announcement - Netflix
Back to where it all started. The killer finale is coming to Netflix April 24.

[01/16/25 - 07:32 AM]
Video: "Mermicorno: Starfall" - Official Trailer - Max Family
Dive into the magical sea world of Mermicorno!

[01/16/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Harlem Ice" - Official Trailer - Disney+
"Harlem Ice" is a five-part documentary series following the coaches and girls of Figure Skating in Harlem as they prepare for competitions, performances, and a life-changing global experience.

[01/16/25 - 07:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Releases Official Trailer for UK Original Movie "My Fault: London"
The new UK original movie will premiere exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide on February 13.

[01/16/25 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Surviving Black Hawk Down" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In extraordinary detail, US soldiers and Somali fighters recall the 1993 Battle of Mogadishu and the now-famous downing of three Black Hawk helicopters.

[01/16/25 - 06:00 AM]
Video: New Trailer - Hulu Original Series "A Thousand Blows"
The six-episode first season will premiere on Friday, February 21 on Hulu in the U.S. and Disney+ internationally.