
[02/13/25 - 10:31 AM]
Jose Andres and Martha Stewart Put Rebellious Chefs to the Test in NBC's New High-Stakes Cooking Competition "Yes, Chef!" Premiering Monday, April 28 at 10 P.M. ET/PT
From Magical Elves, the Emmy Award-winning producers of Bravo's "Top Chef," "Yes, Chef!" blends the high-stakes thrill of a cooking competition with the raw emotion of personal transformation as it delves into the powerful personalities attracted to the chaotic culinary lifestyle.

[12/03/24 - 12:20 PM]
Star-Studded Lineup to Perform During Season 26 Finale of "The Voice"
The season will conclude with special performances from Dan + Shay, Kelly Clarkson, Myles Smith, Riley Green & Ella Langley, Tears For Fears, Season 24 winner Huntley and Season 25 winner Asher HaVon during the live show on Tuesday, December 10.

[11/19/24 - 01:00 PM]
NBC Unveils Powerhouse Midseason Lineup
The highly anticipated "Suits LA" premieres February 23 as part of the network's new Sunday lineup.

[11/04/24 - 11:01 AM]
NBC's "The Voice" Taps Music Icon Sting and Multi-Hyphenate Jennifer Hudson as Season 26 Mega Mentors
Hudson joins Michael Bublé and Reba McEntire while Sting joins coaches Snoop Dogg and Gwen Stefani to mentor the remaining artists as each team prepares for the Knockouts, beginning Monday, November 11.

[10/04/24 - 11:35 AM]
NBC Wins 2024-25 Premiere Week in Both Total Viewers and Demo
Among all programming, "Sunday Night Football" was #1 with 20 million viewers on NBC.

[09/20/24 - 11:04 AM]
NBC Wins 2023-24 Season in Total Viewers and 18-49 Demo
"Sunday Night Football" was #1 for 13th consecutive season in both total viewers and 18-49.

[08/20/24 - 02:33 PM]
NBC Moves Season Two Premiere of "The Irrational" to Tuesday, Oct. 8 at 10 p.m.
Said change is due to the Vice Presidential debate scheduled for Tuesday, October 1.

[07/17/24 - 10:31 AM]
NBCUniversal Receives 75 Emmy Award Nominations
Leading the Peacock charge was "The Traitors" with four noms, highlighted by not only its Reality Or Competition Program nom, but host Alan Cumming earning a nomination for Outstanding Host of a Reality Or Competition Program.

[07/09/24 - 01:01 PM]
NBC Announces Premiere Dates for Fall
The week begins September 23 with award-winning competition series "The Voice," featuring first-time coaches Snoop Dogg and Michael Bublé alongside returning coaches Reba McEntire and Gwen Stefani.

[06/05/24 - 12:04 PM]
"The Voice" Announces Fan-Favorite Original Coach Adam Levine and Country Superstar Kelsea Ballerini, Making Her Debut, As They Join Returning Coaches, Music Heavyweights Michael Buble and John Legend
NBC's four-time Emmy Award-winning musical competition series "The Voice" returns for season 27 in spring 2025 with an electrifying coaching panel.

[05/14/24 - 02:06 PM]
"The Voice" Announces All-Star Performance Lineup for Season 25 Finale
Season 25 will conclude with special performances from The Black Keys, Jelly Roll, Kate Hudson, Lainey Wilson, Muni Long, Thomas Rhett and Season 23 winner Gina Miles during the live show on Tuesday, May 21.

[05/13/24 - 08:54 AM]
"The Voice" Announces Megastar Coaching Panel as Snoop Dogg and Michael Buble Join Returning Coaches Reba McEntire and Gwen Stefani
This marks McEntire's third consecutive season on the show and Stefani's eighth.

[05/10/24 - 01:30 PM]
Three New Series, Breakout Comedies and Fan-Favorite Dramas Anchor NBC's Fall Lineup Boosted by Live Tentpole Specials
Three new series are set to premiere in the fall: drama "Brilliant Minds," starring Zachary Quinto; "St. Denis Medical," which stars Wendi McLendon-Covey, Allison Tolman and David Alan Grier; and Reba McEntire returns to comedy with multi-camera "Happy's Place."

[04/16/24 - 12:00 PM]
CBS Leads Broadcast with 14 of Top 20 Non-Sports Programs
CBS has led the four broadcasters since its February new season premieres, winning six nights a week (Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Sunday).

[03/25/24 - 11:14 AM]
NBC's "The Voice" Taps Music Powerhouse Keith Urban as Season 25 Mega Mentor
Urban joins superstar coaches Chance the Rapper, Dan + Shay, John Legend and Reba McEntire to mentor the remaining artists who have made it through the Battle Rounds, as each team prepares for the Knockouts, beginning Monday, April 8.

[12/12/23 - 12:03 PM]
"The Voice" Announces Star-Studded Performance Lineup for Season 24 Finale
Look for special performances from Earth, Wind & Fire, Keith Urban, AJR, Jelly Roll, Tyla and Season 25 coaches Dan + Shay during the live show on Tuesday, December 19.

[11/20/23 - 11:01 AM]
New Series Premiere and Favorites Return as NBC Midseason Lineup Features Edge-of-Your-Seat Unscripted Fare, Hilarious Star-Driven Comedy and Dramas That Inspire
Coming off a fall in which NBC had more original scripted programming than any other major broadcaster, the network heads into midseason #1 in both total viewers and the 18-49 demo in overall programming as well as being #1 in total viewers in entertainment-only programming.

[10/31/23 - 12:07 PM]
"The Voice" Announces Country Music Icon Wynonna Judd as Season 24 Mega Mentor
Wynonna joins superstar coaches Niall Horan, John Legend, Reba McEntire and Gwen Stefani to mentor the remaining artists who have made it through the Battle Rounds as each team prepares for the three-way Knockouts beginning November 6.

[10/04/23 - 03:20 PM]
NBC Wins Premiere Week for 12th Straight Time in Demo, 5th Straight in Total Viewers
NBC placed eight of the top 12 shows in Premiere Week in total viewers, including "Sunday Night Football," "The Voice" and "America's Got Talent."

[07/19/23 - 10:00 AM]
NBC Announces 2023-24 Fall Premiere Dates
"The Irrational" will launch Premiere Week on Monday, September 25 at 10 p.m. following the two-hour season premiere of the four-time Emmy Award-winning competition series "The Voice."

[06/22/23 - 10:07 AM]
"The Voice" Announces Star-Studded Coaching Lineup for Season 25
Three-time Grammy Award-winners Dan + Shay will join Reba McEntire, John Legend and Chance the Rapper.

[05/16/23 - 01:21 PM]
"The Voice" Announces Superstar Lineup for Season 23 Finale
CeeLo Green, Diplo & Lily Rose, Maroon 5 and Toosii will take the stage during the two-hour live season finale on Tuesday, May 23.

[05/15/23 - 08:42 AM]
Reba McEntire to Join NBC Juggernaut "The Voice" for Season 24
Fresh off her role as season 23 mega mentor, multi-media entertainment mogul and Country Music Hall of Fame inductee Reba McEntire claims her red chair alongside veteran coach John Legend and returning coaches Niall Horan and Gwen Stefani.

[05/12/23 - 11:30 AM]
NBC Anchors Fall Schedule with Franchise Powerhouses and Three New Series
Three new series are set to premiere in the fall - dramas "The Irrational" and "Found," and multi-cam comedy "Extended Family," all of which will stream next-day on Peacock along with the rest of NBC's entertainment lineup.

[02/22/23 - 12:18 PM]
"The Voice" Announces Season 23 Mega Mentor Reba McEntire and Introduces Changes to the Competition
Reba joins superstar coaches Chance the Rapper, Kelly Clarkson, Niall Horan and Blake Shelton to mentor the remaining artists who have made it through the Battle Rounds as each team prepares for the Knockouts that begin April 17.

[12/07/22 - 10:32 AM]
"The Voice" Announces Superstar Performances for Season 22 Finale
Kane Brown ft. Blake Shelton, Kelly Clarkson, Maluma, OneRepublic, Adam Lambert, BRELAND and Girl Named Tom will take the stage during the two-hour live season finale on Tuesday, December 13.

[11/28/22 - 11:06 PM]
Development Update: Monday, November 28
Updates include: Scarlett Johansson to lead "Just Cause" TV series at Amazon; Mark Burnett exits MGM Television; and Jordan Gonzalez upped to regular on HBO Max's "Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin."

[11/22/22 - 10:00 AM]
Nielsen Live +35-Day Ratings Reveal CBS Has 5 of the Top 6 Premieres with Over 10 Million Viewers
CBS also has 15 of the top 25 premieres in the 35-day metric.

[11/07/22 - 12:00 PM]
NBC Delivers the Goods for Midseason with Returning Favorites, A New Judge on the Comedy Case and Dramas That Inspire and Charm
Following another Premiere Week win and a top-rated fall, NBC heads into 2023 with the launch of an all-new "Night Court," the debuts of dramas "Found" and "Magnum P.I." and an extension of the world's most successful reality format with "America's Got Talent: All-Stars."

[11/01/22 - 10:30 AM]
CBS Entertainment Programming Dominates New Primetime Season with Seven of the Top 10 Series and 17 of the Top 25
According to Nielsen, the most-watched non-sports series is "NCIS," with "FBI," NBC's "Chicago Fire" and "60 Minutes" not far behind.

[10/11/22 - 03:22 PM]
"The Voice" Season 23 Will Return in Spring 2023 with New Coaches Chance the Rapper and Niall Horan Alongside Returning Coaches Kelly Clarkson and Blake Shelton
After 23 remarkable seasons, Blake Shelton will bid farewell to his red chair following the spring season.

[09/28/22 - 12:05 PM]
NBC Wins Premiere Week in Both the 18-49 Demo and Total Viewers for All Programming
As for individual series, NBC had six of the top 10 shows in total viewers - "Sunday Night Football" at #1 and two scripted programs ("Chicago Fire" and "Chicago Med") as well as one unscripted ("The Voice").

[09/19/22 - 03:03 PM]
NBC Finishes #1 in Demo for Eighth Win Over Last Nine Seasons
With the 2021-22 season ending Sunday, September 18, NBC won the demo derby among all programming with an 0.9 in adults 18-49 by 13% over FOX (0.8), ABC (0.7) and CBS (0.7).

[09/12/22 - 09:21 PM]
Warner Bros. Television's "Ted Lasso" Wins Four Emmy Awards, Including Outstanding Comedy Series for the Second Year in a Row
Plus: "Abbott Elementary" made the grade with three Emmys total, including Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series for creator/star Quinta Brunson and Outstanding Supporting Actress for Sheryl Lee Ralph this evening.

[08/17/22 - 08:23 AM]
"The Voice" Announces Season 22 Battle Advisors
Multi-Grammy-nominated Cuban-born singer-songwriter and actress Camila Cabello claims her red chair alongside superstar returning coaches John Legend, Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani.

[07/12/22 - 12:53 PM]
Prime Video Scores 30 Emmy Nominations and Newly Acquired MGM Receives 7
Prime Video received 30 Emmy Award nominations today for its Original programming, including 12 nominations for "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel."

[07/12/22 - 10:45 AM]
Warner Bros. Television Group Receives 44 Nominations for the 2022 Emmy Awards
This includes Outstanding Comedy Series nominations for "Abbott Elementary" and "Ted Lasso," both produced by Warner Bros. Television.

[06/29/22 - 11:30 AM]
NBC Announces Fall Premiere Dates
Scripted programming will launch the week of September 19 and will include the premiere of the reimagined "Quantum Leap," starring Raymond Lee.

[05/16/22 - 07:00 AM]
NBC Builds on Strong Fall Schedule with the Addition of New Series "Quantum Leap" and "Lopez vs Lopez" to Its Winning Lineup
All network shows will stream next-day, exclusively on Peacock.

[05/15/22 - 11:36 AM]
"The Voice" Returns This Fall with Blake Shelton, John Legend, Gwen Stefani and Camila Cabello
Give a warm welcome to your Voice Coaches.

[11/01/21 - 11:32 AM]
NBC to Air the Pilot of the Peacock Original Series "Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol" on Monday, Nov. 8
An encore episode of "Ordinary Joe" was originally scheduled in the 10:00/9:00c timeslot.

[10/28/21 - 12:01 PM]
It's Game Time on NBC as Jimmy Fallon Invites "The Voice" Coaches to Participate in a Sneak Episode of "That's My Jam"
Hosted by Jimmy Fallon, "That's My Jam" is an hourlong music and comedy variety game show that draws inspiration from the most popular "Tonight Show" games.

[10/05/21 - 09:03 AM]
Ed Sheeran Joins "The Voice" as Season 21 Mega Mentor
Alongside superstar coaches Kelly Clarkson, Ariana Grande, John Legend and Blake Shelton, Ed Sheeran mentors the remaining artists who have made it through the Battle Rounds, as each team prepares for the Knockouts.

[09/28/21 - 10:34 AM]
NBC Comes Out of the Gate Hot with Biggest Premiere Week Win in 20 Years
Excluding 1988 due to the Winter Olympics, both figures are the largest difference between first and second place networks for Premiere Week in measurement history.

[09/23/21 - 01:00 PM]
New on Hulu: Fall TV Premieres Available Next Day
The streamer recaps its new and returning offerings from ABC, FOX and NBC.

[09/21/21 - 09:31 AM]
NBC Wins 52-Week Season in 18-49 and Total Viewers for First Time Since 2018
"In an era with no shortage of viewing options, the reach and impact of broadcast television is still undeniable," said Frances Berwick.

[07/15/21 - 12:04 PM]
NBC Sets Upcoming Premiere Dates
"The Blacklist" moves to Thursdays at 8:00/7:00c, taking the place of the previously announced "Law & Order: For the Defense."

[05/19/21 - 07:11 AM]
"The Voice" Announces Season 20 Finale Performances
Justin Bieber, Maroon 5, Snoop Dogg with DJ Battlecat, Gwen Stefani ft. Saweetie, Thomas Rhett, OneRepublic, Lauren Daigle, Ben Platt, and Kelsea Ballerini take the stage during the two-hour live season finale on Tuesday, May 25.

[05/14/21 - 11:15 AM]
NBC Bolsters Year-Round Programming Slate with Bold, Compelling Dramas in the Fall, Fresh and Funny Midseason Comedy Blocks and Dominant Unscripted Programming Across the Calendar
New dramas "Ordinary Joe," "La Brea" and "Law & Order: For the Defense" will launch this fall.

[04/01/21 - 09:02 AM]
Multi-Platinum Artist, Actor, Philanthropist and Entertainment Icon Snoop Dogg Will Serve as Mega Mentor on Season 20 of NBC's Four-Time Emmy Award-Winning Musical Competition Series, "The Voice"
Snoop Dogg joins superstar coaches Kelly Clarkson, Nick Jonas, John Legend and Blake Shelton to mentor the remaining artists who have made it through the Battle Rounds, as each team prepares for the Knockouts, beginning Monday, April 19.

[03/30/21 - 08:27 AM]
Ariana Grande Will Join the Upcoming Fall 2021 Cycle of NBC's "The Voice" as a Coach
Said Grande, "I'm so honored and excited to join 'The Voice' family! I have been a huge fan of the show for such a long time. I can't wait to go head-to-head with the incredible coaches, get to know these new artists and help to take their craft to the next level."

[02/01/21 - 09:37 AM]
Four-Time Emmy Award-Winning Musical Competition Series "The Voice" Returns Monday, March 1 at 8 p.m. ET/PT
Pop music sensation Nick Jonas reclaims his red chair alongside superstar returning coaches Kelly Clarkson, John Legend, and Blake Shelton for Season 20.

[12/10/20 - 10:03 AM]
"The Voice" Announces Special Finale Performances
Dan + Shay, Jason Derulo, JP Saxe, Julia Michaels, Keith Urban, Lauren Daigle, Lewis Capaldi, Nelly ft. Florida Georgia Line's Tyler Hubbard and 24KGoldn ft. Iann Dior are set to perform on the live finale, Tuesday, December 15.

[11/30/20 - 06:55 PM]
NBC Adjusts Tuesday, Thursday Lineups After Latest NFL Change
This week's "The Voice" and "Transplant" originals are back on Tuesday night; as are "The Voice Holiday Celebration" and "Dateline NBC" on Thursday.

[11/27/20 - 08:46 PM]
NFL Pushes Ravens-Steelers to Tuesday; NBC Sends "The Voice," "Transplant" to Thursday
The matchup, original slated for Thanksgiving, is on the move for the second time.

[11/25/20 - 12:06 PM]
NFL Moves Ravens-Steelers Thanksgiving Primetime Game to Sunday, November 29
In its place, NBC will rebroadcast "The National Dog Show" alongside a repeat of "The Wall."

[11/17/20 - 06:00 AM]
Multi-Award-Winning Singer, Songwriter, Actor and Producer Nick Jonas Will Be Returning to "The Voice" for the Show's 20th Season
He will be joined by John Legend, Blake Shelton and Kelly Clarkson, who are the current season 19 coaches along with Gwen Stefani.

[11/13/20 - 11:02 AM]
NBC Brings Good Cheer to the Holidays with Array of Festive Programming
NBC is sledding into the holiday season with a lineup full of extraordinary perennial and annual specials.

[11/03/20 - 09:02 AM]
"The Voice" & "This Is Us" Account for the #1-2-3 Most-Watched Entertainment Shows for the Ratings Week of Oct. 26-Nov. 1
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 26-November 1.

[09/09/20 - 10:32 AM]
NBC Makes Scheduling Changes to Monday, Tuesday Lineups
"The Weakest Link" will now premiere on Tuesday, September 29 and stay in that timeslot for three weeks until it moves to Mondays beginning October 19.

[08/27/20 - 12:02 PM]
It's Go Time as NBC Kickstarts the Season with Everyone's Favorite Series
"The Voice," "Weakest Link" and "Ellen's Game of Games" are among the series on tap this fall.

[06/16/20 - 11:00 AM]
NBC Enters the 2020-21 Season with Unprecedented Stability Across Its Schedule, Featuring Hit Dramas, Beloved Comedies and Powerhouse Alternative Programming
The network's fall schedule sees 16 returning shows, and one new drama with "Law & Order: Organized Crime."

[05/14/20 - 01:05 PM]
"The Voice" Announces Special Finale Performances
Superstar coaches Kelly Clarkson, Nick Jonas, John Legend and Blake Shelton to perform on star-studded live two-hour season finale of four-time Emmy Award-winning musical competition series.

[05/07/20 - 11:03 AM]
Kane Brown, Doja Cat and Season 18 Mega Mentor James Taylor Are Set to Perform on "The Voice" Airing Monday, May 11 on NBC
On the live Top 9 results show, the top vote-getter from each team will automatically earn a spot to compete in the finale.

[04/30/20 - 04:32 PM]
"The Voice" to Broadcast First-Ever Remote Live Shows with Carson Daly Hosting from Stage Beginning the Week of Monday, May 4
Then on Tuesday, May 5, four artists, one from each team, will be revealed as safe by America's votes.

[04/06/20 - 06:31 AM]
Award-Winning Music Icon James Taylor Will Serve as the Mega Mentor on Season 18 of "The Voice"
As "The Voice" Mega Mentor, Taylor will join the coaches to mentor the artists remaining from the Battle Rounds and prepare each team for the Knockout Rounds, which will begin airing Monday, April 13.

[03/17/20 - 11:39 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, March 17
Updates include: "American Idol" and "The Voice" mull fate of live shows; and more than 30 series to be at least one episode short of their original commitments.

[12/19/19 - 08:36 AM]
"The Voice" Is the #1 Most-Watched Primetime Network Show of the Decade
NBC further spins the numbers for the series to date.

[12/13/19 - 10:06 AM]
Jennifer Hudson Returns to "Voice" Stage Along with Black Eyed Peas, Luke Combs, Lady Antebellum, Dua Lipa and Season 16 Winner Maelyn to Perform on Live "Voice" Finale Airing Tuesday, Dec. 17
The season finale will also feature special musical collaborations with the Top 4 finalists, which will be announced soon.

[11/08/19 - 11:00 AM]
NBC Heads Into 2020 with Top Talent, Innovative Dramas, Fan-Favorite Comedies and Must-See Specials
On the comedy front, January marks the conclusion of hit series "The Good Place," which will go out with a forkin' good time on Thursday, January 30 at 8:30/7:30c.

[10/07/19 - 06:22 PM]
Multi-Platinum Grammy and Golden Globe Award-Nominated Nick Jonas Joins "The Voice" as Coach for Spring 2020
He will be joined by returning music superstar coaches Kelly Clarkson, John Legend and Blake Shelton.

[10/01/19 - 01:31 PM]
NBC Ranks #1 for Premiere Week in 18-49 for a Record 8th Year in a Row & Wins Week 1 in Total Viewers for the First Time in 18 Years
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 23-29.

[09/16/19 - 09:30 AM]
Taylor Swift Will Serve as the Mega Mentor on Season 17 of "The Voice"
As "The Voice" Mega Mentor, Taylor will join coaches Kelly Clarkson, John Legend, Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani to mentor the artists and prepare each team for the Knockout Rounds, which will begin airing in late October.

[06/17/19 - 11:01 AM]
NBC Raises the Curtain on Fall Premiere Dates as Broadcast's #1 Network Launches Its 2019-20 Season
The bulk of said lineup will launch during the traditional premiere week of September 23-29.

[06/04/19 - 11:15 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, June 4
Updates include: Syfy axes "Deadly Class," "Happy!"; Amazon ulls the plug on "Sneaky Pete"; and Netflix's "The Ranch" to call it quits in 2020.

[05/24/19 - 11:42 PM]
Development Update: Friday, May 24
Updates include: NBC pulls the plug "A.P. Bio"; ABC says no to "Whiskey Cavalier" reprieve; and Adam Levine signs off of "The Voice" after 16 seasons.

[05/17/19 - 10:07 AM]
Taylor Swift ft. Brendon Urie, BTS, Jonas Brothers, Halsey, Khalid, OneRepublic, Hootie & the Blowfish and More to Perform on Live "Voice" Finale
Each finalist will perform three times - one new solo cover, a special duet with their coach and the debut of their first original single.

[05/12/19 - 10:00 AM]
NBC Builds on Winning Lineup with Strong Investments in Returning Hits, Dominant Alternative Programming, Addictive New Dramas, A Renewed Focus on Comedy and Homecomings for Big NBC Stars
New additions this fall include drama "Bluff City Law" and comedies "Perfect Harmony" and "Sunnyside."

[05/10/19 - 09:18 AM]
Kelly Clarkson, John Legend, Adam Levine and Blake Shelton Return as Coaches on Fall Cycle of "The Voice" with Host Carson Daly
This season the Monday and Tuesday editions of "The Voice" are combining to average a 2.1 rating in adults 18-49 and 11.1 million viewers overall in "live plus seven day" Nielsens.

[04/18/19 - 04:45 PM]
NBC Shifts Two of Its Tuesday Series by Moving "The Village" to 8 p.m. and "The Voice" to 9 p.m.
The five-week change will begin April 23 and conclude May 21.

[02/25/19 - 01:17 PM]
"The Voice Comeback Stage" Digital Series Presented by Lay's(R) Returns for Season 16 with New Format and Grammy Award-Nominated Singer-Songwriter Bebe Rexha as Fifth Coach
During the first round of competition, six artists who did not get a chair turn go head to head.

[12/18/18 - 10:00 AM]
NBC Announces Midseason Premiere Dates for Four Returning and Two New Series
Look for new dramas "The Enemy Within" (Monday, February 25) and "The Village" (Tuesday, March 12) in the coming months.

[12/14/18 - 01:42 PM]
Superstar Recording Artists Jennifer Hudson, Kelly Clarkson, John Legend, Dierks Bentley, Halsey, Marshmello and Bastille, Panic! At the Disco, Brynn Cartelli and More to Perform on "Voice" Finale
The season finale will also feature special musical collaborations with the Top 4 finalists, which will be announced soon.

[11/19/18 - 10:33 AM]
Studio Head Meredith Ahr Upped to President, Alternative and Reality Group for NBC Entertainment
In her new post, the 17-year NBC veteran will oversee all aspects of unscripted programming at the network, Universal Television Alternative Studio and first-run syndication.

[11/02/18 - 11:53 AM]
NBC Expands Election Coverage on Tuesday; Bumps "The Voice" Recap to Thursday
"Will & Grace" and "I Feel Bad" will be preempted on Thursday, November 8.

[09/30/18 - 10:01 AM]
"This Is Us" & "New Amsterdam" Generate Tuesday's #1-2 Biggest Live + 3 Lifts
NBC further spins the numbers for Tuesday, September 25.

[09/13/18 - 11:16 AM]
EGOT Winner and Multi-Talented John Legend Joins "The Voice" as Coach For Spring 2019
Legend will be joined by returning music superstar coaches Kelly Clarkson, Adam Levine and Blake Shelton, and host Carson Daly.

[09/10/18 - 09:39 AM]
"The Voice" to Debut First-Ever "Comeback Stage" Companion Series with Chart-Topping Country Music Star Kelsea Ballerini as the Fifth Coach
During the series, Grammy Award nominee Kelsea Ballerini will pair the six Comeback Artists into three Battle Pairings, coaching each artist on an individual song.

[08/06/18 - 11:42 PM]
Development Update: Monday, August 6
Updates include: truTV cancels "The Chris Gethard Show"; Ana Brenda Contreras joins the cast of The CW's "Dynasty"; and Molly McCook, Jet Jurgensmeyer tapped for FOX's "Last Man Standing."

[06/19/18 - 11:30 AM]
NBC Announces Fall Premiere Dates for New 2018-19 Season
"The Voice" as is custom will kick things off on Monday, September 24 followed by the launch of new drama "Manifest."

[05/22/18 - 11:18 AM]
NBC Wins the Sept. to May Season in 18-49 for the 4th Time in 5 Years, Generating The Top Winning Margin for Any Net in People-Meter History
NBC further spins the numbers for the season to date.

[05/18/18 - 10:38 AM]
Jason Aldean, James Bay, Big Sean, Florence + the Machine, Halsey, Dua Lipa, Season 13 Winner Chloe Kohanski and More to Perform on "Voice" Finale
Additionally, the season finale will feature special musical collaborations with the Top 4 finalists, which will be announced soon.

[05/13/18 - 09:30 AM]
NBC Carries First Place Momentum Into 2018-19 with Year-Round Programming Strategy Focused on Bold New Shows, Strong Anchors and Top Talent
Highlights include a new Wednesday lineup comprised of "Chicago Med," "Chicago Fire" and "Chicago PD."

[05/11/18 - 08:04 PM]
"The Voice" Teams Up with Groundbreaking Mobile Game Show "HQ Trivia" as Fans Watch and Play to Win $50,000 and Trip to Attend Season Finale
Viewers are encouraged to tune in to the telecast and watch for hints to be ready for the special edition of HQ later that night.

[05/11/18 - 10:30 AM]
Coach Blake Shelton, Rockers Panic! at the Disco and Country Star Kane Brown to Perform Tuesday, May 15 on Live Telecast of "The Voice"
Shelton will perform his new single, "I Lived It," from his hit record "Texoma Shore" that was released late last year.

[05/10/18 - 06:02 PM]
Award-Winning Vocal Powerhouses Kelly Clarkson and Jennifer Hudson Return as Coaches on Season 15 of "The Voice"
Clarkson and Hudson will compete against Maroon 5 lead singer Adam Levine and country music superstar Blake Shelton.

[05/04/18 - 10:00 AM]
Kelly Clarkson, Charlie Puth and 5 Seconds of Summer Set to Perform on "The Voice" Top 10 Live Shows Next Week
On the Monday, May 7 live telecast, Clarkson will perform her show-stopping new single "I Don't Think About You" off her eighth studio album, "Meaning of Life."

[04/11/18 - 06:32 AM]
For First Time NBC's "The Voice" Begins Its Live Competition on Three Consecutive Nights, Starting Monday, April 16
The Live Playoffs round of the four-time Emmy Award-winning musical competition series begins Monday, April 16 (8-10 p.m. ET/PT) and continues Tuesday, April 17 (8-9 p.m.) and Wednesday, April 18 (8-9 p.m.).

[03/27/18 - 10:01 AM]
Past Winners Will Serve as Advisers for the Coaches During the Knockout Rounds Beginning Monday, April 2 on "The Voice"
Winners Cassadee Pope, Jordan Smith, Chris Blue and Chloe Kohanski will serve as advisers for the coaches during the Knockout Rounds.

[02/05/18 - 01:09 PM]
"This Is Us" Scores as NBC's Most-Watched Scripted Show Since "ER" the Night of the "Friends" Finale and Top Drama on Any Net in 10 Years
NBC further spins the numbers for Sunday, February 4.

[02/05/18 - 07:12 AM]
"This Is Us" Is the Top-Rated Post-Super Bowl Telecast in 6 Years
NBC further spins the initial numbers for Sunday, February 4.

[02/03/18 - 05:36 AM]
Video: NBC Entertainment's Super Bowl Spots
"The Voice," "Rise," "AP Bio" and "World of Dance" are among the Peacock's spotlighted series.

[11/28/17 - 02:15 PM]
NBC Fills Remaining Winter Time Periods with "The Wall," "Ellen's Game of Games"
Look for said entries to lead off Monday and Tuesday nights, respectively, in the new year.

[11/16/17 - 02:35 PM]
NBC Sets Midseason Premiere Dates for New Dramas "Good Girls" and "Rise"
They'll follow the spring premiere of "The Voice" and the season finale of "This Is Us," respectively.

[10/18/17 - 10:03 AM]
Alicia Keys Makes Her Triumphant Return as 15-Time Grammy Award Winner Reclaims a Red Chair on Season 14 of "The Voice"
Keys will be joined by Adam Levine, Blake Shelton and Kelly Clarkson, who will be making her coaching debut on "The Voice."

[10/17/17 - 09:38 AM]
With "SNF" #1 Overall & "This Is Us," "Voice" & "Will & Grace" Ranking as 4 of the Top 10 Entertainment Shows, NBC Wins Week of Oct. 9-15
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 9-15.

[10/17/17 - 08:21 AM]
NBC Wins Monday Among the Big 4 in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, October 16.

[10/07/17 - 03:31 PM]
"Dateline NBC" Ties as the #1 Show of the Night on the Big 4 in 18-49, Delivering Its Most-Watched Edition Since Last December
NBC spins the numbers for Friday, October 6.

[09/27/17 - 08:57 AM]
"This Is Us" Sets a New Series Record, Jumps +36% vs. Its Year-Ago Debut
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, September 26.

[09/26/17 - 08:41 AM]
"The Voice" Grows +37% vs. Last Season's Finale
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, September 25.

[08/31/17 - 03:34 PM]
"The 2017 NBC Primetime Preview" Highlights Network's New Fall Offerings
The special will be hosted by the cast of "Great News" and includes a special appearance by nine-time Emmy Award winner Tina Fey.

[08/13/17 - 10:01 PM]
Winners of "Teen Choice 2017" Announced
This year, teens logged on to Twitter and FOX.com and cast more than 63 million votes in support of their favorite teen icons in film, television, music, sports, fashion, comedy and the web.

[06/19/17 - 12:20 PM]
NBC Announces Fall Premiere Dates for New 2017-18 Season
Said dates run from Monday, September 25 ("The Voice," "The Brave") through Friday, October 27 ("Blindspot"); plus two-hour "Dateline NBC" on Fridays pushes "Taken" to midseason.

[05/30/17 - 03:40 PM]
NBC Scuttles "This Is Us" Move, More Fall Changes
"Superstore," "The Good Place" and "Chicago Fire" will head to Thursday nights instead.

[05/25/17 - 02:36 PM]
ABC Wins Its 4th Consecutive May in Adults 18-49, Delivering Its Longest Winning Streak for the Sweep in Over 25 Years
ABC further spins the numbers for the May sweeps period.

[05/19/17 - 02:22 PM]
Miley Cyrus to Perform New Hit Single "Malibu" as Chris Stapleton, Zedd and Alessia Cara Also Take the Stage on "The Voice" Season Finale
Additionally, the exciting season finale of "The Voice" will feature an array of musical collaborations.

[05/14/17 - 09:30 AM]
NBC Launches Into 2017-18 Elevating Its Winning Lineup with New Shows, Impressive Auspices, and Bold Scheduling Moves
New dramas "Brave" and "Law & Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders" are set to bow this fall.

[05/11/17 - 02:24 PM]
Kelly Clarkson Named New Coach of "The Voice," Joining Blake Shelton and Adam Levine for Season 14
A fourth coach will be named at a later date.

[05/10/17 - 03:00 PM]
Award-Winning Vocal Sensation Jennifer Hudson on Board as Coach for Fall 2017 of "The Voice"
Hudson will join Miley Cyrus, Adam Levine and Blake Shelton as a coach on season 13.

[05/03/17 - 10:35 AM]
Blake Shelton, Charlie Puth and Maren Morris Set to Perform on NBC's "The Voice"
On Monday, May 8, Shelton will perform his new Top 20 single, "Every Time I Hear That Song," from his current bestselling album, "If I'm Honest."

[04/21/17 - 10:01 AM]
Multiplatinum Superstar G-Eazy to Perform on Tuesday, April 25 Live Telecast of NBC's "The Voice"
G-Eazy will perform his new song "Good Life," which bears the honor of being the end title and closing track in Universal Pictures' most recent box office smash, "The Fate of the Furious."

[04/13/17 - 10:29 AM]
Global Superstar Shania Twain to Serve as Key Adviser on Monday, April 24 Live Telecast of "The Voice"
On Monday, April 17 and Tuesday, April 18, the remaining artists will compete for a spot in the Top 12 during "The Voice" live playoffs.

[03/15/17 - 09:02 AM]
"SNL" Is Saturday's #1 Telecast, Up 20% vs. the Show's March Average Last Year
NBC spins the numbers for Saturday, March 11.

[12/08/16 - 12:15 PM]
NBC's New Comedies Earn Key Timeslots with Strong Support While Powerful Sunday Lineup Launches March 5 as #1 Network Sets Midseason Slate
The Peacock locks in dates for newcomers "Powerless," "Trial & Error," "Great News" and "The Blacklist: Redemption," among others.

[12/08/16 - 10:00 AM]
Bruno Mars, Sting and The Weeknd to Perform on Spectacular Season Finale of "The Voice"
Global superstar Bruno Mars will perform his explosive single "24K Magic," the title track from his critically acclaimed album "24K Magic."

[11/30/16 - 08:56 AM]
NBC Wins the Night Among the Big 4 in Every Key Measure, Led by "This Is Us"
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 29.

[11/29/16 - 08:39 AM]
"Voice" Is Monday's #1 Show on the Big 4 in Every Key Measure
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, November 28.

[11/29/16 - 08:18 AM]
ABC's "CMA Country Christmas" Surges by Double Digits Year to Year
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, November 28.

[11/07/16 - 12:02 PM]
"The Voice" Has Friends in High Places as Garth Brooks to Serve as Key Adviser on Monday, Nov. 14 Telecast
Brooks is the first artist in history to win the prestigious Entertainer of the Year Award five times.

[11/07/16 - 09:09 AM]
Live + 3 Ratings: "This Is Us" Equals a 3-Year High for Biggest Live + 3 Lift for a Tuesday Big 4 Telecast
NBC further spins the numbers for Monday, October 31 and Tuesday, November 1.

[11/04/16 - 09:15 AM]
"Chicago Med" Is Currently at Season Highs in 18-49 and Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Thursday, November 3.

[11/01/16 - 11:32 AM]
NBC Solidifies Monday Strategy for the Season: More "Timeless" Plus Premieres of "The Voice" and New Action Series "Taken"
The highly anticipated new action series "Taken" will launch Monday, February 27 at 10:00/9:00c.

[10/18/16 - 05:20 AM]
Miley Cyrus, Alicia Keys, Adam Levine, Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani Return to "The Voice"
Plus: Miley Cyrus will also return for the 13th season, which begins in fall 2017; while the rest of the season 13 coaches lineup will be announced at a later date.

[10/05/16 - 08:41 AM]
Encore Recap of "The Voice" Leads the 8-9 p.m. Hour
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 4.

[10/05/16 - 08:26 AM]
ABC's "Dancing" Results Show Grows in Viewers and Young Adults
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 4.

[10/05/16 - 08:23 AM]
"The Flash" Returns Steady in Adults 18-34, "No Tomorrow" Debuts Up in Total Viewers
The CW spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 4.

[10/04/16 - 06:00 PM]
NBC's "The Voice" Welcomes Music Superstars Faith Hill and Tim McGraw as Season 11 Key Advisers
For the first time ever, "The Voice" artists will have not one but two powerhouse key advisers to help them prepare for the next phase of the show - the all-important Knockout Rounds.

[10/04/16 - 08:34 AM]
NBC Takes Monday as "Timeless" Debuts with a 90% Win Over "Conviction"
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, October 3.

[10/04/16 - 08:29 AM]
"Dancing with the Stars" Holds Even With Its Most Recent 2-Hour Telecast and Year to Year
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, October 3.

[09/25/16 - 11:18 AM]
"This Is Us" Grabs NBC's Best Premiere Live + 3 Lift Ever in 18-49 Rating
NBC further spins the numbers for Tuesday, September 20.

[09/21/16 - 08:45 AM]
"This Is Us" Is NBC's Top-Rated Scripted Show in the Slot in 6 Years
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, September 20.

[08/30/16 - 04:00 PM]
NBC Delays "Caught on Camera" Return; Adds "The Good Place," "This Is Us" Repeats
The Peacock will now use Fridays at 8:00/7:00c for encores on September 23, September 30 and October 7.

[08/26/16 - 01:59 PM]
Post-Olympic "Voice" Jumps 2.5 Million Viewers in Live + 3, Biggest Lift of the Week Across All Networks
NBC further spins the numbers for the week of August 15-21.

[08/22/16 - 08:44 AM]
"The Voice" Generates Strong Sampling, Delvering the Top "Voice" 18-49 Rating Since March
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, August 21.

[08/22/16 - 08:22 AM]
ABC's Sunday Fun & Games Lineup Grows Against Olympics Closing Ceremony
ABC spins the numbers for Sunday, August 21.

[08/22/16 - 03:00 AM]
NBC's Groundbreaking "The Voice on Snapchat" Five-Episode Series Launches Today
Each week, one coach will select an artist they want representing their team in the "Voice on Snapchat" finale September 19.

[06/30/16 - 11:47 AM]
Original Episodes of NBC Hits "Superstore" and "The Voice" Blind Auditions to Air During the Rio Summer Olympics
Look for said installments on Friday, August 19 and Sunday, August 21 at 10:30 p.m. following Olympics coverage.

[06/17/16 - 06:02 AM]
NBC Becomes the First Broadcast Network to Launch Amazon Alexa Skill
In addition to the newly launched skill, NBC also created a Flash Briefing with popular hit show "The Voice" during the live episodes this past season.

[06/15/16 - 11:53 AM]
NBC Announces Fall Premiere Dates for New 2016-17 Season
"Blindspot" will kick things off with a special season premiere on Wednesday, September 14 at 10:00/9:00c.

[05/20/16 - 10:01 AM]
Ariana Grande, Little Big Town, Blake Shelton, Sia and ZAYN Set to Perform on Season Finale of "The Voice"
Grande will perform "Into You" from her "Dangerous Woman" album, which was released today.

[05/15/16 - 09:30 AM]
NBC Augments Its Stable Schedule with Ambitious New Dramas, High-Concept Comedies and Unpredictable Unscripted Series
Highlights include new dramas "Timeless" on Mondays and "This Is Us" on Tuesdays; plus "Blindspot" moves to Wednesdays and "Chicago Med" relocates to Thursdays.

[05/09/16 - 05:13 PM]
P!nk to Serve as Superstar Advisor for the Eight Semi-Finalists on Monday, May 16 Telecast of "The Voice"
P!nk recently released her first single in three years, "Just Like Fire" from Walt Disney Studios' upcoming feature film "Alice Through the Looking Glass," which opens nationwide May 27.

[05/06/16 - 12:31 PM]
"Voice" Coach Blake Shelton Will Debut His New Song "Go Ahead and Break My Heart" on Monday, May 9 Along with Special Guest Gwen Stefani
This song is part of Shelton's new album, "If I'm Honest," which is due out May 20 and is the most personal album of his career.

[05/04/16 - 08:21 AM]
NBC Ties for First for the Night in the 18-49 Demo
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 3.

[05/04/16 - 08:21 AM]
"Fresh Off the Boat" Is Tuesday's No. 1 Comedy in Viewers and Young Adults
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 3.

[04/29/16 - 12:32 PM]
Season Eight Winner Sawyer Fredericks and Hot Band DNCE to Appear on "The Voice" Tuesday, May 3
Fredericks not only won season eight but also set a record for the first artist to have 14 songs in the iTunes Top 200 singles chart in one week.

[04/25/16 - 12:21 PM]
Country Superstar Thomas Rhett Makes His TV Debut of "T-Shirt" on Tuesday, April 26 Telecast of "The Voice"
"T-Shirt" follows two platinum back-to-back #1 hits off "Tangled Up," including the six-week #1 single "Die a Happy Man."

[04/18/16 - 02:23 PM]
Gwen Stefani to Perform Her New Single "Misery" on Tuesday, April 19 Telecast of "The Voice"
The single is from Stefani's chart-topping new album "This Is What the Truth Feels Like" (Interscope Records), which debuted #1 on the Billboard Top 200 Album chart when it was released last month.

[03/30/16 - 08:34 AM]
"The Voice" Is the #1 Show of the Night in 18-49, "Chicago Med" and "Chicago Fire" Tie for #2
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 29.

[03/29/16 - 08:28 AM]
NBC Wins Monday in 18-49 and Total Viewers, As "The Voice" and "Blindspot" Grow Week to Week
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, March 28.

[03/29/16 - 08:24 AM]
"Dancing with the Stars" Stands Monday's Most Watched Program for the 2nd Week in a Row
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, March 28.

[03/25/16 - 07:44 PM]
Superstars Miley Cyrus and Alicia Keys Join Coaches Adam Levine and Blake Shelton for Season 11 of "The Voice"
Both Cyrus and Keys are passionate fans of "The Voice": Cyrus is a key adviser on the current season and Keys served as a mentor for season seven.

[03/18/16 - 12:34 PM]
NBC to Offer a Sneak Preview of Its New Drama "Game of Silence" on Tuesday, April 12
The series, originally slated to premiere on April 7, will then formally roll out on Thursday, April 14 at 10:00/9:00c.

[03/16/16 - 08:32 AM]
"The Real O'Neals" Holds Nearly All of Its Week-Ago Premiere
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 15.

[03/16/16 - 08:28 AM]
"Crowded" Generates Strong Sampling, Wins in Every Key Measure
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 15.

[03/14/16 - 08:54 AM]
"Little Big Shots" Is NBC's Most-Watched Regular Sunday Entertainment Telecast Since 2005
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, March 13.

[03/12/16 - 09:31 PM]
2016 Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice Awards Winners
Hosted by Blake Shelton, the awards were broadcast from the "Fabulous" Forum in Inglewood, Calif., where kids celebrated the best of everything they love in pop culture.

[03/10/16 - 08:23 AM]
The "Carmichael" Preview Matches Its Season-One Series Premiere in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 9.

[03/09/16 - 08:42 AM]
"Little Big Shots" Preview Is the Top-Rated Alternative Series Premiere or Preview on Any Net in Four-and-a-Half Years
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 8.

[03/09/16 - 08:40 AM]
"Of Kings and Prophets" Debuts With a 7-Week Time-Slot High in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 8.

[03/03/16 - 10:01 AM]
Amazing Kids, Including a 4-Year-Old Piano Prodigy & World Champion Salsa Dancers, Featured in NBC's "Little Big Shots" Premiere March 13
A sneak preview of "Little Big Shots" will air Tuesday, March 8 at 10:00/9:00c after "The Voice."

[03/02/16 - 08:32 AM]
NBC Sweeps Six of Six Primetime Half-Hours in 18-49, Led by the #1 Show of the Night, "The Voice"
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 1.

[03/01/16 - 12:36 PM]
"Little Big Shots" Hollywood Sweepstakes Looks for Amazing Kids
The "Little Big Shots Hollywood Sweepstakes" is asking for parents or legal guardians to enter videos of their children (ages 4-17) doing amazing things that would wow the public.

[03/01/16 - 09:31 AM]
NBC Gets "STRONG" on Wednesday, April 13 at 9 P.M. and Receives Live "Voice" Lead-In for Two-Hour Sneak Preview
The show moves to its regular timeslot on Thursday, April 14 at 8:00/7:00c.

[03/01/16 - 08:38 AM]
ABC Matches a Season High on Monday in Adults 18-49, Opposite Increased Competition
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, February 29.

[03/01/16 - 08:25 AM]
"The Voice" Returns with a 17% Jump Versus Last Fall's Finale
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, February 29.

[02/10/16 - 08:33 AM]
"Chicago Med," "Fire" & "Hollywood Game Night" Each Retain 100% of Last Week's Rating
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, February 9.

[02/03/16 - 03:04 PM]
Miley Cyrus Set as Key Adviser on "The Voice"
"When Miley speaks everyone pays attention. Our artists are very lucky to have the benefit of her instincts and wisdom," said Paul Telegdy.

[02/03/16 - 08:39 AM]
"Chicago Fire" Wins at 10 P.M. Among ABC, CBS & NBC in All Key Measures
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, February 2.

[01/27/16 - 08:30 AM]
"Chicago Fire" & "Chicago Med" Rank as the #1-2 Shows of the Night in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, January 26.

[01/25/16 - 07:58 AM]
"Shades of Blue" Captures NBC's Third-Biggest L+7 Viewer Increase Ever for a Series Premiere
NBC further spins the numbers for the week of January 4-10.

[01/22/16 - 11:50 AM]
NBC Sets Midseason Premiere Dates for "Crowded," "Heartbeat," "Game of Silence" and Return of "The Carmichael Show"
The launch strategy includes previews in proximity to "The Voice" for "The Carmichael Show," "Crowded," Heartbeat" and "Little Big Shots."

[01/20/16 - 08:33 AM]
"Hollywood Game Night" Ranks #2 at 8 P.M., Hits a New Season High in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, January 19.

[01/17/16 - 08:10 PM]
"Spotlight" Named Best Picture at 21st Annual Critics' Choice Awards
Nominated for eight awards, the most of any series, "Fargo" took home four trophies including Best Movie Made for Television or Limited Series.

[01/05/16 - 08:25 AM]
"Superstore" Retains 85% of Its Preview, Which Benefited from a High-Rated "Voice" Lead-In
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, January 4.

[12/14/15 - 07:07 AM]
Mad Max: Fury Road Leads with 13 Nominations for The 21st Annual Critics' Choice Awards
As previously announced, actor and comedian T.J. Miller will serve as the show's host.

[12/11/15 - 09:05 AM]
"Dolly Parton's Coat of Many Colors" Is the Most-Watched Film on the Broadcast Networks in Three and a Half Years
NBC spins the numbers for Thursday, December 10.

[12/03/15 - 08:34 AM]
"Christmas In Rockefeller Center" Illuminates NBC's Best Non-"Voice" In-Season Rating in Its Slot in the Past Year
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 2.

[12/02/15 - 08:31 AM]
"Chicago Med" Grows 11% in 18-49 in Week Three, Is the First New Drama on the Big 4 This Season to Beat the Total Viewership of Its Premiere Episode
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, December 1.

[12/02/15 - 08:21 AM]
"S.H.I.E.L.D" Returns with Its 2nd-Straight Telecast Viewership Growth
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, December 1.

[12/01/15 - 05:26 PM]
Country Music Legend Dolly Parton and Country Star Cassadee Pope to Perform on the Tuesday, Dec. 8 Live Telecast of "The Voice"
Parton will mentor this season's semi-finalists and share with them her infinite knowledge as a music industry trailblazer and icon.

[12/01/15 - 08:33 AM]
"Superstore" Gets Strong Sampling, As NBC Sweeps 6 of 6 Monday Half-Hours Among the Big 4 in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, November 30.

[12/01/15 - 08:33 AM]
ABC Beats the Drama Lineups on CBS and Fox in Adults 18-49, Leads Monday with Kids 2-11, Airing the Top 2 Shows
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, November 30.

[11/30/15 - 06:35 PM]
Blake Shelton and Ellie Goulding to Perform on Monday, Dec. 7 Live Telecast of "The Voice"
Shelton will sing his current and Top 5 hit single "Gonna" from his album "Bringing Back the Sunshine."

[11/25/15 - 10:04 AM]
Gwen Stefani and Sia to Perform on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 Telecasts of NBC's Emmy Award-Winning Series "The Voice"
Sia will perform the single "Alive" from her upcoming album "This Is Acting" while Stefani will sing her current single "Used to Love You."

[11/25/15 - 08:36 AM]
Week Two of "Chicago Med" Is Up 50% vs. Last Season's Slot Average
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 24.

[11/25/15 - 08:33 AM]
ABC Wins the Final Tuesday of November with a Season-High Performance
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 24.

[11/24/15 - 08:37 AM]
NBC Sweeps 6 of 6 Monday Half-Hours Among the Big 4 in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, November 23.

[11/24/15 - 08:35 AM]
ABC Ranks as Monday's Most Watched Broadcaster for the 2nd Straight Week
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, November 23.

[11/19/15 - 10:11 AM]
Pharrell Williams and Brad Paisley to Perform on Live Episodes of "The Voice"
Williams will perform the song "Freedom" while Paisley, who was an adviser earlier this season on "The Voice," will sing "Country Nation."

[11/18/15 - 11:59 AM]
CBS Dominates the 10 Million Viewer Club
CBS spins the numbers for the season to date.

[11/18/15 - 08:36 AM]
Debut of "Chicago Med" Is the #1 Scripted Show of the Night
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 17.

[11/18/15 - 08:36 AM]
Debut of "Chicago Med" Is the #1 Scripted Show of the Night
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 17.

[11/18/15 - 08:26 AM]
"The Muppets" Improves Its Slot for ABC by 77% This Season in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 17.

[11/17/15 - 08:27 AM]
ABC Stands as the Most Watched Net on Monday
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, November 16.

[11/17/15 - 08:25 AM]
"Blindspot" Hits Five-Week High in 18-49, Dominates 10 P.M. Broadcast Competition
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, November 16.

[11/13/15 - 09:32 AM]
R. City Performs Hit Single "Locked Away" on Tuesday, Nov. 17 Live Telecast of "The Voice"
R. City is the musical duo featuring St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands-born brothers Theron and Timothy Thomas.

[11/12/15 - 08:34 AM]
"SVU" Jumps 33% to Its Top Rating Since April & Best Non-Crossover Result Since Sept. 2014
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 11.

[11/12/15 - 08:32 AM]
ABC's Wednesday Lineup Returns with Its Biggest Audience Since September
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 11.

[11/10/15 - 02:16 PM]
NBC Reveals Winter Premiere Dates for "The Biggest Loser," "The Voice" & More
The reality franchises will return on Monday, January 4 and Monday, February 29, respectively.

[11/10/15 - 08:38 AM]
"Dancing with the Stars" Grows for the 2nd-Consecutive Week to Best-Since-Premiere Numbers in Total Viewers and Adults
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, November 9.

[11/10/15 - 08:27 AM]
NBC Wins Monday Among the Big 4 Networks in Every Key Measure, As "Voice" and "Blindspot" Rank #1-2 Among Those Nets for the Night in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, November 9.

[11/02/15 - 11:04 AM]
NBC to Sneak Preview "Superstore" and "Telenovela" in Post-"Voice" Timeslot Prior to Official Monday, Jan. 4 Launch
Look for said one-hour previews on Monday, November 30 and Monday, December 7 at 10:00/9:00c, respectively.

[10/27/15 - 08:28 AM]
NBC Leads Monday Among the Big 4 Networks in 18-49, With Week-to-Week Gains for "Voice" and "Blindspot"
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, October 26.

[10/27/15 - 08:21 AM]
"Dancing with the Stars" Outdraws NBC's "The Voice" in Overall Viewers
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, October 26.

[10/24/15 - 08:36 AM]
"Undateable" Equals Its 18-49 Average for the Last Four Episodes That Did Not Have a "Voice" Lead-In Prior to This Season
NBC spins the numbers for Friday, October 23.

[10/17/15 - 08:33 AM]
"Undateable" Grows 13% vs. Last Week's Season Premiere in 18-49, 27% in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Friday, October 16.

[10/14/15 - 11:22 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, October 14
Updates include: "Y: The Last Man" comic book eyed as drama at FX; ABC to bring "My Best Friend's Wedding" to the small screen; and Adam Levine lands pilot order for reality project.

[10/13/15 - 08:42 AM]
"Dancing with the Stars" Marks Closest Finish This Season with NBC's "The Voice" in Overall Viewers and Young Adults
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, October 12.

[10/13/15 - 08:28 AM]
Dominant "Blindspot" Tops the Slot's ABC-CBS Drama Competition Combined
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, October 12.

[10/11/15 - 02:03 PM]
"Blindspot" Delivers the Biggest Live + 7 Day Viewer Increase for Premiere Week
NBC further spins the numbers for the week of September 21-27.

[10/11/15 - 08:33 AM]
"Saturday Night Live" with Host Amy Schumer Is the Night's #1 Telecast on the Big 4 Networks in Both Metered-Market Households and 18-49 in the Local People Meters
NBC spins the numbers for Saturday, October 10.

[10/10/15 - 08:27 AM]
Third Season Debut of "Undateable" Matches NBC's Top 18-49 Rating in Its Time Period in the Last 18 Weeks
NBC spins the numbers for Friday, October 9.

[10/07/15 - 08:42 AM]
NBC Ties for the Nightlong Win in 18-49, Marking Its 12th Straight Tuesday at #1 or Tied for #1
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 6.

[10/07/15 - 08:26 AM]
"Fresh Off the Boat" Grows Week to Week and Dominates Fox's "The Grinder"
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 6.

[10/07/15 - 05:45 AM]
Christina Aguilera Returns to Join Adam Levine, Blake Shelton and Pharrell Williams as Coaches for Season 10 of "The Voice"
The 10th season will begin in February.

[10/06/15 - 08:40 AM]
"Blindspot" Retains 96% of Last Week's 18-49 Rating
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, October 5.

[10/06/15 - 08:28 AM]
"Dancing with the Stars" Is Monday's Most Social Program for the 4th Week in a Row
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, October 5.

[10/02/15 - 08:36 AM]
"The Blacklist" Equals Its High Since February
NBC spins the numbers for Thursday, October 1.

[09/30/15 - 01:06 PM]
NBC Extends "Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris" Run at 10 p.m. for Yet Another Week
Also, on Friday, October 2, look for an encore of "The Player" pilot.

[09/30/15 - 08:34 AM]
"Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris" Grows Week to Week in Total Viewers by 7%
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, September 29.

[09/29/15 - 08:38 AM]
"Blindspot" Retains 84% of Last Week's Premiere Rating
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, September 28.

[09/29/15 - 08:32 AM]
"Castle" Is Up from Its Premiere and Beats CBS' "NCIS: LA" in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, September 28.

[09/26/15 - 09:08 AM]
"Blindspot" Rises to Monday's #1 Most-Watched Drama and #1 New Show in Live + 3 Results
NBC further spins the numbers for Monday, September 21.

[09/25/15 - 08:36 AM]
"Heroes Reborn" Captures NBC's Highest Rating in Its Slot, Excluding Sports, Since 2014
NBC spins the numbers for Thursday, September 24.

[09/24/15 - 11:34 AM]
NBC to Keep "Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris" at 10 PM on Tuesdays for Another Week
The newcomer was previously scheduled to air at 8:00/7:00c beginning September 29.

[09/23/15 - 08:48 AM]
"Best Time Ever" Jumps 22% vs. Last Week's Premiere, Hits a 10-Month Slot High Excluding "The Voice"
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, September 22.

[09/23/15 - 08:29 AM]
"The Muppets" Opens as Tuesday's No. 1 New Series in Adults 18-49, Delivering a 2-Year High for ABC in the Time Period
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, September 22.

[09/22/15 - 08:47 AM]
ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" Beats FOX's Premieres Head to Head By 7.8 Million Viewers and by 38% in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, September 21.

[09/22/15 - 08:09 AM]
NBC Rules the Opening Night of the 2015-16 Season Among the Big 4 with "Blindspot" Ranking as the Net's Top Series Debut in Two Years
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, September 21.

[09/20/15 - 08:01 PM]
Complete Listing of 67th Emmy Awards Winners
"Game of Thrones" takes home a grand total of 12 awards, including Outstanding Drama Series.

[09/16/15 - 08:40 AM]
"Best Time Ever" Is NBC's Top Alternative Debut Since 2012, Jumps 36% vs. NBC's Season Average Following Tuesday's "Talent"
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, September 15.

[09/15/15 - 10:43 AM]
NBC Finishes #1 for the Full 52-Week 2014-15 Primetime Television Season in Adults 18-49, Winning Its Second Straight Season
NBC spins the numbers for the season to date.

[09/10/15 - 08:52 AM]
"Talent" Generates Five-Month Time-Period Highs in the Wednesday 8 P.M. Hour, Is #1 for the Night in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 9.

[09/03/15 - 08:55 AM]
"The Carmichael Show" Grows in Its Second Week, Up 18% at 9 P.M., 22% at 9:30
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 2.

[08/27/15 - 11:19 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, August 27
Updates include: Amazon eyes small screen take on "Galaxy Quest"; Michelle Pfeiffer cast in HBO's "The Wizard of Lies"; and Shaquille O'Neal to drop by ABC's "Fresh Off the Boat."

[08/27/15 - 08:53 AM]
"The Carmichael Show" Is the Most-Watched Summer Comedy Debut Since 2007, Wins the Slot Among the Big 4 in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, August 26.

[08/16/15 - 10:01 PM]
Winners of "Teen Choice 2015" Announced
This year, teens logged on to TeenChoice.com, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and cast more than 25 million votes in support of their favorite teen icons in film, television, music, sports, fashion, comedy and the web.

[07/22/15 - 01:11 PM]
NBC Heads Back to VidCon with Exciting Fan Activations for "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon", "The Voice" and "Heroes Reborn"
Once again, "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon", which boasts one of the top channels on YouTube, returns to the VidCon floor offering fans a chance to play along with a popular "Tonight Show" game segment.

[06/29/15 - 08:09 AM]
Country Music Superstar Blake Shelton Performs "Bringing Back the Sunshine" for NBC Sports' NASCAR Sprint Cup Opening Theme
Shelton makes his NASCAR on NBC debut on Sunday, July 5 at 7:00/6:00c, prior to coverage of the Coke Zero 400 Powered by Coca-Cola NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race.

[06/25/15 - 08:55 AM]
NBC Encores Tie for the Nightlong Win
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, June 24.

[06/22/15 - 01:11 PM]
NBC Announces Fall Premiere Dates for New 2015-16 Season
New launches include "Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris" (September 15) and "Chicago Med" (November 10).

[06/22/15 - 08:36 AM]
"Celebrity Family Feud" Opens at No. 1 on Sunday with Multi-Year Time-Slot Highs
ABC spins the numbers for Sunday, June 21.

[06/10/15 - 09:31 AM]
Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani and Pharrell Williams Set as Season-Nine Coaches on "The Voice," Carson Daly to Return as Host
The ninth season will begin in September.

[06/08/15 - 09:51 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC's "Modern Family" and "black-ish" Finish the Season with Playback Series Highs
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of May 18-24.

[05/21/15 - 02:26 PM]
Update: NBC Wins the 2014-15 Primetime Season in Adults 18-49, Claims Its Second Consecutive September-to-May Crown
NBC further spins the numbers for the season to date.

[05/21/15 - 02:09 PM]
Final: ABC's 2015 May Sweep Ratings
ABC further spins the numbers for the May sweeps period.

[05/20/15 - 08:41 AM]
ABC Is the Most-Watched TV Net on the Final Tuesday of the Season as the "Dancing with the Stars" Finale Ranks as the Night's Top Show
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 19.

[05/20/15 - 08:35 AM]
"The Voice" Jumps 33% Week to Week and Beats NBC's Season Average in the Slot by 65%
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 19.

[05/19/15 - 11:00 PM]
Champion Named of "The Voice"
"The Voice" is both the #1 Monday series and the #1 Tuesday series on the Big 4 networks this season in adults 18-49.

[05/19/15 - 08:42 AM]
"The Voice" Is Monday's #1 Telecast in 18-49, Up for a Second Straight Week to Match Its High Since April 13
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, May 18.

[05/19/15 - 08:42 AM]
ABC Is Monday's Most Watched Net for 6th-Straight Week and 9th Time in 10 Weeks
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, May 18.

[05/19/15 - 08:17 AM]
NBC Wins the 2014-15 Primetime Season in Adults 18-49, Claims Its Second Consecutive September-to-May Crown
NBC spins the numbers for the season to date.

[05/17/15 - 09:10 AM]
"Saturday Night Live," with Host Louis C.K., Matches the Show's Highest Household Rating in the Metered Markets Since March 7
NBC spins the numbers for Saturday, May 16.

[05/15/15 - 10:01 AM]
Maroon 5, Luke Bryan, Kelly Clarkson, John Fogerty, Meghan Trainor and Ed Sheeran All to Perform Live in Season Finale on NBC's "The Voice"
More guest performers are expected to be announced later.

[05/13/15 - 08:50 AM]
NBC Ties for the Tuesday Win in 18-49 Among the Big 4 with the #1 Show of the Night, "The Voice"
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 12.

[05/12/15 - 08:47 AM]
ABC Is Monday's Most-Watched Net for 5th Week in a Row and 8 of the Last 9
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, May 11.

[05/12/15 - 08:44 AM]
NBC Wins Monday Among the Big 4 Networks in 18-49, Led by the #1 Show of the Night on Those Nets, "The Voice"
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, May 11.

[05/10/15 - 09:00 AM]
Compelling Dramas, New Comedies and Favorite Returning Series Highlight NBC's Balanced and Potent 2015-16 Primetime Schedule
Highlights of the newly announced year-round schedule include the captivating and mysterious drama "Blindspot" from Greg Berlanti, one of TV's most prolific executive producers.

[05/10/15 - 08:42 AM]
"Saturday Night Live," With Host Reese Witherspoon, Matches the Show's Highest 18-49 Rating in the Local People Meters Since January 31
NBC spins the numbers for Saturday, May 9.

[05/08/15 - 10:00 AM]
Pharrell Williams, Snoop Dogg, Walk the Moon and Nate Ruess to Perform Live on NBC's "The Voice"
On Monday, May 11, Ruess will perform "Nothing Without Love" from his upcoming album "Grand Romantic," out June 16.

[05/06/15 - 10:07 AM]
The Broadcast Television Journalists Association Announces Nominations for the 5th Annual Critics' Choice Television Awards
Said event will be broadcast live on A&E from the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Sunday, May 31 at 8:00/7:00c.

[05/06/15 - 08:49 AM]
"Chicago Fire" Wins the 10 P.M. Hour Among by a 45% Margin In 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 5.

[05/06/15 - 08:30 AM]
"Forever" Is Up 10% in Its Finale to Equal a 5-Month High in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 5.

[05/04/15 - 10:36 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC Has 4 of the Week's Top 10 Biggest Broadcast Gainers in Adults 18-49
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of April 13-19.

[04/29/15 - 08:23 AM]
"Chicago Fire" Wins Its Time Period in Adults 18-49 for Six Consecutive Original
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 28.

[04/28/15 - 08:47 AM]
NBC Wins Monday Among the Big 4 Nets in All Key Demographics, Including a Tie in Men 18-34
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, April 27.

[04/28/15 - 08:31 AM]
ABC Is Monday's Most-Watched Net for the 6th Time in 7 Weeks
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, April 27.

[04/27/15 - 10:44 AM]
The Season Finale of "Scorpion" Posts Monday's Largest Live Plus 3-Day Lift in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS further spins the numbers for Monday, April 20.

[04/23/15 - 10:01 AM]
Blake Shelton, Matt McAndrew, Jason Derulo and Rozzi Crane Set to Perform on April 27-28 Telecasts of "The Voice"
For the Tuesday telecast, both platinum-selling recording artist Jason Derulo and burgeoning singer-songwriter Rozzi Crane will perform.

[04/23/15 - 06:47 AM]
Hollywood's Biggest Stars Line Up to Have Fun, Raise Money and Change Lives on "Red Nose Day" May 21, A Great Night Of Comedy, Music & More
Will Ferrell, Jennifer Hudson, Jack Black, John Krasinski, Emily Blunt, Michelle Rodriguez, Gwyneth Paltrow, Sam Smith and John Legend are among those slated to appear.

[04/22/15 - 08:54 AM]
NBC Wins Tuesday in 18-49 Among the Big 4 with the #1 and #2 Shows of the Night, "The Voice" and "Chicago Fire"
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 21.

[04/22/15 - 08:37 AM]
Tuesday's No. 1 Comedy, ABC's "Fresh Off the Boat" Finale Hits 6-Week Highs
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 21.

[04/21/15 - 11:00 AM]
Gwen Stefani, Usher and CeeLo Green Return to "The Voice" as Advisers for Monday, April 27 Telecast
"The Voice" is television's #1 unscripted series in adults 18-49 and most other key demographics.

[04/21/15 - 08:43 AM]
NBC Wins Monday Among the Big 4 in 18-49 with the #1 Show of the Night, "The Voice"
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, April 20.

[04/21/15 - 08:34 AM]
ABC Is Monday's Most-Watched Net for the 5th Time in 6 Weeks
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, April 20.

[04/20/15 - 10:35 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: Despite Easter Sunday Pre-Emptions, ABC Still Had 6 of the Week's Top 10 Biggest Broadcast Gainers in Adults 18-49
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of March 30-April 5.

[04/20/15 - 09:08 AM]
Live + 3 Day Ratings: ABC's "SHIELD" Emerges as the #1 Program in Tuesday's 9pm Hour in Adults 18-49
ABC further spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 14.

[04/15/15 - 10:11 AM]
Superproducers Dave Stewart, Mark Ronson, Ryan Tedder and Scott Hendricks to Mentor Artists on "The Voice" Starting Monday, April 20
Ronson will join Christina Aguilera's team, Tedder will assist Pharrell Williams' team, Scott Hendricks will bring his expertise to Blake Shelton's team and Dave Stewart joins forces with Adam Levine's team.

[04/15/15 - 08:54 AM]
"Undateable" Matches Its Second-Best 18-49 Rating Ever
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 14.

[04/15/15 - 08:30 AM]
"SHIELD" Is Up for the 2nd Week to Tie Its Top Rating of 2015 in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 14.

[04/14/15 - 08:45 AM]
NBC Wins Monday Among the Big 4 in Every Key Demographic
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, April 13.

[04/14/15 - 08:29 AM]
ABC Is No. 1 on Monday in Total Viewers
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, April 13.

[04/10/15 - 10:00 AM]
Nick Jonas to Perform "Chains" on Tuesday, April 14 Telecast of "The Voice"
The chart-climbing single follows the album's double-platinum smash single and #1 U.S. radio hit, "Jealous," which peaked at #7 on Billboard Hot 100.

[04/09/15 - 09:30 AM]
"Survivor" Tops Both "The Voice" and "American Idol" in Viewers and Adults 18-49
CBS spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 8.

[04/09/15 - 08:55 AM]
NBC Pulls Within 0.1 of the Wednesday Win in 18-49, A Special Wednesday "Voice" Is Up 75% vs. NBC's Slot Average
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 8.

[04/09/15 - 08:37 AM]
Out of a Repeat "Modern Family," "black-ish" Is No. 1 in its Slot in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 8.

[04/08/15 - 09:00 PM]
"The Voice" Narrows Field to Top 12 Artists as Competition Heats Up
Each of the celebrity musician coaches - Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Christina Aguilera and Pharrell Williams - will have three artists on their respective teams.

[04/08/15 - 08:49 AM]
"Voice" Is Tuesday's #1 Telecast on the Big 4 in 18-49 and #1 or Tied for #1 in Every Other Key Demo
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 7.

[04/07/15 - 08:46 AM]
"The Night Shift" Grows 17% Week to Week in 18-49 Despite NCAA Competition, Currently at a Five-Week High in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, April 6.

[04/07/15 - 08:23 AM]
"Dancing with the Stars" Stands as Monday's Most-Watched TV Series
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, April 6.

[04/06/15 - 08:57 AM]
Live + 3 Day Ratings: "Fresh Off the Boat" Hits Another Playback High to Rank as Tuesday's #1 Comedy in Adults 18-49
ABC further spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 31.

[04/06/15 - 08:44 AM]
"A.D. The Bible Continues" Is the #1 Show of the Night on the Big 4 in Every Key Measure
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, April 5.

[04/03/15 - 11:51 AM]
Discovery Channel Sets Ratings and Viewership Records in 1Q15 with Best Quarter Ever
Discovery spins the numbers for the first quarter of 2015.

[04/03/15 - 10:01 AM]
Sia and Wiz Khalifa to Perform on April 7-8 Telecasts of "The Voice"
Sia will perform "Elastic Heart" from her #1 charting album "1000 Forms of Fear."

[04/01/15 - 08:45 AM]
NBC Ties for the Nightlong Win Against All-Original Competition on the Big 4, Despite Encores of "Voice" and "Chicago Fire"
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 31.

[04/01/15 - 08:36 AM]
"Forever" Is No. 1 at 10pm in Adults 18-49 with an 11% Rise Week to Week
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 31.

[03/31/15 - 08:44 AM]
NBC Wins Monday with "The Voice" #1 Among Big 4 Programs in 18-49 by a 52% Margin
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, March 30.

[03/31/15 - 08:30 AM]
ABC Is Monday's Most Watched Network for the 3rd Week Running
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, March 30.

[03/30/15 - 10:01 AM]
Superstar Band Maroon 5 to Perform on Monday, April 6 Telecast of NBC's "The Voice"
Maroon 5, led by "Voice" coach Adam Levine, is in the midst of a six-month world tour.

[03/30/15 - 09:37 AM]
Live + 3 Day Ratings: "Fresh Off the Boat" Emerges as Tuesday's #1 Comedy in Adults 18-49
ABC further spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 24.

[03/30/15 - 08:45 AM]
The "iHeart Radio Music Awards" Grows 21% Versus NBC's Average in Its Time Period Last Season Excluding Sports in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, March 29.

[03/28/15 - 07:56 PM]
Nickelodeon's 28th Annual Kids' Choice Awards Winners
Kids from around the world cast more than 500 million votes, a record-breaking tally.

[03/25/15 - 08:50 AM]
"The Voice" Is the #1 Show of the Night on the Big 4 in Adults 18-49 and Virtually All Other Key Demos
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 24.

[03/25/15 - 08:34 AM]
ABC's "Fresh Off the Boat" Nearly Ties NBC's "The Voice"-Driven "Undateable" in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 24.

[03/24/15 - 08:51 AM]
NBC Wins Monday Among the Big 4 in All Key Demos with the #1 Show of the Night, "The Voice"
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, March 23.

[03/24/15 - 08:29 AM]
ABC Is Monday's Most-Watched Network for the 2nd Straight Week
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, March 23.

[03/23/15 - 08:43 AM]
"Dateline" Reports Its Highest Sunday Rating Since January 25 and Equals Its Sunday High Since January 4
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, March 22.

[03/20/15 - 11:37 PM]
Development Update: Friday, March 20
Updates include: HBO's drama pilot "Codes of Conduct" set as limited series; Michael Chiklis, Cheryl Hines join NBC's "Cuckoo"; and Minnie Driver, Bill Smitrovich set for "Happy Life" at CBS.

[03/18/15 - 08:53 AM]
NBC Takes Six of Six Half-Hours in 18-49, Wins Tuesday in All Key Measures with the Top Show of the Night in Every Key Category, "The Voice"
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 17.

[03/18/15 - 08:23 AM]
"S.H.I.E.L.D." Is Up Week to Week and Continues to Improve Its Slot Year to Year
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 17.

[03/17/15 - 08:43 AM]
NBC Wins Monday Among the Big 4 in All Key Demos with the #1 Show of the Night
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, March 16.

[03/17/15 - 08:29 AM]
Leading All 6 Half-Hours, ABC Wins in Total Viewers with Most-Watched Monday Since November
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, March 16.

[03/05/15 - 08:44 AM]
"Best of the Blinds" Encore Recap of "The Voice" Delivers NBC's Best Ratings in Its Slot Since November 12
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 4.

[03/05/15 - 08:41 AM]
ABC Delivers 3 of the Top 4 TV Shows on Wednesday in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 4.

[03/04/15 - 08:50 AM]
NBC Dominates the Night, "Voice" Delivers Its Second-Most-Watched Tuesday Ever
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 3.

[03/04/15 - 08:29 AM]
ABC Takes Second on Tuesday in Adults 18-49 and Grows Year to Year
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 3.

[03/03/15 - 08:48 AM]
"The Voice" Is Monday's #1 Telecast by a 58% Margin in 18-49 and 4.8 Million Viewers Overall
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, March 2.

[03/03/15 - 08:23 AM]
"The Bachelor: The Women Tell All" Grows from Its Year-Ago Telecast in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, March 2.

[03/02/15 - 08:48 AM]
Encore Telecast of "The Voice" Grows by 88% from Its First Half-Hour to Its Fourth in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, March 1.

[02/25/15 - 08:50 AM]
"The Voice" Is the #1 Big 4 Show of the Night by a 58% Margin, Matching Monday's Advantage
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, February 24.

[02/25/15 - 08:28 AM]
"Fresh Off the Boat" Finishes as Tuesday's No. 1 Comedy for the 3rd Week Running
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, February 24.

[02/24/15 - 08:55 AM]
NBC Wins Monday in 18-49 and Total Viewers, As "The Voice" Delivers Its Most-Watched Monday Telecast Since March 10, 2014
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, February 23.

[02/24/15 - 08:38 AM]
ABC Matches Monday Season High in Adults 18-49 and Ties Best Young Adult Performance on the Night in 10 Months
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, February 23.

[02/20/15 - 11:39 AM]
At Long Last, Three-Time Oscar(R) Winner Meryl Streep Nominated for Coveted Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Award
Multi-talented singer/songwriter and actor Nick Jonas will host the celebration live on Saturday, March 28 at 8:00/7:00c.

[02/18/15 - 08:47 AM]
"Parks and Recreation" Grows 9% Week to Week in Adult 18-49 Rating to Match Its Top 18-49 Score Since January 27
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, February 17.

[02/11/15 - 08:34 AM]
For the 2nd Week in a Row, ABC Earns Second to CBS on Tuesday Night
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, February 10.

[02/06/15 - 08:16 AM]
"Blacklist" Is the Night's #1 Drama in Total Viewers - First Time NBC Has Most-Watched Drama on a Thursday Since "ER" Finale
NBC spins the numbers for Thursday, February 5.

[02/05/15 - 08:33 AM]
"Fresh Off the Boat" Opens as the Season's No. 2 New Comedy in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 4.

[02/04/15 - 08:50 AM]
"Marry Me" Delivers Its Highest Rating Yet on a Night with No "Voice" Lead-In
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, February 3.

[02/03/15 - 08:49 AM]
"The Celebrity Apprentice" Jumps 17% Week to Week to a Regular-Slot Season High in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, February 2.

[02/01/15 - 08:51 AM]
"NFL Honors" Is the #1 Primetime Telecast of the Night on the Big 4 in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Saturday, January 31.

[01/30/15 - 03:31 AM]
NBC to Air Series Promos During Super Bowl XLIX Coverage
"The Blacklist," "The Voice," "Odyssey," "Undateable" and Neil Patrick Harris's upcoming variety show are among those to be featured.

[01/20/15 - 08:35 AM]
"The Celebrity Apprentice" Grows 7% Week to Week in 18-49 and 11% in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, January 19.

[01/05/15 - 08:33 AM]
"Galavant" Opens as Sunday's Top-Rated Series Debut Since March in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Sunday, January 4.

[12/29/14 - 10:03 AM]
Live + 7 Ratings: ABC's "S.H.I.E.L.D." Emerges as Tuesday's #1 Broadcast Series in Adults 18-49, Beating NBC's "The Voice"
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of December 8-14.

[12/24/14 - 08:50 AM]
"One Direction: The TV Special" Scores a Four-Week High for NBC in Its Slot in Teens 12-17
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, December 23.

[12/22/14 - 11:00 AM]
Live + 7 Ratings: ABC Claims the Week's Top 6 Biggest Broadcast Gainers in Adults 18-49
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of December 1-7.

[12/17/14 - 08:48 AM]
The Finale of "The Voice 7" Hits a Non-Sports High in 18-49 for Any Network in Its Time Period Since September 30
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, December 16.

[12/17/14 - 08:27 AM]
ABC's Second Replay This Season of "A Charlie Brown Christmas" Beats NBC's Debut of "Elf: Buddy's Musical Christmas" by Wide Margins
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, December 16.

[12/16/14 - 11:00 PM]
Champion Named of "The Voice"
Through the season's opening 12 weeks, "The Voice" ranks as television's #1 reality series in adults 18-49 and all other key demographics.

[12/16/14 - 08:44 AM]
"The Voice" Is Currently Up 16% Versus Last Week in 18-49 to Its Highest Rating Since November 17
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, December 15.

[12/15/14 - 05:31 PM]
"The Voice" Finalists to Perform Original Songs and Premiere Original Videos on Tonight's Two-Hour Telecast
The artists will also release original videos for their songs.

[12/12/14 - 09:31 AM]
Bruno Mars, Mark Ronson, Ed Sheeran, Hozier, Jennifer Hudson and Lynyrd Skynyrd Set to Perform on Tuesday, Dec. 16 Season Finale of "The Voice"
Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars will perform "Uptown Funk" from Ronson's upcoming album, "Uptown Special."

[12/10/14 - 09:54 AM]
"Victoria's Secret Fashion Show" Tops Tuesday in Adults 18-49 and Adults 18-34
CBS spins the numbers for Tuesday, December 9.

[12/10/14 - 08:42 AM]
"The Voice" Ranks as the #1 Show of the Night in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, December 9.

[12/09/14 - 08:47 AM]
"The Voice" Wins Its Time Period Among the Big 4 in 18-49, Total Viewers and Nearly All Other Key Measures
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, December 8.

[12/09/14 - 08:26 AM]
ABC's "The Great Christmas Light Fight" Premiere Post Double-Digits Increases Year to Year in Total Viewers and Adults 18-49 to Its Best Numbers Ever
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, December 8.

[12/03/14 - 12:06 PM]
NBC Wins Week of Nov. 24-30 in 18-49 with Two "SNF" Telecasts Tied for #1 in 18-49, Takes Top Two Spots Among Prime Big 4 Programs in All Key Measures
NBC spins the numbers for the week of November 24-30.

[12/03/14 - 10:01 AM]
Blake Shelton to Perform "Lonely Tonight" on Monday, Dec. 8 Telecast of "The Voice"
Shelton, who is the winningest coach on "The Voice," has 18 #1 singles.

[12/03/14 - 08:29 AM]
ABC's "Toy Story That Time Forgot" Posts a 2-Year High in Its Slot with Kids 2-11
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, December 2.

[12/03/14 - 08:23 AM]
NBC Sees Week-to-Week Increases in Three of Its Shows Tuesday in 18-49 and Total Viewer Increases in All Four Shows
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, December 2.

[12/02/14 - 08:26 AM]
"CMA Country Christmas" Is Up for the 2nd Straight Year
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, December 1.

[12/02/14 - 08:19 AM]
"The Voice" Is the #1 Show of the Night Among the Big 4 Networks in 18-49 Demo and in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, December 1.

[12/01/14 - 05:30 PM]
"The Voice" Hits 20 Million iTunes Downloads Since First Season
The show's eclectic performances ranges from original material to staples of country, pop and rock, among other musical genres.

[12/01/14 - 02:05 PM]
ABC Is Up in November with Viewers and the Only Net Steady in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the November sweeps period to date.

[11/26/14 - 09:45 AM]
Nick Jonas to Perform Hit Single "Jealous" from Self-Titled Album on Monday, Dec. 1 Telecast of "The Voice"
Hot country newcomer RaeLynn is also set to perform on the Tuesday, December 2 telecast.

[11/26/14 - 08:52 AM]
"The Voice" Ranks #1 in Adults 18-34 and All Key Adult-Female Demos in Its Time Period
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 25.

[11/25/14 - 08:49 AM]
"The Voice" Is Currently the #1 Big 4 Telecast of the Night in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, November 24.

[11/25/14 - 08:36 AM]
"Dancing with the Stars" Scores Season Highs and Is Up Year to Year
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, November 24.

[11/24/14 - 04:17 PM]
Gwen Stefani, Pharrell Williams Team Up to Perform "Spark the Fire"
Look for said performance on the two-hour Monday, December 1 telecast (8-10 p.m. ET/PT) of "The Voice."

[11/23/14 - 08:54 AM]
"Saturday Night Live," with Host Cameron Diaz, Ranks As the Night's #1 Telecast on the Big 4 Networks in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Saturday, November 22.

[11/19/14 - 10:16 AM]
Taylor Swift to Perform on Tuesday, Nov. 25 Telecast of NBC's Emmy Award-Winning Series "The Voice"
Swift served as a key adviser for each of the performers during the Knockout Rounds on vocal technique, stage presence and the importance of tailoring songs to fit their personalities and strengths.

[11/19/14 - 10:10 AM]
CBS Tuesday Dramas Up in Viewers and Demos; Network Sweeps Night
CBS spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 18.

[11/19/14 - 08:52 AM]
"Marry Me" Jumps 23% Versus Its Prior Telecast in 18-49 Rating
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 18.

[11/18/14 - 08:44 AM]
"State of Affairs" Is NBC's Second Highest Rated Drama Debut in More Than Two Years
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, November 17.

[11/18/14 - 08:33 AM]
ABC Hits Monday Season Highs - "Castle" Outdraws "State of Affairs" Debut
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, November 17.

[11/17/14 - 11:19 AM]
"Law & Order: SVU" Increases by a Series-Record 1.24 Rating Points in 18-49 Going from "Live Plus Same Day" to "Live Plus Three Day"
NBC further spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 12.

[11/17/14 - 07:17 AM]
"Chicago Fire" Grows by Series-High 1.13 Rating Points in 18-49 Going from "Live Plus Same Day" to "Live Plus Three Day Results"
NBC further spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 11.

[11/16/14 - 08:50 AM]
"Saturday Night Live," With Host Woody Harrelson, Matches Its Second Highest Rating in Metered-Market Households So Far This Season
NBC spins the numbers for Saturday, November 15.

[11/15/14 - 08:59 AM]
"The Blacklist" Hits a Four-Week High in 18-49 and a Five-Week High in Total Viewers in "Live Plus Three Day"
NBC further spins the numbers for Monday, November 10.

[11/14/14 - 10:31 AM]
U.K. Sensation Ella Henderson to Perform Tuesday, Nov. 18 on "The Voice"
Eighteen-year-old Henderson will perform her breakout single "Ghost" during the broadcast.

[11/13/14 - 02:38 PM]
NBC Leads the November Sweep at the Halfway Point in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the November sweeps period to date.

[11/13/14 - 02:15 PM]
NBC Rings in the Holidays with a Diverse Slate of Heart-Warming Specials That Feature an Impressive Array of Talent
Highlights include concert specials by One Direction and Michael Buble, plus the premieres of two brand-new inventive animated specials.

[11/13/14 - 08:57 AM]
"The Voice" Delivers NBC's Top In-Season Rating in Its Slot, Excluding Olympics, Since May 8, 2013
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 12.

[11/13/14 - 08:12 AM]
"Modern Family" and "black-ish" Rank as Wednesday's Top 2 Shows in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 12.

[11/13/14 - 07:11 AM]
Betty Who to Make Award Show Debut on Logo TV's 2014 "New Now Next Awards" Live from Miami on Sunday, December 7 at 8PM ET/PT
The special will also feature appearances from Laverne Cox, Charli XCX, Meghan Trainor, Nick Jonas, A Great Big World, Tyler Oakley and Lance Bass.

[11/12/14 - 08:47 AM]
"Chicago Fire" Jumps 29% Week to Week to the Show's Top Rating Since September 30
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 11.

[11/11/14 - 10:15 AM]
NBC Wins the Primetime Week of Nov. 3-9, Marking the Network's Fifth Victory in 18-49 So Far This Fall
NBC spins the numbers for the week of November 3-9.

[11/11/14 - 08:41 AM]
"The Blacklist" Grows 4% Week to Week in Both 18-49 and Total Viewers, Matching Its Top 18-49 Rating Since October 13
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, November 10.

[11/11/14 - 08:36 AM]
ABC Stands as Monday's Most-Watched Broadcaster for the 3rd Straight Week
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, November 10.

[11/08/14 - 08:54 AM]
Monday's "Blacklist" Generates the Seventh Biggest Total-Viewer Increase in U.S. TV History Going from Live + SD to Live + 3
NBC further spins the numbers for Monday, November 3.

[11/06/14 - 10:15 AM]
Maroon 5, Gwen Stefani to Perform Live on Nov. 10-11 Telecasts of NBC's "The Voice"
Maroon 5, led by "Voice" coach Adam Levine will perform "Animals" on Nov. 10 (8-10 p.m. ET/PT) while Stefani will perform "Baby Don't Lie" on Nov. 11 (8-9 p.m.).

[11/05/14 - 08:51 AM]
"NBC News Decision 2014 Election Special" Currently Ranks #1 Among ABC, CBS and NBC in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 4.

[11/04/14 - 10:23 AM]
NBC's "Sunday Night Football" Ranks #1 in Adults 18-49 Among Big 4 Primetime Telecasts for the Week of Oct. 27-Nov. 2
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 27-November 2.

[11/04/14 - 08:49 AM]
NBC Ranks #1 Monday Night Among the Big 4 Networks in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, November 3.

[11/04/14 - 08:27 AM]
ABC Stands as Monday's Most-Watched Broadcaster
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, November 3.

[11/03/14 - 08:31 AM]
"The Blacklist" Is the #1 Drama of the Night in Live + 3 Adults 18-49
NBC further spins the numbers for Monday, October 27.

[10/29/14 - 08:50 AM]
"The Voice" Ranks as the #1 Non-Sports Telecast of the Night on the Big 4 in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 28.

[10/29/14 - 08:33 AM]
ABC's Tuesday Night Grows Week to Week Against the 2014 World Series
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 28.

[10/28/14 - 10:18 AM]
NBC's "Sunday Night Football" Ranks #1 in 18-49 for the Primetime Week of Oct. 20-26
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 20-26.

[10/28/14 - 08:48 AM]
"The Voice" Ranks as the #1 Show of the Night on the Big 4 in Every Key Demographic
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, October 27.

[10/28/14 - 08:37 AM]
ABC Is the Most-Watched Broadcast Net for the 2nd Straight Monday
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, October 27.

[10/25/14 - 09:00 AM]
"The Blacklist" Grows by a Season-High 65% in 18-49 Going from Live + Same Day to Live +3
NBC further spins the numbers for Monday, October 20.

[10/24/14 - 10:52 AM]
NBC Expands "The Voice" Live Playoffs with Extra Hour, Night
The Peacock will pre-empt "Marry Me" and "About a Boy" on Tuesday, November 11 as well as "The Mysteries of Laura" on Wednesday, November 12 to make room for the expanded "Voice" editions.

[10/22/14 - 08:55 AM]
NBC Ranks as the #1 Non-Sports Network Among the Big 4
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 21.

[10/22/14 - 08:34 AM]
ABC's Tuesday Night Holds Steady Opposite the 2014 World Series Game 1
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 21.

[10/21/14 - 10:50 AM]
NBC Wins the Week of Oct. 13-19 Among the Big 4 in 18-49 and Every Other Key Demo
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 13-19.

[10/21/14 - 08:54 AM]
NBC Finishes #1 Monday Night Among the Big 4 in Adults 18-49, Adults 18-34, Adults 25-54 and Most Other Key Demos
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, October 20.

[10/21/14 - 08:34 AM]
ABC Stands as Monday's Most-Watched Net
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, October 20.

[10/18/14 - 08:34 AM]
"The Blacklist" Grows by 53% in 18-49 and 4.979 Million Viewers Overall Going from Live + Same Day to Live + 3
NBC further spins the numbers for Monday, October 13.

[10/18/14 - 08:33 AM]
"Dateline NBC" Hits Three-Week Highs in 18-49 and Total Viewers, With Its Top Results Since September 26
NBC spins the numbers for Friday, October 17.

[10/16/14 - 02:21 PM]
NBC Wins the Week of Oct. 6-12 in 18-49, As "Sunday Night Football" Ranks #1 Among Primetime Big 4 Shows in 18-49 and Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 6-12.

[10/15/14 - 11:17 AM]
Week Two of "The Flash" Speeds to #1 in Its Time Period in Men 18-34 and #2 in Adults 18-34
The CW spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 14.

[10/15/14 - 09:01 AM]
Premiere of "Marry Me" Ranks as the #1 Telecast of Any Tuesday Comedy on a Big 4 Network in 18-49 and Total Viewers Since March 4
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 14.

[10/15/14 - 08:27 AM]
"S.H.I.E.L.D." Gains Viewers Week to Week and Wins Its Slot with Key Men
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 14.

[10/14/14 - 08:48 AM]
"The Voice" Delivers Its Four Highest Monday 18-49 Ratings Since March 17 Through Its First Four Weeks This Fall
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, October 13.

[10/14/14 - 07:00 AM]
Coaches Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Christina Aguilera and Pharrell Williams Return to "The Voice"
The eighth cycle will begin in early 2015.

[10/13/14 - 12:00 PM]
Live + 7: NBC Equals Its Top-Rated Premiere Week in Seven Years
NBC further spins the numbers for the week of September 22-28.

[10/11/14 - 08:50 AM]
"The Blacklist" Grows by 60% in 18-49 and 5.057 Million Viewers Overall Going from Live + SD to Live + 3
NBC further spins the numbers for Monday, October 6.

[10/11/14 - 08:49 AM]
"Dateline" Ties for #1 in Adults 18-49 for Its Second Hour from 10-11 p.m.
NBC spins the numbers for Friday, October 10.

[10/08/14 - 01:20 PM]
CBS Is the #1 Network Among Upscale Adults Through the First Two Weeks of the Season
CBS spins the numbers for the weeks of September 22-October 5.

[10/08/14 - 08:46 AM]
"Chicago Fire" Wins the 10-11 p.m. Hour Among ABC, CBS and NBC in Adults 18-34, 18-49 and 25-54
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 7.

[10/08/14 - 08:24 AM]
ABC's "Selfie" and "Manhattan Love Story" Rank as Tuesday's Top Comedies
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 7.

[10/07/14 - 11:16 AM]
NBC Wins the Week of Sept. 29-Oct. 5 in 18-49, As "Sunday Night Football" and "Voice" Account for Three of the Week's Top Five on the Big 4
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 29-October 5.

[10/07/14 - 08:49 AM]
"The Voice" Has Delivers the Show's Three Highest Monday 18-49 Ratings Since March 24
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, October 6.

[10/07/14 - 08:29 AM]
"Dancing with the Stars" Posts Week-to-Weeks Gains across All Key Women Demos
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, October 6.

[10/07/14 - 06:03 AM]
"The Voice" Completes Blind Auditions as Coaches Ready Their 48 Artists for Battle Rounds
During the Battle Rounds, each coach will pit two of their own team members against one another and will perform the same song together in front of a studio audience.

[10/05/14 - 09:33 AM]
"Saturday Night Live" Ranks as the #1 Telecast of the Night in Adult 18-49 Rating in the Local People Meters
NBC spins the numbers for Saturday, October 4.

[10/04/14 - 08:38 AM]
"The Blacklist" Is the #1 Drama on Monday Night in Live + 3 Adult 18-49 Rating
NBC further spins the numbers for Monday, September 29.

[10/03/14 - 09:21 AM]
Live + 3: ABC Claims the Top Shows on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and the Top 3 Dramas on Sunday
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of September 22-28.

[10/03/14 - 06:04 AM]
Taylor Swift Named Key Adviser for Knockout Rounds of NBC's Emmy Award-Winning Series "The Voice"
Swift will serve as the sole mentor for all of the artists on each of the four teams.

[10/01/14 - 08:48 AM]
NBC Wins Tuesday Night in Adults 18-49 Among the Big 4 Networks by a 59% Margin
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, September 30.

[10/01/14 - 08:16 AM]
ABC's New Tuesday Comedies Beat FOX's Comedies
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, September 30.

[09/30/14 - 10:15 AM]
NBC Wins Premiere Week in Every Key Demo, With the Second-Biggest Adult 18-49 Margin for Any Net in 11 Years
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 22-28.

[09/30/14 - 08:52 AM]
"The Voice" Maintains 100% of Its Premiere-Week Rating and Retains 98% in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, September 29.

[09/30/14 - 08:35 AM]
ABC's "Castle" Posts Its Top-Rated Premiere in 3 Years in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, September 29.

[09/29/14 - 01:53 PM]
"Chicago P.D." Sets a New Series Record of 11.1 Million Viewers in Live+3
NBC further spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 24.

[09/28/14 - 10:04 AM]
40th Season Premiere of "Saturday Night Live" Equals the Show's Highest Metered-Market Household Rating Since March 8
NBC spins the numbers for Saturday, September 27.

[09/27/14 - 09:03 AM]
Live+3s: "Gotham" Jumps to a 5.0 Rating, Surges Past "Blacklist" and Ties "The Voice"
FOX further spins the numbers for Monday, September 22.

[09/24/14 - 08:56 AM]
Tuesday Debut of "The Voice" Is Up Versus Monday's Premiere in 18-49 and Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, September 23.

[09/24/14 - 08:31 AM]
"Forever" Ranks as ABC's Top-Rated Tuesday 10pm Fall Debut in 4 Years in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, September 23.

[09/23/14 - 08:59 AM]
"The Blacklist" Is the #1 Drama of the Night in 18-49, Capturing the Show's Top Results Since Its Series Debut One Year Ago
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, September 22.

[09/23/14 - 08:31 AM]
ABC's "Forever" Outdraws CBS' "Under the Dome" Season Finale in Total Viewers
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, September 22.

[09/18/14 - 01:17 PM]
NBC Announces Partnership and Integration with Nissan as Exclusive Automotive Sponsor of Emmy Award-Winning Hit "The Voice"
"The Voice Official App" will further enhance the viewer experience across the show from the blind auditions, battles, knockouts all the way to the live playoffs as well as giving fans, for the first time, the ability to use the app to vote for their favorite artists live during the broadcast of the show.

[09/18/14 - 11:01 AM]
Mark Burnett Reunites with Mike Darnell to Produce a Primetime Event Game Show for ABC, "500 Questions" (Working Title)
It is scheduled to air in 2015, with the program testing the smarts - and nerve - of contestants in a pressure-packed, incredibly intense environment.

[09/18/14 - 08:49 AM]
Special Preview of "The Mysteries of Laura" Scored the Highest 18-49 Rating in Its Time Period, Excluding Sports, Since February 26
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 17.

[09/16/14 - 08:30 AM]
NBC Finishes #1 for the Full 52-Week 2013-14 Primetime Television Season
NBC spins the numbers for the season to date.

[09/09/14 - 03:00 AM]
NBC Launches Live-Action Virtual-Reality Experience for "The Voice"
Fans will sit next to and interact with new season seven coaches Gwen Stefani and Pharrell Williams, as well as returning coaches Adam Levine and Blake Shelton.

[09/03/14 - 01:33 PM]
"NBC Primetime Preview Show" Highlights Network's New Fall Offerings
Casey Wilson and Ken Marino of the new comedy "Marry Me" will host the special.

[09/02/14 - 11:32 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, September 2
Updates include: TBS pulls the plug on "CeeLo Green's The Good Life"; John Stamos to lead "Members Only" at ABC; and Netflix acquires the streaming rights to FOX's "Gotham."

[08/10/14 - 10:01 PM]
Winners of "Teen Choice 2014" Announced
Hosted by "Modern Family's" Sarah Hyland and "Teen Wolf's" Tyler Posey, the special also honored Selena Gomez with the Ultimate Choice Award.

[07/21/14 - 10:41 AM]
Country Rocks Your Summer on "CMA Music Festival: Country's Night to Rock," Airing Tuesday, August 5 on the ABC Television Network
Adding their chops and charm to the special are Luke Bryan, Eric Church with special guest Lzzy Hale of Halestorm, Florida Georgia Line, Brantley Gilbert, Lady Antebellum, and Blake Shelton with special guest Gwen Sebastian.

[07/17/14 - 12:45 PM]
"Choice Movie Liplock" and "Choice Summer Song" Among Second Wave of Nominations to Hit "Teen Choice 2014" Airing Sunday, August 10, Live on FOX
"22 Jump Street" leads the second wave of nominees with seven nominations and Iggy Azalea received five.

[06/17/14 - 10:01 AM]
First Wave of "Teen Choice 2014" Nominees Announced
Starting today, fans ages 13-19 can vote once each day per category for their favorite "Wave One" nominees at www.teenchoiceawards.com.

[06/09/14 - 01:40 PM]
NBC's 17% Increase vs. Last Season Is Biggest for Any Big 4 Net in 22 Years
NBC further spins the numbers for the season to date.

[06/09/14 - 10:32 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: "Modern Family" Closes the Season with Its Highest L+7 Numbers Since Fall
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of May 19-25.

[06/09/14 - 08:41 AM]
"Miss USA 2014" Grows 8% Versus Last Year in Adults 18-49 and Is Up by 21% in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, June 8.

[06/02/14 - 11:01 AM]
NBC Announces Fall Premiere Dates for New 2014-15 Season
Highlights include the return of "Grimm" and the launch of "Constantine" on Friday, October 24.

[05/28/14 - 10:29 AM]
NBC Wins the Primetime Week of May 19-25 in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of May 19-25.

[05/28/14 - 08:58 AM]
Series Debut of "The Night Shift" Scores NBC's Highest Rating for a Summer Drama Series Premiere in Nearly Five Years
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 27.

[05/28/14 - 08:00 AM]
The Broadcast Television Journalists Association Announces Nominations for 4th Annual Critics' Choice Television Awards
This year's event will be broadcast live on The CW from the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Thursday, June 19 and hosted by actor/comedian Cedric the Entertainer.

[05/27/14 - 10:02 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC Claims 5 of the Week's Top 10 Playback Gainers, Tying CBS, NBC and Fox Combined
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of May 5-11.

[05/22/14 - 02:00 PM]
Final: NBC Wins the 2013-14 September-to-May Primetime Television Season
NBC further spins the numbers for the broadcast season to date.

[05/22/14 - 01:29 PM]
Final: ABC Wins May Sweep by Double Digits for First Victory in 14 Years
ABC further spins the numbers for the May sweeps period.

[05/21/14 - 08:54 AM]
The Finale of "The Voice 6" Scores an Eight-Week High for a Tuesday Telecast in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 20.

[05/21/14 - 08:41 AM]
ABC Is the Most-Watched Net on the Final Tuesday of the Season with a 1-1/2 Year High on the Night
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 20.

[05/20/14 - 11:00 PM]
Champion Named of "The Voice"
The Monday edition of "The Voice" ranks as the season's #1 unscripted series on the Big 4 networks in adults 18-49, averaging a 4.6 rating, 13 share and 14.8 million viewers in "most current" averages.

[05/20/14 - 12:28 PM]
"The Voice" and "The Blacklist" Account for Three of the Week's Top 10 Ratings on the Big 4 Nets in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of May 12-18.

[05/20/14 - 09:54 AM]
NBC Wins the 2013-14 September-to-May Primetime Television Season
NBC spins the numbers for the broadcast season to date.

[05/20/14 - 09:03 AM]
NBC Wins Monday Night Among the Big 4 Networks in Adults 18-49, Sweeping Six of Six Half-Hours
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, May 19.

[05/20/14 - 08:44 AM]
ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" Is Up - "The Bachelorette" Tops Year-Ago Premiere by 17% in Viewers
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, May 19.

[05/15/14 - 01:04 PM]
Coldplay, OneRepublic, Tim McGraw and Ed Sheeran Set to Perform on NBC's "The Voice" Tuesday, May 20 Season Finale
On the Monday, May 19 telecast, the final three artists representing Team Adam, Team Blake and Team Usher will perform two songs - one chosen by America via an online poll and the other determined by their respective coach.

[05/14/14 - 09:22 AM]
Season Finales of CBS Tuesday Dramas End the Season on the Upswing as All Three Programs Grow
CBS spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 13.

[05/14/14 - 09:01 AM]
"Chicago Fire" Equals Its Highest Adult 18-49 Rating Since January 7 and Delivers Its Biggest Overall Audience Since March 11
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 13.

[05/14/14 - 08:30 AM]
ABC's Tuesday Finales Finish Up in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 13.

[05/13/14 - 10:15 AM]
"The Voice" and "The Blacklist" Claim Three of the Week's Top Seven Primetime Ratings on the Big 4 Nets for May 5-11
NBC spins the numbers for the week of May 5-11.

[05/13/14 - 08:44 AM]
NBC Wins Monday Among the Big 4 Networks in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, May 12.

[05/13/14 - 08:33 AM]
ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" and "Castle" Jump by Double Digits Week to Week
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, May 12.

[05/12/14 - 10:51 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC Claims 5 of the Week's Top 10 Playback Gainers, Tying CBS, NBC and Fox Combined
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of April 21-27.

[05/11/14 - 09:33 AM]
Fresh Comedies, Captivating Dramas and Highly Popular Returning Series Highlight NBC's Well-Balanced and Dynamic 2014-15 Primetime Schedule
NBC is on track to win the traditional September-to-May primetime season in adults 18-49 for the first time in 10 years.

[05/09/14 - 10:01 AM]
Usher's Performance Debut of New Single "Good Kisser" Highlights Monday, May 12 Live Telecast of "The Voice"
On Tuesday, May 13 (the same day its new album "Rewind" is released), megahit band Rascal Flatts will perform the single "Rewind."

[05/07/14 - 09:24 AM]
"NCIS" Finishes in Its Closest Competitive Position to "The Voice" in Adults 18-49
CBS spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 6.

[05/07/14 - 08:49 AM]
"Chicago Fire" Scores Its Top Adults 18-49 Rating Since March 18 and Matches Its Best Rating Since January 7
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 6.

[05/07/14 - 08:34 AM]
ABC's "The Golbergs" Beats Fox's "New Girl" Finale/"Celebrity Wife Swap" Is Up 13% in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 6.

[05/06/14 - 10:05 AM]
"The Voice" and "The Blacklist" Capture Three of the Week's Top Five Primetime Rankings on the Big 4 for April 28-May 4
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 28-May 4.

[05/06/14 - 08:43 AM]
"The Voice" Retains 100% of Its Rating for Each of the Prior Two Mondays in Adults 18-49 to Remain the #1 Show of the Night
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, May 5.

[05/06/14 - 08:26 AM]
ABC Is Monday's Most-Watched Net for the 4th Straight Week with "Dancing" Leading the Night
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, May 5.

[05/05/14 - 09:56 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC's "Scandal" Finale Emerges as the Week's #1 TV Show Outright in Adults 18-49 and Builds to Series Highs
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of April 14-20.

[05/02/14 - 12:31 PM]
Blake Shelton to Perform "My Eyes" on Monday, May 5 Live Telecast of "The Voice"
Shelton, a multiple Grammy Award nominee, will be joined by former "Voice" artists Gwen Sebastian, who was a member of Team Blake during the show's second season in 2012.

[05/02/14 - 08:40 AM]
"iHeartRadio Music Awards" Match NBC's Top Thursday Average of the Season Excluding Olympics and "The Sound of Music Live!"
NBC spins the numbers for Thursday, May 1.

[04/30/14 - 08:32 AM]
"The Goldbergs" Builds to a 6-Week High and Beats "New Girl" by a Best-Ever 60% in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 29.

[04/30/14 - 08:16 AM]
"The Voice" Is the No. 1 Show of the Night in the 18-49 Demo, Women 18-49 and Adults 18-34
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 29.

[04/29/14 - 04:50 PM]
Grammy Award Winner Gwen Stefani Named Coach on Season Seven of NBC's "The Voice"
She'll join fellow newcomer Pharrell Williams as well as returning judges Adam Levine and Blake Shelton.

[04/29/14 - 10:42 AM]
"The Voice" and "The Blacklist" Account for Three of the Top Five Big 4 Primetime Programs for the Week of April 21-27
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 21-27.

[04/29/14 - 08:33 AM]
"Castle" Marks 5-Month High in Viewers and 3-Month High in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, April 28.

[04/29/14 - 08:32 AM]
"The Voice" Is the #1 Show of the Night in Adults 18-49 and Other Key Demos
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, April 28.

[04/24/14 - 10:01 AM]
Rising British Band Rixton to Perform on Monday, April 28 Live Telecast of "The Voice"
Coaches Shakira and Usher will perform a song with their respective teams on the Tuesday show.

[04/23/14 - 08:47 AM]
NBC Finishes #1 or Tied for #1 Tuesday Night Among the Big 4 Networks for a Record 21st Time This Season in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 22.

[04/22/14 - 10:24 AM]
"The Voice" Ties for #1 in 18-49 Among Big 4 Primetime Programs for the Week of April 14-20
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 14-20.

[04/22/14 - 08:36 AM]
NBC Wins the Night Among the Big 4 in Adults 18-49, Taking Six of Six Half-Hours with the #1 and #2 Shows of the Night
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, April 21.

[04/22/14 - 08:33 AM]
ABC Is Monday's Most-Watched Net/"Dancing" Continues to Close Gap with the "Voice" in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, April 21.

[04/21/14 - 10:04 AM]
NBC's Emmy Award-Winning Series "The Voice" to Host Social Pre-Show Event Experience for Viewers During Each Live Show Starting Today Monday, April 21
On-air, host Carson Daly will mention highlights from the social party during his live hits from the Sprint skybox.

[04/18/14 - 09:30 AM]
Shakira to Sing "Empire" from New Self-Titled Album on Live Tuesday, April 22 Telecast of "The Voice"
In addition to the Grammy Award-winning Shakira, "The Voice" coaches Adam Levine and Blake Shelton will perform a song with their respective teams on the April 22 telecast.

[04/16/14 - 08:52 AM]
NBC Is Currently #1 Tuesday Night in Adults 18-49, Led by the #1 Show of the Night, "The Voice"
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 15.

[04/15/14 - 09:00 PM]
"The Voice" Narrows Field to Top 12 Artists as Competition Heats Up
Each of the celebrity musician coaches - Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Shakira and Usher - will have three artists on their respective teams.

[04/15/14 - 10:38 AM]
"The Voice" Generates Two of the Top Five 18-49 Ratings on the Big 4 Networks for the Week of April 7-13
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 7-13.

[04/15/14 - 08:42 AM]
Disney Night on "Dancing with the Stars" Is Up Week to Week and Year to Year - Season Highs in Teens and Kids
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, April 14.

[04/15/14 - 08:40 AM]
NBC Wins the Night in Adults 18-49, Taking Six of Six Half-Hours Despite Running a "Blacklist" Encore at 10 p.m.
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, April 14.

[04/14/14 - 10:11 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC Claims the Week's #1 Biggest Broadcast Gainer for the 2nd Straight Week in Adults 18-49
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of March 24-30.

[04/09/14 - 09:25 AM]
"NCIS" Tops Tuesday in Viewers and Adults 25-54 and Posts Week-to-Week Growth in Adults 18-49
CBS spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 8.

[04/09/14 - 08:46 AM]
"Chicago Fire" Wins the 10 p.m. Hour, Equaling Its Highest 18-49 Rating Since January 7
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 8.

[04/09/14 - 08:22 AM]
"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." Wins with Men 18-34 - The #1 Scripted Show in Its Slot for Its 17th Straight Original
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 8.

[04/08/14 - 10:04 AM]
"The Voice" and "The Blacklist" Generate Three of the Top 10 18-49 Ratings on the Big 4 Networks for the Week of March 31-April 6
NBC spins the numbers for the week of March 31-April 6.

[04/08/14 - 08:47 AM]
"The Voice" Is the #1 Non-Sports Telecast of the Night on the Big 4 Networks in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, April 7.

[04/08/14 - 08:39 AM]
ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" Builds Audience Against the NCAA Basketball Championship and "Castle" Marks Most-Watched-Ever Repeat
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, April 7.

[04/07/14 - 08:51 AM]
"Crisis" Retains 91% of Its Week-Ago Rating in 18-49 and Is Up Week to Week in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, April 6.

[04/03/14 - 09:54 AM]
NBC to Give "American Dream Builders" Post-"The Voice" Showcase This Monday, April 7
The episode will replace a previously announced repeat of "The Blacklist" in said slot.

[04/02/14 - 08:48 AM]
"About a Boy" Is Currently Up 5% Versus Last Week's 2.0 Rating in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 1.

[04/02/14 - 08:48 AM]
"About a Boy" Is Currently Up 5% Versus Last Week's 2.0 Rating in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 1.

[04/02/14 - 08:29 AM]
"SHIELD" Returns at #1 with Men 18-34 to Rank as the Top Scripted Series in Its Slot for its 16th Straight Original
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 1.

[04/01/14 - 10:17 AM]
"The Voice" Ranks #1 in 18-49 Among All Primetime Big 4 Programs for the Week of March 24-30
NBC spins the numbers for the week of March 24-30.

[04/01/14 - 08:41 AM]
"The Blacklist" Matches Its Highest 18-49 Rating Since February 24
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, March 31.

[04/01/14 - 08:28 AM]
ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" Tops CBS' "How I Met Your Mother" Finale as Monday's #1 TV Show for the 3rd Week Running
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, March 31.

[03/31/14 - 12:05 PM]
Music Superstar Pharrell Williams Named Coach for Season Seven of "The Voice"
The rest of the coach line-up will be confirmed at a later date.

[03/31/14 - 08:50 AM]
"Believe" Retains 92% of Its Prior Week's 1.2 Rating in Adults 18-49 and Builds on Last Night's Lead-In by 38%
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, March 30.

[03/26/14 - 08:47 AM]
"The Voice" Ranks #1 for the Night in 18-49 and Finishes #1 in Its Time Period in Adults, Men and Women 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 25.

[03/25/14 - 10:06 AM]
"The Voice" Ranks #1 and #2 in 18-49 Among All Prime Big 4 Programs for the Week of March 17-23, As NBC Jumps 33% Year to Year
NBC spins the numbers for the week of March 17-23.

[03/25/14 - 08:42 AM]
"The Blacklist" Is Up 7% in Adults 18-49 to Score Its Top Rating Since February 24 and Its Second-Best Since December 2
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, March 24.

[03/25/14 - 08:34 AM]
ABC Is Monday's Top Net for 2nd Straight Week - "DWTS" Delivers Stronger Premiere Retention Year to Year
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, March 24.

[03/24/14 - 11:25 AM]
"Extra" and "The Voice" Partner for the First Time with "Extra's 'The Voice' Bootcamp Experience" to Give Aspiring Singers a Vocal Workout
Viewers interested in competing will have the chance to audition online at Extratv.com/thevoice until midnight Friday, April 18.

[03/24/14 - 10:54 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC Claims 4 of the Week's Top 5 Broadcast Drama Gainers
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of March 3-9.

[03/24/14 - 08:56 AM]
Each NBC Sunday Series Builds on Its Adults 18-49 Lead-In
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, March 23.

[03/19/14 - 05:16 PM]
NBC Renews Dramas "Chicago Fire," "Chicago P.D." and "Grimm" for 2014-15 Season
The network previously picked up "The Blacklist" (season 2) "Parks and Recreation" (season 7), "The Voice" (season 7) and "Celebrity Apprentice" (season 14).

[03/19/14 - 08:51 AM]
NBC Wins a Record-Setting 18th Tuesday in 18-49 This Season Among the Big 4 Nets, Marking Its Most In-Season Tuesday Wins in People Meter History
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 18.

[03/19/14 - 08:27 AM]
ABC's "The Goldbergs" Hits a 6-Week High and "Trophy Wife" Earns a 9-Week High in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 18.

[03/18/14 - 06:21 PM]
NBC's "The Voice" Names Chris Martin as Key Adviser for Current Season's The Battles: Round Two
The newly created The Battles: Round Two will pit the remaining artists from each team against one another to perform an agreed-upon song.

[03/18/14 - 10:06 AM]
NBC Finishes #2 for the March 10-16 Primetime Week in 18-49 and Total Viewers, Jumping 55% Versus Its Year-Ago 18-49 Rating
NBC spins the numbers for the week of March 10-16.

[03/18/14 - 08:41 AM]
NBC Dominates Monday in 18-49 Among the Big 4 Networks, Taking 6 of 6 Half-Hours and Winning the Night by a 64% Margin
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, March 17.

[03/18/14 - 08:25 AM]
ABC's Is Monday's Most-Watched Network
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, March 17.

[03/17/14 - 08:45 AM]
In Total Viewers, "Crisis" and "Believe" Hit NBC Time Slot Highs, Excluding Nights of Sports and Golden Globes, Since January 2013
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, March 16.

[03/17/14 - 06:01 AM]
ABC's New Groundbreaking Summer Reality Series "Rising Star" Kicks Off Nationwide Auditions on Saturday, March 29th
The U.S. series is helmed by executive producers Ken Warwick ("American Idol") and Nicolle Yaron ("The Voice").

[03/12/14 - 09:15 AM]
"The Voice" Completes Blind Auditions as Coaches Ready Their 48 Artists for Battle Rounds
Beginning Monday, the coaches and celebrity advisers will work with their respective teams of performers and develop skill sets, offer advice and encouragement, and share secrets about their own personal success.

[03/12/14 - 08:54 AM]
NBC Finishes #1 Tuesday in Adults 18-49, Winning Six of Six Half-Hours Among the Big 4 in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 11.

[03/12/14 - 08:31 AM]
ABC's "SHIELD," "Trophy Wife" and "Mind Games" Grow; "The Goldbergs" Beats Fox's "New Girl" by 15% in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 11.

[03/11/14 - 03:39 PM]
NBC Confirms First Wave of Finale Dates
Look for season swan songs from Thursday, April 17 ("Community," "Parenthood") through Friday, May 23 ("Hannibal").

[03/11/14 - 10:16 AM]
NBC Ties for #1 for the March 3-9 Primetime Week in 18-49, Jumping 64% Versus the Same Week Last Year
NBC spins the numbers for the week of March 3-9.

[03/11/14 - 08:39 AM]
Special Monday Debut of "Believe" Matches NBC's Second-Highest Rating in Its Time Period, Excluding Olympics, Since December 2
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, March 10.

[03/11/14 - 08:19 AM]
ABC Hits a Season High and Wins Monday with "After the Final Rose" Outdelivering "The Voice"
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, March 10.

[03/10/14 - 08:35 AM]
"Dateline NBC" Reports Its Highest Sunday Results in 18-49 and Total Viewers Since Debuting on the Night January 5
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, March 9.

[03/05/14 - 08:58 AM]
"Chicago Fire" Wins the 10 p.m. Hour in Adults 18-49 and Other Key Demos with Its Highest 18-49 Rating Since January 7
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 4.

[03/05/14 - 08:35 AM]
ABC's "SHIELD" Returns to Original to Lead Its Drama Competition in Men 18-34 and "The Goldbergs" Returns to Beat Fox's "New Girl"
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 4.

[03/04/14 - 10:26 AM]
NBC Jumps 50% Versus the Same Week Last Year to Rank #2 for the Feb. 24-March 2 Week in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of February 24-March 2.

[03/04/14 - 08:54 AM]
NBC Sweeps Six of Six Half-Hours in Adults 18-49 and Total Viewers with "The Voice" and "The Blacklist"
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, March 3.

[03/03/14 - 08:39 AM]
Versus Oscar Sunday Last Year, NBC Is Up 25% in Adults 18-49 and 34% in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, March 2.

[02/26/14 - 09:02 AM]
"The Voice" Scores NBC's Highest 18-49 Rating in the Tuesday 8-9 p.m. Hour, Excluding Olympics, Since October 1
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, February 25.

[02/26/14 - 08:19 AM]
"Mind Games" Opens with a 5-Month Time-Slot High and a 22% Improvement from ABC's Most Recent Debut in the Hour
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, February 25.

[02/25/14 - 09:57 AM]
"How I Met Your Mother" Tops Monday in Adults 18-34
CBS spins the numbers for Monday, February 24.

[02/25/14 - 08:57 AM]
"The Voice" Return Scores Its Highest Rating on Any Night of the Week Since Monday, September 30
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, February 24.

[02/25/14 - 08:37 AM]
ABC's "The Bachelor" Grows Against the Season Opener of "The Voice"
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, February 24.

[02/19/14 - 11:46 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, February 19
Updates include: Debra Messing to lead "The Mysteries of Laura" at NBC; Terrence Howard to run FOX's "Empire"; and Paget Brewster boards ABC's "Saint Francis."

[02/04/14 - 11:06 AM]
First "Blacklist" to Air Without a "Voice" Lead-In Jumps 76% in L+7 Results
NBC further spins the numbers for Monday, January 13.

[02/02/14 - 09:13 AM]
"Saturday Night Live" Earns Its Third-Best Results of the Season in Both Metered-Market Households and 18-49 Rating in the Local People Meters
NBC spins the numbers for Saturday, February 1.

[01/28/14 - 08:49 AM]
"Hollywood Game Night" Matches Its Series Record in Adults 18-49 and Rises 18% Week to Week to Break Last Week's Series Record in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, January 27.

[01/27/14 - 10:22 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: Several ABC Series Score Big Playback Gains in the First Complete Week of the New Year
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of January 6-12.

[01/19/14 - 12:18 PM]
Video: "Believe" - TCA Reel 2014
Don't miss the special premiere of the J.J. Abrams-produced series on Monday, March 10 after "The Voice."

[01/14/14 - 08:50 AM]
"The Blacklist" Decisively Wins Its Hour in Adults 18-49, More Than Doubling CBS's Time-Period Premiere of "Intelligence"
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, January 13.

[01/09/14 - 12:59 PM]
The "45th NAACP Image Awards" Nominees Announced
BET and CBS lead the nominees in the TV categories with 19 and 16 nominations respectively, followed by ABC with 15 nominations and HBO with 13 nominations.

[01/08/14 - 08:44 AM]
"Chicago Fire" Is #1 in Women 18-49, Adults 18-34, Men 18-34 (Tie) and Women 18-34 Despite No "Voice" Lead-In
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, January 7.

[01/06/14 - 01:02 PM]
Malin Akerman, Wayne Brady, Stephen Colbert, Chris Colfer, Heidi Klum and Many More to Appear at "The 40th Annual People's Choice Awards"
Also on tap are Lucy Hale, Matt LeBlanc, Stana Katic, Heidi Klum, Ross Mathews, Joseph Morgan, Meghan Ory, Ian Ziering and more!

[12/24/13 - 09:59 AM]
NBC Wins the Week of Dec. 16-22 in 18-49 with "Sunday Night Football" and "The Voice" Accounting for the #1, 2 and 3 Primetime Ratings on the Big 4
NBC spins the numbers for the week of December 16-22.

[12/18/13 - 08:36 AM]
The Live Finale of "The Voice" Jumps 26% Versus Its Prior Tuesday Telecast in 18-49 to Its Highest Tuesday Rating Since October 22
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, December 17.

[12/17/13 - 11:00 PM]
Winner Named Season Five Champion on "The Voice"
"The Voice" is the season's #1 unscripted series on ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX in every key demographic - adults, men and women 18-34, 18-49 and 25-54.

[12/17/13 - 01:41 PM]
Coaches Shakira and Usher Return to Join Adam Levine and Blake Shelton in Season Six Premiere Of "The Voice" on Feb. 24-25
The new season will air Mondays and Tuesdays at 8:00/7:00c on the Peacock.

[12/17/13 - 10:14 AM]
NBC Wins the Primetime Week of Dec. 9-15 in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of December 9-15.

[12/17/13 - 08:44 AM]
"The Sing-Off" Is Currently Topping Every Telecast of Its Prior Cycle from the Fall of 2011 and Every Telecast of Its First Cycle in December 2009
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, December 16.

[12/16/13 - 10:30 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC's "Once Upon a Time" Sets a New High in TV playback for Its 3rd Straight Telecast
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of November 25-December 1.

[12/12/13 - 10:46 AM]
Lady Gaga, Celine Dion, NE-YO and OneRepublic to Perform on Fall Finale of "The Voice"
Other high-profile performers are set to be announced over the next few days.

[12/11/13 - 08:57 AM]
"Chicago Fire" Set a Series Record in Total Viewers, Topping the Previous High Set with the Show's Second Season Premiere
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, December 10.

[12/11/13 - 08:19 AM]
"SHIELD" Is #1 in Men 18-34 for its 10th Straight Original
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, December 10.

[12/10/13 - 01:57 PM]
NBC Olympics Teams with "The Voice" on Promotional Campaign Featuring Season Four Winner Danielle Bradbery
The campaign, which debuts tonight on "The Voice," is built around Bradbery's performance of her song "My Day," which captures the inspirational message of the Olympic Games.

[12/10/13 - 10:04 AM]
NBC Wins Week of Dec. 2-8 in 18-49 & Total Viewers, Ranking #1 for 6 of 7 Nights in 18-49 Among the Big 4
NBC spins the numbers for the week of December 2-8.

[12/10/13 - 08:47 AM]
The Fourth Season Debut of "The Sing-Off" Is Up 26% Versus Its Prior Debut in 18-49 and 58% in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, December 9.

[12/09/13 - 10:43 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC Moves Up to #1 for the Week among Adults 18-49
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of November 18-24.

[12/09/13 - 10:02 AM]
"The Dovekeepers," a Four-Hour Miniseries Event from Executive Producers Roma Downey and Mark Burnett, Coming to CBS in 2015
The miniseries is the first project from CBS Entertainment and CBS Television Studios' recently announced Limited Series and Event Programming unit.

[12/05/13 - 08:44 AM]
"Christmas in Rockefeller Center" Grew Versus Last Year by 10% in Adults 18-49 to Achieve the Annual Special's Top Rating Since 2006
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 4.

[12/04/13 - 01:46 PM]
Christina Aguilera to Perform "We Remain" on Dec. 10 Live Episode of "The Voice"
In addition, artists from seasons past will return to the Emmy Award-winning musical competition series.

[12/04/13 - 10:17 AM]
NBC Wins the Week of Nov. 25-Dec. 1 in 18-49 with Five of the Week's Top Eight Primetime Telecasts on the Broadcast Networks
NBC spins the numbers for the week of November 25-December 1.

[12/04/13 - 08:50 AM]
"Chicago Fire" Grows by 10% Week to Week to Its Top Rating Since October 15
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, December 3.

[12/04/13 - 08:27 AM]
ABC's "The Goldbergs" Builds 56% on Its Repeat "SHIELD" Lead-in to Rank #2 to "The Voice" at 9pm
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, December 3.

[12/03/13 - 09:01 AM]
"The Voice" Ranks #1 or Tied for #1 In Its Time Period Among the Broadcast Networks in Every Key Demographic
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, December 2.

[12/03/13 - 08:36 AM]
"A Charlie Brown Christmas" Beats Fox's "Almost Human"/"CMA Country Christmas" Is Up Year to Year
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, December 2.

[12/02/13 - 02:00 PM]
NBC to Bridge Monday Lineup with "Hollywood Game Night," Various Specials
Look for a two-hour "American Ninja Warrior" special on January 13 plus the "Sports Illustrated 50th Anniversary" on February 3.

[11/27/13 - 09:18 AM]
Annual Presentation of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" Sweeps Time Period with Year-to-Year Gains in Viewers and Key Demos
CBS spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 26.

[11/27/13 - 09:17 AM]
Blake Shelton, Xenia and Kelly Clarkson to Perform on Dec. 3 Telecast of "The Voice"
Blake will sing the holiday classic "Silver Bells" with Xenia, who was a popular member of his team during season one of "The Voice."

[11/27/13 - 08:52 AM]
"Chicago Fire" Grows 11% Versus Its Week-Ago 18-49 Rating
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 26.

[11/26/13 - 06:56 PM]
Ryan Tedder Joins "The Voice" as In-House Producer and Songwriter
Tedder, who was also an adviser this season, will work alongside the final three artists as they prepare for their respective performances for the finale.

[11/26/13 - 10:03 AM]
NBC Wins the Week of Nov. 18-24, as "Sunday Night Football" Ranks #1 Among Big 4 Primetime Telecasts in All Key Measures
NBC spins the numbers for the week of November 18-24.

[11/26/13 - 09:41 AM]
NBC Wins the November Sweep in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the November sweeps period to date.

[11/26/13 - 08:46 AM]
"The Voice" Ranks #1 or Tied for #1 in Its Time Period Among the Broadcast Networks in Every Key Demographic
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, November 25.

[11/26/13 - 08:36 AM]
ABC's "Dancing" and "Castle" Grow - Net's Most-Watched Monday in 8 Months
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, November 25.

[11/25/13 - 10:54 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: "Scandal" Delivers Another High in TV Playback
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of November 4-10.

[11/25/13 - 06:11 AM]
"Saturday Night Live" Delivers Its Biggest Overall Audience for an Encore In Its Time Period So Far This Season
NBC spins the numbers for Saturday, November 23.

[11/22/13 - 09:56 AM]
CeeLo Green, Ellie Goulding and Robin Thicke to Perform on "The Voice"
Thicke will appear on Monday's episode while Green and Goulding are due on Tuesday's installment.

[11/21/13 - 10:00 AM]
Al Roker and Hoda Kotb (NBC's "Today") Team Up to Host NBC's Live, Coverage of the "125th Rose Parade" on January 1, 2014
The Rose Parade is the most popular New Year's Day celebration in the world, and this year's theme will be "Dreams Come True."

[11/20/13 - 08:44 AM]
"The Voice" Is the #1 Show of the Night in Adults 18-49 and Other Key Measures
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 19.

[11/20/13 - 08:40 AM]
ABC's Tuesday Hits 8-Week Highs
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 19.

[11/19/13 - 11:26 AM]
NBC Wins the Nov. 11-17 Week in 18-49 with a Four-Week High and a 12% Gain vs. the Same Week Last Year
NBC spins the numbers for the week of November 11-17.

[11/19/13 - 08:42 AM]
ABC Earns Season Highs on Monday
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, November 18.

[11/19/13 - 08:39 AM]
"The Voice" Ranked #1 in the Time Period Among the Broadcast Networks in Adults 18-49 and Virtually All Other Key Demographics
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, November 18.

[11/17/13 - 08:45 AM]
"Saturday Night Live" Matches Its Highest Rating in Metered-Market Households Since March 9
NBC spins the numbers for Saturday, November 16.

[11/13/13 - 09:54 AM]
CBS Wins Tuesday in Viewers and Adults 25-54; "NCIS" Tops Night
CBS spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 12.

[11/13/13 - 09:07 AM]
NBC Bumps Next Week's "The Blacklist" for Expanded Night of "The Voice"
The James Spader-led drama will return November 25 and December 2, the latter of which replaces the previously announced "Hollywood Game Night" special.

[11/13/13 - 08:47 AM]
NBC Is #1 Tuesday Night in 18-49 with the #1 Show of the Night in 18-49, "The Voice"
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 12.

[11/12/13 - 10:32 AM]
NBC Ties for #1 for the Week of Nov. 4-10 in 18-49 with "Sunday Night Football," "The Voice" and "Blacklist" Generating Top-10 Ratings
NBC spins the numbers for the week of November 4-10.

[11/12/13 - 08:45 AM]
NBC Finishes #1 Monday Night in Adults 18-49 Among the Big 4 by a 50% Margin
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, November 11.

[11/12/13 - 08:31 AM]
ABC Is Monday's Most-Watched Net as "Dancing" Continues to Top "The Voice"
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, November 11.

[11/08/13 - 09:57 AM]
"The Millers," "The Crazy Ones" Post Solid Week-to-Week Growth
CBS spins the numbers for Thursday, November 7.

[11/08/13 - 09:46 AM]
NBC's Hit Singing Sensation "The Voice" Teams Up with Twitter Giving America the Power to "Instant Save"
Previously, "The Voice" coaches exclusively had the power to save an artist from elimination, but now America will have an immediate say during the live show on November 12.

[11/08/13 - 08:58 AM]
NBC Scores Its Highest Thursday Average of the Season
NBC spins the numbers for Thursday, November 7.

[11/08/13 - 08:27 AM]
ABC's "Grey's" Is Up Week to Week/"Scandal" Is the Fastest Growing Returning Series
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, November 7.

[11/07/13 - 09:00 PM]
"The Voice" Narrows Field to the Top 12 Artists as Competition Heats Up
Each of the musician coaches - Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, CeeLo Green and Christina Aguilera - will have three artists on their respective teams.

[11/06/13 - 08:48 AM]
NBC Is #1 in 18-49 on Each of the First Seven Tuesdays of the Season for the First Time in People Meter History
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 5.

[11/05/13 - 10:37 AM]
NBC Wins the Week of Oct. 28-Nov. 3 in 18-49 with "The Voice" and "Blacklist" Taking the Top 3 Rankings for Entertainment Shows on the Big 4
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 28-November 3.

[11/05/13 - 10:06 AM]
Kat Dennings and Beth Behrs of "2 Broke Girls" Announced as the Hosts of "The 40th Annual People's Choice Awards" at the Nominee Press Conference
Winners will be revealed during the live broadcast from Nokia Theater L.A. Live on Wednesday, January 8.

[11/05/13 - 08:51 AM]
NBC Finishes #1 Monday Night in Adults 18-49 Among the Big 4 by a 48% Margin
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, November 4.

[11/05/13 - 08:43 AM]
ABC's "Dancing" Outdraws NBC's "Voice" to Lead Monday and at Season Highs "Castle" Tops "Blacklist" for the 4th Straight Week
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, November 4.

[11/04/13 - 10:45 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: "Toy Story of Terror!" Grows to 16.7 Million/ABC Again Claims Most Top 10 Playback Gainers
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of October 14-20.

[11/01/13 - 12:31 PM]
Christina Aguilera to Perform with Flo Rida and a Great Big World on Live Nov. 4-5 Episodes of "The Voice"
In addition, singer-songwriter Sara Bareilles will perform the single "Brave," from her album "The Blessed Unrest," on the November 12 episode.

[10/31/13 - 10:17 AM]
"Dancing with the Stars," "The X Factor," "Amazing Race," "Survivor" All Set Finale Dates
The news comes on the heels of NBC announcing a December 17 finale for "The Voice."

[10/30/13 - 10:12 AM]
"NCIS" Tops Tuesday in Viewers and Is #1 Scripted Show of Night in Key Demos
CBS spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 29.

[10/30/13 - 08:41 AM]
NBC Is #1 in 18-49 on Each of the First Six Tuesdays of the Season for the First Time in People Meter History
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 29.

[10/29/13 - 10:46 AM]
"The Voice" to Close Out Fifth Season and Declare Winner Dec. 17
Look for an episode of "The Sing-Off" to follow the artists' final performance episode of the season on Monday, December 16.

[10/29/13 - 10:30 AM]
"Sunday Night Football" Ranks #1 for the Oct. 21-27 Week in 18-49, as NBC Matches Its Highest Five-Week Season Average in Six Years
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 21-27.

[10/29/13 - 08:59 AM]
"The Blacklist" Matches Its Highest Rating Since Week 2, Despite World Series Competition
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, October 28.

[10/29/13 - 08:36 AM]
ABC's "Castle" Is Up 11% in Adults 18-49 as Monday's Top Gainer
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, October 28.

[10/28/13 - 10:18 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC Ranks #1 Season to Date in the Non-Sports Adult 18-49 Averages
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of October 7-13.

[10/25/13 - 08:46 AM]
"Sean Saves the World" Matches Last Week's 18-49 Rating, While Growing by 20% Versus Last Week in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Thursday, October 24.

[10/23/13 - 08:49 AM]
For the First Time in Eight Years, NBC Is #1 in 18-49 on Each of the First Five Tuesdays of the Season
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 22.

[10/22/13 - 11:50 AM]
NBC Wins the Fourth Week of the Season in 18-49 and Is at Its Highest Four-Week Season Average in Six Years
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 14-20.

[10/22/13 - 08:48 AM]
"The Voice" and "The Blacklist" Deliver the Night's #1 and #2 Ratings in 18-49 on the Big 4 Networks
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, October 21.

[10/22/13 - 08:39 AM]
"Castle" Tops "Blacklist" as Monday's Most-Watched Scripted Show
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, October 21.

[10/21/13 - 09:51 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC Claims the Most Top 10 Playback Gainers of Any Network in Adults 18-49
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of September 30-October 6.

[10/18/13 - 01:40 PM]
NBC Rings in the New Year with Premiere Dates for "Chicago P.D.," New Season of "Community"
Plus: "Welcome to the Family" and "Ironside" are taken off the schedule.

[10/18/13 - 09:29 AM]
NBC to Air Another Expanded "Voice" on Tuesday, November 5; Results Show on Thursday, November 7
They'll air in place of "Chicago Fire," "Sean Saves the World" and "The Michael J. Fox Show" on said dates.

[10/16/13 - 08:52 AM]
NBC Wins Each of the First Four Tuesdays of the Season in 18-49 for the First Time in Eight Years
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 15.

[10/15/13 - 02:54 PM]
"The Blacklist" Is NBC's Top New Drama Through Three Regular Telecasts in 14 Years
NBC further spins the numbers for the series to date.

[10/15/13 - 10:08 AM]
NBC Wins the Third Week of the Season in 18-49 and Is at Its Highest Three-Week Average in Six Years
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 7-13.

[10/15/13 - 08:44 AM]
"The Voice" and "The Blacklist" Generate the Night's #1 and #2 Ratings in 18-49 on the Big 4 Networks
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, October 14.

[10/15/13 - 08:42 AM]
"Castle" Spikes to a 2-Year High in Adults 18-34
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, October 14.

[10/14/13 - 08:05 AM]
ABC's "S.H.I.E.L.D." Grows to a 4.4 in Live + 3, Emerging as Tuesday's Definitive #1 TV Show in Adults 18-49
ABC further spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 8.

[10/13/13 - 10:45 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC Claims 3 of the Top 5 Biggest Gainers in Adults 18-49 During Premiere Week
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of September 23-29.

[10/11/13 - 12:27 PM]
NBC to Expand "The Voice on Tuesday, October 29 to Two Hours
Part two of the show's knockout rounds will pre-empt "Chicago Fire" on said night.

[10/09/13 - 08:43 AM]
"Chicago Fire" Is Up 22% Versus the Show's Year-Ago Third Episode in 18-49 Rating and Is Up 18% In Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 8.

[10/09/13 - 08:34 AM]
"SHIELD" Holds Strong in Week 3 and Moves Up to #1 at 8pm
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 8.

[10/08/13 - 10:43 AM]
NBC Wins the Second Week of the Season in 18-49, Matches Its Highest Week-Two Rating in Six Years
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 30-October 6.

[10/08/13 - 09:30 AM]
NBC's Emmy-Winning Series "The Voice" Completes Blind Auditions as Coaches Ready Their 48 Artists for Battle Rounds
During the "battle rounds," each coach will pair two of their own team members against one another, each asked to sing the same song together in front of a studio audience.

[10/08/13 - 08:51 AM]
"The Voice" and "The Blacklist" Generated the Night's #1 and #2 Ratings on the Big 4 Networks
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, October 7.

[10/08/13 - 08:34 AM]
ABC's "Dancing" Is Up/"Castle" Beats "Hostages" by Best-Yet Margins
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, October 7.

[10/03/13 - 09:42 AM]
NBC Pushes "The Biggest Loser" Return Back a Week to October 15
Look for another two-hour edition of "The Voice" instead next Tuesday, October 8 at 8:00/7:00c.

[10/02/13 - 10:50 AM]
ABC Claims the #1 Most Co-Viewed Program During Premiere Week with "The Goldbergs"
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of September 23-29.

[10/02/13 - 10:32 AM]
ABC Is #1 with Upscale Adults 18-49 During Premiere Week
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of September 23-29.

[10/02/13 - 08:55 AM]
"Chicago Fire" Once Again Dominates the 10 p.m. ET Slot Delivering Series Record Ratings
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 1.

[10/02/13 - 08:18 AM]
"S.H.I.E.L.D." Earns ABC's 2nd-Highest Rating in Time Period in 2 Years
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 1.

[10/01/13 - 10:03 AM]
NBC Delivers the Biggest Premiere-Week Win for Any Net in 16 Years
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 23-29.

[10/01/13 - 09:02 AM]
NBC Wins the Night Among the Broadcast Networks in All Key Categories, Winning Six of Six Half-Hours in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, September 30.

[09/26/13 - 09:00 AM]
"Law & Order: SVU" Jumps 29% Versus Its Year-Ago Debut; Top 18-49 Numbers Since May 18, 2011
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 25.

[09/25/13 - 08:50 AM]
NBC Wins Tuesday in 18-49, "Voice" Up 15% vs. Year-Ago Debut; Record Ratings for "Chicago Fire," Wins 10 p.m. Hour
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, September 24.

[09/25/13 - 08:23 AM]
ABC's Opener of "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D" Is TV's #1 Drama Debut in 4 Years
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, September 24.

[09/24/13 - 08:52 AM]
"The Blacklist" Delivers the Highest Rating for Any 10 p.m. Drama on ABC, CBS or NBC in the Past Year
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, September 23.

[09/22/13 - 08:11 PM]
The 65th Primetime Emmy Awards Winners
"Modern Family" and "Breaking Bad" took home top honors in the Outstanding Comedy and Drama Series categories.

[09/20/13 - 10:35 AM]
NBC Finishes #2 for the 52-Week Broadcast Year
NBC spins the numbers for the year to date.

[09/09/13 - 09:15 AM]
Cher, Ed Sheeran, Ryan Tedder and Miguel Named Advisers for "The Voice"
They'll work alongside coaches Blake Shelton, Christina Aguilera, Adam Levine and CeeLo Green, respectively.

[08/26/13 - 11:33 PM]
Development Update: Monday, August 26
Updates include: CBS looks to revive "Love, American Style"; Amazon gives pilot order to "The After"; and actors John Francis Daley, Jay Baruchel to pen comedy projects.

[08/20/13 - 09:00 AM]
Global Superstars One Direction and "The Voice" Winner Cassadee Pope to Perform on "America's Got Talent" Aug. 28
Pope will also share an inside look at life since "The Voice" in a yet-to-be-titled docuseries that premieres on CMT on October 4.

[08/06/13 - 01:08 PM]
Sean Hayes-Hosted "NBC Primetime Preview Show" Readies for Wide Distribution
The preview also will be made available to NBC affiliates and the network's owned television stations websites.

[07/18/13 - 09:01 AM]
"America's Got Talent" Delivers the #1 Rating of the Night in Adults 18-49, Total Viewers and Other Key Measures
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, July 17.

[07/18/13 - 08:21 AM]
NBC Scores 53 Emmy Nominations, Tying for High Among Broadcast Networks
Leading the charge were "Saturday Night Live" with 17 nominations, including outstanding variety series, and "30 Rock" with 13.

[07/16/13 - 08:47 AM]
"Get Out Alive with Bear Grylls" Marks the Highest Week-Two Rating So Far This summer for Any New Reality Series
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, July 15.

[07/11/13 - 08:51 AM]
"America's Got Talent" Delivers the Best Demo Rating for Any Wednesday Network Telecast Since the May Sweep
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, July 10.

[07/09/13 - 09:02 AM]
"Get Out Alive with Bear Grylls" Is the #1 New Network Reality Show Debut This Summer in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, July 8.

[07/01/13 - 09:19 AM]
NBC to Partner with Producer Mark Burnett to Bring His Follow-Up Project to the Enormously Popular Miniseries "The Bible" to the Peacock Network
"A.D.: Beyond the Bible" will be a co-production between LightWorkers Media, Hearst Productions and Universal Television.

[07/01/13 - 06:41 AM]
The Second Wave of Nominees Heats Up "Teen Choice 2013" Airing Sunday, August 11, Live on FOX
Fans ages 13-19 can vote once each day per category for their favorite nominees at www.teenchoiceawards.com.

[06/25/13 - 10:37 AM]
NBC Hits Five-Month Highs and Jumps 58 Percent vs. the Same Week Last Year in Primetime Results for the Week of June 17-23
NBC spins the numbers for the week of June 17-23.

[06/21/13 - 12:16 PM]
NBC Announces Fall Premiere Dates for New Season
"The Voice" will kick things off on Monday, September 23 followed by the premiere of "The Blacklist."

[06/18/13 - 11:00 PM]
NBC's "The Voice" Crowns the Winner in Tonight's Season Finale
Danielle Bradbery, Michelle Chamuel and the Swon Brothers were the three finalists going into tonight's telecast.

[06/18/13 - 12:35 PM]
NBC Second in Primetime June 10-16, But #1 Among Entertainment Programs as "Voice," "America's Got Talent" Are Top Non-Sports Shows
NBC spins the numbers for the week of June 10-16.

[06/18/13 - 08:30 AM]
ABC Earns Second on Monday with "The Bachelorette" and "Mistresses"
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, June 17.

[06/13/13 - 02:02 PM]
All-Star Lineup of Judges Added to the 2013 Miss USA(R) Competition, Airing Live on Sunday, June 16 on NBC
Bob Harper, Betsey Johnson, NeNe Leakes, Wendie Malick, Jessica Robertson, Larry Fitzgerald, Nikki Bella, Mo Rocca and Christina Milian are among those on tap.

[06/11/13 - 12:25 PM]
NBC Second in Primetime June 3-9, But #1 Among Entertainment Programs
NBC spins the numbers for the week of June 3-9.

[06/11/13 - 12:16 PM]
Christina Aguilera, Pitbull, Bruno Mars, Florida Georgia Line and Nelly Join NBC's "The Voice" for June 18 Season Finale
Cher, who will also participate, was previously announced.

[06/10/13 - 12:16 PM]
Cher to Make First Live TV Performance in Over a Decade on June 18 Season Finale of NBC's "The Voice"
Cher will perform "Woman's World," the first single off her upcoming album of the same name that is due September 24.

[06/10/13 - 09:46 AM]
Live + 7 Ratings: ABC's "Modern Family" Is the Season's Biggest Gainer / "Grey's" Finishes as TV's #1 Broadcast Drama
ABC further spins the numbers for the season to date.

[06/06/13 - 01:16 PM]
Cassadee Pope Hits No. 1 on iTunes Country Chart and No. 3 on All-Genre Chart
Pope - season-three winner of "The Voice" - debuted her new single "Wasting All These Tears" to open Tuesday's show.

[06/05/13 - 11:01 AM]
Usher to Perform Live on June 10 Telecast of "The Voice"
Plus: Fall Out Boy as well as alumni Tony Lucca, Nicholas David and Terry McDermott to appear on the June 11 episode.

[06/05/13 - 08:47 AM]
The Season Debut of "America's Got Talent" Is the #1 Telecast of the Night in 18-49, Total Viewers and Other Key Categories
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, June 4.

[06/04/13 - 10:01 AM]
NBC Wins the Primetime Week of May 27-June 2 in 18-49 As Monday and Tuesday Editions of "The Voice" Tie for #1
NBC spins the numbers for the week of May 27-June 2.

[06/04/13 - 08:46 AM]
"Revolution" Is Up 5% in 18-49 Rating to Hit Its Highest Rating in Four Weeks
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, June 3.

[06/04/13 - 08:35 AM]
ABC's "Mistresses" Debut Beats NBC's "Revolution" Finale in Women 18-34
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, June 3.

[06/03/13 - 09:56 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC's "Grey's Anatomy" Is the Week's #1 Drama for the 3rd Week Running
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of May 13-19.

[06/03/13 - 08:39 AM]
"The Women's Concert for Change: Live from London" Ranks #1 for Its Second Hour from 10-11 p.m. in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, June 2.

[05/30/13 - 12:40 PM]
"The Voice" Expands to Two Hours for Live June 10, 17 Telecasts
NBC previously slated recap specials at 8:00/7:00c followed by originals at 9:00/8:00c.

[05/29/13 - 10:10 AM]
NBC Ties for #1 in 18-49 for the Primetime Week of May 20-26
NBC spins the numbers for the week of May 20-26.

[05/29/13 - 08:45 AM]
"The Voice" Is the #1 Show of the Night by a 67% Margin in 18-49 Over the #2 Show
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 28.

[05/29/13 - 08:44 AM]
ABC's "Extreme Wight Loss" Opens 17% Higher than Last Season's Finale in Viewers with Its Top Numbers Since Early July
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 28.

[05/28/13 - 12:01 PM]
Cassadee Pope to Return to "The Voice" with Live Performance on June 4
"Wasting All These Tears," which will be available on iTunes on the same day, has already received airplay on country radio.

[05/28/13 - 10:17 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC's "Grey's Anatomy" Stands as the Week's #1 Drama in Adults 18-49 for the 2nd Straight Week
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of May 6-12.

[05/28/13 - 08:47 AM]
"The Bachelorette" Opens with ABC's Best Summer Time Slot Numbers Since July
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, May 27.

[05/27/13 - 05:46 PM]
Usher, Darius Rucker Latest Additions to "Heartland" Concert Lineup
Others set to perform include Luke Bryan, Rascal Flatts and Ryan Tedder of OneRepublic, as well as Grammy Award-winning artists Miranda Lambert, Reba and Vince Gill.

[05/23/13 - 03:01 PM]
NBC Completes Best May Sweep in Nine Years As Network Finishes 0.1 of Rating Point Out of First
NBC further spins the numbers for the May sweeps period.

[05/23/13 - 02:02 PM]
ABC Ranks No. 1 in the May Sweep for the First Time in 13 Years in Adults 18-49
ABC further spins the numbers for the May sweeps period.

[05/22/13 - 09:01 AM]
First Wave of "Teen Choice 2013" Nominees Announced
Starting today, fans ages 13-19 can vote once each day per category for their favorite "Wave One" nominees.

[05/22/13 - 08:51 AM]
"Grimm" Maintains Its 18-49 Rating of a Week Ago Despite Special Competition from the "Dancing with the Stars" Finale
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 21.

[05/22/13 - 08:39 AM]
ABC's "Dancing" Finale Jumps 44% to Win Its Slot at Tuesday Highs
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 21.

[05/21/13 - 01:24 PM]
NBC to Air "Devastation in Oklahoma" Special Tonight in Place of "Voice" Recap
The one-hour special is set for 8:00/7:00c, leading into "The Voice" results show at 9:00/8:00c.

[05/21/13 - 12:01 PM]
Blake Shelton, Sheryl Crow to Perform Live Next Week on NBC's "The Voice"
Shelton will perform "Boys 'Round Here" on the May 27 edition of the show, while Crow will sing "Easy" on May 28.

[05/21/13 - 11:15 AM]
NBC Delivers Its Most Competitive TV Season and May Sweep in Nine Years
NBC spins the numbers for the season to date.

[05/21/13 - 08:49 AM]
"The Voice" Wins Its Time Period in Every Key Demographic - Adults, Men and Women 18-34, 18-49 and 25-54
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, May 20.

[05/21/13 - 08:42 AM]
ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" Jumps to Best-Since-Premiere Numbers
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, May 20.

[05/20/13 - 09:40 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC's "Grey's Anatomy "Emerges as the Week's #1 Drama in Adults 18-49
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of April 29-May 5.

[05/20/13 - 08:40 AM]
"All-Star Celebrity Apprentice" Grew Week to Week by 15% in 18-49 Rating and 24% in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, May 19.

[05/17/13 - 01:47 PM]
Christina Aguilera, CeeLo Green, Adam Levine and Blake Shelton Set to Return to "The Voice" in Fall
Plus: Shakira and Usher will pair with Levine and Shelton for the sixth cycle in midseason.

[05/15/13 - 02:11 PM]
Discovery Channel's "Deadliest Catch" Is the #1 Tuesday Primetime Program in Cable for Men 25-54 for Five Consecutive Weeks
Discovery spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 14.

[05/15/13 - 08:45 AM]
ABC's "Dancing with the Stars: The Results Show" Is Up in Adults 18-49 and Tops "The Voice" by 1.4 Million Viewers Head-to-Head
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 14.

[05/15/13 - 08:39 AM]
"The Voice" Successfully Moves to a New 9-10 p.m. Time Slot and Once Again Delivers the #1 Rating of the Night in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 14.

[05/14/13 - 09:36 AM]
NBC Matches Its Highest Weeklong Primetime 18-49 Rating in 17 Weeks; Grows 6 Percent vs. Same Week Last Year
NBC spins the numbers for the week of May 6-12.

[05/14/13 - 09:33 AM]
The Season Finale of "How I Met Your Mother" Soars to Its Highest Adult 18-49 Rating Since February
CBS spins the numbers for Monday, May 13.

[05/14/13 - 08:42 AM]
"The Voice" Wins Its Time Period Among ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX in Every Key Demographic
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, May 13.

[05/14/13 - 08:41 AM]
ABC's "Castle" Season Finale Is Up to Rank a Strong #1 at 10pm in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, May 13.

[05/13/13 - 10:07 AM]
Greenblatt Sets Premieres for Next Two "Voice" Cycles, "Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon" & More!
Plus: "Million Second Quiz" to debut on Monday, September 9 and its Carrie Underwood-led "The Sound of Music" to air Thursday, December 5.

[05/12/13 - 02:15 PM]
NBC Reveals Its 2013-14 Primetime Schedule
Highlights include comedy "The Michael J. Fox Show" on Thursday nights and drama "The Blacklist" on Mondays after "The Voice."

[05/12/13 - 11:23 AM]
"Saturday Night Live" Delivers the Top Rating of the Night Among ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX in the Local People Meters
NBC spins the numbers for Saturday, May 11.

[05/09/13 - 01:10 PM]
Final 12 Artists Ready to Continue Incredible Journey as "The Voice" Narrows Field in Pursuit of a Champion
Each of the coaches - Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, Shakira and Usher - will have three artists on their respective teams.

[05/09/13 - 08:52 AM]
Special Telecast of "The Voice" Wins the Hour Over FOX's "American Idol" in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 8.

[05/09/13 - 08:51 AM]
ABC's "Modern Family" Is Wednesday's #1 TV Show, Outdelivering "The Voice" and "Idol" in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 8.

[05/08/13 - 11:26 AM]
NBC to Showcase "The Winner Is" After "The Voice" in June
Look for installments on Monday, June 10 and June 17 at 10:00/9:00c in advance of its July 11 premiere.

[05/08/13 - 08:46 AM]
"Grimm" Equals Its Top 18-49 Result Since October 26, Delivers Its Biggest Overall Audience Since That Same Date
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 7.

[05/08/13 - 08:37 AM]
ABC's "Splash" and "Dancing" Grow/"Body of Proof" Is Most-Watched TV Show at 10pm
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 7.

[05/08/13 - 08:30 AM]
Adam Levine, Jordan Feldstein Sign Development Deal with NBC for Scripted and Alternative Programming
"It would be impossible to quantify Adam's influence and importance to the success of 'The Voice,'" said Paul Telegdy.

[05/07/13 - 10:23 AM]
NBC Matches Its Highest Weeklong Primetime 18-49 Rating in 16 Weeks; Jumps 13 Percent vs. Same Week Last Year
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 29-May 5.

[05/07/13 - 08:47 AM]
ABC Is Monday's Most-Watched TV Network - Topping All 6 Half-Hours
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, May 6.

[05/07/13 - 08:45 AM]
"The Voice" Wins Its Time Period in Every Key Demographic Among ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, May 6.

[05/06/13 - 10:06 AM]
Maroon 5 to Perform Live on May 20 Edition of "The Voice"
The group will debut the fourth single, "Love Somebody," off of their critically acclaimed album, "Overexposed."

[05/06/13 - 08:44 AM]
"All-Star Celebrity Apprentice" Runs Within a Tenth of a Point of #1 Among ABC, CBS and NBC in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, May 5.

[05/05/13 - 09:03 AM]
"Saturday Night Live" Delivers the Top Rating of the Night Among ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX in the Local People Meters
NBC further spins the numbers for Saturday, May 4.

[05/02/13 - 01:49 PM]
First "Chicago Fire" Original in Four Weeks Matches the Show's Highest 18-49 Rating Since February 27
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 1.

[05/02/13 - 08:53 AM]
ABC's "Modern" Beats "Idol" as Wednesday's #1 TV Show/"How to Live" Is Up 47%
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, May 1.

[05/01/13 - 10:47 AM]
"Grimm" Matches the Show's Highest Rating Since Its Series Premiere
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 30.

[05/01/13 - 08:38 AM]
Diane Sawyer's Amanda Knox Exclusive Earns 12-Week Time Period Highs for ABC
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 30.

[04/30/13 - 10:33 AM]
Monday's "The Voice" Ranks #1 in 18-49 for the Week of April 22-28 Among Primetime Series on ABC, CBS, NBC & FOX
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 22-28.

[04/30/13 - 08:55 AM]
ABC Is Monday's Most-Watched Net with "Dancing with the Stars" as the #1 TV Show Overall and "Castle" as the Top Scripted Series
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, April 29.

[04/30/13 - 08:48 AM]
"The Voice" Delivers the #1 Rating of the Night in 18-49 by a 52% Margin Over the #2 show
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, April 29.

[04/29/13 - 01:31 PM]
Rod Stewart, CeeLo Green, Lady Antebellum, Robin Thicke, Pharrell Williams and T.I. to Perform Live on "The Voice"
They'll appear on the show's Wednesday, May 8 and Tuesday, May 14 episodes.

[04/29/13 - 09:59 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC's "Modern Family" Is the #1 DVR Gainer, Ranks as TV's #1 Scripted Show of the Week
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of April 8-14.

[04/29/13 - 08:45 AM]
"All-Star Celebrity Apprentice" Wins Its Second Hour from 10-11 p.m. Among ABC, CBS and NBC in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, April 28.

[04/28/13 - 09:39 AM]
Encore Telecast of "Saturday Night Live" Delivers the #1 Non-Sports Rating of the Night
NBC spins the numbers for Saturday, April 27.

[04/24/13 - 08:51 AM]
"The Voice" Delivers the #1 18-49 Rating of the Night, Topping "NCIS" by 48%
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 23.

[04/24/13 - 08:39 AM]
ABC's "Body of Proof" Wins at 10pm with Its 2nd Highest Numbers this Season
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 23.

[04/23/13 - 06:53 PM]
NBC to Keep "Smash" on Saturdays at 8:00/7:00c Going Forward
Encores of "The Voice" will likewise remain at 9:00/8:00c.

[04/23/13 - 10:48 AM]
NBC Grabs 14-Week Highs in 18-49 and Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 15-21.

[04/23/13 - 10:01 AM]
D.L. Hughley and Michael Ian Black to Host TBS's "Trust Me, I'm a Game Show Host" - Series Slated to Premiere in Late 2013
Bill Engvall and Mo Rocca hosted the original pilot for ABC in 2010.

[04/23/13 - 08:46 AM]
"The Voice" Delivers the #1 Results of the Night in 18-49 and Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, April 22.

[04/23/13 - 08:43 AM]
ABC's "Castle" Is Up and Catches NBC's "Revolution" in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, April 22.

[04/22/13 - 09:48 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC's "Modern Family" Surges Ahead of NBC's "The Voice" in Adults 18-49
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of April 1-7.

[04/22/13 - 08:34 AM]
"All-Star Celebrity Apprentice" Ties for #1 Among ABC, CBS and NBC from 10-11 P.M.
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, April 21.

[04/21/13 - 09:30 AM]
"SNL" Encore Delivers the Top rating of the Night in the Local People Meters, Out-Rating All Primetime Programming
NBC spins the numbers for Friday, April 19 and Saturday, April 20.

[04/19/13 - 05:44 PM]
NBC Adds "Voice" to Wednesday, May 1; Expands "Office" to Hour on Thursday, May 2
The former will replace "Dateline NBC" while the latter is set for 8:30/7:30c on said date.

[04/19/13 - 01:44 PM]
NBC Shifts Drama "Grimm" to Tuesdays
The series will air Tuesdays at 10:00/9:00c, replacing "Ready for Love."

[04/18/13 - 06:48 AM]
"Smash" Once Again Moves to 8:00/7:00c Slot This Saturday
Like last week, NBC's struggling drama will trade places with an encore of "The Voice."

[04/17/13 - 08:42 AM]
"The Voice" Equals Its Tuesday Season High in 18-49, Growing Versus Its Prior Telecast by 2%
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 16.

[04/17/13 - 08:41 AM]
"Dancing with the Stars: The Results" Is Up/"Body of Proof" Continues to Win at 10pm
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 16.

[04/16/13 - 10:57 AM]
NBC Matches Its Top 18-49 Weekly Average in 13 Weeks, with a 1.7 for the Primetime Week of April 8-14
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 8-14.

[04/16/13 - 08:55 AM]
"The Voice" Scores Its Best 18-49 and Total-Viewer Numbers for Any Day of the Week Since March 12, 2012
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, April 15.

[04/15/13 - 11:08 PM]
Development Update: Monday, April 15
Updates include: Esquire Network to postpone launch until the summer; NBC casting a kids version of "The Voice"; and David Feeney to join FOX's "New Girl."

[04/15/13 - 10:31 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC's "Modern Family" Challenges NBC's "The Voice" as the #1 Broadcast of the Week in Adults 18-49
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of March 25-31.

[04/15/13 - 08:48 AM]
"All-Star Celebrity Apprentice" Jumps 21% vs. Last Week's Telecast and Was Up 15% in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, April 14.

[04/14/13 - 09:03 AM]
"Saturday Night Live" Matches Its Second-Highest Local People Meter 18-49 Rating in Five Months
NBC spins the numbers for Saturday, April 13.

[04/10/13 - 08:43 AM]
The Debut of "Ready for Love" Earns NBC's Highest 18-49 Rating in the Time Period Since January 15
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 9.

[04/10/13 - 08:43 AM]
ABC's "Body of Proof" Wins at 10pm with its 2nd Largest Audience this Season
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 9.

[04/09/13 - 09:00 PM]
NBC's Emmy-Nominated Series "The Voice" Completes Blind Auditions as Coaches Ready Their 48 Artists for Battle Rounds
Plus: advisers Hillary Scott, Sheryl Crow, Joel Madden and Pharrell Williams will join their respective judges starting next week.

[04/09/13 - 11:27 AM]
NBC Ties for #2 in 18-49 for the Primetime Week of April 1-7
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 1-7.

[04/09/13 - 09:01 AM]
ABC's Repeat "Castle" Is Monday's Most-Watched Scripted Show at a 2-Year High
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, April 8.

[04/09/13 - 08:48 AM]
"The Voice" Grows Week to Week in 18-49 Rating and Total Viewers Despite Last Night's Competition from CBS's NCAA Coverage
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, April 8.

[04/08/13 - 08:49 AM]
"All-Star Celebrity Apprentice" Grows from Half-Hour to Half-Hour in Every Key Ratings Category
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, April 7.

[04/07/13 - 08:43 AM]
"Saturday Night Live" Scores the #1 Non-Sports Rating of the Night in Metered-Market Households
NBC spins the numbers for Saturday, April 6.

[04/04/13 - 08:52 AM]
"How to Live with Your Parents" Opens Strong - "Modern" Is Night's #1 TV Show by 37% Over "Idol"
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 3.

[04/03/13 - 08:50 AM]
"The Voice" Beats Every Tuesday Telecast on Every Big Four Network Since the "Voice" Finale on December 18
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 2.

[04/03/13 - 08:38 AM]
"Dancing with the Stars: The Results Show" and "Body of Proof" Win from 9-11pm on Tuesday
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 2.

[04/02/13 - 10:39 AM]
"The Voice" Ranks #1 and #2 in 18-49 for the Week of March 25-31 Among Primetime Series on ABC, CBS, NBC & FOX
NBC spins the numbers for the week of March 25-31.

[04/02/13 - 08:49 AM]
"The Voice" Ranks #1 in Its Time Period in Adults 18-49 and Every Other Key Demographic
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, April 1.

[04/02/13 - 08:48 AM]
ABC's "Castle" Hits Season Highs on Its 100th Episode in Viewers and Adults 25-54
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, April 1.

[04/01/13 - 11:36 AM]
AMC's "The Walking Dead" Finale Delivers 12.4 Million Viewers and 8.1 Million Adults 18-49 Making It Largest Audience in Series History
AMC spins the numbers for Sunday, March 31.

[04/01/13 - 08:41 AM]
"All-Star Celebrity Apprentice" Ranks #1 in Its Time Period Among ABC, CBS and NBC in All Key Demos
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, March 31.

[03/27/13 - 08:50 AM]
Last Night's "The Voice" Beats Every Tuesday Telecast on Every Big Four Network Since January 15
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 26.

[03/27/13 - 08:39 AM]
"Dancing with the Stars: Results Show" Opener Is Up Over Last Season
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, March 26.

[03/26/13 - 08:45 AM]
Spring Debut of "The Voice" Grows 12% Versus Its Rating for the Prior Premiere
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, March 25.

[03/26/13 - 08:44 AM]
ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" Builds Over Week 2 of Last Season in Viewers and Young Adults
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, March 25.

[03/25/13 - 12:02 PM]
An All-Star Lineup of Musicians to Perform This Spring on "Live with Kelly and Michael"
Vibrant artists from rock to pop, country and rap will perform their latest hits and chat with the hosts.

[03/19/13 - 12:49 PM]
NBC Announces Season Finale Dates for Several Series
"Chicago Fire" (May 15), "Revolution" (May 27), "Parks and Recreation" (May 2) and "Community" (May 9) will all sign off in May.

[03/18/13 - 05:00 PM]
NBC's "The Voice" Announces Two-Hour Tuesday Broadcasts on April 30 and May 7 That Will Build Drama of Upcoming Knockout and Live Playoffs Episodes
Plus: the hit vocal competition series will climax with its eventful live season finale on Tuesday, June 18 (9-11 p.m. ET).

[03/13/13 - 03:43 PM]
NBC Schedule Changes: "Ready for Love" to Tuesdays, "Go On" to Thursdays, "Smash" to Saturdays
Plus: look for one-hour season finales of "Whitney" on March 27 and "The New Normal" on April 2.

[03/04/13 - 09:26 AM]
36 Women Will Compete to Find True Love on the New NBC Relationship Series "Ready for Love," Premiering March 26 Following "The Voice" (9-11 p.m. ET)
As previously announced, the series will regularly air Sundays at 8:00/7:00c on the Peacock.

[02/13/13 - 08:16 AM]
Nickelodeon Unveils 2013 Kids' Choice Awards Nominees
Television nominees include "Good Luck Charlie," "iCarly," "Victorious" and "Wizards of Waverly Place."

[01/11/13 - 10:07 AM]
TBS Greenlights New Unscripted Series From Howie Mandel and Mark Burnett
"Trust Me, I'm a Game Show Host" (originally developed at ABC) and "Deal With It" are both on tap at the cable channel.

[01/06/13 - 11:15 AM]
NBC at TCA: Greenblatt Outlines Latest Plans for Midseason, Summer and Fall
"Hannibal" and "Save Me" might hit the schedule before the season is over while "Dracula" and Michael J. Fox's new comedy are due in the fall.

[01/03/13 - 10:16 AM]
"SNL" Celebrates the New Year Starting January 19 with Host Jennifer Lawrence and Musical Guest The Lumineers
Then on January 26, look for Adam Levine to host with Kendrick Lamar as the musical guest.

[12/27/12 - 06:41 AM]
NBC Wins the Season's 13th Week in 18-49, Total Viewers and All Other Key Ratings Categories
NBC spins the numbers for the week of December 17-23.

[12/22/12 - 01:27 PM]
NBC's "New Year's Eve With Carson Daly" Presents Grammy Award-Winning Group Train Live from Times Square on December 31
Also scheduled to appear: Amy Poehler, Blake Shelton, Adam Levine, CeeLo Green, Christina Aguilera, Donald Trump, Jay Leno, Jimmy Fallon and Anglea Kinsey.

[12/20/12 - 08:46 AM]
"Miss Universe 2012" Grows by 13% Versus Last Year's Telecast in 18-49 Rating and Was Up 15% in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 19.

[12/19/12 - 09:54 AM]
"NCIS," "NCIS: Los Angeles" and "Vegas" All Post Week-to-Week Growth in Adults 18-49
CBS spins the numbers for Tuesday, December 18.

[12/19/12 - 08:53 AM]
"The Voice" Finale Hits Season-High Results for the Series in 18-49 and Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, December 18.

[12/19/12 - 08:52 AM]
ABC's Tuesday Comedies Build Against "The Voice" Finale
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, December 18.

[12/18/12 - 11:14 PM]
NBC's "The Voice" Crowns Winner of Third Cycle of Hit Vocal Competition Series Tonight
"The Voice" returns for a new fourth cycle of new shows on Monday, March 25.

[12/18/12 - 08:44 AM]
NBC's "1600 Penn" Preview Ranks #2 in the Half-Hour in Adults 18-49, Total Viewers and All Other Key Categories
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, December 17.

[12/18/12 - 07:41 AM]
NBC Is Up Versus the Same Week Last Year by 15% in 18-49 and by 17% in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for the week of December 10-16.

[12/17/12 - 09:54 AM]
History(R) Looks at One of the Greatest Collections of Stories of All Time in... "The Bible"
Mark Burnett and and Roma Downey executive produce the 10-hour, five-part docudrama, premiering Sunday, March 3 at 8:00/7:00c.

[12/13/12 - 10:02 AM]
CeeLo Green and World Series Most Valuable Player Pablo Sandoval Headline Judges Panel for NBC's Live Broadcast of the "2012 Miss Universe(R) Competition" on December 19 (8-10 P.M. ET)
Also on tap are Nigel Barker, Diego Boneta, Scott Disick, Brad Goreski, Masaharu Morimoto, Ximena Navarrete, Kerri Walsh Jennings and Lisa Vanderpump.

[12/12/12 - 02:21 PM]
NBC Bolsters Season Finale of "The Voice" with Performances by Marquee Stars Rihanna, Kelly Clarkson, Bruno Mars and The Killers
The finale that night will conclude when a new champion is crowned.

[12/12/12 - 08:50 AM]
"The Voice" Scores the #1 18-49 Rating of the Night, Matching Last Week's Official-National Rating
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, December 11.

[12/11/12 - 04:13 PM]
NBC's "The Voice" Artists Have Captured Two #1 Singles on the US iTunes Chart for the First Time in One Season
Cassadee Pope's "Stupid Boy" and Terry McDermott's "Let It Be" head the iTunes Top 10 overall singles chart.

[12/11/12 - 09:00 AM]
"The Voice" Is #1 for the Night in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, December 10.

[12/11/12 - 06:33 AM]
NBC Is #1 for the Season's 11th Week in Adult 18-49 Rating
NBC spins the numbers for the week of December 3-9.

[12/07/12 - 07:04 AM]
"Chicago Fire" Sets a Series Record in Total Viewers and Matches Its Second-Best 18-49 Rating to Date
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 5.

[12/06/12 - 12:21 PM]
NBC Hits the High Notes with Grammy Nominations for Adam Levine and Blake Shelton of "The Voice," Jimmy Fallon and "Smash"
Shelton was honored with a Grammy nomination for Best Country Solo Performance while Levine and Maroon 5 received two nominations.

[12/05/12 - 08:53 AM]
"Go On" Matches Its Highest 18-49 Rating Since October 9, Largest Audience Since September 18
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, December 4.

[12/05/12 - 08:45 AM]
ABC's "Shark Tank" Draws 2nd Biggest Audience as Tuesday Comedies Spike to Best-Since-Premiere Numbers
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, December 4.

[12/04/12 - 08:47 AM]
NBC Wins Its 13th Consecutive Monday Night in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, December 3.

[12/04/12 - 07:27 AM]
NBC Ties for #1 for Week 10 in Adult 18-49 Rating
NBC spins the numbers for the week of November 26-December 2.

[11/29/12 - 11:03 AM]
NBC's "The Voice" Gets a Jump on the Holidays in Early December with Musical Guests Michael Buble, NE-YO and Matchbox Twenty
Plus: alums Juliet Simms, Chris Mann and RaeLynn will return on the Tuesday, December 11 episode.

[11/29/12 - 08:45 AM]
NBC's "Christmas In Rockefeller Center" Scores a Four-Year High in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 28.

[11/28/12 - 08:50 AM]
ABC Wins Tuesday with "Dancing with the Stars: All-Stars" Finale Scoring Season Highs
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 27.

[11/28/12 - 08:41 AM]
"Go On" Jumps Week to Week to Score Its Highest Results Since October 9
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 27.

[11/27/12 - 05:30 PM]
NBC Wins the Week of Nov. 19-25 in 18-49 and Total Viewers with Its Highest Averages for an In-Season Week Since the Super Bowl
NBC spins the numbers for the week of November 19-25.

[11/27/12 - 09:11 AM]
Tony Bennett, Scotty McCreery and the Radio City Rockettes Added to Star Studded Line-Up on NBC's "Christmas in Rockefeller Center" Special Airing Wednesday, November 28 (8-9 P.M. ET)
They will join previously announced performers Trace Adkins, Mariah Carey, CeeLo Green, Victoria Justice, Chris Mann, Rod Stewart and Il Volo.

[11/27/12 - 08:49 AM]
ABC's "Dancing with the Stars: All-Stars" Builds to Season Highs
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, November 26.

[11/27/12 - 08:44 AM]
NBC Wins Its 12th Consecutive Monday Night in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, November 26.

[11/23/12 - 10:03 AM]
"It's Not Easy Being Green" When Kermit the Frog Joins CeeLo Green in Lively Duet on NBC's "The Voice" on November 27
Green and Kermit will also be joined by Statler and Waldorf, Animal, Fozzie Bear, Janice and The Great Gonzo.

[11/21/12 - 08:46 AM]
Each of ABC's Tuesday Shows Gain Audience Week to Week
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 20.

[11/21/12 - 08:45 AM]
"The Voice" Scores the #1 18-49 Rating of the Night, Winning the Time Period by a 10% Margin
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 20.

[11/20/12 - 11:30 AM]
NBC Wins Its First November Sweep in Nine Years
NBC spins the numbers for the November sweeps period to date.

[11/20/12 - 11:28 AM]
ABC Ranks No. 1 for the November Sweep in the Non-Sports Adult 18-49 Averages
ABC spins the numbers for the November sweeps period to date.

[11/20/12 - 08:51 AM]
ABC's "Dancing" and "Castle" Post Gains on Monday
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, November 19.

[11/20/12 - 08:44 AM]
NBC Finishes #1 or Tied for #1 During Seven of the Season's First Eight Weeks for the First Time in 10 Years
NBC spins the numbers for the week of November 12-18.

[11/20/12 - 08:42 AM]
"The Voice" Delivers the #1 Rating of the Night in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, November 19.

[11/15/12 - 09:31 AM]
Nominees Announced for the "People's Choice Awards 2013"
Kaley Cuoco will host this year's event, airing Wednesday, January 9 on CBS.

[11/15/12 - 08:34 AM]
Second Season Debut of "Whitney" Earns NBC's Best 18-49 Rating in the Time Period with Comedy Programming Since Premiere Week
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 14.

[11/14/12 - 10:53 AM]
Trace Adkins, Mariah Carey, CeeLo Green, Victoria Justice, Chris Mann, Rod Stewart and Il Volo to Perform on the 15th Annual "Christmas in Rockefeller Center" Special Wednesday, November 28 (8-9 P.M. ET) on NBC
Plus: look for special appearances by Billy Crystal and Bette Milder.

[11/14/12 - 08:53 AM]
"Jersey Shore" Cast, Celebs, Artists & MTV Rally to Help "Restore the Shore" Thursday, November 15th Live at 11PM ET
On tap are One Direction, Alicia Keys, Taylor Swift, Nicki Minaj, Britney Spears, Pharrell, P!nk, Demi Lovato and more!

[11/14/12 - 08:52 AM]
With Their First Telecasts in Three Weeks, "Go On" and "Parenthood" Are Down Just 0.1, "New Normal" Is Up
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 13.

[11/14/12 - 08:43 AM]
ABC's "Dancing with the Stars: Results Show" is Up Across the Board/"Happy Endings" Outdraws All 4 Fox Comedies on Tuesday
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 13.

[11/13/12 - 12:33 PM]
NBC Rings in the Holidays with Blake Shelton's First Christmas Special, "Blake Shelton's Not So Family Christmas," on Monday, December 3 (10-11 P.M. ET)
He'll be joined by Kelly Clarkson, Miranda Lambert and Reba on songs including "Let It Snow," "There's a New Kid in Town," "Oklahoma Christmas" and "Home."

[11/13/12 - 08:45 AM]
ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" and "Castle" Grow in Viewers and Young Adults on Monday
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, November 12.

[11/13/12 - 08:38 AM]
NBC Ranks #1 on Monday Night in Adults 18-49 for a 10th Week in a Row
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, November 12.

[11/13/12 - 05:43 AM]
NBC Wins Week 7 in Adults 18-49, Maintaining Its Best In-Season Average Since Super Bowl Week
NBC spins the numbers for the week of November 5-11.

[11/12/12 - 12:23 PM]
Coach Christina Aguilera Performs "Make the World Move" Featuring Fellow Coach CeeLo Green on NBC's "The Voice" Live Results Show on November 13
Plus: Rascal Flatts joins the artists to perform their hit song "Changed" on the November 20 episode.

[11/09/12 - 11:23 AM]
NBC Announces Two-Hour Season Finale for "The Voice" on December 18
Plus: look for a sneak preview of "1600 Penn" on Monday, December 17 following "The Voice's" final performance show.

[11/09/12 - 08:54 AM]
ABC's "Last Resort" and "Grey's Anatomy" Return Up After Prior Week's Preemptions
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, November 8.

[11/09/12 - 08:52 AM]
"The Voice" Delivers NBC's Highest 18-49 Rating in the Time Period with Non-Sports Programming in Nearly Three Years
NBC spins the numbers for Thursday, November 8.

[11/08/12 - 09:01 PM]
NBC's "The Voice" Unveils the Top 12 Artists Chosen Tonight to Represent Team Christina, Team Ceelo, Team Adam and Team Blake as the Live Shows Heat Up
On Monday, November 12, the same Top 12 artists will hit the live performance stage to sing for America's votes.

[11/08/12 - 02:45 PM]
NBC Serves Up Tasty Holiday Fare with New Christmas Music/Variety Specials from Blake Shelton and Michael Buble as Well as "Christmas in the White House"
Other highlights include "SNL Christmas" on Wednesday, November 28.

[11/08/12 - 09:11 AM]
ABC Scores Across-the-Board Gains on Wednesday Night
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 7.

[11/08/12 - 08:44 AM]
Special Wednesday "Voice" Delivers a Four-Year In-Season Time-Period High for NBC
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, November 7.

[11/08/12 - 07:34 AM]
TV Guide Network Gets Festive With Five Holiday-Themed Specials
Highlights include "CeeLo's Magic Moment," premiering Friday, November 30 at 8:00/7:00c.

[11/07/12 - 11:07 AM]
NBC's "The Voice" Celebrates Its Top 12 Artists with a Live Event Broadcast from House of Blues Via Clear Channel's iHeartRadio Following the Live Playoffs Results Show on November 8
Said event will feature the show's four musician coaches performing hit songs from the series' first three cycles.

[11/06/12 - 08:50 AM]
"The Voice" Is Monday's Top Entertainment Telecast for a Ninth Week in a Row
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, November 5.

[11/06/12 - 08:35 AM]
ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" is Monday Most-Watched Series and "Castle" is the #1 Scripted Show
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, November 5.

[11/06/12 - 07:50 AM]
NBC Wins Five of the Season's First Six Weeks in 18-49 for the First Time in 10 Years
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 29-November 4.

[11/05/12 - 09:58 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC's "Modern Family" Emerges as the Week's #1 Show
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of October 15-21.

[11/02/12 - 02:03 PM]
NBCUniversal to Partner Across Multiple Television, Radio and Digital Platforms to Extend Coverage of "Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together," a Benefit Telethon to Aid Victims of Hurricane Sandy Airing Tonight, 8-9 PM/ET
Discovery's Fit & Health and Velocity networks, The Weather Channel and Clear Channel's iHeartRadio will also carry the event.

[11/02/12 - 08:54 AM]
"Rock Center with Brian Williams" Delivers Its Highest 18-49, 25-54 and Total-Viewer Results Since September 13
NBC spins the numbers for Thursday, November 1.

[11/01/12 - 04:38 PM]
More Stars Join NBCUniversal's Broadcast of "Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together," a Benefit Telethon to Aid Victims of Hurricane Sandy
Kevin Bacon, Mary J. Blige, Tina Fey, James Gandolfini, Al Roker and Jon Stewart are all set to appear in tomorrow's telecast.

[11/01/12 - 03:21 PM]
HBO to Join NBC Universal in the Live Fundraising Special "Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together," Debuting Friday, Nov. 2
All proceeds will be donated to the American Red Cross relief efforts for Hurricane Sandy.

[11/01/12 - 05:42 AM]
NBCUniversal Announces "Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together," a Benefit Telethon to Aid Victims of Hurricane Sandy
Matt Lauer hosts the one-hour special, airing Friday, November 2 at 8:00/7:00c across NBC, Bravo, CNBC, E!, G4, MSNBC, Style, Syfy and USA.

[10/31/12 - 11:42 AM]
NBC Has Best Fall Season Start in 10 Years - Peacock Network Wins First 3 Weeks of Season in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the season to date.

[10/31/12 - 11:10 AM]
NBC Sweeps Tuesday as "The Voice" Dominates with Three-Week High in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 30.

[10/30/12 - 02:29 PM]
ABC Draws Best-Since-Premiere Monday Numbers in Total Viewers and Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, October 29.

[10/30/12 - 01:49 PM]
NBC to Rebroadcast Last Night's "The Voice," "Revolution" on Thursday, Friday
"30 Rock," "Up All Night," "The Office" and "Parks & Recreation" won't air this week.

[10/30/12 - 11:41 AM]
NBC Reveals Changes for Mid-Season 2013
Series premieres include "Deception" (January 7), "1600 Penn" (January 10) and "Ready for Love" (March 31).

[10/30/12 - 10:57 AM]
NBC Ranks #1 for the Night in Adults 18-49 with the #1 and #2 Shows
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, October 29.

[10/30/12 - 10:21 AM]
NBC is #1 Season to Date in 18-49 Through Five Weeks for the First Time in 10 Years
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 22-28.

[10/29/12 - 02:02 PM]
NBC News Continues to Provide Up to the Minute Late Breaking Coverage of History-Making Hurricane Sandy
Brian Williams will anchor a network special report in the 9:00/8:00c hour of "The Voice."

[10/29/12 - 10:28 AM]
Live+7 Day Ratings: ABC Claims the Week's 2 Biggest DVR Gainers with "Modern Family"
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of October 8-14.

[10/26/12 - 11:03 AM]
NBC Announces Premiere of "Take It All," Exciting New Game Show from Howie Mandel, to Run During Holiday Week of December 10-14
The series was formerly known as "Howie Mandel's White Elephant."

[10/26/12 - 09:51 AM]
NBC's "The Voice" Gives Viewers the Choice During Election Week of November 5
During the pivotal week of "Playoffs," each coach will have five artists on their respective teams, who will perform over the live shows during a three-night event.

[10/25/12 - 05:31 AM]
TV Guide Network Secures Exclusive Broadcast Rights to CeeLo Green's Holiday Concert Special, "CeeLo's Magic Moment" Premiering November 30 at 8:00 PM ET/PT
The special also features Rod Stewart, Disney's The Muppets, Eric Benet, as well as past and present artists from NBC's hit show, "The Voice.

[10/24/12 - 09:26 AM]
"NCIS: Los Angeles" Sweeps Time Period in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54 Topping the Combined Total Audience of ABC, NBC and FOX
CBS spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 23.

[10/24/12 - 09:20 AM]
ABC Scores its Best Numbers with Comedy Programming in the 9pm Hour Since 2009
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 23.

[10/24/12 - 08:54 AM]
NBC Ranks #1 for the Night in Adults 18-49; "Parenthood" Is the #1 Drama in Its Time Period
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 23.

[10/23/12 - 08:46 AM]
ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" Builds to Stand is Monday's Most-Watched TV Series for the 3rd Week Running
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, October 22.

[10/23/12 - 08:36 AM]
"The Voice" Is the #1 Entertainment Telecast of the Night in 18-49 and Other Key Demographics
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, October 22.

[10/23/12 - 08:04 AM]
NBC Wins Each of the First Four Weeks of the New Season in 18-49 for the First Time in 10 Years
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 15-21.

[10/22/12 - 11:30 AM]
NBC Finishes #1 in 18-49 "Live Plus Seven Day" Results for Week 2 of the New Season
NBC further spins the numbers for the week of October 1-7.

[10/22/12 - 09:40 AM]
America Decides on NBC's "The Voice" as Hit Series Goes Live with Broadcasts During Election Week on Monday, November 5, Wednesday, November 7 and Thursday, November 8
"The Voice" will not be broadcast on Tuesday, November 6 due to NBC News' Election Night coverage.

[10/22/12 - 09:29 AM]
ABC's Returning and New Dramas See Big DVR Spikes in Week 2
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of October 1-7.

[10/17/12 - 08:31 AM]
ABC's "Dancing with the Stars: The Results" Tops the 8pm Hour with the Net's Biggest Audience in 1 Year
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 16.

[10/17/12 - 08:23 AM]
"The Voice" Is Up Versus Its Week-Ago 18-49 Rating, #1 in the Time Period in Every Key Demographic
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 16.

[10/16/12 - 10:14 AM]
ABC Airs 6 of the Week's Top 20 Scripted Series in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 8-14.

[10/16/12 - 09:20 AM]
"Revolution" Jumps 13% Week to Week in 18-49 Rating to Hit a Three-Week-High
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, October 15.

[10/16/12 - 08:48 AM]
For the First Time in 10 Years, NBC Has Won Each of the First Three Weeks of the Season
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 8-14.

[10/16/12 - 08:39 AM]
ABC's "Castle" Hits a Season High as Monday's Top Scripted Show for the 4th Week Running
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, October 15.

[10/15/12 - 02:43 PM]
L+7 Results: NBC's Lineup Includes #1 Time-Shifted Gainers, "Revolution" in Rating Point and "Grimm" by %
NBC further spins the numbers for the week of September 24-30.

[10/13/12 - 08:43 AM]
"Grimm" Captures the #1 Rating of the Night for a Scripted Program, #1 for the Hour in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Friday, October 12.

[10/10/12 - 03:19 PM]
NBC Punches Up "Knockout" Rounds of "The Voice" to Air in Two-Hour Original Episodes on Back-to-Back Nights on October 29-30 for Four Hours
"Go On" and "The New Normal" will be broadcast one hour later than usual (10-11 p.m. ET) on October 30.

[10/10/12 - 11:18 AM]
NBC to Fill Friday, 8:00/7:00c Slot with "The Voice," "Grimm" Repeats
Look for a rebroadcast of "The Voice" this Friday, October 12 and a repeat of "Grimm" on Friday, October 19.

[10/10/12 - 09:00 AM]
NBC Wins Three Consecutive Nights in 18-49 for the First Time Since December 2010
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 9.

[10/10/12 - 08:44 AM]
ABC's "Dancing with the Stars: The Results" Hits Season Highs in Viewers and Key Demos
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 9.

[10/09/12 - 10:04 AM]
ABC Claims 2 of TV's Top 3 Dramas in Adults 18-49, as "Grey's" is No. 1 for the 2nd Week Running
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 1-7.

[10/09/12 - 08:46 AM]
ABC's Monday is Up/"DWTS" is the Most-Watched Series/"Castle" Spikes to a Season High
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, October 8.

[10/09/12 - 08:43 AM]
"The Voice" Matches Its Highest 18-49 Rating on Any Night of the Week Since Monday, March 12
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, October 8 plus the week of October 1-7.

[10/09/12 - 07:25 AM]
NBC Wins Week 2 in 18-49 - Up Versus Week Two Last Year by 17%
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 1-7.

[10/06/12 - 08:46 AM]
"Grimm" Matches Its Highest 18-49 Rating for a Friday Telecast Since January 20
NBC spins the numbers for Friday, October 5.

[10/04/12 - 01:19 PM]
NBC to Rebroadcast "The Voice: The Best of the Blind Auditions" This Friday at 8:00/7:00c
Said encore will replace the repeat of "Grimm" originally scheduled for the hour.

[10/03/12 - 10:04 AM]
ABC Leads in Upscale Adults 18-49 During Premiere Week
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of September 24-30.

[10/03/12 - 08:56 AM]
ABC's "Dancing with the Stars: The Results" Retains 100% of its Week-Ago Premiere as Others Drop
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 2.

[10/03/12 - 08:55 AM]
Recap Episode of "The Voice" Is #2 in Adults 18-49, #1 in Adults 18-34 at 8 p.m.
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 2.

[10/02/12 - 10:20 AM]
ABC Airs Premiere Week's No. 1 Comedy, No. 1 Drama and No. 1 New Comedy
ABC spins the numbers for the week of September 24-30.

[10/02/12 - 08:54 AM]
"The Voice" Delivers the #1 Results of the Night in Adults 18-49 and Other Key Demos
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, October 1 plus the week of September 24-30.

[10/02/12 - 08:52 AM]
For the 2nd Straight Monday ABC Leads the Pack in Viewers
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, October 1.

[10/02/12 - 06:31 AM]
NBC Wins Premiere Week in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 24-30.

[10/01/12 - 06:46 PM]
NBC's Emmy-Nominated Series "The Voice" Unveils the Artists Who Will Compete in the Battle Rounds Beginning Monday, October 8
The battle rounds will whittle down the 64 artists to the top 40.

[09/26/12 - 09:53 AM]
"Vegas" Premieres with 14.7 Million Viewers and Time-Period Sweep in All Key Ratings Categories
CBS spins the numbers for Tuesday, September 25.

[09/26/12 - 08:53 AM]
NBC Finishes #2 for the Night in 18-49 and Within 1 Share of #1 in Week Three for Its Tuesday Lineup
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, September 25.

[09/26/12 - 08:41 AM]
ABC's "Private Practice" is Up from its Tuesday Premiere and Tops its Season Finale
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, September 25.

[09/25/12 - 01:02 PM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - Network Ranks #1 or Tied for #1 for the Seventh Time in Nine Weeks
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 17-23.

[09/25/12 - 01:00 PM]
NBC Picks Up Hit Music Competition Series "The Voice" for Fourth and Fifth Cycles for Broadcast in Spring and Fall 2013
"This pickup will assure the many dedicated 'Voice' fans that this innovative show will continue to bring some of the most talented new voices to the world's attention through all of next year," said Robert Greenblatt.

[09/25/12 - 10:53 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Marks Strongest Week in 3 Months with Total Viewers and Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of September 17-23.

[09/25/12 - 08:52 AM]
"Revolution" Tops "Castle" and "Hawaii Five-0" in All Key Demos; "The Voice" Is #1 for the Night
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, September 24.

[09/25/12 - 08:48 AM]
ABC is the Top Draw on Season Premiere Monday
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, September 24.

[09/20/12 - 08:30 AM]
"The Voice" Encore Improves on NBC's Time Period Average Last Season by 13% in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 19.

[09/19/12 - 08:56 AM]
"The Voice" Delivers NBC's Best Non-Sports 18-49 Rating in Its Time Period Since December 2009
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, September 18.

[09/18/12 - 12:41 PM]
A Rebroadcast of "60 Minutes" Delivers More Viewers Than All 12 Primetime Premieres Last Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of September 10-16.

[09/18/12 - 12:03 PM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "Sunday Night Football," The Voice" and "Go On" Top the Primetime Week of Sept. 10-16
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 10-16.

[09/18/12 - 10:18 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - "Bachelor Pad" Season Closer Draws its 2nd-Largest Overall Audience This Season
ABC spins the numbers for the week of September 10-16.

[09/18/12 - 08:55 AM]
"The Voice" Is Up 10% Week to Week; "Revolution" Is Top Drama Premiere on Any Network in Three Years
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, September 17 plus the week of September 10-16.

[09/18/12 - 08:49 AM]
ABC's "CMA Music Festival" Boosts the Network to Its Best Monday Since July
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, September 17.

[09/17/12 - 04:08 PM]
NBC Welcomes Usher and Shakira as New Coaches to "The Voice" Family for Next Spring's Fourth Cycle
They'll take over for Christina Aguilera and CeeLo Green, who will take the cycle off.

[09/17/12 - 05:50 AM]
The 38th Season Premiere of "Saturday Night Live" Delivers a 4.8 Rating/12 Share in Metered-Market Households
NBC spins the numbers for Friday, September 14 and Saturday, September 15.

[09/13/12 - 10:09 AM]
Presenters Set for The 2012 NCLR ALMA Awards(R), Airing Friday, September 21 (8-9 P.M. ET) on NBC
Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Lochte, Robert Rodriguez, Zoe Saldana, Natalie Morales, Andy Garcia and Rafael Amaya are all slated to appear.

[09/13/12 - 08:55 AM]
"The Voice" Tops "X Factor" Head to Head; "Talent" Hits a Season-High Wednesday Rating
NBC spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 12.

[09/12/12 - 08:52 AM]
"The Voice" Is Up 5% Versus Monday Night's Season Premiere, 22% Versus Last Season's Initial Tuesday Telecast
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, September 11.

[09/11/12 - 02:32 PM]
NBC Books "Revolution" Encores for Wednesday, September 19 and Saturday, September 29
Plus: the "Guys With Kids" original slated for September 19 moves to Wednesday, October 3.

[09/11/12 - 01:58 PM]
ABC Family's "Switched at Birth" Retains 99% of Week-Ago Return in W18-34 Against NBC's Debut of "The Voice"
ABC Family spins the numbers for Monday, September 10.

[09/11/12 - 09:29 AM]
ABC's "Bachelor Pad" Finale Draws 2nd-Largest Audience of the Season
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, September 10.

[09/11/12 - 08:46 AM]
NBC Wins Monday as "The Voice" Tops FOX's Finales by 64%, Generates Dramatic Growth Through the Slot
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, September 10.

[09/06/12 - 11:14 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, September 6
Updates include: The CW eyes Wonder Woman take "Amazon"; "I Suck at Girls" lands pilot order at FOX; and Kurt Sutter to pen a comedy for FX.

[09/05/12 - 10:38 AM]
NBC's "The Voice" Will Premiere as a Three-Night Audition Event Monday Through Wednesday September 10-12
The extra one-hour edition airs Wednesday, September 12 at 8:00/7:00c.

[09/04/12 - 12:10 PM]
NBC Adds Preview of New Comedy "The New Normal" on Monday, September 10 to Follow Season Debut of "The Voice"
Said broadcast will bump the previously announced "Grimm" original until Friday, September 28.

[08/17/12 - 03:49 PM]
NBC to Finish "Saving Hope" Run on Saturdays, Adds More Comedy Encores
"Go On," "The New Normal," "Guys with Kids" and "Animal Practice" will all get multiple encores.

[07/30/12 - 09:20 AM]
NBC Promotes Meredith Ahr to Executive Vice President, Alternative Programming
Ahr will continue to be responsible for NBC's alternative development, both in-house and from NBC's partnerships in the creative community.

[07/27/12 - 11:11 PM]
Development Update: Friday, July 27
Updates include: "Modern Family" co-stars close a new deal with ABC; Joe Carnahan to direct A&E's "Those Who Kill" pilot; and Ian Hart joins the cast of DirecTV's "Rogue."

[07/24/12 - 11:21 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, July 24
Updates include: Christopher Nicholas Smith cast in CBS's "Ex Men"; Kat Foster joins FOX's "The Goodwin Games"; and five "Modern Family" co-stars file a lawsuit against 20th Century Fox Television.

[07/24/12 - 10:45 AM]
NBC at TCA: Greenblatt Announces "SNL" Election Specials, Pilot Sampling
Plus: the executive on "Community," "Smash," "The Voice," "Rock Center with Brian Williams" and more!

[07/16/12 - 11:11 PM]
Development Update: Monday, July 16
Updates include: Gaius Charles heads for ABC's "Grey's Anatomy"; Mark Consuelos to visit FX's "American Horror Story"; and CBS, 20th in talks to renew "How I Met Your Mother" for ninth season.

[07/10/12 - 11:01 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, July 10
Updates include: CBS revives comedy "Ex Men" with pilot order; A&E greenlights "Those Who Kill" drama pilot; and Lifetime to develop "Two Kisses for Maddy" as a telefilm.

[07/09/12 - 10:07 AM]
Nominees Announced for the 2012 NCLR ALMA Awards(R), Airing Friday, September 21 (8:00-9:00 P.M. ET) on NBC, and Online Voting Launches at ALMAAwards.com
Nominees include Diego Boneta, Eva Mendes, Christina Aguilera, Bruno Mars and Jennifer Lopez.

[07/02/12 - 12:40 PM]
NBC Announces Military and First-Responder Service "Operatives" to Be Featured in New Competition Series "Stars Earn Stripes"
They'll join previously announced celebrities Laila Ali, Dean Cain, Terry Crews, Nick Lachey, Todd Palin, Picabo Street, Dolvett Quince and Eve Torres.

[06/18/12 - 10:01 PM]
Broadcast Television Journalists Association Announces Winners of the 2nd Annual Critics' Choice Television Awards
"Breaking Bad," "Homeland," "Modern Family," "Parks and Recreation" and "Sherlock" each took home two wins.

[06/14/12 - 11:45 AM]
NBC Announces Aggressive and Staggered Season Premiere Strategy for Fall 2012
Highlights include previews of "Go On" and "Animal Practice" during the Olympics as well as the launch of "Stars Earn Stripes" on Monday, August 13.

[06/06/12 - 02:12 PM]
NBC Commits to Aggressive Digital Media Strategy Focused on Multi-Platform Programming and Marketing Initiatives
The network has named Robert Hayes to the newly created position of Executive Vice President, Digital Media.

[06/04/12 - 08:20 AM]
Samuel L. Jackson to Host "VGA Ten" - The Tenth Anniversary of Spike TV's "Video Game Awards"
Mark Burnett will also return as an executive producer of the event, airing Friday, December 7 at 9:00/8:00c.

[05/31/12 - 05:02 AM]
CTV and CTV Two 2012/13 Night-by-Night Schedules and Program Descriptions
Highlights include the final season of "Flashpoint" on Thursday nights at 10:00/9:00c.

[05/29/12 - 12:35 PM]
NBC Announces "The Winner Is," New Vocal Game Show That Spotlights Talented Singers from All Ages Singing and Negotiating to Win the Cash Prize of $1 Million
John de Mol is the executive producer of the series, from Talpa Media USA.

[05/29/12 - 10:50 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC's "Modern Family" Leapfrogs Over "Idol," "Big Bang" and "The Voice" to Stand as TV's #1 Show
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of May 7-13.

[05/24/12 - 02:34 PM]
NBC Finishes the 2011-2012 Season Up 9 Percent vs. Last Year and Ranking #3 Outright for the First Time in Eight Years
NBC spins the numbers for the season to date.

[05/24/12 - 06:26 AM]
Summer 2011 in Review/Summer 2012 in Preview
A look at the broadcast numbers this summer's new and returning offerings will need to survive.

[05/18/12 - 11:00 AM]
First Wave of "Teen Choice 2012" Nominees Announced
"American Idol" and "The Vampire Diaries" top the TV nods.

[05/15/12 - 11:07 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Paces Network's Primetime Week of May 7-13
ABC spins the numbers for the week of May 7-13.

[05/15/12 - 11:05 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Airs the Week's No. 1 Comedy, the No. 1 Drama and the No. 1 New Show
ABC spins the numbers for the week of May 7-13.

[05/15/12 - 10:24 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - Network Heads to the Season's Finish Line First for the Week in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of May 7-13.

[05/14/12 - 12:20 PM]
NBC Post-Upfront Wrap-Up: "30 Rock" Indeed to End; "The Voice" Returns September 10
Plus: look for various comedy pilots to air during its Olympics coverage.

[05/14/12 - 07:39 AM]
Reilly: Hoping to Reveal "X Factor" Judges; "Glee" to Have "Show Within a Show"
Plus: the FOX chief on "American Idol," "The Flintstones," "Terra Nova," "The Following" and more!

[05/13/12 - 03:14 PM]
NBC Confirms "The Firm" Cancellation, Wipes Reality Slate Clean
"Escape Routes," "Fear Factor," "The Sing-Off," ""Minute to Win It," "The Marriage Ref," "Who's Still Standing?," "It's Worth What?" and "Who Do You Think You Are?" won't be back.

[05/13/12 - 01:14 PM]
Greenblatt: Not Necessarily Final Season of "30 Rock"; Dan Harmon May Be Out as "Community" Showrunner
Plus: the NBC chief on "The Voice," "Smash," "Whitney," "Rock Center With Brian Williams," "The Office" and "Harry's Law."

[05/13/12 - 10:45 AM]
NBC Reveals Its 2012-13 Primetime Schedule
It's here: the Peacock unveils its fall schedule, which will use "The Voice" to launch two new series.

[05/09/12 - 09:13 AM]
"NCIS" Sweeps Time Period in Viewers and Key Demos
CBS spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 8.

[05/09/12 - 09:07 AM]
ABC's "Last Man Standing" Posts Huge Time-Slot Gains in its First Season
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 8.

[05/09/12 - 05:28 AM]
NBC's Alternative Programming Enhanced by New Overall Development Deals With Top Reality Series Producers
Jason Ehrlich, David A. Hurwitz, Alex Katz, Lee Metzger, Howie Mandel, Tom Shelly, Craig Plestis and Jason Raff are among those set up at the Peacock.

[05/08/12 - 10:37 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Delivers 5 of the Week's Top 20 TV Shows
ABC spins the numbers for the week of April 30-May 6.

[05/08/12 - 10:36 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Leads Network's Primetime Week of April 30-May 6
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 30-May 6.

[05/08/12 - 08:52 AM]
ABC's "Castle" Finale Wins at 10pm, Marking 6-Month Highs and its Most-Watched Season Ever
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, May 7.

[05/07/12 - 11:15 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC Claims 2 of the Week's Top 3 Programs in Adults 18-49 with "Modern Family" and "Grey's"
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of April 16-22.

[05/02/12 - 11:56 AM]
NBC to Encore "The Voice" Semi-Final Performances This Saturday at 9:00/8:00c
The Peacock will bump the previously scheduled episode of "The Firm" to next week.

[05/02/12 - 09:14 AM]
ABC's "Private Practice" Wins at 10pm and Grows its Hour Year to Year
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 1.

[05/01/12 - 01:26 PM]
FOX Weekly Ratings - Network Wins Third Consecutive Week and Delivers The No. 1 Shows Among Adults 18-49, Adults 18-34 and Teens
FOX spins the numbers for the week of April 23-29.

[05/01/12 - 10:47 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Paces Network's Primetime Week of April 23-29
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 23-29.

[05/01/12 - 10:42 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network is No. 2 for the 2nd Straight Week in Viewers and Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of April 23-29.

[05/01/12 - 09:04 AM]
ABC's "Dancing" is Monday's Top Draw/"Castle" Returns at a 6-Month High in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, April 30.

[04/30/12 - 01:04 PM]
Justin Bieber, Daryl Hall & John Oates, Flo Rida and Lady Antebellum to Perform on the Season Finale of NBC's "The Voice," Tuesday, May 8, 9-11 PM ET
Bieber returns to "The Voice" stage for the broadcast television premiere performance of his new single, "Boyfriend."

[04/30/12 - 10:54 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC's "Modern Family" Moves Ahead of "Idol" to Rank #1 for the Week and Increases its Lead over "The Voice"
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of April 9-15.

[04/27/12 - 11:19 AM]
Coach Blake Shelton Performs His New Single, "Over," on the Semifinals of "The Voice" Performance Show, Monday, April 30, 8-10 PM ET, on NBC
Plus: Vicci Martinez sings "Come Along" featuring her former coach, Cee-Lo.

[04/25/12 - 02:55 PM]
"Deadliest Catch" Scores Big - #1 on Tuesdays for Third Week in a Row
Discovery spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 24.

[04/25/12 - 08:55 AM]
ABC's "Private Practice" Surges to its Most-Watched Telecast in Over 1-1/2 Years
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 24.

[04/24/12 - 10:26 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Claims the No. 1 Scripted Series/Comedy, Drama, Freshman Drama and New Mid-Season Series in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of April 16-22.

[04/24/12 - 10:18 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Leads Network's Primetime Week of April 16-22
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 16-22.

[04/24/12 - 09:00 AM]
ABC's "Dancing With the Stars" Is Up With Its Most-Competitive Finish Against "The Voice"
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, April 23.

[04/23/12 - 11:22 PM]
Development Update: Monday, April 23
Updates include: Tony Danza lands a comedy at ABC; "Make It or Break It" set to close after three seasons; and "The Voice" coaches are all on track for new deals with NBC.

[04/23/12 - 01:09 PM]
NBC Announces New Time for Live Season Finale of "The Voice" to Air from 9-11 P.M. (ET) on May 8
"Fashion Star" will now move to 8-9 p.m. (ET) on said night.

[04/18/12 - 08:47 AM]
ABC's "DWTS" Results Show is Up/"Private Practice" Opens at #1 in its New Slot
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 17.

[04/17/12 - 10:27 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Paces Network's Primetime Week of April 9-15
CBS spins the numbers for the week of April 9-15.

[04/17/12 - 10:02 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Airs 4 of the Week's Top 15 TV Shows in Viewers and Young Adults
ABC spins the numbers for the week of April 9-15.

[04/17/12 - 09:02 AM]
ABC's "DWTS" is Monday's Most-Watched Show and "Castle" is the Top Scripted Program
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, April 16.

[04/11/12 - 08:49 AM]
ABC's "Body of Proof" Wins Again at 10pm/"Cougar Town" Hits Season Highs in Viewers and Adults 18-34
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 10.

[04/10/12 - 01:14 PM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Leads Network's Primetime Week of April 2-8
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 2-8.

[04/10/12 - 10:43 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Is Up for the 4th Straight Week to Generate Its Most-Watched Non-"Oscar" Week Since November
ABC spins the numbers for the week of April 2-8.

[04/10/12 - 08:45 AM]
ABC is Monday's Most-Watched Net for the 4th Week Running/"Scandal" Repeat Tops NBC's Original "Smash" at 10pm
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, April 9.

[04/04/12 - 08:49 AM]
ABC is #1 on Tuesday in Viewers and Adults 18-49/"Dancing" Tops "The Voice" by 7.0 Million
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 3.

[04/03/12 - 12:47 PM]
FOX Weekly Ratings - "American Idol" Sees Ratings Gains as Week's #1 TV Show
FOX spins the numbers for the week of March 26-April 1.

[04/03/12 - 11:05 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Paces Network's Primetime Week of March 26-April 1
NBC spins the numbers for the week of March 26-April 1.

[04/03/12 - 10:36 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Claims 4 of the Top 20 TV Shows in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of March 26-April 1.

[04/03/12 - 09:06 AM]
ABC is Monday's Most-Watched Net for the 3rd Week Running
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, April 2.

[04/02/12 - 10:43 AM]
Live+7 Ratings: ABC's "Modern Family" is the Week's #1 TV Series for its 5th Straight Original
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of March 12-18.

[03/30/12 - 11:19 AM]
NBC's "The Voice" Is Set to Launch a New Voting App for Facebook Timeline
The app "creates one of the first truly social voting options for any network competition series."

[03/27/12 - 11:15 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Airs 4 of the Top 20 Broadcast Series for the Week in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of March 19-25.

[03/27/12 - 10:34 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Leads Network's Primetime Week of March 19-25
NBC spins the numbers for the week of March 19-25.

[03/27/12 - 10:14 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - Network Wins in Viewers and Key Demos for the Second Straight Week
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 19-25.

[03/27/12 - 08:53 AM]
ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" is Monday's Top Show/"Castle" is the #1 Scripted TV Program
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, March 26.

[03/20/12 - 11:04 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Paces Network's Primetime Week of March 12-18
NBC spins the numbers for the week of March 12-18.

[03/20/12 - 11:03 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Delivers 7 of the Top 20 TV Shows Among Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of March 12-18.

[03/20/12 - 10:45 AM]
CBS Weekly Ratings - Network Sweeps the Week in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for the week of March 12-18.

[03/20/12 - 08:53 AM]
ABC Dances to the Top with its Biggest Monday Since September
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, March 19.

[03/19/12 - 10:48 AM]
Live + 7 Ratings: ABC's "Modern Family" Emerges as the #1 TV Series in all 4 Weeks of February
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of February 27-March 4.

[03/13/12 - 11:01 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Ranks #1 for the Primetime Week of March 5-11 in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of March 5-11.

[03/13/12 - 10:19 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Airs 5 of the Top 20 Broadcast Shows in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of March 5-11.

[03/13/12 - 08:53 AM]
ABC's "The Bachelor" Finale Hits Season Highs
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, March 12.

[03/12/12 - 10:46 AM]
Live + 7 Ratings: Setting a New Record, ABC's "Modern Family" is the #1 Series 3 Weeks in a Row
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of February 20-26.

[03/07/12 - 11:21 AM]
NBC's "The Voice" to Begin Live Two-Hour Episodes on April 2; Six Weeks of Live Tuesday Results Shows Begin April 3
Plus: "America's Got Talent," featuring new judge Howard Stern, to debut Monday, May 14 and Tuesday, May 15.

[03/06/12 - 10:10 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Delivers 5 of the Week's Top 20 Scripted Programs Among Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of February 27-March 4.

[03/06/12 - 09:40 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Ties for #1 for the Primetime Week of Feb. 27-March 4 in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of February 27-March 4.

[03/06/12 - 08:56 AM]
ABC's "The Bachelor: The Women Tell All" Dominates Fox's 2-Hour "Alcatraz"
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, March 5.

[03/05/12 - 11:49 AM]
Live + 7 Day Ratings: ABC's "Modern Family" is the Week's #1 Series for the 2nd Week in a Row
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of February 13-19.

[03/01/12 - 02:41 PM]
NBC Wins the February 2012 Sweep in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the 28-day ratings period (February 2-29).

[02/29/12 - 04:10 PM]
Kyle MacLachlan, Mark Consuelos & Michael Strahan to Co-Host "Live! With Kelly" the Week of March 12-16, 2012
Guests that week include Nicole Richie, Cee Lo Green, Will Ferrell, Elle Macpherson, Susan Sarandon, Jeremy Sisto, Ashley Judd and Mary McCormack.

[02/28/12 - 10:33 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Is the #1 Series for the Primetime Week of Feb. 20-26 in 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of February 20-26.

[02/28/12 - 10:25 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Wins the Week by Strong Margins in Viewers and Young Adults
ABC spins the numbers for the week of February 20-26.

[02/28/12 - 08:51 AM]
ABC's "The Bachelor" Hits 2nd-Best Number and "Castle" Marks a 5-Week High in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, February 27.

[02/28/12 - 05:53 AM]
The Blind Auditions Are Complete and the Teams Are Set -- The Battle Is Now On as the Top 48 Artists Advance to the Battle Rounds on NBC's "The Voice"
Lionel Richie, Kelly Clarkson, Kenny "Babyface" Edmonds, Jewel, Miranda Lambert, Alanis Morissette, Ne-Yo and Robin Thicke will lend their expertise as advisers during the upcoming battle rounds.

[02/27/12 - 10:09 AM]
ABC's "Modern Family" Surges Ahead of "The Voice," "Idol" and "Big Bang" to Rank as the Week's #1 Series
ABC further spins the numbers for the week of February 6-12.

[02/22/12 - 10:27 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" Finishes Within a Tenth of a Point of #1 in 18-49 and Grabs the Top Spot in 18-34
NBC spins the numbers for the week of February 13-19.

[02/22/12 - 09:49 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - ABC Qualifies as the Only Net to Grow its Viewer Count Year to Year
ABC spins the numbers for the week of February 13-19.

[02/21/12 - 08:46 AM]
ABC's "Castle" Grows Week to Week and Tops NBC's "Smash" by 49% in Viewers
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, February 20.

[02/20/12 - 09:13 AM]
ABC's "Once Upon a Time" is Sunday's #1 Show in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for Sunday, February 19.

[02/16/12 - 12:01 PM]
Latest "The Voice" to Encore This Sunday at 7:00/6:00c Leading Into "The Celebrity Apprentice"
The two-hour installment featured part three of the blind auditions.

[02/14/12 - 10:52 AM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - "The Voice" and "Smash" Pace NBC's Primetime Week of Feb. 6-12
NBC spins the numbers for the week of February 6-12.

[02/14/12 - 09:55 AM]
ABC Weekly Ratings - Network Builds Week to Week by 27% in Viewers and by 40% in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of February 6-12.

[02/14/12 - 08:41 AM]
ABC's "Castle" Outdraws NBC's "Smash" at 10pm
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, February 13.

[02/08/12 - 09:32 AM]
E! Presents Weekly Encore Performances of NBC's "The Voice" Beginning Saturday, February 11
Last year, said encores saw ratings increases by as much as 60% in its timeslot throughout the season.

[02/07/12 - 05:39 PM]
NBC to Encore "The Voice's" Post-Super Bowl Episode This Thursday at 10:00/9:00c
Plus: last night's "The Voice" and the premiere of "Smash" will also rebroadcast this Saturday.

[02/07/12 - 12:12 PM]
NBC Weekly Ratings - Record-Breaking Super Bowl XLVI and "The Voice" Supercharge the Network's Top-Rated Week of Jan. 30-Feb. 5
NBC spins the numbers for the week of January 30-February 5.

[02/07/12 - 12:03 PM]
"The Voice" and "Smash" Harmonize to Give NBC a Dominant Monday Night Win in 18-49 and Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, February 6.

[02/07/12 - 08:44 AM]
ABC's "The Bachelor" Holds Strong Against "The Voice"
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, February 6.

[02/06/12 - 11:55 AM]
Super Bowl XLVI Is Most-Watched Television Show in U.S. History
NBC further spins the numbers for Sunday, February 5 (updated with time zone-adjusted fast nationals).

[02/06/12 - 11:33 AM]
"The Voice" Is Top-Rated Entertainment Program on Any Network in Six Years
NBC further spins the numbers for Sunday, February 5 (updated with time zone-adjusted fast nationals).

[02/06/12 - 07:45 AM]
Second Season Premiere of "The Voice" Averaged a 19.4/33 in Metered-Market Household Figures
NBC further spins the numbers for Sunday, February 5.

[02/05/12 - 06:59 PM]
Video: A Message from "Hot in Cleveland's" Betty White to the Giants
The recent SAG Award winner offers her congrats to the Super Bowl champs.

[01/31/12 - 01:05 PM]
NBC's "The Voice" Attracts Premier Advertising Partners for Season Two
Kia Motors, Sprint and Starbucks Coffee Company will serve as official sponsors of the show's sophomore run.

[01/06/12 - 10:07 PM]
TCA: NBC Confirms Episode, Pilot Orders
"Harry's Law," "Parks & Recreation" set for 22 episodes, plus check out official descriptions of the Peacock's five pilots ordered to date.

[01/06/12 - 10:30 AM]
Eight Award-Winning Musicians Join Coaches Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green, Adam Levine and Blake Shelton As Advisers to Their Teams on NBC's "The Voice"
Lionel Richie, Kelly Clarkson, Kenny "Babyface" Edmonds, Jewel, Miranda Lambert, Alanis Morissette, Ne-Yo and Robin Thicke are all on tap.

[12/20/11 - 11:27 AM]
Star-Studded Lineup Announced for "NBC's New Year's Eve With Carson Daly" on December 31
Drake, Jessie J, Blake Shelton, Cee Lo Green, Megan Hilty, The Roots and Tony Bennett are among those on tap for the annual event.

[12/19/11 - 10:54 AM]
Relive the Excitement of NBC's "The Voice" Season One As Part of NBC.com's Holiday "Catch-Up" Featuring Full Season-to-Date Episodes of Many of Its Most Popular Series
Full season-to-date-episodes of "Up All Night," "Parenthood," "Whitney" and "Grimm" are also available.

[11/14/11 - 02:49 PM]
NBC Unveils New Mid-Season 2012 Schedule
The Peacock sets launch dates for "Smash," "The Firm," "Fashion Star" and "Are You There, Chelsea?"

[11/08/11 - 09:47 AM]
Nominations Announced for The "People's Choice Awards 2012" to Be Hosted by Kaley Cuoco, Jan. 11, 2012 on CBS
Voting begins today for all 43 categories and will end on December 6, except for "Favorite New TV Drama" and "Favorite New TV Comedy" which will remain open for voting until the night of show.

[11/03/11 - 11:08 AM]
Emmy(R) Award-winning Producer Mark Burnett Signs on as Executive Producer for Spike TV's 2011 "Video Game Awards"
The ninth annual event airs live, coast-to-coast on Saturday, December 10 at 8:00 PM ET/5:00 PM PT.

[10/26/11 - 10:59 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, October 26
Updates include: Jerry O'Connell, Jim Gaffigan to star in comedies for CBS, NBC; Dan Lauria to star in TBS's "Sullivan & Son"; and Austin Butler is the latest to "Intercept" at ABC Family.

[09/15/11 - 10:55 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, September 15
Updates include: "Lying Game" in, "Chloe King" out at ABC Family; FOX gives "Bones" four extra episodes; and Mark Gordon to bring a small screen take on "Source Code" to CBS.

[09/15/11 - 03:43 PM]
Paul Telegdy Named to Newly Created Position of President, Unscripted and Late Night Programming, NBC
Telegdy is the chief program executive who ushered in NBC's recent hit series "The Voice," as well as reinvigorated "America's Got Talent" and "Sing-Off," to name a few.

[09/13/11 - 01:48 PM]
NBC's "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" Takes the Show on the Road to Indianapolis for Super Bowl XLVI
The show will broadcast live on Super Bowl Sunday, February 5, following the season two premiere of "The Voice" and the NBC stations' late local news.

[08/22/11 - 12:41 PM]
A Special Monday Night "Dateline" Hoda Kotb Sits Down With Miranda Lambert
Said installment airs next Monday, August 29 at 10:00/9:00c.

[08/10/11 - 06:03 AM]
NBC Network Show Sites Are First Among Unique Visitors, Total Minutes and Page Views for First Half of 2011
NBC spins the digital numbers for the year to date.

[08/07/11 - 10:02 PM]
Winners of "Teen Choice 2011" Announced
"Gossip Girl," "The Vampire Diaries" and "Glee" were among the top TV winners.

[08/02/11 - 10:38 AM]
ABC's "The Bachelorette" Finishes Among the Week's Top 10 in Viewers and Young Adults
ABC spins the numbers for the week of July 25-31.

[08/01/11 - 10:49 AM]
Greenblatt: "We Want to Restore NBC to Its Leadership Position in Quality"
Plus: the NBC topper on new projects from Dick Wolf, Sean Hayes and Adam Levine; the controversy surrounding "The Playboy Club"; and his expectations for "The Office" going forward.

[08/01/11 - 09:47 AM]
NBC Premieres Second Season of "The Voice" Following Network's Broadcast of Super Bowl XLVI on February 5
Plus: midseason drama "Smash" to launch the following night, Monday, February 6.

[07/19/11 - 06:46 AM]
Catch the Second Wave of Nominees for "Teen Choice 2011" Airing Sunday, August 7, Live on FOX
"Pretty Little Liars" and "Switched at Birth" top the latest wave of nods.

[07/11/11 - 06:01 AM]
Nominees Announced for Do Something Awards - Voting Open for Fans
Jane Lynch hosts the event, airing Thursday, August 18 at 9:00/8:00c on VH1.

[07/06/11 - 10:56 AM]
ABC Takes First Place on 3 Nights During the Week in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of June 27-July 3.

[07/06/11 - 10:20 AM]
NBC Is #1 for the Primetime Week in Both 18-49 and Total Viewers for a Third Consecutive Week
NBC spins the numbers for the week of June 27-July 3.

[07/01/11 - 11:44 AM]
NBC.com Rolls Out New "Summer Videopalooza" for Fans to Catch Up With Their Favorite NBC Shows from Last Season and to Score Points for Rewards in Popular "Fan It" Program
In addition, the "Perfect Couples" will feature two never-seen-before episodes.

[06/30/11 - 02:59 PM]
ABC Family's "State of Georgia" Debuts at No. 1 in its Time Period; Summer Premiere of "Melissa & Joey" Surges Over Fall Finale
ABC Family spins the numbers for Wednesday, June 29.

[06/30/11 - 11:38 AM]
All Four Musician Coaches of NBC's "The Voice" to Return for New Season of Hit Vocal Competition Series
Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green, Adam Levine and Blake Shelton are all due back for season two, due next year.

[06/30/11 - 10:05 AM]
G4 and NBC Team Up to Give Fans the Most Action-Packed Event of the Summer With Season Three of G4's Hit Series "American Ninja Warrior"
The new season debuts Sunday, July 31 on G4 with two episodes from 9:00 - 11:00pm ET/PT.

[06/30/11 - 12:16 AM]
NBC's "The Voice" Crowns Its First Winner of Popular Vocal Competition Series
The Peacock details the winner of the inaugural season of the talent competition.

[06/29/11 - 09:50 AM]
ABC's "101 Ways" and "Combat Hospital" Retain Nearly All of Their Week-Ago Debuts
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, June 28.

[06/29/11 - 06:15 AM]
First Wave of "Teen Choice 2011" Nominees Announced
FOX's annual summer event airs Sunday, August 7 as "Glee" tops the TV list with nine nominations.

[06/28/11 - 06:44 PM]
Sprint Presents "The Voice" Live on Tour: Top 8 Finalists of the Most Successful New Television Show This Season Will Hit the Road Beginning July 27th
The Live Nation-promoted tour has confirmed six shows beginning in Los Angeles, with stops in Las Vegas, New York, Chicago, Boston and Wallingford.

[06/28/11 - 10:36 AM]
ABC Claims 6 of the Week's Top 20 TV Shows in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of June 20-26.

[06/28/11 - 10:25 AM]
"The Voice" Is #1 for the Week of June 20-26 in Adults 18-49 and "America's Got Talent" Is #1 in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for the week of June 20-26.

[06/28/11 - 10:24 AM]
NBC's "The Voice" Turns Up the Volume With Addition of Recording Stars Stevie Nicks, Pat Monahan and Ryan Tedder to Accompany Finalists on Live Results Show in June 29
They will join the previously announced Miranda Lambert, who will sing with the fourth finalist.

[06/27/11 - 11:50 AM]
All Four Musician Coaches of NBC's "The Voice" Team Up to Perform "You Can't Always Get What You want" on Live Performance Episode on June 28
In addition, Brad Paisley joins Pitbull and Ne-Yo as special guest performers that same night.

[06/24/11 - 08:20 AM]
Grammy-Award Winning Star Miranda Lambert Joins Live Results Season Finale on NBC's "The Voice"
"I am thrilled to perform on my favorite new show," said Lambert. "It's been a joy watching my husband grow so attached to his team."

[06/22/11 - 10:53 AM]
ABC's "101 Ways to Leave a Game Show" Builds on "Wipeout"/Beats "The Voice" in Teens
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, June 21.

[06/21/11 - 10:00 AM]
"The Voice" Is the #1 Show of the Week in Adults 18-49 and Other Key Demos
NBC spins the numbers for the week of June 13-19.

[06/15/11 - 06:16 AM]
NBC's "The Voice" Will Showcase Exclusive World Premiere of New Song from Musician Coaches Adam Levine and Christina Aguilera on Live Show June 21
"Moves Like Jagger" is billed as "a quintessential Maroon 5 power pop hit with an upbeat, funky tune and catchy lyrics."

[06/14/11 - 10:32 AM]
For the 2nd Straight Week, ABC is No. 1 in Viewers and Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of June 6-12.

[06/14/11 - 10:14 AM]
"The Voice" and the Tuesday and Wednesday Editions of "America's Got Talent" Are the Top Three Non-Sports Programs of the Week
NBC spins the numbers for the week of June 6-12.

[06/07/11 - 01:27 PM]
NBC's "The Voice" Drives Weekend Ratings Increases for E!
E! spins the numbers for the weekend of June 3-5.

[06/07/11 - 11:51 AM]
Fans of NBC's "The Voice" Can Now Vote For Their Favorite Artists Via iTunes
Voting begins after tonight's (Tuesday, June 7) live show and can be made via iTunes downloads ($1.29 each) of the artists current solo single.

[06/07/11 - 10:37 AM]
"The Voice" and "America's Got Talent" Lead NBC to #2 for the Week of May 30-June 5
NBC spins the numbers for the week of May 30-June 5.

[06/07/11 - 10:36 AM]
ABC Scores a Dominant Weekly Victory in Viewers and Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of May 30-June 5.

[06/06/11 - 10:50 AM]
The Four Musician Coaches Are Back Together to Perform Medley of Classic Queen Hits on First Live Episode of NBC's "The Voice" on June 7
Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green, Adam Levine and Blake Shelton will open the episode with "Bohemian Rhapsody," "We Will Rock You" and "We Are the Champions."

[06/02/11 - 10:24 AM]
NBC Announces Extra Live Results Episode on Wednesday, June 22 for Hit Series "The Voice" and Names Wednesday, June 29 as Live Season Finale
Both episodes will air live.

[06/01/11 - 10:50 AM]
NBC's "America's Got Talent" Attracts Its Biggest Overall Viewership Ever for a Season Debut, While "The Voice" Hits a Series High in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 31.

[06/01/11 - 10:48 AM]
"The Voice" and "The Biggest Loser" Pace NBC for the Week of May 23-29
NBC spins the numbers for the week of May 23-29.

[06/01/11 - 09:21 AM]
ABC Airs 7 of the Week's Top 20 TV Shows in Adults 18-49, More Than Any Other Net
ABC spins the numbers for the week of May 23-29.

[05/31/11 - 12:57 PM]
NBC Offers Super Episode of "The Voice" Following Network's Exclusive Airing of Super Bowl XLVI on February 5
"There is no better showcase on television than to follow the Super Bowl, and we believe 'The Voice' is deserving of such high-profile exposure," said Bob Greenblatt.

[05/25/11 - 09:05 AM]
ABC's "Dancing" Becomes the First Show Ever to Top Fox's "Idol" Tuesday Finale
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 24.

[05/24/11 - 11:27 AM]
"The Voice" and the Season Finale of "The Office" Lead NBC for the Week of May 16-22
NBC spins the numbers for the week of May 16-22.

[05/24/11 - 10:32 AM]
ABC Airs 5 of the Week's Top 15 TV Shows in Adults 18-49, More than Any Other Net
ABC spins the numbers for the week of May 16-22.

[05/18/11 - 09:01 AM]
ABC is Up on Tuesday Week to Week and Year to Year
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 17.

[05/17/11 - 10:47 AM]
ABC Claims 6 of the Week's Top 20 TV Shows Among Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the week of May 9-15.

[05/17/11 - 09:54 AM]
"The Voice" Was the #3 Primetime Show in Adults 18-49 for the Week of May 9-15
NBC spins the numbers for the week of May 9-15.

[05/15/11 - 12:24 PM]
Greenblatt: "Apprentice" Will Be Back, With or Without Trump; Other NBC Notes
Plus: NBC's topper on "Chuck's" move to Fridays; its NFL contingency plans; holding "Smash" until midseason; and the future of the "Law & Order" franchise.

[05/15/11 - 10:46 AM]
NBC Unveils Fall Primetime Schedule for 2011-12 Season
Among the Peacock's changes: "Chuck" to Fridays and "Harry's Law" to Wednesdays plus a fall edition of "The Sing-Off" on Monday nights.

[05/12/11 - 11:51 AM]
NBC Expands on Strong Performance of New Vocal Competition Series "The Voice" With Two-Hour Live Episodes Starting June 7
"America's Got Talent" will now kick off Tuesday nights at 8:00/7:00c during said run.

[05/11/11 - 09:22 AM]
CBS Wins Tuesday in Viewers and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 10.

[05/11/11 - 08:55 AM]
ABC is Up on Tuesday/"DWTS" Results is the Most-Watched TV Show
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 10.

[05/10/11 - 10:57 AM]
NBC's "The Voice" and "The Office" Rank Among the Top 10 Programs in Adults 18-49 for the Week of May 2-8
NBC spins the numbers for the week of May 2-8.

[05/10/11 - 10:35 AM]
ABC's "Dancing" Finishes as America's Most-Watched TV Show for the 2nd Straight Week, Outdrawing Both Editions of Fox's "American Idol"
ABC spins the numbers for the week of May 2-8.

[05/04/11 - 02:19 PM]
NBC to Feature Special One-Minute Sneak Peek of Next Week's "Battle" Round Between Contestants Niki Dawson and Vicci Martinez During Coverage of Kentucky Derby on May 7
"The Voice" preview will air during the network's coverage on Saturday, May 7 (4-7 p.m. ET).

[05/04/11 - 10:35 AM]
NBC Reveals Final 20 of 32 Selected Team Contestants Who Will Compete in "The Voice," New Hit Vocal Competition Series
Plus: NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 3.

[05/04/11 - 09:11 AM]
ABC is Tuesday's 2nd-Most-Watched Net with 7 Straight Weeks of Year-to-Year Growth
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 3.

[05/03/11 - 11:21 AM]
The Debut of "The Voice," An Expanded Episode of "The Office" Pace NBC for the Week of April 25-May 1
NBC spins the numbers for the week of April 25-May 1.

[05/03/11 - 10:52 AM]
ABC Stands as the Weeks Most-Watched TV Net, Claiming 5 of the Top 10 Programs
ABC spins the numbers for the week of April 25-May 1.

[04/29/11 - 11:57 AM]
NBC Announces Industry Insiders Chosen by "The Voice" Musician Coaches to Bolster "Battle" Rounds With Reba, Monica, Sia and Adam Blackstone as Advisers
Plus: "The Voice" will continue to follow "The Biggest Loser" in May, rather than move to the lead-off spot on May 10 as previously announced.

[04/28/11 - 09:43 AM]
ABC Finishes No. 2 on Wednesday in Adults 18-34 to an "Idol"-Fueled Fox
ABC spins the numbers for Wednesday, April 27.

[04/27/11 - 11:40 AM]
NBC Reveals First 12 of 32 Selected Artists/Contestants Who Will Compete in "The Voice," New Vocal Competition Series That Premiered April 26
The Peacock will re-broadcast the two-hour series premiere tonight - Wednesday, April 27 - at 9:00/8:00c.

[04/27/11 - 11:07 AM]
NBC's "The Voice" Debuts to the Highest 18-49 Rating for Any Series Premiere This Season
NBC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 26.

[04/27/11 - 10:35 AM]
Comcast First to Offer Current Top-Rated TV Series from All Four Major Broadcast Networks On Demand
This expansion of TV series, among others, nearly doubles the amount of hit TV series now available from the major broadcast networks.

[04/27/11 - 08:57 AM]
ABC is Tuesday's Most-Watched Net with its 2nd-Best Results in 5 Months
ABC spins the numbers for Tuesday, April 26.

[04/26/11 - 12:08 AM]
Interview: "The Voice" Executive Producer Mark Burnett
NBC's newest talent competition launches tonight at 9:00/8:00c.

[04/21/11 - 03:28 PM]
NBC Adds "The Voice" Encore the Night After Premiere
The newcomer launches next Tuesday, April 26 at 9:00/8:00c and will also encore Wednesday, April 27 at 9:00/8:00c.

[04/20/11 - 11:54 AM]
NBC Offers Sneak Peek of New Vocal Competition Series "The Voice" on April 21 as Lead-In to "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno"
In addition, NBC will showcase a shorter two-minute version of the sneak preview on Saturday, April 23 just before "SNL."

[04/15/11 - 09:45 AM]
NBC.com Rolls Out NBC Live, Innovative New Tool That Allows Fans to Interact and Enhances Live Viewing Experience With New Features
NBC Live rolls out with weekly live events for "The Office," "The Celebrity Apprentice," "The Biggest Loser" and the upcoming "The Voice."

[03/31/11 - 08:47 AM]
Dominic "D-Trix" Sandoval, Season Three Winner of MTV's "Randy Jackson Presents America's Best Dance Crew," Returns as the New Judge When Season Six Premieres April 7 at 10 P.M. ET/PT on MTV
D-Trix joins returning judges Lil Mama and JC Chasez, taking over for the departing Omarion.

[03/28/11 - 11:10 AM]
NBC Names Alison Haislip, G4's "Attack of the Show!", As Backstage Online and Social Media Correspondent for New Musical Competition Series "The Voice"
"Alison's revolutionary role will give front row access to fans and bring them face-to-face with our contestants and coaches," said Paul Telegdy.

[03/22/11 - 05:19 PM]
Recap of NBC's Recent Spring and Summer Announcements
A night-by-night guide to what's on tap from the Peacock, plus some new bookings.

[03/21/11 - 11:41 AM]
NBC Announces Strong Slate of Original Programming for Summer 2011 Schedule
Newcomers include "It's Worth What?" and "Love in the Wild."

[03/07/11 - 11:37 AM]
NBC Announces Country Music Superstar Blake Shelton as Fourth and Final Musician Coach of New Musical Competition Series "The Voice"
Shelton joins previously announced musician coaches Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green and Adam Levine.

[03/02/11 - 11:56 AM]
NBC Announces Grammy Winner Christina Aguilera as Musician Coach of New Series "The Voice"
Aguilera joins previously announced musician coaches Cee Lo Green and Adam Levine.

[02/28/11 - 10:10 PM]
Exclusive: "Biggest Loser" Will Flip for NBC's "Voice"
"Loser" will shift to 9:00/8:00c for the last three weeks of the season: May 10, May 17 and May 24.

[02/28/11 - 11:34 AM]
Grammy Award Winners Cee Lo Green and Adam Levine (Maroon 5) Are Named as First TWo Musician Coaches on NBC's "The Voice"
Carson Daly hosts the series, which will launch Tuesday, April 26 at 9:00/8:00c with a two-hour premiere.

[02/18/11 - 12:05 PM]
NBC.com Brings the Audition Experience Directly to Viewers With New Interactive Tool for Upcoming Reality Competition Series "The Voice"
The tool records performances and then rates them on a scale from 1 to 10 based on pitch and expression.

[02/01/11 - 02:14 PM]
NBC Announces Carson Daly as Host of New Competition Series "The Voice," Due to Premiere in Spring 2011
"Carson is the perfect choice to host this exciting new series owing to his credibility, popularity and relevance in both the music world and social media," said Paul Telegdy.

[01/13/11 - 07:38 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, January 13
Updates include: ABC greenlights two new pilots; Jerry Rice, Carson Daly to host NBC projects; and Robert Wagner to return "Charlie's Angels" at ABC.

[12/17/10 - 11:37 AM]
NBC's Promising New Singing Competition Series "The Voice" (Working Title) Announces Open Auditions in Cities Across America in 2011
The series, from John De Mol and Mark Burnett, was previously dubbed "The Voice of America."

[12/13/10 - 01:46 PM]
NBC Teams With Leading Reality Show Pioneers John de Mol & Mark Burnett and Warner Horizon Television to Bring "The Voice of America" - Based on Holland's New Blockbuster Vocal Talent Discovery Show - to American Viewers
The "X Factor"-esque series sees four celebrity artists form teams of singers that they will coach and mentor throughout the competition.

4/26/11 - ???
currently airing (winter 2025)
mondays from 8:00 PM-10:00 PM EST
27 (??? episodes)
Missed an episode? Been wanting to catch up? This series is also available on:

(from NBC's web site, February 2025) Get amped up! Country-pop sensation Kelsea Ballerini joins an all-star coach lineup with reigning champion Michael Bublé, EGOT winner John Legend... and the return of an original “The Voice” icon, Adam Levine! With the competition hotter than ever, they’ll find and mentor America’s best undiscovered singers in this spectacular new season.
· Adam Levine as Coach (Season 1-16, 27)
· Carson Daly as Host
· Gwen Stefani as Coach (Season 7, 9, 12, 17, 19, 22, 24, 26)
· John Legend as Coach (Season 16-22, 24-25, 27)
· Kelsea Ballerini as Coach (Season 27)
· Michael Bublé as Coach (Season 26-27)
· Reba McEntire as Coach (Season 24-26)
· Snoop Dogg as Coach (Season 26)
· Alicia Keys as Coach (Season 11-12, 14)
· Ariana Grande as Coach (Season 21)
· Blake Shelton as Coach (Season 1-23)
· Camila Cabello as Coach (Season 22)
· Cee Lo Green as Coach (Season 1-3, 5)
· Chance the Rapper as Coach (Season 23, 25)
· Christina Aguilera as Coach (Season 1-3, 5, 8, 10)
· Dan + Shay as Coach (Season 25)
· Jennifer Hudson as Coach (Season 13, 15)
· Kelly Clarkson as Coach (Season 14-21, 23)
· Miley Cyrus as Coach (Season 11, 13)
· Niall Horan as Coach (Season 23-24)
· Nick Jonas as Coach (Season 18, 20)
· Pharrell Williams as Coach (Season 7-10)
· Shakira as Coach (Season 4, 6)
· Usher as Coach (Season 4, 6)
· Adam H. Sher as EP
· Amanda Zucker as EP
· Audrey Morrissey as EP
· John De Mol as CRTR/EP
· Kyra Thompson as EP
· Mark Burnett as EP
· reality (all)
· reality (competition)
· ITV Studios
· MGM Television
· Warner Bros. Television
· Warner Horizon Television